Only the Cities of Quesnel/Williams Lake and the Cariboo Regional District are meeting next week as follows:
Quesnel - Committee of the Whole meeting on Monday, March 3rd at 7pm in Quesnel Council Chambers (2nd Floor - 410 Kinchant St). ON the Agenda is approval for the 2014 QCEDC Annual Budget. View the full Agenda here
Williams Lake - Committee of the Whole meeting on Tuesday, March 4th at 6pm in the Rick Hansen Boardroom (WL City Hall basement - 450 Mart St). On the Agenda:
* Ministry of Forests staff to present info on WL TSA Discussion Paper
* Proposal for Outdoor Water Bottle filling station at Scout Island
* Good Neighbour Bylaw (Editor's Note - City of Kamloops already such a bylaw)
* Letter from Ministry of Forests re: Managing Elk in Cariboo Region
View full Agenda here
Cariboo Regional District:
Sat March 1st - Central Cariboo/Chilcotin 2014 Budget Presentation in the Cariboo RD Boardroom (180D North 3rd Ave in Williams Lake). Open House from 1-4pm with a formal presentation starting at 2:30pm. Can't participate in person? - The formal presentation will be streamed online. Click here to view that (link only active Saturday, March 1st at 2:30pm. I personally plan to be in attendance to hear what questions come up and maybe even ask some myself...
Friday, March 7th - Regular CCRHD/Cariboo RD Board Meetings. Starting with CCRHD Board at 9:30am in the CRD Boardroom. On the Agenda:
CCRHD - Interior Health press release re: Accessibility renovations at 100 Mile General Hospital
Cariboo RD Board:
a) Medicinal Marijuana Zoning Amendment Bylaws for two readings and refer to provincial Ag Land Commission for approval
b) Roddis House on Cariboo RD Heritage Register
c) 2013 Year End Report for Invasive Plant Management Program
d) 2014 Subsidized Composter Program
e) Adopt Two NCLGA Resolution to be debated at 2014 NCLGA Conference:
i) Awareness of Idle Fee BC
ii) Priority of Phone Service Restoration in Rural Areas
f) Receipt/Adoption of North/South Rural Caucus Meeting Minutes & Recommendations
g) Receive/Adopt minutes/recommendations of South Cariboo Joint Committee meeting of Jan 13th and Feb 17th
h) Adopt South Cariboo Recreation Fees and Charges Amendment Bylaw
There will be an Closed Board Meeting (In-Camera) in accordance with Section 90(1)(b) of the Community Charter
Download the CC Regional Hospital District Board Agenda here
Download the Cariboo RD Board Agenda here
Discussion of the issues that affect you on a local, provincial and federal level
Friday, February 28, 2014
Quesnel Council Highlights - Feb 24th mtg
Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:
Budget 2014 overview
Further to the recent budget meetings, the following supplementals were approved by Council:
Additions to the operating budget:
Full time PW Supervisor $ 54,000
Add’l summer Engineering Student 24,000
Contractor for security clearances 5,000
ICIS GIS opportunity 8,000
Bridge inspection program - Moffat/Baker 10,000
Museum insurance 1,500
Environmental Advisory Comm. projects 2,500
Add’l Invasive Weed Control program 25,000
Bear Aware program 12,000
TOTAL equals 1.06% or $142,000
Approved reserve increases:
Fire Capital Transfer $ 30,766
Equipment Reserve Fund 50,000
TOTAL equals 0.6% or $ 80,766
A portion of this meeting was set aside for public input on the 2014 budget. There were no written or oral submissions received.
Council approved moving forward with a proposed 3% tax increase. This proposal included increasing the transfer to the Capital Reinvestment Reserve by $125,000 per year and decreasing the transfer to the Tax Stabilization Reserve by $100,000.
Please note that the tax increase percent is still subject to change as final assessments are received, final capital budgets are approved and Council determines the disposition of surplus 2013.
March 31 - Final approval by Council on capital projects.
March and April - Disposition of surplus; review five-year financial plan; set the final tax rates for the various classes.
Prior to May 15 - Adopt the final budget and tax rates bylaws.
March 31 - Final approval by Council on capital projects.
March and April - Disposition of surplus; review five-year financial plan; set the final tax rates for the various classes.
Prior to May 15 - Adopt the final budget and tax rates bylaws.
Banners to Miss Quesnel candidates
The 2014 Miss Quesnel Royalty candidates received their Corporate Sponsor banners and were presented with a City of Quesnel pin and flower from Council. The 2014 candidates are:
Shaylee Jack - Miss Lhtako Dene Nation
Lindy Alec - Nazko First Nation
Marlana Alec - Miss Nazko Economic Development Corp.
Kady Clement - Miss Digging Thunder Contracting
Kayleen Dillabough - Miss Attitude South
Mierie Sabbarwal - Miss Outer Limits Hair Studio
Michaela Fedoruk - Miss Julie’s Edible Bouquets
Sierra Cook - Miss Bliss
Other news
QTAX Quality Tax Services Development Variance Permit - Council approved the form/character DP, permitting the addition of office space and a second story accessory dwelling unit; Variances to the Sign Bylaw to permit a 1.25 m2 sign; and varying sections of the Zoning Bylaw for parking requirements, utilizing a Restrictive Covenant to allow for unpaved parking areas for a five-year term after which the area must be paved or otherwise dealt with.
Council awarded the Airport Apron Expansion tender to Mass Construction Ltd. in the amount of $259,883.93, including GST.
March 24 Public Hearings - Zoning Amendment re Prohibition of Marihuana Production and Heavy Equipment Repair (Campbell Crescent).
April 16 Public Hearing - OCP and Master Zoning Bylaw Amendments re Secondary Suites.
Important dates
May 7 - North Central Local Government Association AGM
(Fort St. John)
(Fort St. John)
May 10 - Multiple Sclerosis walk (Ceal Tingley Park, 1:00 p.m.)
May - Multiple Sclerosis Awareness month
NEXT Regular Council Meeting:
Monday Mar. 10, 7 p.m.
NEXT Delegation/Committee of the Whole Meeting:
Monday Mar. 3, 7 p.m.
Monday Mar. 10, 7 p.m.
NEXT Delegation/Committee of the Whole Meeting:
Monday Mar. 3, 7 p.m.
NEXT North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee Meeting:
CHANGED ON FEB. 27 TO Wednesday Mar. 26, 5:30 p.m.
CHANGED ON FEB. 27 TO Wednesday Mar. 26, 5:30 p.m.
Collaborative EcDev in Quesnel
Joint Release of the Ministry of Jobs/Tourism & City of Quesnel:
The Government of British Columbia, the City of Quesnel and local and regional service providers continue to work collaboratively to offer a number of programs and services to minimize the impacts of the Canfor mill closure expected the week of March 17, 2014.
The province and the city are working with partner agencies including Quesnel Community Economic Development Corporation (QCEDC), WorkBC (Quesnel Employment Services), Northern Development Initiative Trust (NDIT) and the Cariboo Chilcotin Beetle Action Coalition (CCBAC) to support worker transition and skills retraining, by:
· Connecting workers with other opportunities in the community and region;
Providing workers with skills training and retraining through the Northern Skills Training Pilot Program;
· Sponsoring the city and QCEDC to help prioritize and action economic development projects;
· Hosting an economic development for local leaders workshop on March 27, 2014, and a land development workshop later in the spring in Quesnel;
· Organizing a job fair on April 3, 2014;
· Organizing a business walk on March 26, 2014, to support small business
Supports already provided to help workers and the community include:
· Established a worker transition team to co-ordinate support for the impacted workers and the community.
· Produced a Community Resource Guide providing key information on employment, community and social services, job skills and retraining, and financial services available in Quesnel. Led by the City of Quesnel and funded by the province, this guide is available on the City’s website:
· Hosted an Open House on Nov. 27, 2013, led by the City of Quesnel, to provide an opportunity for impacted employees and community members to obtain information on training and education opportunities, economic development and entrepreneurship as well as available community services.
· Hosted on-site information sessions in December 2013 through Quesnel Employment Services and Service Canada, with additional sessions taking place this week.
Local MLA Coralee Oakes says:
“I am incredibly impressed by the resilience and determination of Quesnel; setting actions in motion immediately following the closure announcement based on planning completed by the municipality, regional district, economic development corporation and many community partners. Our government is committed to continuing our work with the Regional Economic Collaborative to determine new economic priorities for the region and provide support and tools for the impacted workers both on and off site. We are working hard to find a new path for economic growth and development in the Cariboo ensuring Quesnel and surrounding communities will have a bright and prosperous future.”
While Minister of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training - the Hon. Shirley Bond says:
“The City of Quesnel has shown leadership and determination in guiding the community through this challenge. The province sent in its support team as soon as we learned of the pending mill closure to work side by side with the city to explore ways to mitigate impacts on workers, their families, contractors and the community.”
Finally - Mary Sjostrom, the Mayor of Quesnel stated:
“The City of Quesnel is committed to providing a healthy and sustainable community for our residents, both economically and socially. It is vital that we continue to seek out opportunities to grow in order to enhance the wellbeing of our community as a whole. We value the partnership that we have formed with the Province as it is key to Quesnel’s future.”
Quick Links:
Quesnel Community Resource Guide:
More information on economic development tools and resources:
BC Jobs Plan:
The Government of British Columbia, the City of Quesnel and local and regional service providers continue to work collaboratively to offer a number of programs and services to minimize the impacts of the Canfor mill closure expected the week of March 17, 2014.
The province and the city are working with partner agencies including Quesnel Community Economic Development Corporation (QCEDC), WorkBC (Quesnel Employment Services), Northern Development Initiative Trust (NDIT) and the Cariboo Chilcotin Beetle Action Coalition (CCBAC) to support worker transition and skills retraining, by:
· Connecting workers with other opportunities in the community and region;
Providing workers with skills training and retraining through the Northern Skills Training Pilot Program;
· Sponsoring the city and QCEDC to help prioritize and action economic development projects;
· Hosting an economic development for local leaders workshop on March 27, 2014, and a land development workshop later in the spring in Quesnel;
· Organizing a job fair on April 3, 2014;
· Organizing a business walk on March 26, 2014, to support small business
Supports already provided to help workers and the community include:
· Established a worker transition team to co-ordinate support for the impacted workers and the community.
· Produced a Community Resource Guide providing key information on employment, community and social services, job skills and retraining, and financial services available in Quesnel. Led by the City of Quesnel and funded by the province, this guide is available on the City’s website:
· Hosted an Open House on Nov. 27, 2013, led by the City of Quesnel, to provide an opportunity for impacted employees and community members to obtain information on training and education opportunities, economic development and entrepreneurship as well as available community services.
· Hosted on-site information sessions in December 2013 through Quesnel Employment Services and Service Canada, with additional sessions taking place this week.
Local MLA Coralee Oakes says:
“I am incredibly impressed by the resilience and determination of Quesnel; setting actions in motion immediately following the closure announcement based on planning completed by the municipality, regional district, economic development corporation and many community partners. Our government is committed to continuing our work with the Regional Economic Collaborative to determine new economic priorities for the region and provide support and tools for the impacted workers both on and off site. We are working hard to find a new path for economic growth and development in the Cariboo ensuring Quesnel and surrounding communities will have a bright and prosperous future.”
While Minister of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training - the Hon. Shirley Bond says:
“The City of Quesnel has shown leadership and determination in guiding the community through this challenge. The province sent in its support team as soon as we learned of the pending mill closure to work side by side with the city to explore ways to mitigate impacts on workers, their families, contractors and the community.”
Finally - Mary Sjostrom, the Mayor of Quesnel stated:
“The City of Quesnel is committed to providing a healthy and sustainable community for our residents, both economically and socially. It is vital that we continue to seek out opportunities to grow in order to enhance the wellbeing of our community as a whole. We value the partnership that we have formed with the Province as it is key to Quesnel’s future.”
Quick Links:
Quesnel Community Resource Guide:
More information on economic development tools and resources:
BC Jobs Plan:
Thursday, February 27, 2014
City of Quesnel/CUPE reach agreement
Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:
The City of Quesnel is pleased to announce it has ratified a contract agreement with the Canadian Union of Public Employees Local 1050-01, which represents approximately 40 City employees. These employees work at the Quesnel and District Arts and Recreation Centre and have a different collective bargaining agreement from that of the rest of the City’s unionized workforce.
City and CUPE bargaining teams met on Feb. 18 and 19 to reach a tentative agreement. That agreement was endorsed by both the union membership and City Council on Feb. 24.
The City reached a similar agreement with CUPE Local 1050 employees in October last year.
Both contract agreements cover a three-year term, retroactive to June 8, 2013. All unionized employees will receive a 1.5% increase in year one, followed by a 1.75% increase in year two and a 2% increase in year three.
“I am pleased that bargaining with both CUPE Local 1050 and CUPE Local 1050-01 has resulted in an amicable settlement,” said Mayor Mary Sjostrom. “Quesnel is facing some tough economic challenges and the contracts recognize those realities. I would like to thank the bargaining teams for their efforts through this process and acknowledge the outstanding employees we have working at all of our facilities.”
“Our members have now ratified the agreements for 1050-01,” said CUPE Local 1050 and 1050-01 President Christi McKee-Poitras. “It was a productive round of bargaining for 1050 and 1050-01 and definitely a learning experience. We look forward to maintaining the positive working relationship with our employer and moving forward with our future endeavors.”
BC Chamber of Commerce on New Prosperity rejection
Courtesy of the BC Chamber of Commerce:
The federal government’s rejection of the New Prosperity project devastates the Cariboo-Chilcotin region’s efforts to regroup and diversify its economy after the mountain pine beetle epidemic gutted the area’s forestry industry.
“It’s hard to see this decision as anything but catastrophic for communities like Williams Lake, 100 Mile House and Quesnel,” said John Winter, president and CEO of the BC Chamber of Commerce.
Winter said these communities have been an example of British Columbian resilience, working tirelessly to regroup after the mountain pine beetle epidemic.
“They did everything right: They picked themselves up, dusted themselves off and found a way to take their economy forward. That way forward was New Prosperity,” he said. “Now, that appears to be lost too.”
The New Prosperity project would, through direct and indirect jobs, benefit tens of thousands of people in Williams Lake, around the Cariboo region and through the supply chain across the province. This project would also bring significant job opportunities for Aboriginal youth in the region.
Winter also voiced strong disappointment with the federal government’s decision to accept the recommendation of a panel that does not balance environmental impact with economic benefits.
“Economic benefits and environmental impacts need to be considered hand-in-hand in project decisions – something which the environmental review panel, with its limited mandate, cannot do,” Winter said. “We need to expand the mandate of the environmental review process or economic benefits will continue to be overlooked and projects will not be judged on their full merits.”
Winter cautioned that the rejection of this project sends a very negative message about Canada as an investment jurisdiction.
“With several pivotal resource project decisions ahead in 2014 in B.C., a negative decision on New Prosperity sends a chill through the investment climate in B.C. and beyond,” Winter said.
“Government at every level needs to ensure that investors overseas are reassured that B.C. and Canada remain investment destinations of choice.”
The New Prosperity project is a proposed open-pit copper-gold mine near Williams Lake that would employ 700 people during construction and support 500 full-time direct jobs and 1280 indirect jobs for many years to come in the local community alone.
Mining provides approximately 30,000 well-paying, secure jobs throughout British Columbia with average salaries of more than $100,000; the industry is a major economic driver for the province.
The BC Chamber is the largest and most broadly-based business organization in the province. Representing more than 125 Chambers of Commerce and 36,000 businesses of every size, sector and region of the province, the BC Chamber of Commerce is “The Voice of Business in BC.”
The BC Chamber is the largest and most broadly-based business organization in the province. Representing more than 125 Chambers of Commerce and 36,000 businesses of every size, sector and region of the province, the BC Chamber of Commerce is “The Voice of Business in BC.”
MLA Barnett on New Prosperity rejection
Video Update from MLA Barnett:
Courtesy of BC Gov't Caucus Communications:
Courtesy of BC Gov't Caucus Communications:
Cariboo Chilcotin MLA, Donna Barnett expressed disappointment from the decision made yesterday by the Federal Government rejecting the environmental application of Taseko Mines New Prosperity Project 125km southwest of Williams Lake.
“I am extremely disappointed by the federal environmental review process rejecting the New Prosperity Project a second time even after the project passed BC’s environmental review. New Prosperity meant hundreds of good paying jobs. The project meant families could stay together in the Cariboo rather than having to fly-in and fly-out to work in Alberta or Saskatchewan. Moving forward with this project meant people could come home and use their skills in a project that demands bright young trades people,” says MLA Barnett. “I will always stand up for the people of the Cariboo-Chilcotin. We are strong, resilient and ready to overcome any obstacle or challenge before us. We will move on and build a brighter future for everyone in the Cariboo-Chilcotin. We are all in this together – and I will be right there standing with you”
Quick Facts:
· New Prosperity would create 700 jobs during the construction of the mine (B.C. Chamber of Commerce, Dec 11/13)
· In operation, New Prosperity would create 500 direct jobs and an additional 1,280 indirect jobs (Vancouver Sun, Jul 29/13)
· New Prosperity would inject $11 billion dollars and would give Federal and Provincial Governments $5.52 billion dollars in additional revenue (Vancouver Sun, Nov 01/13)
Taseko on New Prosperity rejection
The Government of Canada has announced it will not issue the federal authorizations necessary for Taseko's (TSX: TKO; NYSE MKT: TGB) (the "Company") New Prosperity Project to proceed.
The Company fundamentally disagrees with the decision the federal government has made and believes they based their decision on a panel report which contains serious flaws. New Prosperity can be built to a high standard of environmental integrity, including the full protection of Fish Lake.
Russell Hallbauer, President and CEO of Taseko, commented, "We are not alone in our disappointment. Many others, including the Government of British Columbia and the thousands of Cariboo residents who have worked hard to support New Prosperity will be similarly discouraged. We thank each of them for the confidence they have placed in us and wish to assure them that our commitment to the Cariboo remains strong. We will continue to support the excellent work of our 700 employees at Gibraltar, Canada's second largest open pit copper mine and the largest employer in the Cariboo region."
Mr. Hallbauer continued, "At the invitation of the federal government in 2010, Taseko committed $300 million to address the concerns from the first panel review and submitted a new proposal. After a second lengthy and costly federal review, the federal government has once again stood in the way of the development of an important project to British Columbia."
Taseko will proceed with the federal judicial review which commenced in December. The judicial review challenges certain Panel findings and the Panel's failure to comply with principles of procedural fairness.
Taseko will take the necessary steps to protect this valuable asset, but at the same time, will also look at other opportunities to increase shareholder value
City of WL on New Prosperity Rejection
Courtesy of the City of Williams Lake:
Williams Lake Mayor Kerry Cook says words cannot capture the emotion she’s felt since the Government of Canada announced it will not approve permits allowing the $1.5-billion New Prosperity Gold-Copper Mine Project to proceed.
“It is a far greater feeling than disappointment, and for residents, this is devastating and infuriating news,” says Mayor Kerry Cook. “This project would have had Canada-wide benefits, but nowhere will the effects be felt more than here in the Cariboo.”
“The federal government has sent some strong messages throughout the country with this decision. The City has consistently said it supports responsible resource development, and the City and the people of the Cariboo will be watching future decisions very carefully.”
In discussions with Taseko Mines Limited, the company said it is looking at all available options, and has not made any decisions at this time.
“It’s not a productive use of our time to point fingers or blame,” Mayor Cook says. “If there’s anything I know about the people of the Cariboo, it’s that we are resilient and we don’t give up. We got through the first no decision on the Prosperity mine in 2010, we’ve got through mill closures, and we will get through this.”
“We all have a choice on how we move forward, and my choice is to not let disappointment or disillusionment get in the way of the work we as community leaders need to do.”
The mayor has already had discussions with proponent Taseko Mines, MP Dick Harris, MLA Donna Barnett, and Minister Coralee Oakes. The minister will be at City Hall to meet with the Mayor on Friday morning to discuss this matter further.
Williams Lake Mayor Kerry Cook says words cannot capture the emotion she’s felt since the Government of Canada announced it will not approve permits allowing the $1.5-billion New Prosperity Gold-Copper Mine Project to proceed.
“It is a far greater feeling than disappointment, and for residents, this is devastating and infuriating news,” says Mayor Kerry Cook. “This project would have had Canada-wide benefits, but nowhere will the effects be felt more than here in the Cariboo.”
“The federal government has sent some strong messages throughout the country with this decision. The City has consistently said it supports responsible resource development, and the City and the people of the Cariboo will be watching future decisions very carefully.”
In discussions with Taseko Mines Limited, the company said it is looking at all available options, and has not made any decisions at this time.
“It’s not a productive use of our time to point fingers or blame,” Mayor Cook says. “If there’s anything I know about the people of the Cariboo, it’s that we are resilient and we don’t give up. We got through the first no decision on the Prosperity mine in 2010, we’ve got through mill closures, and we will get through this.”
“We all have a choice on how we move forward, and my choice is to not let disappointment or disillusionment get in the way of the work we as community leaders need to do.”
The mayor has already had discussions with proponent Taseko Mines, MP Dick Harris, MLA Donna Barnett, and Minister Coralee Oakes. The minister will be at City Hall to meet with the Mayor on Friday morning to discuss this matter further.
TNG on New Prosperity rejection
TNG Tribal Chair Joe Alphonse speaks to CBC Daybreak South on New Prosperity being rejected. Listen to the interview here
Yesterday’s federal decision to reject the New Prosperity Gold-Copper mine proposal was welcomed by Tsilhqot’in Chiefs, AFN National Chief A-in-chut Shawn Atleo, Union of BC Indian Chiefs President, Grand Chief Stewart Phillip and First Nations everywhere.
They now call on this to be the end of a costly, pointless battle that has dragged on since at least 1995, when Taseko Mines Ltd. was first told by the federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans not to waste any further time or money pursuing this unacceptable project.
The mine proposal was opposed vigorously by the Tsilhqot’in Nation with the unanimous support of B.C.’s and Canada’s First Nations and received an unprecedented two scathing independent expert panel reports which make clear that the project was unacceptable environmentally and in terms of its impact on First Nations’ rights and culture, and that these impacts were immitigable.
Chief Joe Alphonse, Tribal Chair for the Tsilhqot’in National Government said: “We are celebrating this decision to reject once again this terrible project, which threatened our pristine waters, fish and Aboriginal rights.
“We commend the federal government for not bowing to industry lobbying and instead respecting the science and the independent process which came to the conclusion that this project would have devastating impacts on the environment and our Nation’s ability to practice our rights in a sacred spiritual site. These impacts could not be mitigated,”
Chief Roger William of the Xeni Gwet’in First Nations Government stated: “We are talking about one of the few areas in Canada to have a court declaration of proven Aboriginal rights, so it is no surprise that the government had to reject this. Now is the time to make this decision the full and final rejection.
“We call on the Province and Taseko Mines Ltd. to acknowledge that this is the end, to pack up their tents and go home. The company has wasted too many resources and time on a project that was first rejected in 1995. It is time to look elsewhere and leave us in peace. We believe TML’s investors feel the same way after funding three failed attempts to get this approved.”
Chief Russell Myers Ross, of the Yunesit’in Government, said, “What has become clear through these two processes is that the status quo is untenable. To try and force unwelcome and destructive mining projects at the cost of all other values, including First Nations rights and title, is a path to greater conflict. The Tsilhqot’in look forward to protecting Teztan Biny as a sacred site, meanwhile developing a broader vision for how to responsibly use the wealth of our lands in our territory. This needs to be the full and final rejection if industry wants certainty.”
Assembly of First Nations National Chief Shawn A-in-chut Atleo stated, “The Assembly of First Nations is proud to stand with the Tsilhqot’in to celebrate this victory, just as we have stood with them throughout all stages of their fight for the recognition of First Nations rights and title. We commend the Tsilhqot’in for their incredible perseverance protecting their rights, their scared sites, their peoples and their economies. We commend the Minister and the federal government for making the right decision that is symbolic of a path forward right across this country – respecting
Indigenous rights and title, respecting environmental concerns and clearing away barriers to building respectful and sustainable approaches to community and economic development. This decision and this victory for the Tsilhqot’in is a victory for all First Nations and for all Canada. Strong First Nations make for a stronger Canada.”
Grand Chief Stewart Phillip, President of the Union of B.C. Indian Chiefs said: “The government made the only responsible decision, which was to protect the water and fish, and in doing so, protect the people. We will continue to steadfastly support and stand with the Tsilhqot’in as they move forward with their own plans to protect Teztan Biny and its environs. We also hope that this decision is a lesson taken to heart: that genuine, actual certainty on the land starts with the full recognition of Aboriginal title and rights.”
Chief Alphonse: “This sends a strong message that industry needs to come through our doors, treat us with respect and they can’t play dirty politics. We have fought long and hard, and we would not wish this on any other Nation. Now we want to be able to move forward with other business opportunities that respect our culture. For that reason we will be making public a Tsilhqot’in Mining Policy about how engagement in our Territory must occur. In this case, it was the wrong project in the wrong place.”
Dick Harris on New Prosperity Rejection
Courtesy of Cariboo-Prince George MP Dick Harris:
In response to the rejection of The New Prosperity Mine proposal, Dick Harris, federal member of parliament for Cariboo-Prince George said, “The decision by the federal government to not allow The New Prosperity Gold-Copper Mine Project to move forward to the provincial permitting level, has shattered the hopes and dreams of thousands of people in the Cariboo-Chilcotin.
“Whether they live in the cities of 100 Mile House, Williams Lake, whether they live in the rural areas, or whether they live in First Nations communities, today, they have all seen the promise of skills training, long-lasting, good-paying jobs, and a much needed boost to their economies vanish, possibly never again to return.”
MP Harris explained, “We have all worked so very hard for a favourable outcome, myself since 2004, along with many others. I have been inspired by countless individuals, businesses, families and various levels of government who had dedicated themselves over the years to make The New Prosperity Mine a destination of hope—a destination that we all knew would have a significant, immediate, and long term positive impact, for countless individuals and families. In fact, in this economically weakened and vulnerable region, to support The New Prosperity Mine was a precise responsibility for the common good.
Despite how we all laboured for a more prosperous future, we failed.”
Unreservedly, MP Harris expressed his disappointment further by stating, “More than this, I consider this outcome a personal failure because I was elected to bring such successes on behalf of my constituents who put their faith in me to deliver.
In the end, I was unable to make my government see the tremendous opportunities that The New Prosperity Mine would bring to the Cariboo-Chilcotin.”
MP Harris concluded, “In the days ahead I will reflect on what more I could have done. But the regret will take its toll for much longer, especially when reflecting on how this decision will weigh so heavily upon our tomorrow, and for the people and future generations of the Cariboo-Chilcotin.”
SKP Referendum Weekly Q (Pool Closure)
Courtesy of the Sam Ketcham Pool Referendum Facebook page:
Question: Will the pool be closed for a long time?
Answer: The amount of time the pool would be closed depends mostly on the result of the referendum. The proposed project which would occur after a “Yes” vote can be built in two phases so that there is water open for public use most of the time during construction. In the recommended concept, the new leisure pool would be built first and the main tank would remain open during construction. When the leisure pool is complete, it would open and the main tank would be closed for replacement. This phased process would take between 16-20 months to complete. There would be short periods of time when both pools are unavailable.
In the event of a “No” vote for the referendum, replacement of the main tank will still occur and the entire pool area (including hot tub, wading pool, steam room and sauna) would be closed for approximately 12 months.
Question: Will the pool be closed for a long time?
Answer: The amount of time the pool would be closed depends mostly on the result of the referendum. The proposed project which would occur after a “Yes” vote can be built in two phases so that there is water open for public use most of the time during construction. In the recommended concept, the new leisure pool would be built first and the main tank would remain open during construction. When the leisure pool is complete, it would open and the main tank would be closed for replacement. This phased process would take between 16-20 months to complete. There would be short periods of time when both pools are unavailable.
In the event of a “No” vote for the referendum, replacement of the main tank will still occur and the entire pool area (including hot tub, wading pool, steam room and sauna) would be closed for approximately 12 months.
'New Prosperity' Dead
Yesterday, the Federal Government announced in a late day fashion (5:25pm yesterday to be precise) that the Federal Cabinet (Governor-General-in-Council) that it had decided to not permit 'New Prosperity' to move forward into the permitting stage.
Read the announcement here with links to the Decision Statement here and background details here
Also - Global BC reviews the history of the 'Prosperity Mine' mine proposal file including comments from Cariboo-Chilcotin MLA Donna Barnett expresses her disappointment while hoping residents of this region come together and figure out the next steps which you can view here and a look back at today's decision can be viewed here
Read a piece on this from the Vancouver Sun here
Meanwhile - First Nations leaders' in the region were pleased with the decision with TNG Tribal Chair Joe Alphonse saying the decision restores his people's faith in the federal environmental assessment process
To no one's obvious surprise - Taseko Mines stated that it "fundamentally disagreed with the decision of the Government of Canada" and was looking into its' options. The City of Williams Lake also announced late Wednesday that it would weigh on this item Thursday (today)
The Federal Government, in their announcement, left the door open for a 4th application - should Taseko Mines agree to go in that direction
Those for the mine predictably expressed disappointment and in some cases, outrage, and suggested that MP's in the region could suffer a political backlash as a result of this decision and expressed hope that Taseko continues with its' court challenge with respect to the Final Report for the Federal Review Panel that reviewed the 'New Prosperity' proposal and further hoped Taseko would attempt to have the Federal Government's decision quashed. The next federal election is scheduled for October of 2015. I will be curious to see how local MP's Dick Harris (Cariboo-PG) and Cathy MacLeod (Kamloops-Thompson-Cariboo) respond to the decision of the Federal Cabinet for 'New Prosperity'
From my own perspective - I wasn't entirely surprised to see this decision and it is unlikely that Taseko Mines would want to go for a 4th round and have this result (federal rejection) repeated but it is early days and we all wait to see what Taseko Mines' next move is.
The WL and District Chamber of Commerce regular meeting is today and I expect this item to be discussed among the many in attendance which will include myself among other business or local political leaders…
Read the announcement here with links to the Decision Statement here and background details here
Also - Global BC reviews the history of the 'Prosperity Mine' mine proposal file including comments from Cariboo-Chilcotin MLA Donna Barnett expresses her disappointment while hoping residents of this region come together and figure out the next steps which you can view here and a look back at today's decision can be viewed here
Read a piece on this from the Vancouver Sun here
Meanwhile - First Nations leaders' in the region were pleased with the decision with TNG Tribal Chair Joe Alphonse saying the decision restores his people's faith in the federal environmental assessment process
To no one's obvious surprise - Taseko Mines stated that it "fundamentally disagreed with the decision of the Government of Canada" and was looking into its' options. The City of Williams Lake also announced late Wednesday that it would weigh on this item Thursday (today)
The Federal Government, in their announcement, left the door open for a 4th application - should Taseko Mines agree to go in that direction
Those for the mine predictably expressed disappointment and in some cases, outrage, and suggested that MP's in the region could suffer a political backlash as a result of this decision and expressed hope that Taseko continues with its' court challenge with respect to the Final Report for the Federal Review Panel that reviewed the 'New Prosperity' proposal and further hoped Taseko would attempt to have the Federal Government's decision quashed. The next federal election is scheduled for October of 2015. I will be curious to see how local MP's Dick Harris (Cariboo-PG) and Cathy MacLeod (Kamloops-Thompson-Cariboo) respond to the decision of the Federal Cabinet for 'New Prosperity'
From my own perspective - I wasn't entirely surprised to see this decision and it is unlikely that Taseko Mines would want to go for a 4th round and have this result (federal rejection) repeated but it is early days and we all wait to see what Taseko Mines' next move is.
The WL and District Chamber of Commerce regular meeting is today and I expect this item to be discussed among the many in attendance which will include myself among other business or local political leaders…
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Central Cariboo/City of Williams Lake Joint Committee - Feb 26th mtg
Present from Cariboo RD: Co-Chair J. Sorley, Director B.Kemp and Alternate Director S. Forseth
Present from City of WL: Co-Chair K.Cook, Councillors Rathor, Walters and Hughes
J. Bell - CAO, Cariboo RD
B. Crowe - Executive Assistant, Cariboo RD
S. Burich - Mgr of Communications, Cariboo RD
G. Goodall - Acting CAO, City of WL
G. Paynton - Director of Community Services, City of WL
K. MacInnis - Communications Coordinator, City of WL
Guest: Al Richmond (Area 'G' Director/Cariboo RD Chair)
Meeting called to order at 5pm
Agenda approved and minutes of the Central Cariboo Joint Committee meeting of Jan 29th approved
Delegations - None
1) The Committee received the 2013 Central Cariboo Arts and Culture Society Grants Program Results
2) The Committee received the Cariboo Memorial Complex Pool Renovations and Upgrade Project - Communications Working Group Meeting Notes of February 13
3) The Committee received a letter from Councillor Danica Hughes, Chairperson, City of Williams Lake 85th Birthday Committee, dated January 14, 2014, requesting consideration for waiver of the fees for the Cariboo Memorial Recreation
Complex for the planning community event on May 3rd, 2014 and recommended authorizing up to $500 from the Electoral Area 'F' Special Projects Fund to the Cariboo Regional District Board of Directors'
4) The Committee authorized adding Family Day to the list of approved statutory holiday openings at the Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex by the following vote:
Affirmative - Mayor Cook;Councillors Rathor and Walters;Directors J. Sorley/B.Kemp and Alternate Director S. Forseth
Negative - Councillor Hughes
5) The Committee agreed to refer the Cariboo Mountain Bike Consortium request for permanent funding to the Central Cariboo Recreation process for Rural Recreation assets determination by the following vote:
Affirmative - Mayor Cook;Councillors Hughes,Rathor,Walters and Directors Kemp/Sorley
Negative - Alternate Director Forseth
Editor's Note - I still feel that general public input on the value/direction/priorization of our Rural Recreation Assets (CRD Areas D,E,F) needs to happen and it's unfortunate that my colleagues didn't see the value of allowing public input prior to moving forward on the priorities of our rural recreation assets in 2015
Councillors Geoff Bourdon and Sue Zacharias entered the meeting
6) The Committee received a video presentation of Mountain Bike Trails in the Cariboo-Chilcotin
7) The Committee received a letter from Mount Timothy in regards to their request for donations for their "Chairlift Padded Seat Project". The Committee also agreed to forward a letter to them outlining the 'Grant in Aide' process
8) The Committee received the Action Items page
The Committee agreed to adjourn at 6:05pm
Present from City of WL: Co-Chair K.Cook, Councillors Rathor, Walters and Hughes
J. Bell - CAO, Cariboo RD
B. Crowe - Executive Assistant, Cariboo RD
S. Burich - Mgr of Communications, Cariboo RD
G. Goodall - Acting CAO, City of WL
G. Paynton - Director of Community Services, City of WL
K. MacInnis - Communications Coordinator, City of WL
Guest: Al Richmond (Area 'G' Director/Cariboo RD Chair)
Meeting called to order at 5pm
Agenda approved and minutes of the Central Cariboo Joint Committee meeting of Jan 29th approved
Delegations - None
1) The Committee received the 2013 Central Cariboo Arts and Culture Society Grants Program Results
2) The Committee received the Cariboo Memorial Complex Pool Renovations and Upgrade Project - Communications Working Group Meeting Notes of February 13
3) The Committee received a letter from Councillor Danica Hughes, Chairperson, City of Williams Lake 85th Birthday Committee, dated January 14, 2014, requesting consideration for waiver of the fees for the Cariboo Memorial Recreation
Complex for the planning community event on May 3rd, 2014 and recommended authorizing up to $500 from the Electoral Area 'F' Special Projects Fund to the Cariboo Regional District Board of Directors'
4) The Committee authorized adding Family Day to the list of approved statutory holiday openings at the Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex by the following vote:
Affirmative - Mayor Cook;Councillors Rathor and Walters;Directors J. Sorley/B.Kemp and Alternate Director S. Forseth
Negative - Councillor Hughes
5) The Committee agreed to refer the Cariboo Mountain Bike Consortium request for permanent funding to the Central Cariboo Recreation process for Rural Recreation assets determination by the following vote:
Affirmative - Mayor Cook;Councillors Hughes,Rathor,Walters and Directors Kemp/Sorley
Negative - Alternate Director Forseth
Editor's Note - I still feel that general public input on the value/direction/priorization of our Rural Recreation Assets (CRD Areas D,E,F) needs to happen and it's unfortunate that my colleagues didn't see the value of allowing public input prior to moving forward on the priorities of our rural recreation assets in 2015
Councillors Geoff Bourdon and Sue Zacharias entered the meeting
6) The Committee received a video presentation of Mountain Bike Trails in the Cariboo-Chilcotin
7) The Committee received a letter from Mount Timothy in regards to their request for donations for their "Chairlift Padded Seat Project". The Committee also agreed to forward a letter to them outlining the 'Grant in Aide' process
8) The Committee received the Action Items page
The Committee agreed to adjourn at 6:05pm
Pink Shirt Day
Today is Pink Shirt Day is support of Anti-Bullying measures in society today. The day originally started in Nova Scotia when a boy was 'picked on' for wearing a Pink Shirt in school and since then has been associated with ridding society of bullies, regardless of the subject
I'll be wearing my 'Pink Shirt' today to support the view that "Bullying is unacceptable in all of its' forms"
Update -- see below of picture of me wearing my 'Pink Shirt':
Update -- see below of picture of me wearing my 'Pink Shirt':
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
WL Council Highlights - Feb 25th mtg
Present - Mayor Cook and Councillors Bourdon, Hughes, Rathor, Walters and Zacharias
Absent - Councillor I. Bonnell (holidays)
Staff present:
G. Goodall - Acting CAO
C. Bouchard - Mgr of Legislative Services
K. MacInnis - Communications Coordinator
T. Chung - IT Mgr
Meeting called to order at 6pm
Agenda approved/Mins of Feb 11th meeting of WL City Council approved
Delegations - None
1) Council received for information the accounts payable computer cheque listings for the periods ending February 13 and 20, 2014
2) Council approved registration, travel and associated expenses for Mayor and Council to attend the 59th Annual North Central Local Government Association (NCLGA) AGM & Convention being held May 7 to 9, 2014 in Fort St. John, BC, as per Council policy.
3) Council received an application for DVP #2-2014 (Front Lot Line Setback Reductions & Storm Sewer/Drainage from Underground to Ditch - 340 Centennial Drive) and directed Staff to distribute notice of the application and that the application for DVP #2-2014 be considered at the March 25th meeting of Council
4) Council approved the use of City equipment for the purpose of hauling dirt into the arena for the 2014 Williams Lake Indoor Rodeo, and the use of a loader to remove the earth post-event, in conjunction with Municipal Services volunteer labour.
5) Council received an application for DVP #3-2014 (Increase in Principal Building Maximum Height - 1740 & 1820 Broadway Avenue South - New Hotel) and directed Staff to distribute notice of the application and that the application for DVP #3-2014 be considered at a future meeting of Council
6) Council received a revised application for DP #7-2013 (Construction of New 4-Storey 50 Unit Hotel - 1740 & 1820 Broadway Avenue South) and and directed Staff to distribute notice of the application and that the application for DP #7-2013 be considered at a future meeting of Council
7) Council encouraged the community at large to participate in the Nutrition Run on April 6th, 2014 starting at the Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex
8) Council adopted Bylaws #2206/2207 (Williams Lake Regional Airport Fees Amendment Bylaw & Williams Lake Bylaw Notice Enforcement Amendment Bylaw)
9) Council adopted 3 Committee of the Whole recommendations as follows:
a) That pursuant to Committee of Whole Council Report #04-2014, the letter from the Rotary Club of Williams Lake dated January 31, 2014 be received, Council endorse the concept contained therein, and the Rotary Club be requested to work with Staff to develop a business plan to finalize the proposed lights, garden, signage and accessibility path in Boitanio Park
b) That pursuant to Committee of Whole Council Report #05-2014, the concepts of a replacement tree policy for Boitanio Park and establishment of a Park Committee to oversee improvements to Boitanio Park be referred to the Community Services Committee for review and a report back to Council
c) That pursuant to Committee of Whole Council Report #06-2014, the report of the Manager of Social Development dated February 11, 2014 be received and Staff be directed to finalize Junior Council's proposed resolution for submission to NCLGA as follows:
WHEREAS young adults in our communities are less likely to vote in municipal elections and engage in civic affairs;
AND WHEREAS the City of Williams Lake has offered a successful Junior Council program to the community over the past four years which has provided an opportunity for youth to learn about municipal affairs and participate in the civic affairs of the community:
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that NCLGA and UBCM establish a youth caucus that would provide an opportunity for youth to participate in sessions to engage youth in civic affairs and UBCM member municipalities be encouraged to establish youth councils in their communities.
10) Council gave approval to the WL Stampeders Hockey Club for Special Occasion Liquor Licences on March 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15, 2014 at the Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex, pursuant to City Policy and subject to RCMP approval
11) Council proclaimed the week of March 11th to 15th as "Coy Cup Week" in the City of Williams Lake & Council encouraged the community to take part in the week long tournament and events being held at the Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex during this week.
12) Council received for information the letter from UBCM Local Government Program Services dated February 3, 2014 regarding the final report and payment for the 2013 Age-Friendly Community Projects & Planning grant to the City of Williams Lake
13) Council received a letter from the Office of the Lieutenant-Governor regarding "Sing Me a Song" program and agreed to forward it to the Central Cariboo Arts & Culture Society and School District No. 27 for distribution to the various music and cultural groups within the community and the schools within the District; and the community was encouraged to participate and submit their entries.
14) Council received for information the news release from the Cariboo Chilcotin Beetle Action Coalition (CCBAC) dated February 14, 2014 regarding the six priorities identified by the CCBAC Board for 2014/2015
15) Council proclaimed April 2014 as "Daffodil Month" in the City of Williams Lake
16) Council received "In-Camera Report #1-2014" as follows:
“That pursuant to Committee of Whole Council IC Report #1-2014, Council deny the request from Pacific Coastal Airlines in their letter dated December 5, 2013 to waive the Passenger Facility Fees, on all non revenue flights which includes all Pacific Coastal Airlines business travel, employees and family.”
17) Late Item #1 - Council proclaimed the week of March 9 to 15, 2014 as "Cowboy Heritage Week" in the City of Williams Lake
18) Late Item #2 - Council approved the 2014 composter subsidy program and allocated funds from the landfill account for the program.
19) Council received the "Council Information Package" as follows:
• January 16, 2014 - Ministry of Justice Announces Appointment of Patrick Quealey as Assistant Deputy Minister, Emergency Management BC;
• February 11, 2014 - Minister James Moore's Regional Office Update;
• February 11, 2014 - Coalition of Child Care Advocates of BC re Thank You for Support of $10/Day Child Care Plan in BC;
• February 14, 2014 - Communities in Bloom re 2014 Provincial Registration;
• February 14, 2014 - CRD Board Highlights;
• February 14, 2014 - CCBAC News Release re Quesnel Receives CCBAC Community Transition Funds;
• February 2014 - CRD Community Engagement Sessions for North Cariboo, South Cariboo and Central Cariboo & Chilcotin.
20) Council received a report of Mayor Cook's monthly activities for the period ending Feb 18th, 2014
Council then adjourned at 7:07pm to a Closed Meeting of Council, pursuant to Section 90(1b) of the Community Charter
Absent - Councillor I. Bonnell (holidays)
Staff present:
G. Goodall - Acting CAO
C. Bouchard - Mgr of Legislative Services
K. MacInnis - Communications Coordinator
T. Chung - IT Mgr
Meeting called to order at 6pm
Agenda approved/Mins of Feb 11th meeting of WL City Council approved
Delegations - None
1) Council received for information the accounts payable computer cheque listings for the periods ending February 13 and 20, 2014
2) Council approved registration, travel and associated expenses for Mayor and Council to attend the 59th Annual North Central Local Government Association (NCLGA) AGM & Convention being held May 7 to 9, 2014 in Fort St. John, BC, as per Council policy.
3) Council received an application for DVP #2-2014 (Front Lot Line Setback Reductions & Storm Sewer/Drainage from Underground to Ditch - 340 Centennial Drive) and directed Staff to distribute notice of the application and that the application for DVP #2-2014 be considered at the March 25th meeting of Council
4) Council approved the use of City equipment for the purpose of hauling dirt into the arena for the 2014 Williams Lake Indoor Rodeo, and the use of a loader to remove the earth post-event, in conjunction with Municipal Services volunteer labour.
5) Council received an application for DVP #3-2014 (Increase in Principal Building Maximum Height - 1740 & 1820 Broadway Avenue South - New Hotel) and directed Staff to distribute notice of the application and that the application for DVP #3-2014 be considered at a future meeting of Council
6) Council received a revised application for DP #7-2013 (Construction of New 4-Storey 50 Unit Hotel - 1740 & 1820 Broadway Avenue South) and and directed Staff to distribute notice of the application and that the application for DP #7-2013 be considered at a future meeting of Council
7) Council encouraged the community at large to participate in the Nutrition Run on April 6th, 2014 starting at the Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex
8) Council adopted Bylaws #2206/2207 (Williams Lake Regional Airport Fees Amendment Bylaw & Williams Lake Bylaw Notice Enforcement Amendment Bylaw)
9) Council adopted 3 Committee of the Whole recommendations as follows:
a) That pursuant to Committee of Whole Council Report #04-2014, the letter from the Rotary Club of Williams Lake dated January 31, 2014 be received, Council endorse the concept contained therein, and the Rotary Club be requested to work with Staff to develop a business plan to finalize the proposed lights, garden, signage and accessibility path in Boitanio Park
b) That pursuant to Committee of Whole Council Report #05-2014, the concepts of a replacement tree policy for Boitanio Park and establishment of a Park Committee to oversee improvements to Boitanio Park be referred to the Community Services Committee for review and a report back to Council
c) That pursuant to Committee of Whole Council Report #06-2014, the report of the Manager of Social Development dated February 11, 2014 be received and Staff be directed to finalize Junior Council's proposed resolution for submission to NCLGA as follows:
WHEREAS young adults in our communities are less likely to vote in municipal elections and engage in civic affairs;
AND WHEREAS the City of Williams Lake has offered a successful Junior Council program to the community over the past four years which has provided an opportunity for youth to learn about municipal affairs and participate in the civic affairs of the community:
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that NCLGA and UBCM establish a youth caucus that would provide an opportunity for youth to participate in sessions to engage youth in civic affairs and UBCM member municipalities be encouraged to establish youth councils in their communities.
10) Council gave approval to the WL Stampeders Hockey Club for Special Occasion Liquor Licences on March 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15, 2014 at the Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex, pursuant to City Policy and subject to RCMP approval
11) Council proclaimed the week of March 11th to 15th as "Coy Cup Week" in the City of Williams Lake & Council encouraged the community to take part in the week long tournament and events being held at the Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex during this week.
12) Council received for information the letter from UBCM Local Government Program Services dated February 3, 2014 regarding the final report and payment for the 2013 Age-Friendly Community Projects & Planning grant to the City of Williams Lake
13) Council received a letter from the Office of the Lieutenant-Governor regarding "Sing Me a Song" program and agreed to forward it to the Central Cariboo Arts & Culture Society and School District No. 27 for distribution to the various music and cultural groups within the community and the schools within the District; and the community was encouraged to participate and submit their entries.
14) Council received for information the news release from the Cariboo Chilcotin Beetle Action Coalition (CCBAC) dated February 14, 2014 regarding the six priorities identified by the CCBAC Board for 2014/2015
15) Council proclaimed April 2014 as "Daffodil Month" in the City of Williams Lake
16) Council received "In-Camera Report #1-2014" as follows:
“That pursuant to Committee of Whole Council IC Report #1-2014, Council deny the request from Pacific Coastal Airlines in their letter dated December 5, 2013 to waive the Passenger Facility Fees, on all non revenue flights which includes all Pacific Coastal Airlines business travel, employees and family.”
17) Late Item #1 - Council proclaimed the week of March 9 to 15, 2014 as "Cowboy Heritage Week" in the City of Williams Lake
18) Late Item #2 - Council approved the 2014 composter subsidy program and allocated funds from the landfill account for the program.
19) Council received the "Council Information Package" as follows:
• January 16, 2014 - Ministry of Justice Announces Appointment of Patrick Quealey as Assistant Deputy Minister, Emergency Management BC;
• February 11, 2014 - Minister James Moore's Regional Office Update;
• February 11, 2014 - Coalition of Child Care Advocates of BC re Thank You for Support of $10/Day Child Care Plan in BC;
• February 14, 2014 - Communities in Bloom re 2014 Provincial Registration;
• February 14, 2014 - CRD Board Highlights;
• February 14, 2014 - CCBAC News Release re Quesnel Receives CCBAC Community Transition Funds;
• February 2014 - CRD Community Engagement Sessions for North Cariboo, South Cariboo and Central Cariboo & Chilcotin.
20) Council received a report of Mayor Cook's monthly activities for the period ending Feb 18th, 2014
Council then adjourned at 7:07pm to a Closed Meeting of Council, pursuant to Section 90(1b) of the Community Charter
4 Year Terms for Local Gov't
Editor's Note - amendments announced today were primarily pushed for by local elected officials through their collective organization, the Union of BC Municipalities or UBCM
The B.C. government will introduce legislation during the current legislative session to change local elections from a three-year to a four-year cycle beginning with the 2014 elections, Community, Sport and Cultural Development Minister Coralee Oakes announced today.
Subject to legislative approval, the next B.C. local elections after November 2014 will be in October 2018.
Four-year terms will give local governments more time to consult, plan and achieve community goals - and also help to manage election costs.
All other Canadian provinces hold local government elections every four years.
Extending the term of office will apply to B.C.'s mayors and all elected officials serving municipalities, regional districts, parks boards, school boards and the Islands Trust.
Moving to four-year terms was recommended by the Local Government Elections Task Force. Last year, the Union of British Columbia Municipalities (UBCM) passed a resolution supporting extension of the term of office for elected local government officials from three to four years. The BC School Trustees Association also supports the change.
The move to four-year terms is part of a package of local election reforms planned for the current legislative session. The changes will modernize election campaign financing rules ahead of the 2014 local elections.
The Hon. Coralee Oakes - Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development stated:
"My experience as a municipal councillor convinced me that to succeed in today's complex world, local governments need enough time to plan and complete projects that build strong, inclusive communities. I'm confident this change, supported by UBCM and the task force, will help local governments continue to make B.C.'s communities great places to live and work."
Meanwhile, Rhona Martin - President of UBCM said:
"B.C. local governments endorsed a resolution in support of four-year terms at the 2013 UBCM convention. I am pleased to see another recommendation to update local government elections legislation moving ahead."
The B.C. government will introduce legislation during the current legislative session to change local elections from a three-year to a four-year cycle beginning with the 2014 elections, Community, Sport and Cultural Development Minister Coralee Oakes announced today.
Subject to legislative approval, the next B.C. local elections after November 2014 will be in October 2018.
Four-year terms will give local governments more time to consult, plan and achieve community goals - and also help to manage election costs.
All other Canadian provinces hold local government elections every four years.
Extending the term of office will apply to B.C.'s mayors and all elected officials serving municipalities, regional districts, parks boards, school boards and the Islands Trust.
Moving to four-year terms was recommended by the Local Government Elections Task Force. Last year, the Union of British Columbia Municipalities (UBCM) passed a resolution supporting extension of the term of office for elected local government officials from three to four years. The BC School Trustees Association also supports the change.
The move to four-year terms is part of a package of local election reforms planned for the current legislative session. The changes will modernize election campaign financing rules ahead of the 2014 local elections.
The Hon. Coralee Oakes - Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development stated:
"My experience as a municipal councillor convinced me that to succeed in today's complex world, local governments need enough time to plan and complete projects that build strong, inclusive communities. I'm confident this change, supported by UBCM and the task force, will help local governments continue to make B.C.'s communities great places to live and work."
Meanwhile, Rhona Martin - President of UBCM said:
"B.C. local governments endorsed a resolution in support of four-year terms at the 2013 UBCM convention. I am pleased to see another recommendation to update local government elections legislation moving ahead."
Monday, February 24, 2014
MLA Barnett on lobbying for 'New Prosperity'
On Feb 19th - Friends of Fish Lake from 100 Mile House complained that Cariboo-Chilcotin MLA Donna Barnett and Kamloops-Thompson MP Cathy MacLeod were not listening seriously to their concerns in regards to 'New Prosperity', the proposed mine by Taseko Mines Ltd, west of Williams Lake - read more here
Now - Cariboo-Chilcotin MLA Donna Barnett has fired back saying that she is representing the majority of her constituents that want 'New Prosperity' to proceed - read more here
A federal decision on whether 'New Prosperity' gets the green light to proceed is due this Friday...
Now - Cariboo-Chilcotin MLA Donna Barnett has fired back saying that she is representing the majority of her constituents that want 'New Prosperity' to proceed - read more here
A federal decision on whether 'New Prosperity' gets the green light to proceed is due this Friday...
Saturday, February 22, 2014
MLA Barnett on BC Budget 2014
This past week - MLA's have been giving their own take on BC Budget 2014
See below as Cariboo-Chilcotin MLA Donna Barnett gives her own take on BC's 2014 Budget
Meanwhile - read below as MLA Barnett spoke in the BC Legislature on the 2014 Provincial Budget this past Thursday afternoon:
See below as Cariboo-Chilcotin MLA Donna Barnett gives her own take on BC's 2014 Budget
Meanwhile - read below as MLA Barnett spoke in the BC Legislature on the 2014 Provincial Budget this past Thursday afternoon:
I am pleased to rise today and have the opportunity to respond to balanced budget 2014, which our government presented to this House this past Tuesday.
First, I would like to begin by mentioning that many members in this chamber know I am a locally focused MLA and believe in representing the interests of my constituents wherever possible in this chamber.
Therefore, before I begin my response to the budget, I wish to begin by acknowledging my staff, particularly my constituency assistants. Bonnie Gavin in Williams Lake and Beverly Harris in 100 Mile House do great work every day, listening to the concerns of my constituents and keeping me informed of what is happening at home. I would also like to thank the hard work of the staff here in the Victoria in the east annex — my legislative assistants, communication and research officers and all ministerial staff that assist me every day.
Of course, I would like to thank the constituents of Cariboo-Chilcotin. I would like to particularly thank them for all their words and letters of encouragement in our effort to support the New Prosperity project in my constituency. As I mentioned in my member's statement this past Monday, I have been working hard with many of my colleagues, meeting with as many stakeholders as possible to tell the story of this project and the benefits it will bring not just to my constituency but to the entire province and the country of Canada.
This is British Columbia's second consecutive balanced budget to be delivered by our Premier, and this is one of our most significant accomplishments we have made under her leadership. Our balanced budget fulfils the most fundamental promise we made to British Columbians: balance the budget by keeping taxes low and controlling spending. I am proud to be a member of a government that believes that fiscal responsibility is one of the most important priorities in our work.
However, tough choices had to be made to achieve this goal. While some choices were unpopular, they were the right ones to make. It was a difficult challenge to balance the budget in a time when global economic uncertainty is still present. Governments around the world continue to face challenges to get their fiscal house in order. But through tough choices and prudent planning, we achieved this goal — to achieve our commitments to keep British Columbia in the black.
This is an incredibly proud moment for this government and for the members of this side of the House. Instead of reckless spending and promises to so many people and so many special interests, our fiscal position that we enjoy today would be squandered by the party currently sitting in opposition.
How should we summarize Budget 2014? It's balanced; it's boring. That's pretty much it. But I really do fully support this budget and the objectives of our government, presented by the Minister of Finance.
While the budget itself, described by the minister as boring, to be honest, that is exactly the type of budget that British Columbia needs.
We have made the investments that ensure services delivered by the province continue to meet the demands and needs of British Columbians across the province. I will also echo what the Finance
Minister said a few days ago, and that is that we are putting B.C. on a fiscal path that will ensure our province remains one of the best places to invest in the world. A fiscal regime that believes that keeping taxes low and controlling spending in a time where other governments have collapsed is why British Columbia is in a class of its own for being one of the most fiscally responsible jurisdictions in the world. By delivering a real plan, fiscally responsible leadership is certainly one of the key reasons why we were we re-elected in May 2014 and received yet another strong mandate from the people of British Columbia.
This government believes in controlling spending and reducing government waste wherever we can. Strong fiscal discipline by our government ensures that the budget remains balanced for the next three years by keeping a tight rein on spending, particularly by controlling growth in expenses and ministry budgets on a continuous basis.
Now, $184 million in the 2014-15 fiscal year is not a large surplus by any measure. However, by reviewing the financial position of this province over an ongoing basis, we will ensure that when the budget is presented next year, the fiscal position remains balanced.
The work conducted by the Minister for Core Review so far is paying off. Savings of $50 million have been found this year, and we will continue to conduct the work necessary to find savings wherever possible without reducing service for the most vulnerable British Columbians.
Over the next three years we are expecting that the core review will reduce spending, real savings that will give our government some breathing room to ensure that our budgets remain balanced and that we are not burdening our future generation with debt. Meeting these fiscal targets is an ongoing task, and we are committed to meeting this goal for the people of British Columbia.
While controlling spending is one of the most fundamental aspects of this balanced budget, it does not mean that we are not investing in necessary projects and plans throughout our province. The Cariboo-Chilcotin and surrounding region is receiving necessary infrastructure improvements that will make life better in our region. Four-laning work on Highway 97 and on the Cariboo connector is ongoing. By fall 2015, the phase 2 of the Cariboo connector strategy will be complete.
Investing in our roads to make them safer and reduce congestion for residents in my constituency is something I am pleased to see our government is addressing. We do not expect roads to be built overnight, but step by step our government is making the necessary investments throughout rural B.C. to make life better for British Columbians and make it easier to deliver our products to market.
So $125 million is being invested by our government in the Cariboo connector program, which has the added benefit of providing jobs and opportunities to my constituents in construction, engineering and planning positions. The hard-working men and women employed on this project are taxpayers and members of our communities. The benefits of this project going forward will help our local and small businesses with customers, keep people in our region and make it more efficient to move our products and services to markets in northern B.C. and the Lower Mainland.
In total, our government is spending approximately $2.4 billion in capital spending on other infrastructure projects across B.C. over the next three years. These are needed investments to keep our province moving forward.
Other investments worth mentioning that are benefiting the great people of the Cariboo-Chilcotin are community investment projects, which build stronger and better communities throughout our province. Community gaming grant investments, just this month alone in my constituency, include $17,000 for the 100 Mile House and District Women's Centre Society for a drop-in centre; $75,000 for the Big Brothers Big Sisters of Williams Lake for in-school mentoring; $50,000 for the Boys and Girls Clubs of Williams Lake for a recreation and nutrition program; and $121,725 for the Cariboo Family Enrichment Centre in 100 Mile House.
These gaming grants help keep our communities strong, healthy and vibrant. The hard work of the volunteers to make these organizations as successful as they are is commendable. I am pleased and happy they have received this assistance to make an even bigger difference in the Cariboo-Chilcotin.
Another community program that has benefited the Cariboo-Chilcotin is the strategic community investment fund, which has provided communities across my constituency with funding to invest in municipal priorities and projects. Since 2009 the strategic community investment fund has provided almost $600 million in grants to communities across British Columbia.
Families in my region will also benefit from the B.C. training and education savings grant that will provide a one-time grant to every child born in B.C. after 2007 — $1,200 through their family RESP — and 40,000 families are going to benefit from this program. Every little bit will help pay for their university, trades or other post-secondary institution costs.
Investment in skills training continues to be one of the main priorities of this government, meeting the needs of current and future students for many years to come. By ensuring that young adults and future British Columbians have the necessary skills to participate in new resource projects that will be coming to northern British Columbia is incredibly important to people in the Cariboo-Chilcotin.
The new NorKam trades centre of excellence in Kamloops, which will be completed this fall, will provide courses in areas such as mining, exploration, industrial skills and the construction trades, which will be incredibly useful for the jobs of tomorrow in northern B.C. and the Cariboo. Trades and skills training investments ensure that British Columbians are the first in line for new and exciting opportunities in the resource sector.
Our government has also invested in First Nations youth to enter trades and skills training programs, ensuring that every single British Columbian has the opportunity to participate in economic prosperity that will come with new and existing resource projects.
Our government also introduced the B.C. early childhood tax credit, which will provide $55 per month for every child under six years old in April 2015. This will invest $146 million for 180,000 families across the province to help them balance the demands of work and parenting.
The first-time-homeowners property transfer relief program has also been increased from $425,000 to $475,000, making it a little bit easier for young people to achieve home ownership. The benefits will save first-time homebuyers up to $7,500, which can make all the difference in the world when buying a new home. Young people, first-time homebuyers and families with young children in my constituency are excited for these new programs, and I am proud that our government is going to help them.
Government investments are incredibly important to the people of British Columbia. But if taxpayers have to provide high amounts of their paycheque every week to pay for these programs and investments, our economy and quality of life will suffer. That is why this budget is good for British Columbia and good for our economy. Our personal taxes are the lowest in Canada for individuals earning up to $121,000 per year. This provides families and individuals the room to invest and save more of their hard-earned money. This also makes British Columbia one of the most desirable places in the world to live.
Without going into too much detail, my region of the Cariboo-Chilcotin has so much natural beauty and recreational opportunities. The region is rich in natural resources. Again, mentioning the New Prosperity project, the jobs in this project are high-paying and high-skilled positions. And guess what.
They are high-paying jobs. More high-paying opportunities in the natural resource sector means additional government revenues for the province and local municipalities across British Columbia.
Keeping our tax rates competitive and fostering investment in our province pays dividends for many years to come. With $181million of net benefits to taxpayers this year, economic stability and growth will be achieved through the efforts that our government presented this year.
Government revenues are forecasted this year to almost $45 billion, much of which is taxation revenue. However, our government understands that revenues cannot just be increased by raising taxes on income earners and on families. We must grow the economy.
Keeping our taxation policies competitive will increase revenues. Our government is taking the necessary time to implement a competitive LNG tax framework. That will not only make our province a competitive jurisdiction to invest in LNG projects, but British Columbians will receive the maximum benefits from these projects going forward. Royalties for natural gas are already comparatively competitive. Relative to other jurisdictions investing in LNG projects, we continue to be a key market for LNG investors.
Small business taxation and regulatory reform also keep our economy competitive and continue to employ hundreds of thousands of British Columbians. By keeping our commitment to foster growth in small business in a variety of sectors in every region of the province, by making it easier for business owners to operate, and reducing the time and effort to comply with government red tape, they can concentrate on running their business and keeping the British Columbia economy strong.
This government's commitment to balance the budget matters on a fundamental point — to keep British Columbia a competitive place to invest and grow. A triple-A credit rating means that businesses around the world know that our province is a jurisdiction that is in no danger of collapsing or entering financial difficulty. In countries such as Greece and Ireland government financial crisis meant that taxes went up, unemployment skyrocketed, and serious cutbacks to government services were experienced.
Compared to the rest of Canada, B.C. has one of the lowest debt-to-GDP ratios. Compared to Quebec at 55.7 percent, Ontario at 37.4 percent and the federal government at 33 percent, B.C.'s debt-to-GDP ratio is only 18.5 percent. This is fiscal leadership.
With these facts in front of us, our plan to pay off British Columbia's debt is achievable, and we'll keep our triple-A rating intact for many, many years to come. B.C. is stable, with an economy that is growing at a reasonable rate, unemployment rates stabilizing, and government spending kept under control.
This three-year fiscal plan is not grandiose or too optimistic. It is well researched and growth figures take into account the still fragile North American economy. That being said, by diversifying our export markets from the United States to Asia, Europe, and Latin America, we will not only experience the dramatic shocks of the economic situation south of border. And because British Columbia products such as timber, manufactured goods and agriculture goods are known to be of high quality around the world, our exporters can command higher prices.
Fiscal prudence is not only what the business and foreign investments market want. It is also what families and people in my riding want. I have been told many times at the doorstep that they are expected to balance their own books every year, and so should government.
In summary, I am incredibly proud to be a supporter of balanced budget 2014. This is a real fiscal plan that not only fulfils the commitment we made to keep our budget balanced but is continuing to invest in our communities, families, small business across my constituency and the province.
Growing our economy through investment in skills training, laying a foundation for competitive LNG industry, building new connections with economies in Asia, and keeping our fiscal position to the best in the world — yes, there is a lot to be proud of in this budget, and we will continue to monitor the financial position of our province to ensure that this time next year we deliver our third consecutive balanced budget.
Friday, February 21, 2014
Local Gov't Mtgs - Wk of Feb 24-28
A number of local governments are meeting this upcoming week as follows:
Quesnel - Regular Council Mtg & Public Input on 2014 Budget starting at 7pm, Monday Feb 24th in Quesnel Council Chambers (2nd Floor - 410 Kinchant Street). On the Agenda:
a) Public Input (Written/Oral) on 2014 Quesnel Budget
b) Medicinal Marijuana zoning proposal
c) Secondary Suites - proposal/process
d) Airport Expansion tender
View the full Agenda here
School District #27 (Cariboo-Chilcotin) - Regular Board of Education meeting on Tuesday, Feb 25th at 6:30pm in the SD 27 Boardroom (350 2nd Avenue North). On the Agenda:
a) Presentation regarding "Healthy Schools - Healthy Students"
b) Presentation from local Teachers' Association
c) Consideration to adopt a number of amended/new policies including Budgeting/Community Use of Facilities (Schools). On the Community Use of Facilities Policy - SD 27 Staff have given the Board an option to delay consideration of this policy, given the City of Williams Lake has asked for a extension of time to provide its' input
d) Adopt 2013-2014 Carbon Neutral Capital Program Bylaw
e) Adopt 2013-2014 Amended Annual Budget Bylaw 429
f) Consideration of Request -- LCSS Tour Band - 12 Day Performing Tour to Austria & Italy
g) Adopt 2014-15 School Calendar
h) Board of Education Internal Review
i) Adopt 2014-15 School Fees
View the full Agenda here
Williams Lake - Regular Council Meeting on Tuesday, Feb 25th at 6pm in WL Council Chambers. ON the Agenda:
a) Permits for 1740/1820 Broadway Avenue South (proposed Aviator Hotel)
b) City/IUOE Contribution for 2014 Indoor Rodeo
c) Adopt 3 Committee of the Whole recommendations
d) Receive In-Camera Report #1-2014 as follows:
“That pursuant to Committee of Whole Council IC Report #1-2014, Council deny the request from Pacific Coastal Airlines in their letter dated December 5, 2013 to waive the Passenger Facility Fees, on all non revenue flights which includes all Pacific Coastal Airlines business travel, employees and family.”
View the full Agenda here
100 Mile House - Regular Council Meeting at 7pm on Tuesday, Feb 25th in 100 Mile Council Chambers (385 Birch Ave). When the Agenda is available online, you can view that here
Cariboo Regional District:
Tuesday, Feb 25th - 2014 Budget Public Mtg (North Cariboo). Open House from 4-7pm in Quesnel Council Chambers (2nd Floor - 410 Kinchant St) with a formal presentation at 5:30pm
Wednesday, Feb 26th - Central Cariboo/City of WL Joint Committee Meeting in the Cariboo RD Boardroom (180D North 3rd Ave, Williams Lake). On the Agenda:
a) Request to waive fees at CMRC for City of WL's 85th Birthday on May 3rd
b) Request to add 'Family Day' as part of Stat Holiday list when CMRC is open
c) Reconsider request for Terms of Reference as part of permanent funding request - Cariboo Mountain Bike Consortium
Editor's Note - this item was previously rejected by the Area D,E,F Cariboo RD Directors while WL Council supported this request
d) Consider funding request of Mt Timothy (Lac La Hache)
Editor's Note - this item was referred to 2014 Grant in Aide process at this past Monday's South Cariboo Joint Committee meeting
View the full Agenda here
Thurday, Feb 27th - 2014 Budget Public Mtg (South Cariboo) - Open House from 4-7pm in 100 Mile Council Chambers (385 Birch Ave) with formal presentation at 5:30pm
Quesnel - Regular Council Mtg & Public Input on 2014 Budget starting at 7pm, Monday Feb 24th in Quesnel Council Chambers (2nd Floor - 410 Kinchant Street). On the Agenda:
a) Public Input (Written/Oral) on 2014 Quesnel Budget
b) Medicinal Marijuana zoning proposal
c) Secondary Suites - proposal/process
d) Airport Expansion tender
View the full Agenda here
School District #27 (Cariboo-Chilcotin) - Regular Board of Education meeting on Tuesday, Feb 25th at 6:30pm in the SD 27 Boardroom (350 2nd Avenue North). On the Agenda:
a) Presentation regarding "Healthy Schools - Healthy Students"
b) Presentation from local Teachers' Association
c) Consideration to adopt a number of amended/new policies including Budgeting/Community Use of Facilities (Schools). On the Community Use of Facilities Policy - SD 27 Staff have given the Board an option to delay consideration of this policy, given the City of Williams Lake has asked for a extension of time to provide its' input
d) Adopt 2013-2014 Carbon Neutral Capital Program Bylaw
e) Adopt 2013-2014 Amended Annual Budget Bylaw 429
f) Consideration of Request -- LCSS Tour Band - 12 Day Performing Tour to Austria & Italy
g) Adopt 2014-15 School Calendar
h) Board of Education Internal Review
i) Adopt 2014-15 School Fees
View the full Agenda here
Williams Lake - Regular Council Meeting on Tuesday, Feb 25th at 6pm in WL Council Chambers. ON the Agenda:
a) Permits for 1740/1820 Broadway Avenue South (proposed Aviator Hotel)
b) City/IUOE Contribution for 2014 Indoor Rodeo
c) Adopt 3 Committee of the Whole recommendations
d) Receive In-Camera Report #1-2014 as follows:
“That pursuant to Committee of Whole Council IC Report #1-2014, Council deny the request from Pacific Coastal Airlines in their letter dated December 5, 2013 to waive the Passenger Facility Fees, on all non revenue flights which includes all Pacific Coastal Airlines business travel, employees and family.”
View the full Agenda here
100 Mile House - Regular Council Meeting at 7pm on Tuesday, Feb 25th in 100 Mile Council Chambers (385 Birch Ave). When the Agenda is available online, you can view that here
Cariboo Regional District:
Tuesday, Feb 25th - 2014 Budget Public Mtg (North Cariboo). Open House from 4-7pm in Quesnel Council Chambers (2nd Floor - 410 Kinchant St) with a formal presentation at 5:30pm
Wednesday, Feb 26th - Central Cariboo/City of WL Joint Committee Meeting in the Cariboo RD Boardroom (180D North 3rd Ave, Williams Lake). On the Agenda:
a) Request to waive fees at CMRC for City of WL's 85th Birthday on May 3rd
b) Request to add 'Family Day' as part of Stat Holiday list when CMRC is open
c) Reconsider request for Terms of Reference as part of permanent funding request - Cariboo Mountain Bike Consortium
Editor's Note - this item was previously rejected by the Area D,E,F Cariboo RD Directors while WL Council supported this request
d) Consider funding request of Mt Timothy (Lac La Hache)
Editor's Note - this item was referred to 2014 Grant in Aide process at this past Monday's South Cariboo Joint Committee meeting
View the full Agenda here
Thurday, Feb 27th - 2014 Budget Public Mtg (South Cariboo) - Open House from 4-7pm in 100 Mile Council Chambers (385 Birch Ave) with formal presentation at 5:30pm