Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Williams Lake “Community Better Challenge”

Courtesy of the City of Williams Lake:

The Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex and City of Williams Lake are encouraging residents to get active this June as we compete in the ParticipACTION Community Better Challenge.

The Community Better Challenge is an annual national physical activity initiative taking place from June 1-30, 2022 that encourages Canadians to get active in a contest to determine Canada’s Most Active Community.

In Williams Lake, the Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex has a free activity planned each day for interested residents to take part in throughout the month, all in a safe manner while aiming to socially connect people to the community.

“We are very excited to have the opportunity to support this challenge in our community,” said Maria McKee, Adult Recreation Coordinator. “All organizations and individuals can participate, regardless of fitness level. Ultimately, one community will be named ‘Canada’s Most Active Community’ and be awarded a $100,000 grand prize to support local physical activity initiatives. In addition to the top prize, several weekly and monthly prizes will be awarded to participants, such as Amazon and SportChek gift cards available through the ParticipACTION app. We hope everyone will have fun with this challenge and maybe learn a new activity or be energized by doing something active every day.”

Individuals, families and local organizations can track their physical activity on the ParticipACTION website or app. All minutes tracked by residents will then be added to Williams Lake’s average community score. Residents with personal fitness tracking apps can also sync those with the ParticipACTION app for more accurate results as they track their own ParticipACTION each day.

At the end of June, the leading community from each province and territory will be invited to submit an application explaining why they deserve to be ‘Canada’s Most Active Community’ and win the $100,000 grand prize.

Visit the Complex’s Facebook page at www.williamslake.ca/CMRC for Williams Lake’s complete June Community Better Challenge Schedule, or pick one up at the Complex front desk, which showcases a new activity each day. Included are fun, family-friendly activities such as free fitness classes at the Complex, free scheduled classes and events offered by community organizations and others you can do on your own time like hula hooping, kayaking or paddleboarding, hiking, frisbee and even flying a kite.

The free ParticipACTION app can be downloaded prior to June 1 on the Google Play and Apple App Store. You can also sign up and register at www.participaction.com/challenge

All “move minutes” from the app, which includes both active minutes and other light activity, count toward the community’s total score.  

“Let’s show the country why we love living in a community that provides so many opportunities to take part in recreation and physical fitness activities,” McKee said.

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