Tuesday, May 24, 2022

"Renovate the Public Hearing" - Progress Report

Earlier this year -- The Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue’s Strengthening Canadian Democracy Initiative through Simon Fraser University commenced a project entitled "Renovate the Public Hearing" which is an opportunity to collaborative initiative to explore potential improvements to BC's provincial local government land-use public hearing requirements as a means to enhance social justice, community building, and strengthen democratic culture. 

And then on April 7+8, 2022 via Zoom or in person at the Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue in Vancouver -- input was sought on the value of Public Hearings in making land use decisions within BC Local Governments (Municipal Council or Regional District Boards') Now - a report has been published on what was heard. You can read the report at https://www.democracydialogue.ca/_files/ugd/f79cdf_406f3ca6ad2749f5875449f32d4f07fd.pdf?fbclid=IwAR1AngK1__vLUCQuXeD6FPG4JtTqDiNKkI_7ZdkqTI9X9lMZ190gWWOOA8Q

 Next steps include an on-going Provincial survey and then the full results will be shared with the Province of BC and other interested parties... In the meantime -- progress on this initiative can be tracked at https://www.democracydialogue.ca/publichearings

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