Present: Chair J. Glassford with Directors Armstrong, Dixon-Warren, Massier, Bischoff, Kemp, Sorley, Richmond, Wagner, Mernett, Sharpe, Sjostrom, Cook, Campsall and Alternate Director Crawshay (Area L)
Absent: Director R. William (Area J)
J. Bell - CAO
S. Reid - CFO
S. Burich - Mgr of Communications
Meeting called to order at 10:54am
Agenda approved
1) 2014 Financial Plan Overview
CAO Bell reviewed her report with the Committee
Discussion ensued
Committee Action - Report received
2) North Cariboo Rural Caucus Grant in Aide applications
CAO Bell reviewed this item with the Committee
Discussion ensued
Committee Action - GIA applications received and no further action to be taken
3) North Cariboo Joint Committee Recommendations - Nov 12th
Committee Action - Endorse Recommendations as presented - view here
4) South Cariboo Joint Committee Recommendations - Nov 13th
Committee Action - Endorse Recommendations as presented - view here
5) Central Cariboo/City of Williams Lake Joint Committee Recommendation - Nov 13th
Committee Action - Endorse Recommendation as follows:
That the agenda item summary from Darron Campbell, Manager of Community Services, Cariboo Regional District dated October 16, 2013 presenting the Central Cariboo Recreation and Leisure Services 2014 Business, Financial and Capital Plans be received and endorsed as amended with the inclusion of the updated business plans, excluding Business Plan Goal #2 for a new dedicated staff person in the recreation services management agreement with the City of Williams Lake.
Approved by following vote:
Affirmative - Chair Glassford and Directors Armstrong, Dixon-Warren, Massier, Kemp, Sorley, Richmond, Wagner, Mernett, Sharpe, Sjostrom, Cook, Campsall and Alternate Director Crawshay (Area L)
Negative - Director Bischoff
6) Approval of 2014 Business Plans
a) Airports - Approved
b) Contributions - Approved except for Central Cariboo Victim Services/Central Cariboo Cemetery which was approved by following vote:
Affirmative - Chair Glassford and Directors Armstrong, Dixon-Warren, Massier, Kemp, Sorley, Richmond, Wagner, Mernett, Sharpe, Sjostrom, Cook, Campsall and Alternate Director Crawshay (Area L)
Negative - Director Bischoff
c) Recreation - Approved except for Central Cariboo Recreation/Leisure Services which was approved by following vote:
Affirmative - Chair Glassford and Directors Armstrong, Dixon-Warren, Kemp, Sorley, Richmond, Wagner, Mernett, Sharpe, Sjostrom, Campsall and Alternate Director Crawshay (Area L)
Negative - Directors Massier, Bischoff and Cook
d) Library, Culture and Heritage - Approved except for Central Cariboo Arts/Culture which was approved by following vote:
Affirmative - Chair Glassford and Directors Armstrong, Dixon-Warren, Massier, Kemp, Sorley, Richmond, Wagner, Mernett, Sharpe, Sjostrom, Cook, Campsall and Alternate Director Crawshay (Area L)
Negative - Director Bischoff
e) Development Services - Approved by following vote:
Affirmative - Chair Glassford and Directors Armstrong, Dixon-Warren, Massier, Kemp, Sorley, Richmond, Wagner, Mernett, Sharpe, Sjostrom, Cook, Campsall and Alternate Director Crawshay (Area L)
Negative - Director Bischoff
f) Protective Services - Approved with amendments as follows:
i) Add $10,000 to Lorne Butte VFD Capital Reserve
ii) Add $1,000 to Bouchie Lake VFD for Recruitment
by following vote:
Affirmative - Chair Glassford and Directors Armstrong, Dixon-Warren, Massier, Kemp, Sorley, Richmond, Mernett, Sharpe, Sjostrom, Cook, Campsall and Alternate Director Crawshay (Area L)
Negative - Directors Bischoff and Wagner
The Chair declared a recess for lunch at 12:08pm and the meeting resumed at 12:45pm
g) Environmental Services - Approved
h) Sewer - Approved
i) Streetlighting - Approved with amendment as follows:
1) Send a letter to BC Hydro asking for installation of LED lights
j) Water - Approved
k) Electoral Area Administration (Areas A-L) - Approved
l) General Administration - Approved with following amendment:
i) New Goal -- Support First Nation Reconciliation efforts
by a vote of:
Affirmative - Chair Glassford and Directors Armstrong, Massier, Sorley, Richmond, Wagner, Mernett, Sharpe, Sjostrom, Cook, Campsall and Alternate Director Crawshay (Area L)
Negative - Directors Dixon-Warren, Bischoff and Kemp
m) Grant in Aides - Approved by following vote:
Affirmative - Chair Glassford and Directors Armstrong, Dixon-Warren, Massier, Kemp, Sorley, Richmond, Wagner, Mernett, Sharpe, Sjostrom, Cook, Campsall and Alternate Director Crawshay (Area L)
Negative - Director Bischoff
7) CFO Report as of Oct 31st, 2013
Committee Action - Receive report
8) Level 3 Corporate Priorities
Committee Action - Receive report
9) 2014 Cariboo RD Provisional Budget for Public Consultation
Committee Action - Endorse 2014 Provisional Budget for Public Consultation in 1st Quarter 2014
General Discussion on manner of public consultation for 2014 Cariboo Regional District Budget. No motion was made
Meeting adjourned at 1:44pm
Discussion of the issues that affect you on a local, provincial and federal level
Saturday, November 30, 2013
Friday, November 29, 2013
Wells/WL Council meet next week
With the Cariboo Regional District Board, School Districts 27/28, Quesnel and 100 Mile Councils' taking a break this upcoming week - only the District of Wells/City of Williams Lake Councils' will be meeting next week as follows:
Wells - Regular Council Meeting on Tuesday, December 3rd at 7:00pm in Wells Council Chambers (4243 Sanders Avenue)
Williams Lake - Regular Council Meeting on Tuesday, December 3rd at 6:00pm in WL Council Chambers (450 Mart Street)
Items on the Agenda include:
a) Delegations (2) - CMHA local reps to discuss Housing Initiatives & Irene Willsie from local Women's Contact Society for Dec 6th Purple Ribbon Campaign
b) Change CRD Director for Williams Lake from Mayor Kerry Cook to Councillor Ivan Bonnell with Councillor Sue Zacharias remaining as Alternate Director for the City. Please note that Councillor Bonnell was previously a CRD Director from 1999-2001 when he was Mayor of Williams Lake in the 1999-2002 term
c) Initial Consideration of DVP #7-2013 for 271 Foster Way
d) 4 Bylaws to come forward to comply with new Bylaw Dispute Adjudication System Master Bylaw
e) New Snow/Ice Removal Policy for WL Regional Airport
View the full Agenda here
I wonder if Mayor Cook will bring up her profound process concerns (Stakeholder vs Corporate Weighted) from the Nov 29th Special CRD Board meeting where a new Staff position in Central Cariboo Recreation Service was approved. Not there is much that can be done from a process perspective. There is still time to influence the Board by way of petitions and protest letters from Williams Lake Council & City/Area D/E/F residents prior to the Board finally adopting this position as part of the global 2014 Cariboo RD Budget in late March 2014
Wells - Regular Council Meeting on Tuesday, December 3rd at 7:00pm in Wells Council Chambers (4243 Sanders Avenue)
Williams Lake - Regular Council Meeting on Tuesday, December 3rd at 6:00pm in WL Council Chambers (450 Mart Street)
Items on the Agenda include:
a) Delegations (2) - CMHA local reps to discuss Housing Initiatives & Irene Willsie from local Women's Contact Society for Dec 6th Purple Ribbon Campaign
b) Change CRD Director for Williams Lake from Mayor Kerry Cook to Councillor Ivan Bonnell with Councillor Sue Zacharias remaining as Alternate Director for the City. Please note that Councillor Bonnell was previously a CRD Director from 1999-2001 when he was Mayor of Williams Lake in the 1999-2002 term
c) Initial Consideration of DVP #7-2013 for 271 Foster Way
d) 4 Bylaws to come forward to comply with new Bylaw Dispute Adjudication System Master Bylaw
e) New Snow/Ice Removal Policy for WL Regional Airport
View the full Agenda here
I wonder if Mayor Cook will bring up her profound process concerns (Stakeholder vs Corporate Weighted) from the Nov 29th Special CRD Board meeting where a new Staff position in Central Cariboo Recreation Service was approved. Not there is much that can be done from a process perspective. There is still time to influence the Board by way of petitions and protest letters from Williams Lake Council & City/Area D/E/F residents prior to the Board finally adopting this position as part of the global 2014 Cariboo RD Budget in late March 2014
Cariboo Reg District Special Board Mtg - Nov 29th
Courtesy of the Cariboo Regional District:
Editor's Note - In a contentious vote the Board approved a new staff position for Central Cariboo Recreation to manage the Esler Complex and Mountain Bike Trails by a weighted 23-9 vote. Those voting in opposition included Area C Director (and CCRHD Chair) John Massier, Area D Director Deb Bischoff, and Williams Lake Director (and Mayor) Kerry Cook. Mayor Cook told me during a break that she vows to challenge this vote on the basis that the vote should have been Stakeholder - Weighted as it affects the Central Cariboo only however CRD CAO J Bell advised that because it is a financial matter, it must be a Corporate - Weighted vote
For the record, here is how the weighted vote broke down
Affirmative - Directors Armstrong, Dixon-Warren, Kemp, Sorley, Richmond, Wagner, Glassford, Mernett, Sjostrom, Sharpe, and Alternate Director Crawshay (Area L) (23)
Negative - Directors Massier, Bischoff and Cook (9)
South Cariboo Contributions
During the Finance Budget meeting today, the Board discussed establishment of an economic strategy for the Interlakes area in Electoral Area L. The directors resolved to include a contribution of $5,000 be included in the 2014 provisional budget to support the Interlakes Economic Association for development of the strategy. These funds will be included under the South Cariboo Economic Development function financial plan.
Later in the meeting, the CRD Board discussed the options to include a contribution to the Forest Grove Curling Rink in the 2014 South Cariboo Recreation function financial plan. The current amount under consideration is $5,500.
CRD Discusses Proposed BC Ferries Cancellation
The Cariboo Regional District will be sending a letter to the Minister of Transportation and BC Ferries opposing the proposed cancellation of Route 40 (Port Hardy to Bella Coola). The letter will outline how the cancellation will not only have immediate impacts on the Bella Coola area, but that longer term economic ripple effects will be experienced throughout the entire region. The Board received a news release from the Cariboo Chilcotin Coast Tourism Association (CCCTA) which states their opposition to this proposal and the economic hardships and loss of jobs this cancellation could cause. The CCCTA news release also cites the lack of meaningful consultation with affected stakeholders as this route is a key component of the provincial Discovery Coast circle route and generates significant revenue for businesses and communities throughout the Interior.
2014 Provisional Budget Discussions
The proposed 2014 five-year financial plan calls for an overall requisition increase of 2.5 per cent, with 1.4 per cent being attributable to new services, 1.0 per cent representing inflationary increases over 2013 and 0.1 per cent for the Anahim Lake Airport boundary expansion. These preliminary numbers are exclusive of grant for assistance allocations which at this time reflect the approved grants for 2013 as new grant requests have not yet been considered in the Central or North Cariboo.
The provisional budget will be presented at the next CRD Board meeting on December 13 for adoption. Once the provisional budget is adopted, the CRD will be seeking input and feedback through three sub-regional Community Engagement Sessions which will take place in early 2014. Be sure to watch for the dates of these sessions to ensure you have your say in the process before the final budget is adopted at the end of March.
ALR Core Review
The CRD will be asking for further consultation on any changes proposed through the provincial Core Review of the Agricultural Land Commission. This action is in response to information the BC Food Systems Network has issued to all local governments regarding the Core Review and proposed changes to the Agricultural Land Commission and Land Reserve. The CRD will address the following in its query:
1) Given that agricultural land comprises of less than 5 per cent of BC’s land base, the CRD reaffirms its support for the preservation of agricultural land in the Province’s Agricultural Land Reserve;
2) The CRD reaffirms its support for the continuation of this decision making process as shared by regional districts and the ALC, and;
3) An extension to the time in the core review process in order that the Regional District and other interested parties can make meaningful presentations to the review committee.
Next Meeting
CRD Board Meeting – Dec. 13, 2013
For the record, here is how the weighted vote broke down
Affirmative - Directors Armstrong, Dixon-Warren, Kemp, Sorley, Richmond, Wagner, Glassford, Mernett, Sjostrom, Sharpe, and Alternate Director Crawshay (Area L) (23)
Negative - Directors Massier, Bischoff and Cook (9)
South Cariboo Contributions
During the Finance Budget meeting today, the Board discussed establishment of an economic strategy for the Interlakes area in Electoral Area L. The directors resolved to include a contribution of $5,000 be included in the 2014 provisional budget to support the Interlakes Economic Association for development of the strategy. These funds will be included under the South Cariboo Economic Development function financial plan.
Later in the meeting, the CRD Board discussed the options to include a contribution to the Forest Grove Curling Rink in the 2014 South Cariboo Recreation function financial plan. The current amount under consideration is $5,500.
CRD Discusses Proposed BC Ferries Cancellation
The Cariboo Regional District will be sending a letter to the Minister of Transportation and BC Ferries opposing the proposed cancellation of Route 40 (Port Hardy to Bella Coola). The letter will outline how the cancellation will not only have immediate impacts on the Bella Coola area, but that longer term economic ripple effects will be experienced throughout the entire region. The Board received a news release from the Cariboo Chilcotin Coast Tourism Association (CCCTA) which states their opposition to this proposal and the economic hardships and loss of jobs this cancellation could cause. The CCCTA news release also cites the lack of meaningful consultation with affected stakeholders as this route is a key component of the provincial Discovery Coast circle route and generates significant revenue for businesses and communities throughout the Interior.
2014 Provisional Budget Discussions
The proposed 2014 five-year financial plan calls for an overall requisition increase of 2.5 per cent, with 1.4 per cent being attributable to new services, 1.0 per cent representing inflationary increases over 2013 and 0.1 per cent for the Anahim Lake Airport boundary expansion. These preliminary numbers are exclusive of grant for assistance allocations which at this time reflect the approved grants for 2013 as new grant requests have not yet been considered in the Central or North Cariboo.
The provisional budget will be presented at the next CRD Board meeting on December 13 for adoption. Once the provisional budget is adopted, the CRD will be seeking input and feedback through three sub-regional Community Engagement Sessions which will take place in early 2014. Be sure to watch for the dates of these sessions to ensure you have your say in the process before the final budget is adopted at the end of March.
ALR Core Review
The CRD will be asking for further consultation on any changes proposed through the provincial Core Review of the Agricultural Land Commission. This action is in response to information the BC Food Systems Network has issued to all local governments regarding the Core Review and proposed changes to the Agricultural Land Commission and Land Reserve. The CRD will address the following in its query:
1) Given that agricultural land comprises of less than 5 per cent of BC’s land base, the CRD reaffirms its support for the preservation of agricultural land in the Province’s Agricultural Land Reserve;
2) The CRD reaffirms its support for the continuation of this decision making process as shared by regional districts and the ALC, and;
3) An extension to the time in the core review process in order that the Regional District and other interested parties can make meaningful presentations to the review committee.
Next Meeting
CRD Board Meeting – Dec. 13, 2013
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Change to 100/108 MIle Recycling Program
Courtesy of the Cariboo Regional District & District of 100 Mile House:
The responsibility for collection and processing of household recyclables will be changing from tax based funding to an industry funded program. The provincial government has tasked industry with the responsibility of managing both depot and curbside programs.
Starting in 2014, industry will be responsible for typical recycling programs throughout the province. Funding for these programs will be included in the price of consumer products. Multi-Materials BC (MMBC), the not-for-profit stewardship agency created by industry, will develop and operate programs throughout the province.
The program will be focused on all packaging and printed paper products (PPP). The items to be recycled will include plastic types one through seven, tin, steel and aluminium cans (non-deposit), corrugated cardboard, box board (i.e. cereal boxes), mixed paper products, Styrofoam, plastic bags (#2 and #4 only) and glass containers. Plastic bags, Styrofoam and glass will be accepted at depots only.
The Cariboo Regional District (CRD) and the District of 100 Mile House have declined the depot incentive offered by MMBC for the District of 100 Mile House, so that Gold Trail Recycling could accept the incentives directly from MMBC. This means Gold Trail Recycling depot will be a collector for MMBC and all of the above items will be accepted for drop off at Gold Trail commencing in May of 2014. The CRD did accept MMBC’s incentives for new depots at refuse sites located at Forest Grove, Lone Butte, Inter-Lakes and Watch Lake and the existing depot at Lac La Hache.
To increase the amount of recyclables captured, where garbage curbside collection currently exists, MMBC has offered to partner with local governments to help pay for the curbside collection of recyclables. Curbside recycling programs are the most effective method of collecting PPP items. Through collaboration, the District of 100 Mile House and the CRD have accepted MMBC’s offer and at the same time increased the service level of garbage collection by transitioning to an automated tote system. Independently, the CRD and the District of 100 Mile House would not have been able to provide these services. Having one contractor provide garbage and recycling service to both 100 Mile House and the 108 Mile Ranch subdivision, reduces overall costs and makes it financially viable to provide these services. Residents from 100 Mile House and 108 Mile Ranch were asked if they would like these services provided and 89 per cent indicated they were in favour.
Commencing in May, 2014, Central Cariboo Disposal Services Ltd., who currently provides garbage collection for 100 Mile House and the 108 Ranch, will provide the new collection service for garbage and recyclables. Residents will be provided with two wheeled totes; one for garbage and the other for recyclables. Garbage will be collected once per week and recyclables will be collected every second week. Central Cariboo Disposal Services Ltd. has operated in the South Cariboo for the past 27 years.
“We are pleased to be working with our local companies and providing business opportunities for their inclusion in this new process,” stated CRD Chair Al Richmond. “The positive impact on the life of our landfill sites should result in an extended useful life and reduce landfill operating costs over time."
"Although we are concerned how local service providers will be impacted by MMBC's implementation of the PPP program, we remain upbeat in the knowledge the District and CRD are able to provide new and improved resident services at a minimal cost and that two of our local companies have been provided with additional business opportunities,” stated 100 Mile House Mayor Mitch Campsall.
For further information visit the CRD online at or call 1-800-665-1636.
The responsibility for collection and processing of household recyclables will be changing from tax based funding to an industry funded program. The provincial government has tasked industry with the responsibility of managing both depot and curbside programs.
Starting in 2014, industry will be responsible for typical recycling programs throughout the province. Funding for these programs will be included in the price of consumer products. Multi-Materials BC (MMBC), the not-for-profit stewardship agency created by industry, will develop and operate programs throughout the province.
The program will be focused on all packaging and printed paper products (PPP). The items to be recycled will include plastic types one through seven, tin, steel and aluminium cans (non-deposit), corrugated cardboard, box board (i.e. cereal boxes), mixed paper products, Styrofoam, plastic bags (#2 and #4 only) and glass containers. Plastic bags, Styrofoam and glass will be accepted at depots only.
The Cariboo Regional District (CRD) and the District of 100 Mile House have declined the depot incentive offered by MMBC for the District of 100 Mile House, so that Gold Trail Recycling could accept the incentives directly from MMBC. This means Gold Trail Recycling depot will be a collector for MMBC and all of the above items will be accepted for drop off at Gold Trail commencing in May of 2014. The CRD did accept MMBC’s incentives for new depots at refuse sites located at Forest Grove, Lone Butte, Inter-Lakes and Watch Lake and the existing depot at Lac La Hache.
To increase the amount of recyclables captured, where garbage curbside collection currently exists, MMBC has offered to partner with local governments to help pay for the curbside collection of recyclables. Curbside recycling programs are the most effective method of collecting PPP items. Through collaboration, the District of 100 Mile House and the CRD have accepted MMBC’s offer and at the same time increased the service level of garbage collection by transitioning to an automated tote system. Independently, the CRD and the District of 100 Mile House would not have been able to provide these services. Having one contractor provide garbage and recycling service to both 100 Mile House and the 108 Mile Ranch subdivision, reduces overall costs and makes it financially viable to provide these services. Residents from 100 Mile House and 108 Mile Ranch were asked if they would like these services provided and 89 per cent indicated they were in favour.
Commencing in May, 2014, Central Cariboo Disposal Services Ltd., who currently provides garbage collection for 100 Mile House and the 108 Ranch, will provide the new collection service for garbage and recyclables. Residents will be provided with two wheeled totes; one for garbage and the other for recyclables. Garbage will be collected once per week and recyclables will be collected every second week. Central Cariboo Disposal Services Ltd. has operated in the South Cariboo for the past 27 years.
“We are pleased to be working with our local companies and providing business opportunities for their inclusion in this new process,” stated CRD Chair Al Richmond. “The positive impact on the life of our landfill sites should result in an extended useful life and reduce landfill operating costs over time."
"Although we are concerned how local service providers will be impacted by MMBC's implementation of the PPP program, we remain upbeat in the knowledge the District and CRD are able to provide new and improved resident services at a minimal cost and that two of our local companies have been provided with additional business opportunities,” stated 100 Mile House Mayor Mitch Campsall.
For further information visit the CRD online at or call 1-800-665-1636.
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Expression of Interest - Transit Advertis./Maint.
From the City of Williams Lake Facebook page:
The City of Williams Lake is seeking Expressions of Interest from firms or individuals that may be interested in selling and maintaining advertising on City bus shelters and performing ongoing maintenance and repairs of shelters.
The City currently has 19 bus shelters located throughout the City. Each shelter is equipped with one 47” x 64” double sided backlit display case for advertising purposes.
Interested parties can pick up a detail sheet outlining the minimum expectations for submission of the expression of interest from:
Reg Ryan
Manager of Transportation and Buildings
City of Williams Lake
450 Mart Street, Williams Lake, BC
V2G 1N3
Telephone: (250) 392-1784
The City of Williams Lake is seeking Expressions of Interest from firms or individuals that may be interested in selling and maintaining advertising on City bus shelters and performing ongoing maintenance and repairs of shelters.
The City currently has 19 bus shelters located throughout the City. Each shelter is equipped with one 47” x 64” double sided backlit display case for advertising purposes.
Interested parties can pick up a detail sheet outlining the minimum expectations for submission of the expression of interest from:
Reg Ryan
Manager of Transportation and Buildings
City of Williams Lake
450 Mart Street, Williams Lake, BC
V2G 1N3
Telephone: (250) 392-1784
Central Cariboo Rural Directors' Caucus - Nov 27th mtg
Present - Directors J. Sorley and B. Kemp
Absent - Directors D. Bischoff, R. William and C. Mernett
Staff - J. Bell, CAO & B. Crowe, Executive Assistant
Meeting called to order at 4pm -
The Central Cariboo Rural Caucus discussed the following:
a) Nov 27th Joint Committee meeting - Directors' Sorley/Kemp agreed that this meeting should be deferred to a future date so the report of the 2014 Grant in Aide sub-Committee can be reviewed in detail prior to discussing it at the Central Cariboo/City of Williams Lake Joint Committee
b) CRD Director appointments to Pool Communications Working Group (Directors Sorley/Kemp)
c) Oct 23rd CCRC Minutes
d) Terms of Reference for CC Joint Committee
e) Action Page
Meeting concluded at 5pm
Absent - Directors D. Bischoff, R. William and C. Mernett
Staff - J. Bell, CAO & B. Crowe, Executive Assistant
Meeting called to order at 4pm -
The Central Cariboo Rural Caucus discussed the following:
a) Nov 27th Joint Committee meeting - Directors' Sorley/Kemp agreed that this meeting should be deferred to a future date so the report of the 2014 Grant in Aide sub-Committee can be reviewed in detail prior to discussing it at the Central Cariboo/City of Williams Lake Joint Committee
b) CRD Director appointments to Pool Communications Working Group (Directors Sorley/Kemp)
c) Oct 23rd CCRC Minutes
d) Terms of Reference for CC Joint Committee
e) Action Page
Meeting concluded at 5pm
UBCM sets priorities for 2013-14 Term
Today, the Union of BC Municipalities or UBCM announced its' top 3 priorities for the 2013-14 Term as follows:
a) Local Government Finance
b) Renewal of Gas Tax Fund
c) Renewal of Building Canada Fund
In addition - UBCM says other priorities for this new term include working with Victoria to develop legislation regarding campaign expense limits in time for the 2017 local government general election, work of the UBCM Recycling Negotiating Committee and investigation of a uniform Call Answer Levy on wireless devices to support and improve 911 services
Read more here
a) Local Government Finance
b) Renewal of Gas Tax Fund
c) Renewal of Building Canada Fund
In addition - UBCM says other priorities for this new term include working with Victoria to develop legislation regarding campaign expense limits in time for the 2017 local government general election, work of the UBCM Recycling Negotiating Committee and investigation of a uniform Call Answer Levy on wireless devices to support and improve 911 services
Read more here
WL Council has re-do of Zoning Amendment Bylaw #2193
Due to the requirements for a public hearing notice as per Section 892(3) of the Local Government Act not being complied with as it relates to Zoning Amendment Bylaw #2193 for 327 Oliver St
The City of Williams Lake Council will be rescinding 3rd Reading/Adoption of Bylaw #2193 as done at their Nov 19th meeting and the Public Hearing & 3rd Reading and adoption of Bylaw #2193 will be redone at Council's December 17th, 2013 meeting
See the explanation from the City Manager of Legislative Services here
This is not the first time that a local government in our area has had to redo a public hearing. A number of years ago, the public hearing notice requirements were mishandled for a rezoning issue in Area L of the Cariboo Regional District and the public hearing notice was subsequently republished and the public hearing redone.
Given the public hearing is a very legal process, kudos to the City for ensuring that its' adoption of land use bylaws follow a very legal and rigid process...
Again, like on Nov 19th, I expect that no public will come forward to speak for or against the application for 327 Oliver Street and Council will again be in a position to adopt Bylaw #2193 on December 17th
The City of Williams Lake Council will be rescinding 3rd Reading/Adoption of Bylaw #2193 as done at their Nov 19th meeting and the Public Hearing & 3rd Reading and adoption of Bylaw #2193 will be redone at Council's December 17th, 2013 meeting
See the explanation from the City Manager of Legislative Services here
This is not the first time that a local government in our area has had to redo a public hearing. A number of years ago, the public hearing notice requirements were mishandled for a rezoning issue in Area L of the Cariboo Regional District and the public hearing notice was subsequently republished and the public hearing redone.
Given the public hearing is a very legal process, kudos to the City for ensuring that its' adoption of land use bylaws follow a very legal and rigid process...
Again, like on Nov 19th, I expect that no public will come forward to speak for or against the application for 327 Oliver Street and Council will again be in a position to adopt Bylaw #2193 on December 17th
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
COW Mtg (WL Council) - Nov 26th
Present: Mayor Cook (Chair) and Councillors Bourdon (by teleconference), Bonnell, Hughes, Rathor, Walters and Zacharias
Staff - D. Garceau -- City Manager & C. Bouchard, Manager of Legislative Services
Meeting called to order at 6pm
Delegations - None
1) Oct 29th COW Minutes
Councillor Bonnell raised a concern about minute taking & specifically that bullets points within minutes are inappropriate. City Manager Garceau reported to the Committee that a report is coming forward soon on this subject
The Oct 29th COW Minutes were approved by the following vote
Affirmative - Mayor Cook and Councillors Bourdon, Hughes, Rathor, Walters and Zacharias
Negative - Councillor I. Bonnell
2) Council Committee Appointments for 2014
Mayor Cook reviewed this item with the Committee
Discussion ensued thereon
Moved: Mayor Cook:
Seconded: Councillor Zacharias;
That the matter of Terms of References for Council Internal Committees and the role of Committee Chairs be referred to the Executive Committee for a recommendation to be provided to Council
Carried Unanimously
3) City 85th Birthday Celebrations
Councillor Hughes reviewed this item with the Committee
Discussion ensued thereon
Moved: Councillor Bonnell:
Seconded: Councillor Rathor;
That the Committee of the Whole receive the report of Councillor Hughes, the Community Services Committee provide oversight for this project, a budget of up to $10,000 be set for the City's 85th Birthday celebration, a fundraising letter be authorized to seek community support for the project which could include in-kind or financial donations for the project
And that the Central Cariboo Joint Committee be made aware of the above resolution
Carried Unanimously
The Committee agreed to adjourn at 8:02pm
Staff - D. Garceau -- City Manager & C. Bouchard, Manager of Legislative Services
Meeting called to order at 6pm
Delegations - None
1) Oct 29th COW Minutes
Councillor Bonnell raised a concern about minute taking & specifically that bullets points within minutes are inappropriate. City Manager Garceau reported to the Committee that a report is coming forward soon on this subject
The Oct 29th COW Minutes were approved by the following vote
Affirmative - Mayor Cook and Councillors Bourdon, Hughes, Rathor, Walters and Zacharias
Negative - Councillor I. Bonnell
2) Council Committee Appointments for 2014
Mayor Cook reviewed this item with the Committee
Discussion ensued thereon
Moved: Mayor Cook:
Seconded: Councillor Zacharias;
That the matter of Terms of References for Council Internal Committees and the role of Committee Chairs be referred to the Executive Committee for a recommendation to be provided to Council
Carried Unanimously
3) City 85th Birthday Celebrations
Councillor Hughes reviewed this item with the Committee
Discussion ensued thereon
Moved: Councillor Bonnell:
Seconded: Councillor Rathor;
That the Committee of the Whole receive the report of Councillor Hughes, the Community Services Committee provide oversight for this project, a budget of up to $10,000 be set for the City's 85th Birthday celebration, a fundraising letter be authorized to seek community support for the project which could include in-kind or financial donations for the project
And that the Central Cariboo Joint Committee be made aware of the above resolution
Carried Unanimously
The Committee agreed to adjourn at 8:02pm
Mayor Cook responds to recent Roger William Op-Ed
Courtesy of the City of Williams Lake:
In response to parts of the opinion article by Xeni Gwet’in Chief Roger William entitled “New Prosperity project cannot be saved” in the Nov. 20 edition of the Vancouver Sun, Mayor Kerry Cook today made the following statement:
In response to parts of the opinion article by Xeni Gwet’in Chief Roger William entitled “New Prosperity project cannot be saved” in the Nov. 20 edition of the Vancouver Sun, Mayor Kerry Cook today made the following statement:
“It is important to emphasize that the City’s position on the New Prosperity mine proposal has always been one of support. In addition to consistently stating its support, the City has also maintained that environmental and First Nations concerns need to be addressed.Editor's Note -- you can view the op-ed from Xeni Gwet'in Chief (and Cariboo RD Area J Director) Roger William here. I wonder if this was a good move by the City I thought Chief William's op-ed was fair, balanced and reasonable
“In City communications and in public remarks, I have also made it consistently clear that the project has potentially huge benefits for Williams Lake and the region, while pointing out that the notion that Williams Lake is in trouble or doomed without New Prosperity is just not true. In his article, Chief William seems to use this message to support his argument that the benefits of the mine are ‘overstated and undersupported.’ In fact, the benefits are large, a fact I have acknowledged many times. As mayor, however, I feel it is my role to emphasize that the community’s sustainability does not rely solely on this project, as some believe, and express the faith I have in our residents, businesses, and industry to continue to move Williams Lake forward.”
“Chief William also notes I have said the mine ‘should only proceed if the environmental and aboriginal rights can be addressed.’ This is City Council’s resolution on the issue, and it has been consistent. But the New Prosperity project is still in the environmental review process, and the Oct. 31 panel review report, which found the mine would have significant adverse effects on the environment, is part of that process. Taseko Mines claims an error was made by a government agency, and consequently the panel concerning seepage from a tailing facility; that information is being reviewed by the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency. Regardless of that process, the decision whether the mine can proceed currently rests with the Minister of Environment. With the process yet to be completed, it is premature to use Council’s resolution as an argument that the mine should not proceed, or to imply that Council does not or should not support the mine’s approval.”
Santa Workshop comes to Quesnel Arts/Rec Centre
Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:
Quesnel & District Leisure Services in partnership with the Quesnel Art Gallery will host Santa’s Workshop on Sunday, Dec. 8 from 10 am – 2 pm. The event is for both adults and children to create unique holiday ornaments, wrapping paper, cards, and gifts for giving.
Adult tables will have more complex projects and the children’s tables will have lots of fun hands-on crafts. Local artists will be there as “Santa’s elves”, helping participants with their festive creations. The ten dollar entry fee provides visitors with three craft tickets to use towards three projects of their choice. Net proceeds go towards the Quesnel Art Gallery’s operating costs for 2014.
“This is a first–time event for us here at the Quesnel Arts and Recreation Centre”, said Elizabeth Waldorf, Leisure Services’ Art Program Coordinator. “I had wanted to find a new fundraising initiative for the gallery, as it is volunteer run and has a full roster of 2014 exhibitions to support. I also feel strongly that adults need opportunities to play and create, just the same as kids. This is an event where all members of the family can find activities that spark their interest. The event is a whole combination of good things for all involved! The art gallery will receive financial support, both adults and children will have the opportunity to meet artists and create unique holiday crafts, and the gallery Beaux Arts sale will be open especially for the event.”
Quesnel & District Leisure Services in partnership with the Quesnel Art Gallery will host Santa’s Workshop on Sunday, Dec. 8 from 10 am – 2 pm. The event is for both adults and children to create unique holiday ornaments, wrapping paper, cards, and gifts for giving.
Adult tables will have more complex projects and the children’s tables will have lots of fun hands-on crafts. Local artists will be there as “Santa’s elves”, helping participants with their festive creations. The ten dollar entry fee provides visitors with three craft tickets to use towards three projects of their choice. Net proceeds go towards the Quesnel Art Gallery’s operating costs for 2014.
“This is a first–time event for us here at the Quesnel Arts and Recreation Centre”, said Elizabeth Waldorf, Leisure Services’ Art Program Coordinator. “I had wanted to find a new fundraising initiative for the gallery, as it is volunteer run and has a full roster of 2014 exhibitions to support. I also feel strongly that adults need opportunities to play and create, just the same as kids. This is an event where all members of the family can find activities that spark their interest. The event is a whole combination of good things for all involved! The art gallery will receive financial support, both adults and children will have the opportunity to meet artists and create unique holiday crafts, and the gallery Beaux Arts sale will be open especially for the event.”
Glassford vs Johnston on NC Recreation/Parks
Former Cariboo RD Area I Director/Quesnel Councillor and current Cariboo RD Area I Alternate Director Mary Glassford writes to the Quesnel Observer and gives her view on the failed Nov 9th North Cariboo Multicentre referendum. View below:
Meanwhile - Cariboo RD Area B resident Bruce Johnston fires back at Ms. Glassford and tells her that her "old" ideas are stopping the North Cariboo sub-region from moving forward. Read that below
You can view Section 813 of the Local Government Act as it relates to the above here
In short - you can not have an participating area pull out from an existing Service (Function) until a Function Review has taken place first as per Section 813.08 of the Local Government Act. The first step is a Service Review which all participants in that Function participate in. If after a period of time, one participant is dissatisfied with the Review, then they may take it to the next step, a Service Withdrawal which has its' own series of steps as per Section 813.09 of the Local Government Act
Both Service Review/Withdrawal requires first that a letter be written to all participants & Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development (Hon. Coralee Oakes) in a Function(s) that they intend to impose a Review or Withdrawal.
In short, both a formal Service Review/Withdrawal is a very seldom used tool as it tends to divide people very quickly and leaves a bad taste in people's mouths for a long time (remember the case of Service Reviews on Library System in North Cariboo and North Cariboo Recreation from 2002-2006)
Meanwhile - Cariboo RD Area B resident Bruce Johnston fires back at Ms. Glassford and tells her that her "old" ideas are stopping the North Cariboo sub-region from moving forward. Read that below
Mary Glassford is understandably disappointed at our rejection of the baby she laboured so hard over. She asks where were the people making the NO arguments five years ago? Sorry Mary, I remember the same arguments: that the multi-centre is too much risk for a town where the beetle has killed our economic base. Maybe the arguments seemed more real this time with the Canfor shutdown. Maybe they seemed more real seeing neighbours sell homes for less than what they owed on their mortgages. Maybe it might have been different if key NO organizers had had husbands that could find jobs in town instead of in Fort Mac or the oilfields. Maybe it might have been different if Quesnel did not celebrate the fact that there are no jobs here in its self-promotion. “Work Anywhere. Live In Quesnel.” shouts out that this is a dying town.In fact - Cariboo RD Area B Director Heloise Dixon-Warren opened the door to having Electoral Area B withdraw from the North Cariboo Recreation and Parks Function back on Nov 19th when she said:
Mary also decries the rumblings in Area B about leaving the Sub-Regional Recreation taxation area. The real question is, why there are not similar rumblings in Areas A, C and I as well? Look at the vote Mary. Nearly two-thirds of CRD voters said NO versus just over half in the city. You could have looked at the vote five years ago as well. CRD voters rejected the multi-centre then too. Those facts say to me that CRD voters do not think they are getting fair value for their tax dollars. They say that CRD voters see the city as a glutton. They say that major changes will have to occur before CRD voters will rah-rah the next taxation proposal. If ever. Mary asks why I am trying to destroy something that has served us very well for the last 30+ years. I assert that it has not served well; if it had, the vote would have been very different.
CRD residents are not getting fair value. CRD householders pay 54% of the residential recreation tax; city householders pay 46%. Yet over 95% of the recreation budget is spent within the city. Nothing gets spent in Areas A and I and the pittance allowed in Areas B and C is only sufficient to make the spending a waste of tax dollars. Every facility in the city is managed by well paid professionals but rural facilities (including Alex Fraser Park) are forced to struggle on volunteer managers with no staff support.
Yes, CRD residents are different. We are older (median age 47 versus 41) and tend not to want to drive 20 km at night (old eyes.) We are a lot more horse oriented and a lot less child oriented. Our kids couldn’t find jobs here so they are in Calgary or Kelowna or Vancouver. Our grandkids do not need swimming lessons because we only see them for a couple weeks per year. They don’t play hockey here because they are not here and their parents cannot afford it anyway. The Joint Planning Commission needs to recognize that assumptions of the ‘70s and ‘80s about recreation needs are no longer valid. The JPC needs to start addressing what we can do instead of what we wish we could do.
As a final thought, where were the politicos to represent NO in the Referendum? At the September 3 meeting of the Joint Planning Commission, the mayor and all city councilors present and all CRD directors except Heloise Dixon-Warner of area 'B' rah-rahed the multicentre plan. November 9 the voters said they were clueless about what citizens want. The vote showed that, in particular, CRD Directors Armstrong, Massier and Glassford were so far out of touch that they may as well have been on the moon. The Mayor and Councilors cannot say the city vote was narrow because in 2008 the same division was a decisive mandate. If the bunch of them were so clueless on a major tax issue, how could they be in touch on smaller issues? Vote them all out next year.
And Mary, this is not new news. Your tenure as CRD director and as councilor helped set up the dysfunctional situation that exists. Please step aside now, bow out. Your old ideas are keeping us from moving forward. Please let reality trump fantasy.
I live in area B. I will foster the leaving rumbles if only to give caution to the JPC. Deliver or lose us.
Recreation has its own function and all funds collected through taxation for recreation stays within Kersley to support their facilities. They even have a fulltime manager. Their budget is approved directly by the CRD board. When "sub-regional rec." (now NCRP) formed back in the 80's, I'm told Kersley opted to stay autonomous (independent / self-governing). Many residents in Kersley have commented to me that, for them, this was a good thing. The 3 rural / CRD based recreation facilities in the north are part of the larger NCRP function. The budgets they submit are 1st reviewed by NC Jt. Planning (Northern CRD Directors & City of Quesnel councillors) and then the recommendations of NCJPC are forwarded onto the CRD for ratification. It's a 2 tiered process. There are some rumblings within Bouchie Lake of assessing the opportunities to withdraw from NCRP and becoming a "Kersley". This is possible under Sec. 813 of the Local Government Act but it's likely not a simple task. The reality is that the centrally located jointly owned (CRD / City of Quesnel) facilities (Twin Arenas, Arts & Rec. Centre) still need to be funded and managed. I am more than willing to assist the community to assess the existing process, determine pros and cons, and look at options.
You can view Section 813 of the Local Government Act as it relates to the above here
In short - you can not have an participating area pull out from an existing Service (Function) until a Function Review has taken place first as per Section 813.08 of the Local Government Act. The first step is a Service Review which all participants in that Function participate in. If after a period of time, one participant is dissatisfied with the Review, then they may take it to the next step, a Service Withdrawal which has its' own series of steps as per Section 813.09 of the Local Government Act
Both Service Review/Withdrawal requires first that a letter be written to all participants & Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development (Hon. Coralee Oakes) in a Function(s) that they intend to impose a Review or Withdrawal.
In short, both a formal Service Review/Withdrawal is a very seldom used tool as it tends to divide people very quickly and leaves a bad taste in people's mouths for a long time (remember the case of Service Reviews on Library System in North Cariboo and North Cariboo Recreation from 2002-2006)
Monday, November 25, 2013
COW Mtg (WL Council) Tuesday
As a result of the Don DeGagne trial being postponed until the New Year -- the previously cancelled Committee of the Whole (WL Council) meeting has now been scheduled for tomorrow (Tuesday) at 6pm
On the Agenda:
a) Mins from Oct 29th COW Meeting
b) Discussion on Council Committee appointments for 2014
c) Report from Committee Services Committee - 85th City Birthday
Councillor Rathor advises me that an In-Camera meeting will occur immediately following adjournment of the open COW meeting
View the Agenda items here
On the Agenda:
a) Mins from Oct 29th COW Meeting
b) Discussion on Council Committee appointments for 2014
c) Report from Committee Services Committee - 85th City Birthday
Councillor Rathor advises me that an In-Camera meeting will occur immediately following adjournment of the open COW meeting
View the Agenda items here
DeGagne lawsuit postponed
Courtesy of the Williams Lake Tribune website:
The civil trial between Don DeGagne and the City of Williams Lake slated to begin today (Monday) has been postponed until some time in the new year, Williams Lake Mayor Kerry Cook confirmed Monday.
The trial was expected to start (today) Nov. 25 in B.C. Supreme Court in Vancouver, and was expected to last four days.
According to court documents, DeGagne is seeking general damages for “wrongful dismissal and breach of the contract, aggravated and punitive damages, special damages, interest, costs and further relief the court deems just.”
Originally DeGagne was to begin working as the city's chief administrative officer on Mar. 1, but was told a few days before the start date the city would not be hiring him.
For its part, the city stated in court papers that as a result of some events, “the City was concerned that the Plaintiff’s leadership style would not fit with its organization. The City had the discretion to determine whether the Plaintiff was the right fit for the City and made a good faith assessment in that regard.”
Cook said the city learned late Friday afternoon the trial had been postponed.
"It was agreed upon because one of our witnesses was not able to attend in person," Cook said. "Both lawyers agreed under the circumstances it could be postponed."
When reached for comment on the postponement, DeGagne said he was disappointed.
"This is very disappointing, but of course family has to come first."
Three city councillors and two staff members were scheduled to attend the trial, Cook said, adding now the lawyers are looking at options of holding the trial in Williams Lake.
City chief administrative officer Darrell Garceau said DeGagne's claim was filed in Vancouver which resulted in the trial being scheduled to be heard there.
"Our lawyer will look at an alternative location just to expedite the trial because my understanding from speaking to our lawyer on Friday was that the earliest trial date probably couldn't happen until at least June," Garceau said..
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Quesnel rallies around one of their own
A Quesnel resident has brought this story to my attention earlier this week
Christa Eyford, 69, who runs a local animal shelter called "Crooked Leg Ranch" (website here) and is affectionally known to those in Quesnel as "Nana" and has raised 4 daughters of her own now suffers from multiple myeloma and needs critical blood transfusions. However, she has a rare blood type -- O-negative.
The Province covers this story here while CBC Daybreak North covers this story here. There is even a Facebook page setup for this cause which you can view here
There is a push to get a mobile blood clinic to Quesnel however the Canadian Blood Service has argued that it costs too much money to get the essential people to places like Quesnel and cover accommodations and related costs to make it worthwhile.
However, that has not stopped Quesnel residents' from arranging a bus pool to Prince George to help out Ms. Eyford. According to the Facebook page, there are now plans for a bus run to Prince George either on Nov 28th or Dec 19th. There are details that have to be arranged prior to leaving, so check out the Facebook page for details - see here
Finally - in the future, I'd like to see roving blood clinics to rural areas to Williams Lake/Quesnel/100 Mile. I suspect people would donate if given the opportunity closer to home, even if a little incentive like snacks, etc….
Christa Eyford, 69, who runs a local animal shelter called "Crooked Leg Ranch" (website here) and is affectionally known to those in Quesnel as "Nana" and has raised 4 daughters of her own now suffers from multiple myeloma and needs critical blood transfusions. However, she has a rare blood type -- O-negative.
The Province covers this story here while CBC Daybreak North covers this story here. There is even a Facebook page setup for this cause which you can view here
There is a push to get a mobile blood clinic to Quesnel however the Canadian Blood Service has argued that it costs too much money to get the essential people to places like Quesnel and cover accommodations and related costs to make it worthwhile.
However, that has not stopped Quesnel residents' from arranging a bus pool to Prince George to help out Ms. Eyford. According to the Facebook page, there are now plans for a bus run to Prince George either on Nov 28th or Dec 19th. There are details that have to be arranged prior to leaving, so check out the Facebook page for details - see here
Finally - in the future, I'd like to see roving blood clinics to rural areas to Williams Lake/Quesnel/100 Mile. I suspect people would donate if given the opportunity closer to home, even if a little incentive like snacks, etc….
Friday, November 22, 2013
Local Gov't Mtgs - Wk of Nov 25-29
Local governments in the Cariboo-Chilcotin are having meetings this upcoming week as follows:
Quesnel - First up, is a public hearing for a rezoning application at 654 Reid Street. The hearing starts at 6:30pm on Monday, Nov 25th in Quesnel Council Chambers (2nd Floor - 410 Kinchant St). View the full Agenda here. Following the public hearing, Quesnel Council will start their Regular Meeting at 7pm. Items on the Agenda include:
a) Ratify Committee of the Whole recommendation from Nov 18th COW meeting
b) New ABC Communications Tower at 'Sugarloaf'
c) Receive results from Oct 30th Reg Economic Forum
View the full Agenda here
School District #28 (Quesnel) - Regular meeting at 7pm on Wed Nov 27th in the SD 28 Boardroom (410 North Star Rd). View the Agenda here
School District #27 (Cariboo-Chilcotin) - Regular meeting at 6:30pm on Tues Nov 26th in the SD 27 Boardroom (350 2nd Avenue North, Williams Lake). View the Agenda here
100 Mile House - Regular Meeting at 7pm in 100 Mile House Council Chambers (385 Birch Ave). View the Agenda here
Cariboo Regional District:
Wed Nov 27th - Central Cariboo Rural Directors Caucus Mtg at 4pm in the Cariboo RD Committee Room (WL Office, 180D North 3rd Ave, Williams Lake). View the Agenda here. Items for consideration include review of CC Joint Committee Terms of Reference & Appts to new Pool Referendum Communications Working Group (2 Directors from Areas D, E, F)
Friday Nov 29th - Special CRD Board Meeting at 9:30am in the CRD Boardroom (180D North 3rd Ave, Williams Lake). Items on the Agenda include:
a) Adopt recommendations from various Rural Caucus/Joint Committees
b) Future Direction of the Ag Land Reserve & Ag Land Commission
c) Email from former Area B Director Ken Falloon re: Area B Grant in Aide. Is Mr. Falloon thinking about a run to get back his old seat against current Area B Director Heloise Dixon-Warren? Based on the tone of his email to CRD Administrator Janis Bell - there is that possibility
d) There will be an In-Camera session under Sections 90(1)(a & k) of the Community Charter (appointments and negotiations)
View the Agenda here
Following the adjournment of the Special Board meeting - the CRD's Finance Committee will commence its' meeting, again in the CRD Boardroom. Items on the Agenda include:
a) Recommendations from Joint Committees or Rural Caucuses
b) Review 2014 Business Plans for all Functions/Services
c) 2014 Financial Plan Overview from CRD CAO J. Bell
d) CFO Report to Oct 31st, 2013
e) Level 3 Corporate Priorities
View the full Agenda here
Quesnel - First up, is a public hearing for a rezoning application at 654 Reid Street. The hearing starts at 6:30pm on Monday, Nov 25th in Quesnel Council Chambers (2nd Floor - 410 Kinchant St). View the full Agenda here. Following the public hearing, Quesnel Council will start their Regular Meeting at 7pm. Items on the Agenda include:
a) Ratify Committee of the Whole recommendation from Nov 18th COW meeting
b) New ABC Communications Tower at 'Sugarloaf'
c) Receive results from Oct 30th Reg Economic Forum
View the full Agenda here
School District #28 (Quesnel) - Regular meeting at 7pm on Wed Nov 27th in the SD 28 Boardroom (410 North Star Rd). View the Agenda here
School District #27 (Cariboo-Chilcotin) - Regular meeting at 6:30pm on Tues Nov 26th in the SD 27 Boardroom (350 2nd Avenue North, Williams Lake). View the Agenda here
100 Mile House - Regular Meeting at 7pm in 100 Mile House Council Chambers (385 Birch Ave). View the Agenda here
Cariboo Regional District:
Wed Nov 27th - Central Cariboo Rural Directors Caucus Mtg at 4pm in the Cariboo RD Committee Room (WL Office, 180D North 3rd Ave, Williams Lake). View the Agenda here. Items for consideration include review of CC Joint Committee Terms of Reference & Appts to new Pool Referendum Communications Working Group (2 Directors from Areas D, E, F)
Friday Nov 29th - Special CRD Board Meeting at 9:30am in the CRD Boardroom (180D North 3rd Ave, Williams Lake). Items on the Agenda include:
a) Adopt recommendations from various Rural Caucus/Joint Committees
b) Future Direction of the Ag Land Reserve & Ag Land Commission
c) Email from former Area B Director Ken Falloon re: Area B Grant in Aide. Is Mr. Falloon thinking about a run to get back his old seat against current Area B Director Heloise Dixon-Warren? Based on the tone of his email to CRD Administrator Janis Bell - there is that possibility
d) There will be an In-Camera session under Sections 90(1)(a & k) of the Community Charter (appointments and negotiations)
View the Agenda here
Following the adjournment of the Special Board meeting - the CRD's Finance Committee will commence its' meeting, again in the CRD Boardroom. Items on the Agenda include:
a) Recommendations from Joint Committees or Rural Caucuses
b) Review 2014 Business Plans for all Functions/Services
c) 2014 Financial Plan Overview from CRD CAO J. Bell
d) CFO Report to Oct 31st, 2013
e) Level 3 Corporate Priorities
View the full Agenda here
TNG weighs in on Taseko/CEAA spat
Yesterday - the Friends of Nemiah Valley released a 8 page letter from the Tsilhqot'in National Government (TNG) dated Nov 21st, 2013 writing to the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency where they request the Minister of Environment to reject the arguments put forward by Taseko and in order to protect the integrity of the Environment Assessment for New Prosperity, refuse any further unsolicited information and Taseko be advised accordingly
Read the letter here
I can not recall a time when a project has undergone an environmental assessment and the arguments for and against it continued in the public realm, especially on a personal and emotional level
Read the letter here
I can not recall a time when a project has undergone an environmental assessment and the arguments for and against it continued in the public realm, especially on a personal and emotional level
Upcoming CaribooRD LIbrary Events
Courtesy of the Cariboo Regional District:
1) Author Keith Billington will be at the Cariboo Regional District’s Williams Lake Branch on Wednesday, Nov. 27 at 6:30 p.m. to present his new book, The Last Patrol: Following the Trail of the Royal Northwest Mounted Police’s Legendary Lost Patrol.
In 1970, Billington, along with ten other men, embarked on the nearly 800 kilometre trip by dog team, from Fort MacPherson to Dawson City. This was a commemorative journey of the famous “lost patrol”— in 1910, a crew of Royal Northwest Mounted Police attempted the same trip, but with a much more tragic outcome.
A registered nurse from England, Billington immigrated to Canada and worked in the Canadian Arctic for six years with his wife, Muriel, who is a nurse-midwife. He obtained his Public Health Nurse Diploma from Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Since retiring, Keith and his wife continue to travel in winter by snowmobile and skis, and in the summertime they find adventure in their double sea-going kayak.
His previous books include House Calls by Dogsled (Harbour Publishing, 2008) and Cold Land, Warm Hearts (Harbour Publishing, 2010).
This free event will include a slideshow and books will be available for purchase and signing.
Further information is available online at or by calling the library at 250-392-3630.
2) Author Julie Fowler will be at the Williams Lake Branch on Friday, Nov. 29 at 1 p.m. to launch her new book The Grande Dames of the Cariboo: Discovering Vivien Cowan and Sonia Cornwall and their Intriguing friendship with A.V. Jackson and Joseph Plaskett.
Fowler began a quest to find out more about an artist from the Cariboo named Sonia Cornwall (1919–2006). Through interviews, letters, original artworks, articles, exhibition catalogues, imaginings of conversations and occurrences, along with her own reflections on the experience, she pieced together a story of pioneering, love and the pursuit of art. But in searching for Cornwall, she found an unanticipated new friend in Sonia’s mother, Vivien Cowan (1893–1990).
In 1945, Vivien Cowan spearheaded the Cariboo Art Society with noted Canadian Group of Seven painter A.Y. Jackson. She had met Jackson earlier that year at the Banff School, as well as another Canadian artist of note, Joseph Plaskett.
Both painters, along with many others, would visit Vivien and her daughters, Sonia and Dru, at their property near 150 Mile House, the Onward Ranch. Vivien became the Grande Dame of the Cariboo, hosting some of Canada’s greatest talent and at the same time promoting the work of local artists and creators.
In this genre-bending work, Fowler expertly and creatively weaves her search for an understanding of her own passion for art and her love of the Cariboo with a mesmerising story of creative life in one of BC’s earliest pioneer communities.
This free event will include a slideshow and books will be available for purchase and signing. Further information is available online at or by calling the library at 250-392-3630.
1) Author Keith Billington will be at the Cariboo Regional District’s Williams Lake Branch on Wednesday, Nov. 27 at 6:30 p.m. to present his new book, The Last Patrol: Following the Trail of the Royal Northwest Mounted Police’s Legendary Lost Patrol.
In 1970, Billington, along with ten other men, embarked on the nearly 800 kilometre trip by dog team, from Fort MacPherson to Dawson City. This was a commemorative journey of the famous “lost patrol”— in 1910, a crew of Royal Northwest Mounted Police attempted the same trip, but with a much more tragic outcome.
A registered nurse from England, Billington immigrated to Canada and worked in the Canadian Arctic for six years with his wife, Muriel, who is a nurse-midwife. He obtained his Public Health Nurse Diploma from Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Since retiring, Keith and his wife continue to travel in winter by snowmobile and skis, and in the summertime they find adventure in their double sea-going kayak.
His previous books include House Calls by Dogsled (Harbour Publishing, 2008) and Cold Land, Warm Hearts (Harbour Publishing, 2010).
This free event will include a slideshow and books will be available for purchase and signing.
Further information is available online at or by calling the library at 250-392-3630.
2) Author Julie Fowler will be at the Williams Lake Branch on Friday, Nov. 29 at 1 p.m. to launch her new book The Grande Dames of the Cariboo: Discovering Vivien Cowan and Sonia Cornwall and their Intriguing friendship with A.V. Jackson and Joseph Plaskett.
Fowler began a quest to find out more about an artist from the Cariboo named Sonia Cornwall (1919–2006). Through interviews, letters, original artworks, articles, exhibition catalogues, imaginings of conversations and occurrences, along with her own reflections on the experience, she pieced together a story of pioneering, love and the pursuit of art. But in searching for Cornwall, she found an unanticipated new friend in Sonia’s mother, Vivien Cowan (1893–1990).
In 1945, Vivien Cowan spearheaded the Cariboo Art Society with noted Canadian Group of Seven painter A.Y. Jackson. She had met Jackson earlier that year at the Banff School, as well as another Canadian artist of note, Joseph Plaskett.
Both painters, along with many others, would visit Vivien and her daughters, Sonia and Dru, at their property near 150 Mile House, the Onward Ranch. Vivien became the Grande Dame of the Cariboo, hosting some of Canada’s greatest talent and at the same time promoting the work of local artists and creators.
In this genre-bending work, Fowler expertly and creatively weaves her search for an understanding of her own passion for art and her love of the Cariboo with a mesmerising story of creative life in one of BC’s earliest pioneer communities.
This free event will include a slideshow and books will be available for purchase and signing. Further information is available online at or by calling the library at 250-392-3630.
City of Quesnel to host Community Info Mtg on Nov. 27
Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:
The City of Quesnel will host a Community Information Session on Wednesday Nov. 27 at the Senior’s Centre at 461 Carson Ave. from 3–7 p.m. This session will bring together some of the community’s key stakeholders and provide residents with an opportunity to ask questions of various government agencies and businesses in light of Canfor’s announcement of the 2014 closing of their Quesnel sawmill.
The open house will feature job and skills training professionals from the community and province, local business, support services, and health services professionals. The Mayor and members of City Council and the MLA’s office will be in attendance and available to assist guests.
“I am pleased that the Transition Committee Office is up and running for the employees of the mill, and thank those team members on site for their commitment to the worker transition stage,” stated Mayor Mary Sjostrom. “The City of Quesnel is hosting this session in the hopes of enhancing their work and taking a step further to assist the residents and their families who are also impacted by the closure. We have invited as many applicable and key agencies as we could to the session and are confident that all of our guests will leave the session with more information and hopefully, their questions answered.”
“The open house is an opportunity for anyone affected by the Canfor closure to stop by the Senior’s Centre and pick up information, be it general information about the closure or about employment opportunities or re-training opportunities,” said MLA Coralee Oakes. “The closure impacts more than site employees and has an effect on contractors and their employees as everything transitions, we wanted to give a location for anyone in the community who has questions a place to ask them and get more information, if you are an owner/operator or an employee of an owner/operation, if you are spouse of someone affected, if you are a small business owner with questions – this is an opportunity to ask questions and get information.”
In addition to the government representation for mental health and jobs and skills training, participating businesses include the Central Interior Logging Association, Community Futures and College of New Caledonia to name a few.
WHAT: Community Information Session
WHERE: Quesnel Seniors Centre, 461 Carson Ave., Quesnel, B.C.
WHEN: Wednesday Nov. 27, 3-7 p.m.
WHO: Mayor, City Council, MLA Coralee Oakes and others.
WHY: To learn more about the resources available to the community following the mill closure.
The City of Quesnel will host a Community Information Session on Wednesday Nov. 27 at the Senior’s Centre at 461 Carson Ave. from 3–7 p.m. This session will bring together some of the community’s key stakeholders and provide residents with an opportunity to ask questions of various government agencies and businesses in light of Canfor’s announcement of the 2014 closing of their Quesnel sawmill.
The open house will feature job and skills training professionals from the community and province, local business, support services, and health services professionals. The Mayor and members of City Council and the MLA’s office will be in attendance and available to assist guests.
“I am pleased that the Transition Committee Office is up and running for the employees of the mill, and thank those team members on site for their commitment to the worker transition stage,” stated Mayor Mary Sjostrom. “The City of Quesnel is hosting this session in the hopes of enhancing their work and taking a step further to assist the residents and their families who are also impacted by the closure. We have invited as many applicable and key agencies as we could to the session and are confident that all of our guests will leave the session with more information and hopefully, their questions answered.”
“The open house is an opportunity for anyone affected by the Canfor closure to stop by the Senior’s Centre and pick up information, be it general information about the closure or about employment opportunities or re-training opportunities,” said MLA Coralee Oakes. “The closure impacts more than site employees and has an effect on contractors and their employees as everything transitions, we wanted to give a location for anyone in the community who has questions a place to ask them and get more information, if you are an owner/operator or an employee of an owner/operation, if you are spouse of someone affected, if you are a small business owner with questions – this is an opportunity to ask questions and get information.”
In addition to the government representation for mental health and jobs and skills training, participating businesses include the Central Interior Logging Association, Community Futures and College of New Caledonia to name a few.
WHAT: Community Information Session
WHERE: Quesnel Seniors Centre, 461 Carson Ave., Quesnel, B.C.
WHEN: Wednesday Nov. 27, 3-7 p.m.
WHO: Mayor, City Council, MLA Coralee Oakes and others.
WHY: To learn more about the resources available to the community following the mill closure.
Thursday, November 21, 2013
DeGagne Trial starts Monday
As my readers' recall - Williams Lake Council announced that on Feb 6, 2013 that it was hiring Don DeGagne as its' new Chief Administrative Officer (CAO)
Then on Feb 28th, 2013 - the City announced that it decided it was not going to proceed with the hiring of Don DeGagne as its' CAO
On May 10th, 2013 - I published that Mr. DeGagne had served legal papers upon the City of Williams Lake seeking financial compensation for Williams Lake Council's decision to not proceeding to hiring him as the City's CAO. Read that here
On June 6th, 2013 - The City of Williams Lake filed its' legal response to Mr. DeGagne's lawsuit claiming all of his allegations were without merit. Read that here
On Oct 25th, 2013 in Vancouver - Lawyers for both parties (DeGagne and City of WL) entered into a process called "Trial Management Conference" where the following may be considered at that Conference:
On Nov 25th, 2013 at 10am in the Vancouver Courts - the 4 Day Trial of Don DeGagne vs City of Williams Lake will commence. Any persons (this could include members of WL Council or WL City Staff and Don DeGagne himself) who may have evidence to present will have already been told to be in Vancouver first thing Monday, Nov 25th am.
Once the trial wraps up, I don't imagine it would be too long before we have a decision by the trial judge, certainly either by Christmas or very early in 2014…
Should the City lose at trial - I wonder how much the City taxpayers' will end up paying Mr. DeGagne
Then on Feb 28th, 2013 - the City announced that it decided it was not going to proceed with the hiring of Don DeGagne as its' CAO
On May 10th, 2013 - I published that Mr. DeGagne had served legal papers upon the City of Williams Lake seeking financial compensation for Williams Lake Council's decision to not proceeding to hiring him as the City's CAO. Read that here
On June 6th, 2013 - The City of Williams Lake filed its' legal response to Mr. DeGagne's lawsuit claiming all of his allegations were without merit. Read that here
On Oct 25th, 2013 in Vancouver - Lawyers for both parties (DeGagne and City of WL) entered into a process called "Trial Management Conference" where the following may be considered at that Conference:
(a) a plan for how the trial should be conducted;
(b) whether or not the trial or any part of it is to be heard without a jury, on any of the grounds set out in Rule 12-6 (5);
(c) amendment of pleadings within a fixed time;
(d) admissions of fact at trial;
(e) admission of documents at trial, including
(i) agreements as to the purposes for which documents may be admitted, and
(ii) the preparation of common books of documents and document agreements;
(f) imposing time limits for the direct examination or cross-examination of witnesses, opening statements and final submissions;
(g) directing that a party provide a summary of the evidence that the party expects one or more of the party's witnesses will give at trial;
(h) directing that evidence of witnesses be presented at trial by way of affidavit;
(i) respecting experts, including, without limitation, orders that the parties' experts must, before the service of their respective reports, confer to determine and report on those matters on which they agree and those matters on which they do not agree;
(j) directing that the parties present opening statements and final submissions in writing;
(k) respecting when and how an issue between the party filing a third party notice and the third party may be tried;
(l) adjournment of the trial;
(m) directing that the number of days reserved for the trial be changed;
(n) directing the parties to attend a settlement conference;
(o) adjourning the trial management conference;
(p) directing the parties to attend a further trial management conference at a specified date and time;
(q) any other matter that may assist in making the trial more efficient;
(r) any other matter that may aid in the resolution of the proceeding;
(s) any orders the judge or master considers will further the object of these Supreme Court Civil Rules.
On Nov 25th, 2013 at 10am in the Vancouver Courts - the 4 Day Trial of Don DeGagne vs City of Williams Lake will commence. Any persons (this could include members of WL Council or WL City Staff and Don DeGagne himself) who may have evidence to present will have already been told to be in Vancouver first thing Monday, Nov 25th am.
Once the trial wraps up, I don't imagine it would be too long before we have a decision by the trial judge, certainly either by Christmas or very early in 2014…
Should the City lose at trial - I wonder how much the City taxpayers' will end up paying Mr. DeGagne
Property Crime Statistics Decrease an Average of 53% since '08
Courtesy of the City of Williams Lake:
A third-quarter update from the Williams Lake RCMP shows a number of property crime categories have seen significant decreases from the benchmark year of 2008, and from last year. Council received the report from Staff Sergeant Ken Brissard and Dave Dickson, responsible for community safety, at the Nov. 19 Council meeting.
Break and Enters to Businesses have decreased 81% between 2008 and 2013, and 85% since the third quarter of 2012. Break and Enters to Residences have decreased 51% since 2008 and 38% since 2012. Theft of vehicles is up 10% over last year with 97 year to date, but down 63% from 262 stolen vehicles in 2008.
Overall, property crime has decreased 53% since 2008, and 30% since last year, showing improvement over the first quarter of 2013 update. The 30% drop in overall property crime exceeds the “E” Division goal of 10% this year.
So far this year, there have been 75 domestic violence calls for service, down 13% from last year, and up 7% since 2008. Williams Lake’s RCMP detachment is the second in the province to implement an Interagency Case Assessment Team (ICAT) to protect and offer support to those involved with domestic violence. The team includes the RCMP, Women’s Contact Society, Interior Health, the Ministry of Children and Families, the Native Friendship Society, and others.
There have been approximately 350 false alarm calls for service so far this year, down 29% from 2012, and down 48% since 2008. The City passed a False Alarm Bylaw to encourage responsible alarm usage in 2011.
“We are always looking at ways to reduce crime, and that work continues,” says Williams Lake Mayor Kerry Cook. “These are numbers worth pausing to acknowledge, and proof that the hard work of the RCMP, community policing volunteers, and the City is paying dividends in the form of a safer community.”
“We as a detachment have worked hard at combating crime,” says Williams Lake RCMP Detachment commander Warren Brown. “We are fortunate as well to have such engaged community partners and stakeholders that do excellent within their sphere of influence. Our community is supportive and we will continue to make every effort to make our streets and homes safe. “
Dickson also reminded Council and the community that Operation Red Nose, a service to drive people and their vehicles home to help avoid impaired driving, will run from November 29th to December 31st.
Mayor Cook and Inspector Brown will attend a Northern Crime Reduction Strategy Meeting in Prince George on Nov. 28 to discuss ways to further address crime in the community.
A third-quarter update from the Williams Lake RCMP shows a number of property crime categories have seen significant decreases from the benchmark year of 2008, and from last year. Council received the report from Staff Sergeant Ken Brissard and Dave Dickson, responsible for community safety, at the Nov. 19 Council meeting.
Break and Enters to Businesses have decreased 81% between 2008 and 2013, and 85% since the third quarter of 2012. Break and Enters to Residences have decreased 51% since 2008 and 38% since 2012. Theft of vehicles is up 10% over last year with 97 year to date, but down 63% from 262 stolen vehicles in 2008.
Overall, property crime has decreased 53% since 2008, and 30% since last year, showing improvement over the first quarter of 2013 update. The 30% drop in overall property crime exceeds the “E” Division goal of 10% this year.
So far this year, there have been 75 domestic violence calls for service, down 13% from last year, and up 7% since 2008. Williams Lake’s RCMP detachment is the second in the province to implement an Interagency Case Assessment Team (ICAT) to protect and offer support to those involved with domestic violence. The team includes the RCMP, Women’s Contact Society, Interior Health, the Ministry of Children and Families, the Native Friendship Society, and others.
There have been approximately 350 false alarm calls for service so far this year, down 29% from 2012, and down 48% since 2008. The City passed a False Alarm Bylaw to encourage responsible alarm usage in 2011.
“We are always looking at ways to reduce crime, and that work continues,” says Williams Lake Mayor Kerry Cook. “These are numbers worth pausing to acknowledge, and proof that the hard work of the RCMP, community policing volunteers, and the City is paying dividends in the form of a safer community.”
“We as a detachment have worked hard at combating crime,” says Williams Lake RCMP Detachment commander Warren Brown. “We are fortunate as well to have such engaged community partners and stakeholders that do excellent within their sphere of influence. Our community is supportive and we will continue to make every effort to make our streets and homes safe. “
Dickson also reminded Council and the community that Operation Red Nose, a service to drive people and their vehicles home to help avoid impaired driving, will run from November 29th to December 31st.
Mayor Cook and Inspector Brown will attend a Northern Crime Reduction Strategy Meeting in Prince George on Nov. 28 to discuss ways to further address crime in the community.
TRY-IT at CMRC - Nov 25-28, 2013
Courtesy of the City of Williams Lake:
RBC Sports Day in Canada, presented by ParticipACTION, CBC and True Sport, will be held this year on Saturday, November 30 in communities from coast to coast to coast. This national celebration of sport, from grassroots to high-performance, is an opportunity for all Canadians to celebrate the power of sport, build community and national spirit and facilitate healthy, active living.
The City of Williams Lake, in partnership with the Cariboo Regional District, has received a TRY-IT grant from ParticipACTION to provide lead up activities to sports day. Through this grant the Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex is offering a number of free classes from November 25-28 for preschoolers, youth, adults and seniors. The goal is to give regional residents an opportunity to try a sample of programs regularly offered by the Complex. No need to register, no need to pay, just arrive at the Complex on time and join a class.
The schedule and program descriptions are below. For more information, please call the Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex at 250-392- 7665.
RBC Sports Day in Canada, presented by ParticipACTION, CBC and True Sport, will be held this year on Saturday, November 30 in communities from coast to coast to coast. This national celebration of sport, from grassroots to high-performance, is an opportunity for all Canadians to celebrate the power of sport, build community and national spirit and facilitate healthy, active living.
The City of Williams Lake, in partnership with the Cariboo Regional District, has received a TRY-IT grant from ParticipACTION to provide lead up activities to sports day. Through this grant the Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex is offering a number of free classes from November 25-28 for preschoolers, youth, adults and seniors. The goal is to give regional residents an opportunity to try a sample of programs regularly offered by the Complex. No need to register, no need to pay, just arrive at the Complex on time and join a class.
The schedule and program descriptions are below. For more information, please call the Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex at 250-392- 7665.
Free Try-it Class Schedule – November 25 – 28 at the Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex
November 25 |
Tuesday, November 26
Wednesday , November 27
Thursday, November 28
| |
Preschool Skating (3-5 years)
9:00am – 9:30am
Rink ll | |||
Mom and Toddler
Yoga |
9:15am – 10:15 am
Dressing Room | |||
55+ Strength Training
10:30am– 11:30am
Fitness Centre | |||
Dance Express
(9-12 years)
4:45- 5:45 pm
Gibraltar Dressing Room
| |||
Little Sneakers
(3-4 years)
5:00 pm- 5:45 pm
Gibraltar Room
| |||
Tai Chi
5:15pm – 6:45pm
Gibraltar Room | |||
(4-5 years)
5:45 pm- 6:30 pm
Gibraltar Room
| |||
Belly Dancing
7:15pm – 8:15pm Gibraltar Room
Preschool Skating (Penguins 3-5 years)
Lace up your child’s skates and get on the ice! Penguins is geared to children with no skating experience. Our games and activities will encourage your child to skate. Attendance at the first lesson is very important. Parent participation may be required.
Lace up your child’s skates and get on the ice! Penguins is geared to children with no skating experience. Our games and activities will encourage your child to skate. Attendance at the first lesson is very important. Parent participation may be required.
Mom and Toddler Yoga
Our Mom and toddler Yoga will incorporate play with gentle yoga poses. You and your child will strengthen your muscles using easy stretching and balance exercises. This class will include play time for the children. Bring your stroller, snacks and toys for your children.
Our Mom and toddler Yoga will incorporate play with gentle yoga poses. You and your child will strengthen your muscles using easy stretching and balance exercises. This class will include play time for the children. Bring your stroller, snacks and toys for your children.
55+ Strength Training
Strength training will prevent and even reverse some of the effects of aging. The benefits include healthier bone density, improved balance, and increased total strength which will contribute to greater ease in performing simple, everyday tasks. In four weekly sessions, our certified Personal Trainers will guide you through a safe, individualized program that is portable and easy to remember.
Strength training will prevent and even reverse some of the effects of aging. The benefits include healthier bone density, improved balance, and increased total strength which will contribute to greater ease in performing simple, everyday tasks. In four weekly sessions, our certified Personal Trainers will guide you through a safe, individualized program that is portable and easy to remember.
Dance Express (9-12 years)
This combination class will offer an introduction to jazz and hip hop dance techniques. Bring a water bottle and dancing feet!
Little Sneakers (3-4 years)
This energy burning class will foster social development, movement skills and physical activity through games and active play. Your child will be introduced to sport fundamentals that will develop essential skills such as running, throwing, catching and kicking. Parent assistance may be requested.
Tai Chi
Tai Chi is a Chinese exercise system for improving health, increasing energy and reducing stress. Tai Chi promotes flexibility, balance and muscle tone. It is also a moving meditation where the mind centers itself on each movement producing inner calm.
Tri-Sport (4-5 years)
Join the excitement of this action-packed sports program which will include soccer, floor hockey and t-ball. A great way for your child to learn the motor skills needed for all sports.
Belly Dancing
This introduction to belly dancing requires no dance experience. You will learn how to relieve back pain, gain core strength, obtain better balance and love your body. The dance style suits all body types and ages. Connect with your inner woman and meet new friends.
WL Council gives 3 Readings to Adjudication Bylaw
Courtesy of the City of Williams Lake:
Williams Lake City Council gave three readings to Bylaw Notice Enforcement Bylaw No. 2196 at its regular meeting Tuesday evening. The bylaw will replace the old method of disputing municipal tickets with a new adjudication process, saving both the person involved with a ticket and the municipality time and money.
The goal of the new adjudication model is to create simple, fair, and cost-effective systems for dealing
with minor bylaw infractions. The new system is intended to streamline the court procedures associated with hearing bylaw ticket disputes and assigning the appropriate fine. A City Screening Officer will review a ticket and determine whether to uphold a ticket or cancel it. If it is upheld, an independent adjudicator will determine whether a bylaw infraction did or did not occur. If a contravention has occurred, a full penalty will be applied as well as an adjudication fee of $25 to offset the cost of the process. If no bylaw violation has occurred, no fine will be applied. The dispute process is laid out following this media release.
The bylaws to be enforced under the adjudication process include noise, business license, zoning, animal control and licensing, and water conservation. The new system is scheduled to come into effect Jan. 1, 2014. Council will consider final adoption of the bylaw at a meeting in December.
There are numerous benefits to the system: minimizing Provincial Court time, resolving disputes with a minimum of process, and eliminating the need to wait for and attend a court hearing for the disputant, City staff, legal counsel, and witnesses.
“The City is always looking for ways to improve efficiency, use our resources more effectively, and provide better service,” says Mayor Kerry Cook. “This new adjudication system accomplishes all three, and benefits the individual involved with a ticket with a simpler, more direct dispute resolution process.”
The adjudication process is used by 60 municipalities in the province. Williams Lake is one of four B.C. municipalities to consider a recent switch to an adjudication process, offered through the Ministry of Justice. For more information, contact Senior Bylaw Grant Martin at 250-392-2331.
Bylaw Adjudication Process
Those wishing to dispute their ticket may do so by first contacting the City of Williams Lake within 14 days of issuance. At that point, the adjudication is a three step process:
1. The individual disputing their ticket (disputant) will have the opportunity to speak with a Screening
Officer. The Screening Officer will review the ticket and cancel it if appropriate. If this officer does
not cancel the ticket, it will be forwarded to the adjudicator, or paid, which ever the client chooses.
2. If going forward to adjudication, the disputant will advise the Screening Officer which method of
service they prefer - mail, fax, phone, email or in person. At that time, the adjudication office will
notify the disputant of what to do, and on which date and time. The City will always present its
case in writing to the adjudicator.
3. The disputant applies in writing for an adjudicator to hear the case. A date for adjudication will be
provided. Options include providing a representation in writing, by phone, or in person. The
adjudication fee is collected only if the ticket is upheld.
Williams Lake City Council gave three readings to Bylaw Notice Enforcement Bylaw No. 2196 at its regular meeting Tuesday evening. The bylaw will replace the old method of disputing municipal tickets with a new adjudication process, saving both the person involved with a ticket and the municipality time and money.
The goal of the new adjudication model is to create simple, fair, and cost-effective systems for dealing
with minor bylaw infractions. The new system is intended to streamline the court procedures associated with hearing bylaw ticket disputes and assigning the appropriate fine. A City Screening Officer will review a ticket and determine whether to uphold a ticket or cancel it. If it is upheld, an independent adjudicator will determine whether a bylaw infraction did or did not occur. If a contravention has occurred, a full penalty will be applied as well as an adjudication fee of $25 to offset the cost of the process. If no bylaw violation has occurred, no fine will be applied. The dispute process is laid out following this media release.
The bylaws to be enforced under the adjudication process include noise, business license, zoning, animal control and licensing, and water conservation. The new system is scheduled to come into effect Jan. 1, 2014. Council will consider final adoption of the bylaw at a meeting in December.
There are numerous benefits to the system: minimizing Provincial Court time, resolving disputes with a minimum of process, and eliminating the need to wait for and attend a court hearing for the disputant, City staff, legal counsel, and witnesses.
“The City is always looking for ways to improve efficiency, use our resources more effectively, and provide better service,” says Mayor Kerry Cook. “This new adjudication system accomplishes all three, and benefits the individual involved with a ticket with a simpler, more direct dispute resolution process.”
The adjudication process is used by 60 municipalities in the province. Williams Lake is one of four B.C. municipalities to consider a recent switch to an adjudication process, offered through the Ministry of Justice. For more information, contact Senior Bylaw Grant Martin at 250-392-2331.
Bylaw Adjudication Process
Those wishing to dispute their ticket may do so by first contacting the City of Williams Lake within 14 days of issuance. At that point, the adjudication is a three step process:
1. The individual disputing their ticket (disputant) will have the opportunity to speak with a Screening
Officer. The Screening Officer will review the ticket and cancel it if appropriate. If this officer does
not cancel the ticket, it will be forwarded to the adjudicator, or paid, which ever the client chooses.
2. If going forward to adjudication, the disputant will advise the Screening Officer which method of
service they prefer - mail, fax, phone, email or in person. At that time, the adjudication office will
notify the disputant of what to do, and on which date and time. The City will always present its
case in writing to the adjudicator.
3. The disputant applies in writing for an adjudicator to hear the case. A date for adjudication will be
provided. Options include providing a representation in writing, by phone, or in person. The
adjudication fee is collected only if the ticket is upheld.
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Mayor Cook attends recent BC Business Summit
Courtesy of the City of Williams Lake:
Mayor Kerry Cook represented the City of Williams Lake at the BC Business Summit in Vancouver Nov. 12-13, participating in a panel discussion called Resourcing Prosperity: Sustainable Natural Resources with other elected officials and business leaders.
The panelists, Minister of Environment Mary Polak, Mining Association of BC CEO Karina Brino, Pacific Oil and Gas President Ratnesh Bedi, and Mayor Cook, discussed the opportunities and challenges for future natural resource development in the province.
The Summit had over 600 provincial, Canadian, and international participants, and was attended by the premier and provincial and federal cabinet ministers.
“This was an unprecedented opportunity to build a stronger economy for BC,” says Mayor Cook. “The major themes of the summit parallel the Williams Lake example of community collaboration and First Nations relations.
“We need resource development and it’s not a matter of if, but how. We need to innovate and to move away from polarized positions. The importance of social license was stressed throughout the conference.”
The Summit included a keynote address from Premier Christy Clark, remarks from federal Minister of Industry and Minister Responsible for British Columbia James Moore, President and CEO of Teck Don Lindsay, and Jason Kenney, federal Minister of Employment and Social Development. Additional panels discussed international trade, skills training, transportation and infrastructure, and economic competiveness and fiscal discipline.
Also while at the summit, the Mayor met with cabinet ministers and business leaders, and attended a luncheon with West Fraser Executive Chairman Hank Ketcham. West Fraser is the largest lumber producer in North America.
Mayor Kerry Cook represented the City of Williams Lake at the BC Business Summit in Vancouver Nov. 12-13, participating in a panel discussion called Resourcing Prosperity: Sustainable Natural Resources with other elected officials and business leaders.
The panelists, Minister of Environment Mary Polak, Mining Association of BC CEO Karina Brino, Pacific Oil and Gas President Ratnesh Bedi, and Mayor Cook, discussed the opportunities and challenges for future natural resource development in the province.
The Summit had over 600 provincial, Canadian, and international participants, and was attended by the premier and provincial and federal cabinet ministers.
“This was an unprecedented opportunity to build a stronger economy for BC,” says Mayor Cook. “The major themes of the summit parallel the Williams Lake example of community collaboration and First Nations relations.
“We need resource development and it’s not a matter of if, but how. We need to innovate and to move away from polarized positions. The importance of social license was stressed throughout the conference.”
The Summit included a keynote address from Premier Christy Clark, remarks from federal Minister of Industry and Minister Responsible for British Columbia James Moore, President and CEO of Teck Don Lindsay, and Jason Kenney, federal Minister of Employment and Social Development. Additional panels discussed international trade, skills training, transportation and infrastructure, and economic competiveness and fiscal discipline.
Also while at the summit, the Mayor met with cabinet ministers and business leaders, and attended a luncheon with West Fraser Executive Chairman Hank Ketcham. West Fraser is the largest lumber producer in North America.
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
WL Council Highlights - Nov 19th mtg
Present - Mayor Cook and Councillors Bonnell, Bourdon, Hughes, Rathor and Zacharias
1) WL Community Arts Council appeared before Council to discuss the Branding the City with Art' and to conduct the Banner Presentations to Selected Artists
2) RCMP Update - Council received an update on activities from the local RCMP from Staff Sgt Ken Brissard and local Safer Community Coordinator Dave Dickson
1) Council received for information the cheque runs for the period of November 7 and 14, 2013
2) Council approved the 2014 Fee for Service contracts and funding levels proposed for 2014 as follows:
NOOPA (Boys & Girls Club) - $15,000
Williams Lake Stampede Association (Queens) - $5,000
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Williams Lake - $15,000
Cariboo Chilcotin Hospice Palliative Care Society - $16,900
Scout Island Nature Centre - $12,500
Social Planning Council - $5,000
Youth for Christ - $5,000
Williams Lake Stampede Association - $25,000
Cariboo Chilcotin Conservation Society (Water) - $38,600
Cariboo Chilcotin Conservation Society (Solid Waste) - $24,500
Community Policing Committee - $15,000
Tourism Discovery Centre - $155,000
TOTAL = $332,500
3) Council approved travel, accommodations and associated expenses for Mayor Cook to attend the Northern Crime Reduction Strategy Meeting on November 28, 2013 in Prince George, BC, as per Council policy
4) Council approved use of the place brand concept and logo as per the attachment for use by the City by the following vote:
Affirmative - Mayor Cook and Councillors Bonnell, Bourdon, Rathor and Zacharias
Negative - Councillor Hughes
Meeting recessed at 7pm for Public Hearing on Bylaw #2193
Meeting resumed at 7:03pm
5) Council approved the First Renewal Term Agreement for the Senior’s Activity Centre Society Lease and authorized Mayor Cook & the City's Mgr of Legislative Services to sign the renewal lease on behalf of the City
6) Council received and referred to the Dec 3rd, 2013 meeting Development Permit #6/2013 (1324 Broadway Avenue - McDonald's Exterior upgrade)
7) Council gave 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Reading to City of Williams Lake Bylaw Notice Enforcement Bylaw No. 2196 of 2013
8) Council authorized Staff to request BC Transit to complete a review of transit fares and operations and report back to Council with recommendations based on the review findings.
9) Council adopted Borrowing in Anticipation of Revenue Bylaw No. 2197, 2013
10) After a public hearing, Council gave 3rd Reading/Adoption to Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2193 (327 Oliver St)
11) Council received a news release from Interior Health re: the award of the planning contract for the Cariboo Memorial Hospital redevelopment project
12) Council received a letter from BC's Attorney-General (Hon. Suzanne Anton) regarding their meeting at the 2013 UBCM Convention
13) Late Item - Council agreed to provide a letter of support for the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) Cariboo Chilcotin Branch's Community Gaming Grant application through the Province's Gaming Policy & Enforcement Branch for their multiculturalism program and events.
14) Council received the "Council Information Package" as follows:
• November 2013 - NCLGA Connector No. 122;
• November 4, 2013 - UNBC Release re Appointment of Interim President;
• November 4, 2013 - Letter from Honourable Stephanie Cadieux re Adoption Awareness Month;
• November 5, 2013 - NDIT Release re Small Town Love pilot program success;
• November 7, 2013 - CRD Board Highlights;
• November 7, 2013 - BC Food Systems Network re Proposed Changes to ALR and ALC.
15) Council received a report from Mayor Cook regarding her activities on behalf of WL Council
Members of Council commented on their recent activities throughout the City
Meeting adjourned at 7:45pm and after a 5 minute break, Council had a private (non In-Camera) meeting
Absent - Councillor Laurie Walters
Staff present:
Darrell Garceau - City Manager (CAO)
Cindy Bouchard - Manager of Legislative Services
Geoff Goodall - GM of Planning/Ops
Ken MacInnis - Communications Coordinator
Alan Madrigga - Manager of Economic Development
Alan Madrigga - Manager of Economic Development
Meeting called to order at 6pm
At the request of Councillor Rathor - a moment of silence was observed to note the passing of former IWA Union Leader Jack Munro
At the request of Councillor Rathor - a moment of silence was observed to note the passing of former IWA Union Leader Jack Munro
Agenda approved and WL Council meeting minutes of Nov 5th approved
1) WL Community Arts Council appeared before Council to discuss the Branding the City with Art' and to conduct the Banner Presentations to Selected Artists
2) RCMP Update - Council received an update on activities from the local RCMP from Staff Sgt Ken Brissard and local Safer Community Coordinator Dave Dickson
1) Council received for information the cheque runs for the period of November 7 and 14, 2013
2) Council approved the 2014 Fee for Service contracts and funding levels proposed for 2014 as follows:
NOOPA (Boys & Girls Club) - $15,000
Williams Lake Stampede Association (Queens) - $5,000
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Williams Lake - $15,000
Cariboo Chilcotin Hospice Palliative Care Society - $16,900
Scout Island Nature Centre - $12,500
Social Planning Council - $5,000
Youth for Christ - $5,000
Williams Lake Stampede Association - $25,000
Cariboo Chilcotin Conservation Society (Water) - $38,600
Cariboo Chilcotin Conservation Society (Solid Waste) - $24,500
Community Policing Committee - $15,000
Tourism Discovery Centre - $155,000
TOTAL = $332,500
3) Council approved travel, accommodations and associated expenses for Mayor Cook to attend the Northern Crime Reduction Strategy Meeting on November 28, 2013 in Prince George, BC, as per Council policy
4) Council approved use of the place brand concept and logo as per the attachment for use by the City by the following vote:
Affirmative - Mayor Cook and Councillors Bonnell, Bourdon, Rathor and Zacharias
Negative - Councillor Hughes
Meeting recessed at 7pm for Public Hearing on Bylaw #2193
Meeting resumed at 7:03pm
5) Council approved the First Renewal Term Agreement for the Senior’s Activity Centre Society Lease and authorized Mayor Cook & the City's Mgr of Legislative Services to sign the renewal lease on behalf of the City
6) Council received and referred to the Dec 3rd, 2013 meeting Development Permit #6/2013 (1324 Broadway Avenue - McDonald's Exterior upgrade)
7) Council gave 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Reading to City of Williams Lake Bylaw Notice Enforcement Bylaw No. 2196 of 2013
8) Council authorized Staff to request BC Transit to complete a review of transit fares and operations and report back to Council with recommendations based on the review findings.
9) Council adopted Borrowing in Anticipation of Revenue Bylaw No. 2197, 2013
10) After a public hearing, Council gave 3rd Reading/Adoption to Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2193 (327 Oliver St)
11) Council received a news release from Interior Health re: the award of the planning contract for the Cariboo Memorial Hospital redevelopment project
12) Council received a letter from BC's Attorney-General (Hon. Suzanne Anton) regarding their meeting at the 2013 UBCM Convention
13) Late Item - Council agreed to provide a letter of support for the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) Cariboo Chilcotin Branch's Community Gaming Grant application through the Province's Gaming Policy & Enforcement Branch for their multiculturalism program and events.
14) Council received the "Council Information Package" as follows:
• November 2013 - NCLGA Connector No. 122;
• November 4, 2013 - UNBC Release re Appointment of Interim President;
• November 4, 2013 - Letter from Honourable Stephanie Cadieux re Adoption Awareness Month;
• November 5, 2013 - NDIT Release re Small Town Love pilot program success;
• November 7, 2013 - CRD Board Highlights;
• November 7, 2013 - BC Food Systems Network re Proposed Changes to ALR and ALC.
15) Council received a report from Mayor Cook regarding her activities on behalf of WL Council
Members of Council commented on their recent activities throughout the City
Meeting adjourned at 7:45pm and after a 5 minute break, Council had a private (non In-Camera) meeting
Taseko Mines responds to CEAA concerns
In respond to CEAA re: concerns with Fed Review Panel's New Prosperity final report, Taseko Mines released the following statement Monday:
You can Taseko's letter to CEAA here. Meanwhile - you can read Taseko Mines's letter to the Federal Environment Minister (Hon. Leona Aglukkaq) on their concerns of the Federal Review Panel's final report on New Prosperity here
Finally - Sun News looks at this story here in which both Federal Conservative MP's Dick Harris (Cariboo-PG) and Bob Zimmer (PG - Peace River) to lobby for this project as hard as possible
To be a "fly on the wall" as the Federal Cabinet makes a decision on New Prosperity in the next number of weeks….
Taseko (TSX: TKO; NYSE MKT: TGB) (the "Company") wishes to report that it has complied with the November 13th request from the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (CEAA) to explain the Company's position that the panel had erred in its finding on the technical aspects of New Prosperity's tailings seepage and water quality.
On November 13th CEAA posted the request for information on its internet registry. While CEAA has acknowledged receipt, to Taseko, of Taseko's letters dated November 8th and 15th, it does not intend to post these documents on the CEAA internet registry at this time.
Russell Hallbauer, President and CEO of Taseko commented, "Our position is very clear; we expect to be treated fairly and objectively in this process. Publicly requesting information, and then choosing not to release the results of the request in a similar manner creates an inaccurate portrayal of Taseko and an impression in the minds of the public that our critique of the panel's findings are somehow flawed. We have therefore posted the specific documents related to this matter on Taseko's website to ensure our shareholders, community stakeholders and the general public are fully aware of the facts."
For more information on the New Prosperity Project, including the CEAA correspondence, please visit
You can Taseko's letter to CEAA here. Meanwhile - you can read Taseko Mines's letter to the Federal Environment Minister (Hon. Leona Aglukkaq) on their concerns of the Federal Review Panel's final report on New Prosperity here
Finally - Sun News looks at this story here in which both Federal Conservative MP's Dick Harris (Cariboo-PG) and Bob Zimmer (PG - Peace River) to lobby for this project as hard as possible
To be a "fly on the wall" as the Federal Cabinet makes a decision on New Prosperity in the next number of weeks….