Tuesday, December 20, 2022

WL Council Highlights - Dec 20th, 2022 mtg

Present: Mayor SPS Rathor; Councillors Boehm, Flaspohler, Lyons, Moses and Nelson

Meeting called to order at 6pm (Meeting Agenda here/Meeting Video here)

Meeting Agenda adopted
Minutes of the December 6th, 2022 City Council meeting were received and adopted


1) Suzanne Cochrane, Cariboo Chilcotin Partners for Literacy (CCPL) appeared before Council to provide an overview of CCPL Services & "Family Literacy Week" Proclamation Request

Resolved: That pursuant to the request of the Cariboo Chilcotin Partners for Literacy in their letter dated November 18, 2022, the week of January 22 to 29, 2023 be proclaimed "Family Literacy Week" in the City of Williams Lake, pursuant to City policy.

2) Paul Adams & Colin Moss, BC Rural Health Network (BCRHN) appeared before Council to provide an overview of BCRHN and their Membership Request

Following the presentation -- a Question/Answer period ensued

Mayor Rathor on behalf of Council thanked Messrs. Adams/Moss for their time/information

Resolved: That the presentation from the BC Rural Health Network regarding an overview of the BCRHN be received and their request for the City of Williams Lake to join as a member community be endorsed 

3) Walt Cobb, Concerned Citizens Group appeared before Council in regards to the Hamilton Inn Shelter and Proposed Safe Injection Site Potential Impacts on Residents and Businesses

Following the presentation -- a Question/Answer period ensued

Mayor Rathor on behalf of Council thanked Mr. Cobb for his time/information

Resolved: That the presentation by concerned citizens regarding the impacts on neighbouring residents and businesses due to the shelter at the Hamilton Inn, and the potential further impacts the proposed safe injection site may have, be received, and the information be referred to BC Housing, Hamilton Hotel and CMHA for their information as well as to Staff in their preparation of a report to Council regarding a mobile overdose prevention site in Williams Lake and finally that staff be directed to provide a report on the Hamilton Inn Shelter at a future meeting.


1) Council received for information the accounts payable computer cheque and EFT listings dated December 8, 9 and 15, 2022

2) Council approved entering into the proposed encroachment agreement with 1243789 B.C Ltd. (Cariboo Dental Clinic) for a portion of the existing building stairwell that encroaches onto City boulevard located at 121 First Avenue N, legally described as Lot 13, Block 6, District Lot 71, Cariboo District Plan 1553

3) Councillor Sheila Boehm was appointed as the City of Williams Lake’s representative on the Board of the Northern Medical Programs Trust

4) Council awarded City of Williams Lake insurance brokerage services to HUB International Insurance Brokers for 2023-2025 term at 2023 quoted price of $235,181, with subsequent quoted increases for the remaining years

5) Council approved compensation, registration, and other associated expenses for Mayor Rathor to virtually attend the BC Natural Resources Forum held from January 17 – 19, 2023 in Prince George, BC

6) Council approved meals, travel, accommodation, compensation and other associated expenses for Mayor Rathor to attend the Council of Forest Industries 2023 Annual Convention in Prince George, BC from April 12 – 14, 2023

7) Council awarded the Janitorial Services contract to Evergreen Building Maintenance for the proposed annual price of $114,780.00 plus taxes for two years and that staff be authorized to award an optional third year not to exceed $114,780.00

8) Council awarded the contract for the Waste Water Treatment Plant Power Supply to Allteck Limited Partnership for the Tendered price of $432,975.90 which includes GST

9) Council adopted Cemetery Amendment Bylaw No. 2380, 2022

10) Council endorsed 2 recommendations from its' December 13th, 2022 Committee of the Whole meeting as follows:

a) That pursuant to Committee of Whole Report #25-2022, staff be directed to bring back a report on potential changes to the City's Snow and Ice Policy, including options for changing timeline expectations for clearing snow and minimum costs to enhance snow clearing services in the City

b) That pursuant to Committee of Whole Report #26-2022 and the report of the Director of Municipal Services dated December 7, 2022, Council receive this report and direct staff to enter into an agreement to authorize Peterson Contracting to contract with private snow haulers to push the snow in the Municipal snow dump facility, and that this agreement establish that there be no additional costs or liability borne by the City of Williams Lake for the provision of this additional service.

11) Council received the "Council Information Package" as of December 20th, 2022

Members of Council reported on their recent activities... 

Council adjourned at 7:45pm

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