Thursday, July 13, 2023

Cariboo RD Board/Committee of the Whole Highlights - July 13th mtg

Present: Chair M. Wagner (10:04am)/Vice Chair J. Massier; Directors Sjostrom, Bachmeier, Forseth, Neufeld, LeBourdais, Richmond, Glassford, Anderson, De Vries, Paull, Pinkney and Alternate Director Funk (District of Wells) 

Meeting called to order at 9:30am -- Vice-Chair Massier assumed the Chair in the absence of the Board Chair (Director M. Wagner)

The Vice-Chair recognized that the meeting was taking place on the traditional unceded territory of Williams Lake First Nation within Secwepemculecw and welcomed Alternate Director Funk to today's meeting of the Committee of the Whole 

Meeting Agenda adopted with 1 Late Item (update on renewed Solid Waste Management Plan process)
Minutes of the previous Committee of the Whole meeting were received/adopted


1) Update on renewing the Cariboo Regional District's Solid Waste Management Plan... 

The Committee received a memorandum of the Manager of Solid Waste 
Discussion ensued thereon... 

Resolved - That the memorandum be received

CONTRARY TO THE MOTION: Director Forseth (Area D)

Chair Wagner entered the meeting at 10:04am and re-assumed the Chair 


The Committee received updates from:

1) Mt Polley - 10:00am
2) BC Ministry of Forests - 11:00am
3) BC Ministry of Transportation - 1:00pm

Following their presentations -- A Question/Answer period ensued
The Chair thanked the presenters for their time/information

Business, cont:

2) Allocation of Remaining Growing Communities Fund 

The Committee received a memorandum of the Deputy Corporate Officer
Discussion ensued thereon...

Resolved -- That the memorandum be received and Staff report back on prioritized use of the remaining Growing Community Funds for discussion/next steps at the September Committee of the Whole meeting... 

The Committee adjourned at 2:32pm

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