Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Steve's Meeting/Expense Calendar - May 2022

In the month of May 2022 -- I attended the following meetings or events:

* May 1st: Had coffee with Greg Fry of CKPG-TV (News Director) and RDFFG Vice-Chair (and former NCLGA President) Lara Beckett while staying overnight in Prince George to fly up to Fort St John for the 2022 North Central Local Government Association's AGM/Convention the following day (May 2nd)

* May 2nd: Travel day from Prince George - Vancouver - Fort St John to attend 2022 North Central Local Government Association's AGM/Convention

* May 3-5 -- Attend the 2022 North Central Local Government Association's AGM/Convention in Fort St John, BC

* May 6th -- Attend NCLGA Strategic Planning Session in Fort St John, then fly back to Prince George on the same day

* May 7th - Travel day from Prince George back to Williams Lake, after attending the 2022 North Central Local Government Association's AGM/Convention

* May 9th - Wildwood Community Association's monthly meeting, held at the Wildwood Fire Hall

* May 10th - Inaugural Meeting of the Northern Solid Waste Working Group of which I am a member -- one of the outcomes from the NCLGA's Northern Solid Waste Forum held on Oct 12+13, 2021

* May 12th -- Attended the "Spring Social" event for Williams Lake Business Owners', put on by the Williams Lake & District Chamber of Commerce

* May 18th -- Cariboo RD Area "D" APC Teleconference Meeting

* May 19th -- Meetings of the Cariboo-Chilcotin Regional Hospital District and Cariboo Regional District Boards' 

* May 25th -- Meeting of the NCLGA's Executive Committee (of which I chair as NCLGA President for the 2022-23 term), then meetings of the Central Cariboo Rural Directors' Caucus and Central Cariboo Joint Committee

* May 26th - Meeting with new Taseko Mines VP for Corporate Affairs, Sean Magee then attend the monthly meeting of the Williams Lake and District Chamber of Commerce, then travel to PG to attend the 2022 Convocation Event at the University of Northern BC, on behalf of NCLGA

* May 27th - Attend 2022 Convocation Event at the University of Northern BC for the Graduating Class of 2022 (Session 1 - am) on behalf of the North Central Local Government Association, then participate by phone in the 2023 NCLGA AGM Planning Committee and finally, participate in a Zoom Conference Call with fellow Area Directors' across BC to talk about our challenges and possible solutions... 

* May 28th - Attend Grand Opening of new "Deep Creek Husky Gas Station" and then take in the 2022 Williams Lake Children's Festival in-person, after being shut down for 2 years, due to the COVID-19 pandemic

* May 29th - Lakers' Car Club's "Show and Shine" in downtown Williams Lake (Oliver St and 2nd Avenue)

* May 31st - Participate in the Cariboo Regional District's Policy Committee meeting and then attend the McLeese Lake Recreation Commission's monthly meeting held at the McLeese Lake Community Hall (6178 Forglen Road, McLeese Lake)

In addition to the above -- Respond to inquiries, via phone/text, social media or email, from Cariboo RD Area "D" residents' and obtain answers to those inquiries or point them in the right direction as to those that can ably answer their inquiries... 

In the month of May 2022 - I submitted the following expenses:

* May 3-5 -- $399 (attend 2022 NCLGA Convention in Fort St John) and $80 for re-imbursement of baggage fees to fly from PG to Fort St John and return; $260.28 for mileage from Williams Lake to PG and return -- flight from PG to Fort St John and return and $161.41 for overnight hotel stay on May 6th (as plane returned too late to continue travel from PG to Williams Lake)

* May 19th -- $206 to attend CCRHD and Cariboo RD Board Meetings

* May 25th - $83 to attend Central Cariboo Rural Directors' Caucus and Joint Committee meetings

* May 31st - $83 to attend CRD's Policy Committee meeting

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