Monday, April 25, 2022

Cariboo RD Agricultural Development Plan Survey Launch

Courtesy of the Cariboo Regional District:

The development of an agricultural plan for the Cariboo Regional District (CRD) is closer to becoming a reality, with a consultant team hired and the first round of community engagement about to take place. The CRD Agricultural Area Plan is funded in part by the Local Government Partnership Program, with funding provided by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and the Government of British Columbia through programs delivered by the Investment Agriculture Foundation of B.C.

A team of consultants, led by Upland Agricultural Consulting, has been retained to assist in drafting the plan. Over the course of the year, there will be extensive consultation with the community and stakeholders. The round of engagement includes interviews and a survey launch. Later this spring and summer there will be a virtual Town Hall event and in-person meetings with farmers and ranchers.

The Plan will encompass the entire CRD area, and will build on the Agricultural Land Use Inventory project that was conducted by the BC Ministry of Agriculture and Food, the BC Climate Change Adaptation Program, the SPROUT Kitchen food hub and other key agri-food projects completed in recent years in the region.

“So much great work has been done to date by local organizations to explore opportunities for increasing the strength and viability of the Cariboo agri-food sector. The CRD Agricultural Area Plan will build on this strong base to achieve the goals of encouraging, protecting, and celebrating agriculture in the region. Establishing key priority areas and recommended actions will be an important outcome of this process” says CRD Vice Chair and Electoral Area C Director John Massier. “We are encouraged to see the process moving forward and the survey is an important first step in getting input from area residents,” he added.
Recommendations from the Plan will be translated into implementable actions along with a defined funding strategy to ensure they are achieved.

The project webpage is:

Residents with questions can contact:

Shivani Sajwan

Planning Officer II

Cariboo Regional District

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