Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Cariboo RD Chair Margo Wagner reflects on 2022

Courtesy of the Cariboo Regional District:

2022 Year End Message of Cariboo RD Board Chair Margo Wagner:

Every year brings its own changes in the faces in our office. This year, we of course had our general elections, and I’m excited to work with our new Board of returning and new Directors. It’s great to have several seasoned Directors around the table, and the newly elected Directors are also showing their vital role in bringing new ideas and perspectives to the table which is essential for a well-functioning governance body.

We wished farewell to former Chief Administrative Officer, John MacLean, who dedicated five years to the CRD. He served during an immensely challenging time, leading the CRD through devastating wildfires, floods, and the COVID-19 pandemic. The Board will begin the search for a new CAO in the new year through a process led by Interim CAO, Brian Carruthers.

We also completed several significant initiatives and projects. Our long-range planning saw the Board approve a Broadband Strategy, Housing Needs Assessments, and an Area Agricultural Plan, which will guide our actions over the long-term. We also completed the fourth year of a major program for fire truck replacement, which brings many of our volunteer departments into compliance with fresh new equipment for fire protection. Many exciting projects and initiatives will continue to be refined and introduced over the next term, which will be guided by the Board’s strategic plan to be considered in 2023.

As a reminder, the CRD’s offices in 100 Mile House, Quesnel, and Williams Lake will be closed between December 26 through January 2, and reopen on January 3. Libraries across the Cariboo-Chilcotin Region will operate under varying holiday hours, and we encourage everyone to check in with their local library to see what holiday literacy and community activities are planned.”

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