Monday, September 12, 2022

UBCM 2022 - Day 1 of 5

Today - the 119th Annual Convention of the Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM) commences in Whistler, BC and will conclude at noon on Friday, September 16th.  The first two days of the Convention will be pre-Convention sessions of clinics and various other learning and networking opportunities with the formal part of the Convention commencing Wednesday and conclude Friday with an address from the Hon. John Horgan - Premier of British Columbia

I'll be attending the "Learnings from the Lytton Fire" as well as "Inclusive Local Governance" then the Electoral Area Directors' Meet and Greet this evening 

The full program during the 119th Annual Convention of UBCM (Union of BC Municipalities) can be viewed at

On Day #1:

I have no Minister nor Provincial Ministry Staff meetings scheduled today! 

Have a wonderful Monday

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