Friday, September 9, 2011

1st Vote (Advance Poll #1) on new Local Governments in 60 Days

60 Days from today (on November 9th in the first of two Advanced Polls) - all electors in the District of Wells, Cities of Quesnel and Williams Lake, District of 100 Mile House, the Cariboo Regional District (EA Areas A-L) and School Districts #27/28 will get their first opportunity to render a decision on how their local governments have performed since December 1st of 2008

So far - no one in Wells or Quesnel have declared, publicly, their intention to either seek office (Mayor, Councillor, School Trustee in SD #28 or Electoral Area Director), seek re-election or call it a day, other than Quesnel Councillor Peter Couldwell deciding to retire after 21 years of elected life

Down in Williams Lake - Kerry Cook, Walt Cobb, and Scott Nelson have all publicly declared their intention to seek the Williams Lake Mayor's seat

Only WL City Councillors Laurie Walters and Surinderpal Rathor have publicly confirmed their intention to seek another term, although I expect further announcements from others, starting in the next couple of weeks - either from incumbents or challengers and certainly most will have announced by the time the nomination period formally begins, on October 4th

Other than my blog post, yesterday, suggesting a fight for the Zone 6 School Trustee seat (Williams Lake) between current Trustee Bruce Mack and former Zone 6 Trustee Rob Zacharias, no other Trustee from SD #27 Zones 1, 2, 3,4, 5 and 7 have publicly declared their intention to either seek another term or call it a day.  Note - School District #27 Nomination Forms for Trustees in Zones 1-7 are available Monday

Down in 100 Mile House - their nomination forms, as well, will be available Monday, but no public declaration for either the Office of Mayor/Councillor have been made by any individual

Meanwhile - over at the Cariboo Regional District - none of the 12 Rural Directors have stated if they plan to seek re-election or call it a day, but I expect most of them, by October 4th, will say if they plan to stay on or not.

Again - please stay informed and involved in all of the local government (muncipal/regional district/school district) races as they all affect you!


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