Saturday, December 3, 2022

Cariboo-Chilcotin Local Government Meetings - Week of Dec 5-9, 2022

The following local governments of the Cariboo-Chilcotin will be meeting next week (Dec 5-10, 2022):

1) Wells - Meetings as noted below, either via electronic means or in Wells Council Chambers (4243 Sanders Avenue) - all on Tuesday, December 6th, 2022

a) 1st In-Camera Meeting from 1-3pm (closed to the public) as per Section 90(1a - appointment) of the Community Charter.  Read the closed meeting notice here

b) 2nd In-Camera Meeting from 6-6:45pm (closed to the public) as per Section 90(1k - negotiations) of the Community Charter.  Read the closed meeting notice here

c) Open Council Meeting at 7pm.  On the Agenda:

* Delegation/Presentation -- Louis Orieux, RPF, B.A. Blackwell and Associates Ltd.—District of Wells Community Wildfire Resiliency Plan 2022

* Unfinished Business -- Strategic Priorities and Special Projects Spreadsheet—Gary Nason, Municipal Advisor

* Mayor's Report (verbal updates)
* Public Works Superintendent's Report

View the full Meeting Agenda here

2) Williams Lake - Regular Council Meeting on Tuesday, December 6th at 6pm in WL Council Chambers (450 Mart St).  Meeting to be livestreamed via YouTube - click here

On the Agenda:

Presentation -- Fire Chief Passing of the Helmet Presentation to Evan Dean

Delegation #1 -- Denise Deschene and Ruth Lloyd, Go By Bike Williams Lake and Streets for All Williams Lake re Fall Activities & Active Transportation Committee

Delegation #2 -- Renee McKeown, Dr. Carol Fenton & Deberah Robbin - Interior Health Authority and First Nations Health Authority re Approval of Proposed Mobile Overdose Prevention Site in Williams Lake

* Letter to BC Gov't re: Repeat Violent Offenders (item from Councillor S. Nelson)
* BCAAP Grant Applications for Williams Lake Regional Airport Items
* REDIP Grant Application - Airport Utility Master Plan
* Scout Island Washroom Replacement Project - Award of Contract
* Extension of Community Well-Being & Safety Coordinator Contract
* Central Cariboo Arts & Culture Society's 'Performances in the Park Report' - Joint Committee Report #03-2022 (New Contract of $22,000 per year until 2025)

* Report from Executive Committee re: COVID-19 Mandatory Vaccination Policy Consideration
* Recommendations from previous Committee of the Whole meeting for endorsement
* Letter Requesting the City Open the Snow Dump for Outside Contractors

View the full Meeting Agenda here

3) Cariboo Regional District - Meetings, as listed below, to be held in the Cariboo RD's Williams Lake Boardroom (180D North 3rd Avenue, Williams Lake)

a) Committee of the Whole - 9:30am on Thursday, Dec 8th to receive an update on the Solid Waste Management Plan - Public Engagement Process.  View the full Agenda here 

b) Finance Committee - 11am on Thursday, Dec 8th to discuss the draft 2023 Regional District Budgets.  In addition, the Committee will hold an In-Camera Meeting as per Section 90(1c - labour) of the Community Charter).  View the full Meeting Agenda here

c) Cariboo-Chilcotin Regional Hospital District - 9:30am on Friday, December 9th.  On the Agenda:

* Capital Expenditure (NH – Regional Wireless Replacement) Bylaw No. 202, 2022 (for consideration of 3 Readings/Adoption)

Capital Expenditure (NH – InCare Project Phase 2) Bylaw No. 203, 2022 (for consideration of 3 Readings/Adoption)

* Request from South Cariboo Health Foundation for its Wound Care Clinic project
Northern Health requests 40% CCRHD Funding for their Patient Transfer Tool project
Northern Health requests proportional share of CCRHD funding of Videoconferencing Equipment

View the full Meeting Agenda here

d) Cariboo Regional District Board - after adjournment of CCRHD Board Meeting on Friday, December 9th, 2022.  On the Agenda:

*  Land Use Matters
* Request to Increase membership of Agriculture Development Advisory Committee from 13-15 members

* Request from TELUS to concur with new Cell Tower at Watch Lake in Electoral Area "L"

* Adoption of Regional District's Agriculture Plan
* NDIT Application - Kersley Playground (Area "A")
* BC Air Access Program Application for South Cariboo Airport
* 2 Grant for Assistance Applications - Central Cariboo sub-region
* Committee Minutes/Recommendations
Cariboo Regional District Directors’ Remuneration and Expenses Bylaw No. 5415, 2022 (for 3 Readings and Adoption)

* Requests from Areas A/B Directors (M. Sjostrom/B. Bachmeier) to recognize their Commissions via their Director Initiative Funds

* Appointment to External Organizations for 2023 
* Closed Board Session -- Section 90(1c - labour) of the Community Charter

View the full Meeting Agenda here

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