Thursday, July 13, 2023

Cariboo Fire Centre Wildfire Update - July 13th, 2023

Courtesy of the Cariboo Fire Centre/BC Wildfire Service:

Earlier today -- I have received an update report from the Cariboo Fire Centre regarding wildfires in their operating area for July 13th, 2023 -- as follows: (Provincial Wildfire Update at

1) Weather Overview

Extensive smoke is causing low visibilities and low ceilings. Smoke is also keeping temperatures lower and relative humidity little higher than expected.

Highs will be in the low to mid 20C’s with minimum relative humidity from the low 30 to 50%. Dispersion models show little change expected in the smoky pattern tomorrow with temperatures and relative humidity similar. Overnight relative humidity recoveries will be good.

Winds will be mostly light and variable for the next two days. Over the western Chilcotin winds will be gusting to 20-30 km/h.

There is a threat of thundershowers west of the Fraser River for the next two afternoons but with smoke muting daytime temperatures convective temperature thresholds may not be reached.

 2) Wildfire Situation Report by sub-region

a) Central Zone (Williams Lake and Cariboo RD Areas D,E,F)

There are 10 active fires in the Central Zone. Of these fires, five are Out of Control, four are Being Held, and four are Under Control.

Four of these wildfires (C30442, C30399, C30572 and C31442) are located in the Wet Belt and are monitor only.

The remaining wildfires in the Horsefly Region are being actioned by BCWS (BC Wildfire Service) ground crews and air support as required.

C21651 is 0.5 hectares. A BC Wildfire Service Initial Attack Crew is onsite and actioning the wildfire.

b) Quesnel Zone (Quesnel/Wells; Cariboo RD Areas A,B,C,I)

There are 19 active fires in the Quesnel Zone. Three are Wildfires of Note and multiple wildfires have Evacuation Orders or Alerts placed on them. Five of these fires are being managed by an IMT.

High midday temperatures, shifting winds, low humidity and dry conditions continue to cause aggressive fire behaviour and challenging firefighting conditions.

Smoke from the wildfires is affecting the ability of fixed and rotary wing aircraft to provide continued support.

The safety of BC Wildfire Service personnel, ground crews, air crews, and the public remains the highest priority.

Wildfire of Note - Townsend Creek (C11290) is 1500 hectares. Evacuation Order and Alert

This wildfire is being managed by an IMT

Over 60 Wildfire Firefighters are assigned to this wildfire. BC Wildfire Service personnel are assisted by local and provincial contract firefighters. Heavy equipment is assigned to this wildfire and aircraft continues to assist with fire suppression efforts. Fire suppression activity continued overnight July 12. Ground crews conducted successful planned ignitions overnight and continue to prioritize structure protection. Heavy equipment will focus on the south side of the fire today.

The Townsend Creek Area Evacuation Order was extended and a Baker Creek Evacuation Alert was created July 11.

Wildfire of Note - Pelican Lake (C11437) is 2700 hectares. Evacuation Order

This wildfire is being managed by an IMT

BC Wildfire Service personnel are assisted by local and provincial contract firefighters. Heavy equipment is assigned to this wildfire. Aircraft were able to lay fire retardant July 11 but additional air support has been limited by heavy smoke. Structure Protection is being prioritized.

An Evacuation Order was issued by Cariboo Regional District on July 11.

Wildfire of Note - Teepee Lake (C11499) is 1500 hectares. Evacuation Alert

This wildfire is being managed by an IMT

The Teepee Lake wildfire was discovered by aerial reconnaissance late July 10 at 80 hectares.

BC Wildfire Service personnel are onsite. Heavy equipment has been working through the night to lay guards. Structure Protection is being prioritized.

The Cariboo Regional District issued an Evacuation Order for the Teepee Lake Area on July 12.

Branch Road (C11243) is 1182 hectares. Evacuation Alert

This wildfire is being managed by an IMT

Over 40 Wildfire Firefighters are assigned to this wildfire. BC Wildfire Service personnel are assisted by local and provincial contract firefighters. Heavy equipment is also onsite and assisting with suppression efforts. BC Wildfire Service personnel are utilizing planned ignitions and indirect fire suppression tactics. Aircraft continues to assist with fire suppression efforts when conditions allow.

On July 8 The Cariboo Regional District issued an Evacuation Alert for the Branch Road Wildfire.

IMT - (C11427) - 0.009 hectares

This wildfire is being managed by an IMT

BC Wildfire Service personnel are assisted by local contract firefighters.

Trout Lake (C11308) is 6 hectares

BC Wildfire Service personnel remain onsite with support from local contract wildfire firefighters and heavy equipment. There is a control line including natural fire barriers around 100% of the wildfire. This wildfire is Under Control. Nazko road remains open with flaggers onsite to ensure safe travel.

Green Mountain (C11458) is 20 hectares.

The Green Mountain wildfire is highly visible to surrounding communities. It is holding at 6 hectares, with no noticeable growth July 11. Infrastructure in the vicinity of this wildfire is not threatened. A guard has been laid around 100% of the fire and crews will remain active on the ground. This Wildfire is Being Held.

c) Chilcotin Zone (Cariboo RD Areas J/K)

The Chilcotin Zone continues to assist with wildfires C11405 and C11407 in the Itcha Ilgachuz Provincial Park.

The Gatcho Complex (C41158), which is located in the Prince George Fire Centre is being actioned by an IMT in the VanJam Zone.

C51571 is aggressive and displaying very unsafe fire behaviour. Due to fuel loading, lack of egress routes and the volatility of the fires, BC Wildfire Service will be limiting ground crews to work only in areas safe to do so. BC Wildfire Service personnel are onsite with heavy equipment and guards have been placed along the south and west. Additional firefighting crews are arriving onsite and are prioritizing structure protection.

The Cariboo Regional District issued an Evacuation Order for this wildfire.

C51562 is displaying aggressive and unsafe fire behaviour. Due to fuel loading, lack of egress routes and the volatility of the fires, BC Wildfire Service personnel will be limiting ground crews to work only in areas safe to do so. Industry personnel are onsite standing by.

Smoke from the wildfires is affecting the ability of fixed and rotary wing aircraft to provide continued support.

The safety of BC Wildfire Service personnel, ground crews, air crews, and the public remains the highest priority.

d) 100 Mile House Zone (100 Mile House; Cariboo RD Areas G,H,L)

No active wildfires currently in this Zone

Finally -- if residents' see fire activity, of any kind, they are encouraged to contact the BC Wildfire Service by phone at 1-800-663-5555 or *5555 on a cell or use the BC Wildfire app for Apple or Android devices to report a fire. 

Tips for how to report a fire:

 * Estimate distance from where you are to suspected location of wildfire

* Other observations – fire size, type of fuels involved (tree, grass, etc), any infrastructure or homes at risk, terrain of location, nearby water sources



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