Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Cariboo RD Policy Committee Highlights - May 31st mtg

Present: Chair M. Sjostrom; Directors Massier, Forseth, LeBourdais, and Richmond 

Meeting called to order -- 10:04am

Meeting Agenda adopted
Minutes of the Policy Committee meeting held on February 24th, 2022 were received and adopted


The Committee reviewed the following matters:

* Cell Tower Siting Policy
* Request to rescind Special Occasion Liquor License Advertising Policy
* DRAFT Board Correspondence Management Policy
* DRAFT Email Records Policy

Following Committee discussions', the Committee made the following recommendation to the Regional Board for its' consideration:

1) That the agenda item summary from Alice Johnston, Manager of Corporate Services/Deputy CAO, dated May 9, 2022, regarding Policy #13-03B-30 Public Special Occasion Liquor Licenses Advertisements Policy, be received. Further, that the aforementioned policy be rescinded.

The Committee adjourned at 11:54am

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