Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Cariboo RD Committee of Whole Session - June 19th mtg


Chair Wagner and Directors Sjostrom, Bachmeier (via MS Teams), Forseth, Neufeld, LeBourdais, Richmond, Glassford, Pare, Anderson, De Vries, Roodenburg (entered meeting at 10:20am) and Pinkney 

Meeting called to order at 9:30am
The Chair recognized that the meeting was taking place on the traditional unceded territory of Williams Lake First Nation within Secwepemculecw 

Meeting Agenda adopted with late items (REDIP/Municipal Support for RD Projects)

Minutes of the previous Committee of the Whole meeting were received/adopted


1)  Inspector Lake and Staff-Sergeant Brad McKinnon of the Williams Lake RCMP appeared before the Committee to have a discussion regarding dangerous dogs

Following a presentation -- Inspector Lake and Staff-Sergeant McKinnon responded to questions of the Committee

Director Roodenburg entered the meeting at 10:20am

The Chair thanked Inspector Lake and Staff-Sergeant McKinnon for their time/information

Closed Committee Session:

At 10:33am -- the Committee recessed its' Open Session to go into a Closed Committee Session, as per Sections 92 + 90(1f,g,i - law enforcement, litigation and legal advice) of the Community Charter

At 11:24am -- the Committee rose from its' Closed Committee Session and agreed to continue its' Open Session


The Committee discussed the following matters:

i) Municipal Support for RD Projects
ii) REDIP (Rural Economic Development and Infrastructure Program)

iii) Wildfire Mitigation in the Cariboo Regional District

Following discussion -- the Committee agreed to make the following recommendation to the Regional Board:

That a letter be sent to Cariboo-PG MP Todd Doherty encouraging appropriate recognition of regional districts at  federal funding announcements

Meeting recessed at 12:23pm
Meeting resumed at 1:00pm

Delegations (cont.):

2) At 1:01pm -- the following individuals appeared before the Committee to present Agriculture Information:

Nicole Pressey, Regional Agrologist, Ministry of Agriculture and Food; 

Chris Armes, Senior Rangeland Policy Specialist, Ministry of Forests 

David Zirnhelt/Alec Kulchar, BC Cattlemen's Association

Following their presentations -- the presenters responded to questions of the Committee

The Chair thanked the delegation for their time/information 

The Committee adjourned at 3:09pm

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