Monday, June 6, 2022

WLFN agrees to purchase former "Poplar Glade" school site from SD27

Last Friday (June 3rd, 2022) -- the Board of Education for School District #27 (Cariboo-Chilcotin) announced that it had come to a preliminary agreement with Williams Lake First Nation (WLFN) to purchase the former Poplar Glade school property on 11th Avenue in Williams Lake - read more from the Williams Lake Tribune here

The purchase price was not publicly disclosed although there was no conditions placed upon the purchase by WLFN and fully complied with the "Request for Offers" requirements from School District #27 and is subject to completion of the required Bylaw readings' by the SD27 Board of Education by the end of June

For his part - Kukpi7 (Chief) Willie Sellars of WLFN said:

It’s pretty exciting to see the support in the Region. It’s a massive step in righting a wrong and holding up a light in the path to reconciliation. Housing will be the primary use of the land. The site can address housing needs for their members, the needs of Indigenous and non-Indigenous people who are currently living within Williams Lake looking for permanent housing, and for others who are seeking to relocate to the Cariboo. “We’re also very keen to work with School District #27 to address their need for housing for teachers and other School District personnel. Even in advance of the development of the Poplar Glade site, there is an opportunity for us to try to service the School District’s needs through the units that are to be constructed as part of the Osprey Nest project, which will be completed in Spring of 2023.”

Meanwhile - on behalf of the City of Williams Lake, Mayor Walt Cobb said:

"The City is desperate for housing developments within the City of Williams Lake municipal boundaries, and we look forward to that happening at the Poplar Glade site, noting the City is happy to assist and work with WLFN, as needed.  Meanwhile, the City will continue its' bid for Crown Land below Westridge for additional housing opportunities"

Congratulations to WLFN on this successful purchase of property and I am sure it will be a resounding success, similar to all of their other successful ventures in the Cariboo Region... 


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