Thursday, December 1, 2022

Steve's Meeting/Expense Calendar - November 2022

In the month of November 2022 -- I attended the following meetings or events:

* November 1st -- attended virtual meeting of NCLGA's/North Central Local Government Association Governance Committee then attended the Inaugural Meeting of the 2022-2026 City of Williams Lake Municipal Council (along with Cariboo RD Chair Margo Wagner)

* November 8th -- attended a virtual meeting of the Northern BC Solid Waste Working Group, on behalf of NCLGA and then attended the monthly meeting of the Central Cariboo Arts/Culture Society's Board of Directors, in my capacity as the 2022 Central Cariboo Cariboo RD Director Liaison

* November 9th -- was interviewed by Kirk and Co. (firm facilitating the work of Gibraltar Mines' Technical Advisory Committee) about my participation in Gibraltar Mines' Technical Advisory Committee - what is working well, what isn't and what can be improved

* November 10th -- Inaugural Meeting of the 2022-2026 Cariboo Regional District & Cariboo-Chilcotin Regional Hospital District Boards' of Directors' 

* November 13th - Annual General Meeting of the Wildwood Community Association

* November 16th - Participated in a virtual meeting of NCLGA's 2023 AGM Organizing Committee

* November 22nd -- Participated in a 2023 budget meeting for the Wildwood VFD (1 of 14 VFD's operated by the Cariboo Regional District)

* November 23rd -- Participated in meetings of Central Cariboo Rural Directors' Caucus and Central Cariboo Joint Committee

* November 24th -- Attended monthly meeting of the Williams Lake and District Chamber of Commerce and then attended a Winter Operations Stakeholder meeting of Dawson Road Maintenance

* November 28th -- Chaired meeting of NCLGA's Executive Committee whose membership consists of NCLGA's Table Officers (President, 1st and 2nd VP's and the Past President) 

* November 30th -- Attended virtual meeting of Gibraltar Mines' Technical Advisory Committee

In addition to the above, held weekly phone check ins with the Executive Director of NCLGA as well as respond to inquiries from Cariboo RD Area "D" residents via social media, phone/text or email

As to expenses submitted in the month of November 2022:

* November 10th -- $206 for Inaugural Meeting of the 2022-2026 Cariboo Regional District & Cariboo-Chilcotin Regional Hospital District Boards' of Directors' 

* November 23rd -- $83 for attendance at meetings of Central Cariboo Rural Directors' Caucus and Central Cariboo Joint Committee


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