Saturday, September 10, 2022

A message from #CaribooRD Area "D" Director S. Forseth re: 2022 Local Election

To the voters within Cariboo Regional District – Electoral Area “D” - which includes those living on and residing in:

·         Soda Creek Road (beyond the City of Williams Lake boundary)

·         Mile 168 Road

·         Fox Mountain

·         Commodore Heights

·         Pine Valley

·         Wildwood

·         Deep Creek

·         Tyee Lake

·         Soda Creek Valley

·         Duckworth Lake

·         McLeese Lake

·         Macalister

·         Marguerite


A personal message….

Yesterday afternoon at 4pm - The 2022 nomination period concluded and as I was the only candidate to put in a nomination to be the Cariboo Regional District’s Electoral Area “D” Director for a 4 year term commencing November 2022 -- I have been acclaimed a second time to be your Cariboo Regional District Area Director.  The official declaration of elected by acclamation from the Cariboo Regional District’s Chief Election Officer will take place on Monday, September 19th at 4:00 PM.  I can also advise that Angie Delainey - currently School District #27 Zone 5 Trustee (WL Fringe) which includes the entirety of Area “D” of the Cariboo Regional District has also been acclaimed for a four year term  commencing November 2022  and consequently there will be no local elections taking place within Electoral Area “D” of the Regional District on Saturday, October 15th, 2022

 I sincerely thank you for giving me your trust to be your Cariboo Regional District Area Director for another four years.   As I’ve done in the last eight years, I will do everything I can to keep you informed as to what the regional district is doing, meeting with the various communities within Area “D of the Regional District and responding to your various inquiries and trying to get you answers or pointing you in the right directions and building your unincorporated community the way you want and to be your voice, both locally, provincially and federally – whether at the Cariboo Regional District Board table, North Central Local Government Association table, the Union of BC Municipalities table, or in partnership with our local MLA, Coralee Oakes or our local MP, Todd Doherty

 As always, I am always available whenever you have a concern, question or inquiry – the ways to reach me:

·         Phone or Text  – 250-267-6725

·         Email –

·         Social Media – look me up on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram

·         Tag me in local Facebook groups and I will respond as soon as I can


I have enjoyed working with all of you these last eight years and I am looking forward to working with you the next 4 years…

In service to you,  


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