Monday, March 3, 2025

Search and Rescue Volunteer Memorial Day 2025

Courtesy of the Government of BC:

Editor's Note --In the Cariboo Regional District -- we have a number of Search and Rescue organizations including:

* South Cariboo Search & Rescue
* Central Cariboo Search and Rescue
* West Chilcotin Search & Rescue
* North Cariboo Hwy. Rescue

All of these organizations receive funding from the Cariboo Regional District. Most are operated by a local Society except for Central Cariboo Search and Rescue which is directly operated by the Cariboo Regional District

On my own behalf -- I appreciate all the volunteers in these SAR or Search and Rescue groups (as do the public I am sure) for all they do to train year round and be available for assistance when the call comes in!

“We recognize, on this day, the incredible dedication of search and rescue volunteers and the sacrifices they have made while serving people in British Columbia.

“Our Province is fortunate to have some of the most skilled, passionate and selfless search and rescue volunteers in the world. Together, the BC Search and Rescue Association, Royal Canadian Marine Search and Rescue, and PEP Air have saved the lives of thousands of people. They are heroes.

“Search and rescue volunteers are on call 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, providing their time and expertise to help people throughout British Columbia. While much of their work happens far from public view, their impact is felt across the entire province. They are the lifelines in our greatest moments of need, and we are incredibly grateful for their dedication. To all those volunteering on search and rescue teams, on behalf of all British Columbians, thank you. We are forever grateful.

“It takes a remarkable kind of person to be a search and rescue volunteer: someone who is driven, courageous and has an unwavering commitment to helping others. These search and rescue missions can come with an incredible cost. Since 1967, there have been 17 search-and-rescue volunteers who have lost their lives while serving British Columbians. Their sacrifices will never be forgotten.

“On Search and Rescue Memorial Day, I would like to invite all British Columbians to reflect on those heroic volunteers who lost their lives in the pursuit of safety for others, their loves ones, and their service to the people of our Province.”

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