Wednesday, May 25, 2022

AAP Process for Bouchie Lake VFD for new Fire Truck

Courtesy of the Cariboo Regional District:

The CRD’s Bouchie Lake Volunteer Fire Department requires a new fire truck in 2022 to meet certification requirements. The Cariboo Regional District is holding an alternative approval process (AAP) to approve using 10-year financing term for the purchase.

“In order to maintain the incredible service that the Bouchie Lake Volunteer Fire Department provides to the community critical equipment and resources need to be maintained and meet Canadian certification requirements on a regular basis,” explains Barb Bachmeier, Electoral Area B Director with the Cariboo Regional District. “If they are not replaced, property owners will not qualify for fire insurance discounts within those fire protection areas.”

To lower the impact on taxes, the Regional District is using ten-year fixed rate financing, rather than five-year financing. Doing this, spreads out the purchasing cost, creates the least impact on cash flows and helps the fire department build up savings for future maintenance and truck replacements.

“Using a ten-year finance model is a responsible way of keeping tax rates manageable for large purchases,” Bachmeier states.

If qualified electors in the Bouchie Lake fire protection areas are good with the CRD using 10-year term financing to purchase the fire truck, then they do not have to do anything. If they are opposed, they need to submit the official Elector Response by Tuesday, July 5, 2022.

Local governments need residents’ permission to enter into financing arrangements longer than five years. To gather that permission, the Regional District has chosen to use an AAP to purchase the new fire engine for Bouchie Lake.

An AAP is a ‘reverse’ form of public assent where the proposed bylaw will go ahead unless at least 10 per cent of the eligible voters submit a signed Elector Response Form saying they are against the proposal. This means the CRD will purchase the truck through ten-year financing unless 10 per cent of the residents in the Bouchie Lake fire protection area object.
Signed Elector Response Forms must be submitted by 4 p.m. on Friday, July 5, 2022

Visit for the Elector Response Forms and a Frequently Asked Questions document regarding the AAP. The FAQs outline the impact on taxation for the fire protection area and provides more details on the alternative approval process.

Background Facts:

  • The engine/pumper truck will cost $545,000. The CRD is seeking approval to borrow up to $350,000 with the remainder coming from reserves.
  • To preserve cash flow for the fire service and take advantage of low financing costs the CRD is financing over a 10-year term after a five-year renewal.

To accommodate the purchase of the new apparatus, taxes were increased 25.8% in 2022.

The Bouchie Lake Fire Protection Area budget will see an overall tax increase of 5% (approx.$9,600) each year over the next 4 years of the financial plan (2023-2026).

The increase in requisition is not due solely to the purchase of the new apparatus. The 5% budgeted increases as planned are to counter inflationary costs pressures on normal operations and will be adjusted accordingly should inflation cool down.

  • For an AAP, elector responses must be submitted on the official Elector Response Form. This form, or an accurate copy of it, is the only form that will be accepted. Forms are available from the CRD offices during business hours or can be downloaded at
  • The CRD’s Protective Services department provides a variety of services throughout the Cariboo Chilcotin, including 9-1-1, Emergency Planning, Search and Rescue, Highway Rescue, Structural Fire Protection and Wildland/Urban Interface Fuel Management.
  • The Cariboo Regional District has 14 volunteer fire departments. For more information about the CRD’s VFD’s or information about joining these groups of dedicated volunteers, visit

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