Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Central Cariboo Rural Directors' Caucus Highlights - May 25th mtg

Present: Chair M. LeBourdais; Directors S. Forseth, A. Delainey and G. Kirby

Meeting called to order -- 3:02pm

The Chair recognized that the meeting was taking place on traditional Northern Secwepemc (Shuswap) territory.

Meeting Agenda adopted, as amended (late item from Dir. Forseth - integrated land use planning within WL Fringe OCP area)

Minutes of Caucus meeting held on March 23rd, 2022 were received and adopted


Vickie Boudrias, Central Cariboo Quality Manager from Dawson Road Maintenance appeared before Caucus to provide an update on road maintenance in the Central Cariboo.

A Question/Answer period ensued.. 

The Chair thanked Ms. Boudrias for her time/information


1) Caucus held a discussion on the following items:

a) Integrated Land Use Planning within the Williams Lake Fringe OCP area (Dir. Forseth)
b) 2022 Williams Lake Stampede Parade (All Directors')

No resolutions resulted from the discussions' 

2) Action Page 

Manager of Community Services provided an update on expansion of convention transit to Comer Hill within Area "D" and consequently the following resolution resulted:

"That a letter be forwarded to Lynn Paterson, President and Dick Schut, Director of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul advising that no further action can be taken in respect to expanding conventional transit to Comer Hill in Area "D" of the Regional District as the City of Williams Lake is unable to commit to further expansion of its' transit service at this time"

Resolved -- That the Action Page be received and Item #1 be deleted

Caucus adjourned at 3:54pm

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