Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Steve's Meeting/Expense Calendar - October 2018

During the month of October 2018 - I attended the following meetings or events:

October 2nd -- all day Public Liaison Committee meeting at Mt Polley

October 3rd - Met with Ministry of Transportation Cariboo District Manager Todd Hubner then attended the October monthly meeting of the McLeese Lake Recreation Society

October 12th - CCRHD/CRD Board Meetings

October 16th - FLNRORD Community Breakfast in Quesnel

October 19th - Attended Breast Cancer fundraiser at Oasis Pub in McLeese Lake

October 20th - Attended the 2018 AGM of the Wildwood Community Association

October 24th - Met with CRD CAO J. MacLean to discuss Area D business

October 25th - WL Chamber of Commerce Meeting/Observed meeting of the McLeese Lake Volunteer Fire Department Society

In the month of October 2018 -- I submitted the following expenses for approval:

Oct 12th - $185 for CCRHD/CRD Board Meetings

Oct 16th - $118.80 for mileage from WL-Quesnel and return to attend the FLNRORD Community Breakfast in Quesnel


BC Government takes action on Abbott/Chapman report

Courtesy of the Government of BC:

The Province has released its action plan in response to the government-commissioned, independent Abbott/Chapman report on the unprecedented 2017 wildfire and flood seasons in British Columbia.
The plan outlines actions taken and underway, and identifies next steps to address the report’s 108 recommendations. It also considers recommendations from other recent reports, such as the auditor general’s report, Managing Climate Change Risks, and the federal House of Commons June 2018 report, From the Ashes: Reimagining Fire Safety and Emergency Management in Indigenous Communities.
Key actions underway include:
  • Building on partnerships with Indigenous and local communities to improve emergency preparedness and build local capacity and resources for disaster readiness, response and recovery. This includes expanding FireSmart funding and resources under the new $50-million Community Resiliency Investment Program and supporting community-led emergency planning.
  • Incorporating local and traditional Indigenous knowledge into emergency management practices, including ensuring that community wildfire protection plans and forest fuel management plans consider traditional land uses and knowledge.
  • Improving response and recovery integration, tools and resources across provincial agencies. This includes using technology to assess wildfire and flood impacts and starting development of a new provincial disaster recovery framework to adopt a more integrated, co-ordinated cross-ministry approach to recovery, while recognizing the important roles of First Nations partners and a variety of stakeholders.
  • Improving public information and outreach to Indigenous governments and communities and local stakeholders. This includes engaging with First Nations at regional partnership tables, supporting local and Indigenous communities in preparing community recovery plans, and building awareness of the mental-health impacts of wildfire and the resources available for British Columbians.
The Province continues to work to address the impacts of the 2017 and 2018 wildfires and floods and assist in the recovery of affected communities. The action plan supports the development of comprehensive integrated policy, programs and protocols to manage all phases of disaster from prevention and preparedness through response and recovery, now and in the future. The goal is to reduce disaster risk and increase community resiliency in B.C.
Progress updates on the action plan will be released biannually over the next two years. An update is scheduled to be issued April 30, 2019.
Quick Facts:
  • On Dec. 4, 2017, the B.C. government launched an independent review of the response to the 2017 wildfire and flooding seasons. The review was led by George Abbott and Maureen Chapman, Hereditary Chief of Skawahlook First Nation. Their report, Addressing the New Normal: 21st Century Disaster Management in B.C., which includes 108 recommendations related to disaster management, was released in May 2018.
  • In 2018, more than 1.3 million hectares burned during the wildfire season – the largest number on record – forcing thousands of B.C. residents from their homes. A provincial state of emergency was in place from Aug. 15 to Sept. 7. The total estimated cost of 2018 wildfire and flood response is more than $400 million.
  • In 2017, 1.2 million hectares burned, displacing more than 65,000 residents during the longest state of emergency in B.C.'s history. The total cost of wildfire and flood response in 2017 was close to $650 million. Before the 2017 wildfire season, the most-recent declared state of emergency was issued in August 2003 in response to wildfires.
Learn More:
For information on wildfire prevention, visit:
For information on how to prepare for an emergency, visit:

NStQ/B.C. advance reconciliation with government-to-government agreement

Courtesy of the Government of BC:

A new government-to-government agreement between the Northern Secwepemc te Qelmucw (NStQ) and the provincial government will help build healthy and prosperous First Nations communities, benefiting people in the Cariboo region.
The NStQ and B.C. have committed to collaborate on new approaches to land and resource management, and economic development in the NStQ First Nations’ territories through the Yecweminul’ecw Agreement, which means “Take care of the land” in Secwepemctsín.
The agreement provides for a more efficient process for consultation with NStQ First Nations on natural resource approvals, and for regular meetings between B.C. and the NStQ to discuss topics of mutual interest.
NStQ and the Province will also collaborate to develop positive working relationships with other levels of government, including the federal government, local governments and First Nations, as well as industry, ranchers and other stakeholders.
NStQ First Nations and the federal and provincial governments signed a treaty Agreement-in-Principle on July 22, 2018, and have advanced to the final stage of treaty negotiations. The government-to-government agreement is the first step of a commitment within the Agreement-in-Principle to negotiate co-operative approaches to land and resource decision-making on Crown land in NStQ territories, prior to completing a final treaty.
The provincial government is committed to developing relationships with NStQ First Nations, and all Indigenous peoples, based on respect and recognition, and guided by the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action and case law.
Chief Patrick Harry, Stswcem’c-Xgat’tem First Nation (Canoe Creek-Dog Creek) –
“Our people have lived in poverty and watched from the sidelines while other governments and corporations have reaped benefits from our lands. This agreement is a good first step toward remedying that injustice. We commend the province for taking it. And we look forward to shared management and shared benefits from the lands we have occupied for millennia.”
Acting Chief Sheri Sellars, Xat’sūll First Nation (Soda Creek) –
“Xat’sūll is pleased to finally have this agreement with the Province. Our territory, Secwepemculecw, is vitally important to our current members and our future generations. This agreement will provide us with tools to enhance NStQ’s collective stewardship efforts and serve as a foundation for an even stronger role in the future.”
Chief Willie Sellars, T’exelc First Nation (Williams Lake) –
“It’s time for change. It’s time to work together toward reconciliation and revitalization, for our people and for the region that will benefit from our stewardship and innovation. While the negotiation on the government-to-government agreement has been difficult, and although Williams Lake Indian Band recognizes we do not have a perfect agreement, we can utilize this agreement as a starting point for the NStQ on resource talks with government. We look forward to working in partnership with the B.C. government to ensure a thriving Cariboo region and thriving Northern Secwepemc people in future.”
Chief Helen Henderson, Tsq’escen’ First Nation (Canim Lake) –
“The way in which government recognizes and acknowledges the inherent rights of First Nations is changing. I would like to commend the Province of B.C. in making the effort to begin that process of strong government-to-government relationships. Through the Yecweminul'ecw Agreement we hope to have serious discussions on the stewardship and economic development of our lands leading to further steps in recognition and reconciliation.”
Scott Fraser, Minister of Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation 
“First Nations should have a strong voice in the stewardship of land and resources in their territories. Our agreement creates a new foundation for more powerful partnerships with the NStQ First Nations and advances our ongoing treaty negotiations to explore how we manage land and resources together. We are moving forward together as partners and governments to make life better and improve economic opportunities for NStQ members, to the benefit of everyone in the Cariboo.”
Quick Facts:
  • NStQ represents Tsq’escen’ First Nation (Canim Lake), Stswecem’c-Xgat’tem First Nation (Canoe Creek-Dog Creek), Xat’sūll First Nation (Soda Creek) and T’exelc First Nation (Williams Lake).
  • The NStQ First Nations have more than 2,600 members, and are located in the Cariboo region of British Columbia.
  • Chief Patrick Harry, Stswecem’c-Xgat’tem First Nation; Chief Willie Sellars, T’exelc First Nation; Chief Helen Henderson, Tsq’escen’ First Nation; Acting Chief Sheri Sellars, Xat’sūll First Nation; and Scott Fraser, Minister of Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation, are signatories to the government-to-government agreement.
  • The agreement provides $1.35 million over three years to the NStQ First Nations to support their ability to participate in the agreement.
Learn More:

Highway 97 construction area near Williams Lake shutting down for winter

Courtesy of the Government of BC:

Construction on Highway 97 from Williams Lake Indian Reserve No. 1 to Lexington Road will soon be concluding for the season, resulting in a speed limit increase from the current 50 km/h construction zone to 70 km/h.
Through November 2018, crews will be preparing the project for winter shutdown as cooler temperatures do not allow for completion of the remaining work.
The first layer of asphalt paving for this four-laning project was recently completed, but the remaining paving, or “top lift”, cannot take place until warmer temperatures return late next spring.
Two paved lanes will remain open throughout the project area this fall and winter. Although drivers may see four paved lanes, not all of the safety elements are completed to allow these additional lanes to be used at this time.
The remaining four to six weeks of work required to complete the project will begin late next spring, once seasonal load restrictions are removed from the side roads supporting the project. Work will include paving completion, installation of additional guardrails and signage, as well as grass seeding and landscaping.
People’s patience is appreciated while this work is carried out. Drivers are reminded that even though work will soon be halting for the season, they should obey the posted speed and use caution while travelling through the work area.
Learn More:
For more information on this project, which includes 6.2 kilometres of highway widening to four lanes and several intersection improvements, visit: 

Cariboo RD Area 'D' 2014-18 Term End Report

I have written my End of Term Report covering my 1st term as the Cariboo Regional District Electoral Area 'D' Director. You can read it at


Tuesday, October 30, 2018

WL Council Highlights - October 30th meeting

Present: Mayor W. Cobb; Councillors I. Bonnell, S. Nelson, J. Ryll, C. Smith and S. Zacharias

Meeting called to order at 6pm
Meeting Agenda adopted/Minutes of the WL City Council meeting held on October 9th, 2018 be received/adopted


1) Council received for information the accounts payable computer cheque and Electronic Funds Transfer listings dated October 11, 17, 18, 19, 2018

2) Council agreed to support an application to the CEPF Evacuation Route Planning Program and, if the grant application is approved, support Evacuation Route and Re-Entry Planning as a strategic priority within the 2019 Development Services and Protective Services work programs.

3) Council approved the award of Contract for the Tourism Discovery Center renovations to Sprucelee Construction Ltd. in the amount of $217,805 plus taxes.

4) Council authorized submission of a grant application to the Northern Development Initiative Trust (NDIT) Façade Improvement Program and, if approved, direct Staff to implement the program based on the attached program guides and application as contained in the Staff report dated October 15th, 2018.

Councillor S. Nelson declared a conflict of interest on the next item at 6:05pm and left Council Chambers

5) Council awarded the Insurance Broker services contract to HUB International at a cost of $15,000 annually for a three (3) year term, with an option to extend an additional two (2) years

Councillor S. Nelson returned at Council Chambers at 6:06pm

6) Council received the report of the Chief Election Officer dated October 25, 2018 providing the results of the 2018 City of Williams Lake Local Government Election

7) Council received DVP application #06-2018 - R. Brink Enterprises - Height Variance for Proposed Garage - 1277 South Lakeside Drive and directed Staff to issue notice of the application to property owners and tenants within 100 m of the subject property advising of the time and date when the matter will be considered by Council

8) Council reconsidered/adopted Development Cost Charge Reserve Funds Expenditure Bylaw No. 2295

9) Council approved the 2018 Annual Memory Tree Celebration on Sunday, December 2, 2018 from 3:00 PM to 4:30 PM at City Hall

10) Council agreed to provide a letter of support for Williams Lake Hospice Society's funding application to BC Gaming

11) Council agreed to the following in regards to 2018 Remembrance Day Ceremonies & Poppy Sales:

a) approve the Poppy Campaign sale days from October 27, 2018 to November 11, 2018;
b) encourage the community to attend the Remembrance Day ceremonies at the Gibralter Room on November 11, 2018;
c) approve the parade route on November 11, 2018 as indicated, and Staff coordinate the placement of barricades as requested;
d) approve the use of the City Hall lobby for accumulation of wreaths and crosses before and after the service parade; and further,
e) authorize the Legion Flag to be displayed on the City's flag pole for the week of November 3 through 11, 2018.

12) Council received a letter from the Hon. Scott Fraser - Minister of Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation in regards to Dasiqox Tribal Park and that the letter be responded to by requesting that the proponent (TNG) be required to consult with all affected parties in the region to assess the economic and social impacts of the proposed Dasiqox Tribal Park

13) Council agreed to provide approval for the Winter Lights Parade on December 1, 2018 being organized by Williams Lake Business Improvement Association (WLBIA)

14) Late Item #1 --  Council agreed to support an application to the Age-Friendly Communities Program and, if the $15,000 grant application is approved, add Accessibility and Age-Friendly design expertise to the scope of the proposed Waterfront Recreation Concept Planning program and budget

15) Late Item #2 -- Council endorsed the Williams Lake & District Chamber of Commerce' application to the Northern Development Initiative Trust (NDIT) Marketing Initiatives Fund for up to $10,000 toward their Williams Lake and District Marketing Refresh Initiative.

16) Council Information Package, as of October 30th, 2018 was received as follows:

* Cariboo Regional District Board Highlights October 12, 2018

Councillor S. Zacharias provided a Farewell Address and following the address, received a standing ovation

Councillors Bonnell, Nelson, Ryll, Smith and Mayor W. Cobb plus the CAO provided oral reports on their recent activities

Media Question Period -- 2019 Age Friendly Grant Application

Council adjourned at 6:52pm

Monday, October 29, 2018

Fire Mitigation Project -- Williams Lake and Area

Looking for assistance to FireSmart your property as a result of the 2017/2018 Wildfires? United Way (Thompson-Nicola-Cariboo), in partnership with the Governments of British Columbia/Canada, have established the "Fire Mitigation Project". Full details at:

2019 LGLA EOS Sessions

The Local Government Leadership Academy or LGLA announced that registration is open for the 2019 round of Elected or Returning Elected Official Seminars for the 5 UBCM Area Associations plus a session for Electoral Area Directors

For full details - click here

As someone who believes in "life long learning" while in local government and a 2016 recipient of LGLA's Level 1 Certificate in Local Government Leadership (and I'm hoping to apply for and receive LGLA's Level 2 Advanced Certificate in Local Government Leadership in 2019) - I urge everyone in local government, whether elected for the 1st time or returning elected to attend this session - the networking opportunities for newly or returning elected to network with their peers is invaluable and the learning sessions always generates something new to be learned....


It's Not You, It's the Title!

Former Saanich Mayor and Ag Land Commission Chair and now local government consultant Frank Leonard, writes on how people who are elected are being invited to events becomes of their elected office and NOT because of the individual holding the said elected office .... A good read!

Click here


Friday, October 26, 2018

Local Gov't Mtgs - Wk of Oct 29th - Nov 2nd

Local Governments of the Cariboo-Chilcotin are meeting next week, as follows:

Wells - Special Meeting of Council on Tuesday, October 30th at 7pm in Wells Council Chambers (4243 Sanders Avenue).  On the Agenda:

* 2019 Permissive Tax Exemption Bylaw No. 171, 2018 (Adoption)

* 2018 Oath of Office Ceremony -- Mayor-elect Gabe Fourchalk and Councillors-elect Mandy Kilsby, Ksenya Dorwart, Chris Cooley and Jordan Rohatynski

* Select Committee or Other Appointments:

a) Economic Development and Tourism Committee and Education, Health and Housing Committee - Councillors Ksenya Dorwart and Jordan Rohatynski
b) Planning, Zoning and Heritage Committee - Councillor Mandy Kilsby
c) Emergency Management Committee - Councillor Chris Cooley
d) Wells CRD Director - Mayor Gabe Fourchalk

* 2018/2019 Acting Mayor Schedule
* Appointment of signing authority for the District of Wells

View the full Agenda here

Williams Lake - Regular and Final Meeting of the 2014-2018 Williams Lake City Council on Tuesday, October 30th at 6pm in WL Council Chambers (450 Mart Street).  On the Agenda:

* 2019 Evacuation Route Planning Grant Application including into CRD Areas D/F (Soda Creek/Chimney Lake)
* Tourism Discovery Center Renovations Request for Quote Award
* 2019 NDIT Façade Program Grant Application
* Insurance Broker Request for Proposals
* DVP #06-2018 - R. Brink Enterprises - Height Variance for Proposed Garage - 1277 South Lakeside Drive
* Letter from BC's Minister of Indigenous Relations re: Dasiqox Tribal Park

View the full Agenda here

Cariboo Regional District - Central Cariboo Joint Committee on Thursday, November 1st at 5:30pm in the CRD Boardroom (180D North 3rd Avenue, Williams Lake).  On the Agenda:

* Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex - City DVP Application Referral for Discussion and Comments
* Central Cariboo Arts and Culture 2019 Business and Financial Plans
* Central Cariboo Recreation and Leisure Services 2019 Business, Financial and Capital Plans

View the full Agenda here

Quesnel/Williams Lake/100 Mile House/SD28/SD27 and the Cariboo Regional District Board will all hold their Inaugural Meetings (Swearing In of Elected Officials, etc) during the week of November 5-9


Wednesday, October 24, 2018

City of Williams Lake 2018 Election - Official Election Result

This afternoon, Cindy Bouchard -- City of Williams Lake's Chief Election Officer declared official the following election results:

Office of Mayor - Walt Cobb

Office of City Councillor - Sheila Boehm, Ivan Bonnell, Marnie Brenner, Scott Nelson, Jason Ryll, and Craig Smith

View the official declaration here


Quesnel Council Highlights - Oct 23rd mtg

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

Retirement Presentations - Councillors
With October 23, 2018 being the final Council meeting of the 2014-2018 Council Term, Councillors: John Brisco (7 years), Ed Coleman (7 years), and Sushil Thapar (16 years) were presented with a gift of appreciation for their years of public service as City of Quesnel Elected Official from the three incumbent Councillors: Scott Elliott, Ron Paull, and Laurey-Anne Roodenburg. Mayor Simpson presented the retiring Councillors’ spouses with a gift of appreciation, and wished everyone all the best in their retirements.
Council Members – Final Annual Reports
All Members of Council presented their final reports for the 2014-2018 Council Term outlining Council’s achievements in 2018 and, for some Councillors, reflections on their past years of public service.
Council Remuneration
The Council Remuneration Reference Group, comprised of outgoing Councillors: John Brisco, Ed Coleman, and Sushil Thapar, were asked to look at the Council Remuneration Policy due to the Canada Revenue Agency’s policy to eliminate the federal one third tax exemption on Elected Officials’ remuneration effective January 1, 2019. Council approved a portion of the Council Remuneration Reference Group recommendations, effective January 1, 2019, as follows:
  • Increase remuneration by 12.4% for the Mayor, and 10.5% for Councillors to offset the effect of one third of remuneration no longer being tax free
  • Additional compensation for Acting Mayor to $200 per month
  • Additional compensation for Standing Chair Committee to $100 per month
  • Additional compensation for Select Chair Committee to $50 per month
  • Increase the Mayor’s salary by an additional $5,000 and Councillors by an additional $1,750 in recognition of the work required as the city is a community in transition
  • Receive a City of Quesnel jacket, valued at approximately $100
Cannabis Retail – Land Use Policy
At the October 2, 2018 Council meeting, Council approved one retail store to be located in the downtown core (C-3 zone) that would be publicly-owned and regulated by the Liquor and Cannabis Regulation Branch. However, after City staff had discussions with the Liquor and Cannabis Regulations Branch’s representative on where to locate a possible cannabis store, it was determined there are minimal vacant retail spaces in the downtown (C-3 zone) that would be compatible for this use. Therefore, Council approved City staff’s recommendation to amend the Cannabis Retail Bylaw to extend a publically-owned retail cannabis store permitted use to be included in the West Quesnel Business District (C-2 zone). Other bylaw changes include:
  • Restrictions will prevent a cannabis store from being located within:
    • 1000m of another cannabis store;
    • 50m of a secondary or junior school;
    • 100m of a playground or playfield; or
    • 30m of a residentially zoned property.
Next steps include: 
  • Adopt zoning policy; 
  • Create a business license fee; and 
  • Develop procedures for reviewing application, obtaining resident feedback and providing comment to the Liquor and Cannabis Regulation Branch.
  • 1845 – Cannabis Regulations – Rescind Second Reading, Second Reading As Amended, and Re-affirm the Public Hearing Set for 6 pm, Tuesday, November 20, 2018 at City Hall Council Chambers
  • 1854 – Loan Authorization Bylaw for New Public Works Facility – Final Adoption
Next Meetings
  • 6 pm, November 6 – Inaugural/Swearing-In Ceremony – Newly Elected Council (Term 2018 – 2022)
  • 5:30 pm, November 13 – North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee

New CRD Board/Selection of Chair/Vice Chair for 2018-19 Term

Yesterday, the Chief Election Officer of the Cariboo Regional District declared the Official Election Results of the 2018 Cariboo Regional District Local General Election for Electoral Areas A,B,E,F,J,K,L + the North Cariboo Airport Service Referendum - click here

The new Cariboo RD Board will meet on Thursday, November 8th to elect its' Chair/Vice-Chair for the 2018-19 term.  Although written for the TNRD in mind, TNRD Area P Director Mel Rothenburger wrote on how Directors' in a Regional District lobby each other for the election of Chair/Vice-Chair of a Regional District Board - click here

Finally - as I did in November 2017, I will be putting forward the name of Cariboo RD Area 'H' Director Margo Wagner for the position of Chair of the Cariboo Regional District for the 2018-19 term and she has confirmed to me that she will accept such a nomination at the Inaugural Meeting of the Cariboo RD Board on November 8th, 2018

I'm also hopeful that the Board will re-elect, by acclamation, Cariboo RD Area 'C' Director John Massier for Vice-Chair of the Cariboo RD Board for 2018-19.

Both have served the Cariboo RD Board well in the 2017-18 term and I believe that they should be allowed to continue in these two roles.


District of 100 Mile House 2018 Election - Official Election Results

Courtesy of the District of 100 Mile House:

Office of Mayor - Mitch Campsall - click here

Office of Councillor - Chris Pettman, Maureen Pinkney, Dave Mingo and Ralph Fossum - click here

Cariboo RD Election/NC Airport Referendum results now official

Courtesy of the Cariboo Regional District:

Six new Directors were elected to the Cariboo Regional District (CRD) Board of Directors on Saturday, Oct. 20 as part of the local government elections taking place across the province. CRD Elections were held in Electoral Areas A, B, E, F, J, K and L of the Regional District.

All other Electoral Area Directors, including new Area I Director Jim Glassford, were acclaimed on Sept. 24, 2018.

A total of 4,654 voters came out to vote, out of the 18,895 eligible voters in Areas A, B, E, F, J, K and L in the Regional District. Voter turnout was higher than in the 2014 elections, which saw 2,137 voters.

For the North Cariboo Airport Service referendum, 1446 ballots were cast by CRD residents with 72% saying yes to establishing a contribution service for the Quesnel Regional Airport. In total, 1 044 people voted yes and 402 voted no.

The 2019-2022 Board of Directors will include the following electoral area directors:
Electoral AreaDirectorAcclaimed/ElectedNew Director
Area AMary SjostromElectedNew
Area BBarbara BachmeierElectedNew
Area CJohn MassierAcclaimed 
Area DSteve ForsethAcclaimed 
Area EAngie DelaineyElected 
Area FConrad TurcotteElectedNew
Area GAl RichmondAcclaimed 
Area HMargo WagnerAcclaimed 
Area I Jim GlassfordAcclaimedNew
Area JGerald KirbyElectedNew
Area KChad MernettElectedNew
Area LWillow MacDonaldElectedNew

Representatives from the CRD’s four member municipalities; the District of 100 Mile House, the City of Quesnel, the City of Williams Lake and the District of Wells, will be appointed during their respective inaugural meetings.

The CRD’s inaugural meeting for the new Board of Directors will take place on Thursday, Nov. 8, 2018, at which time they will take their oath of office.

Upcoming Proportional Representation Sessions

There are two presentations on Proportional Representation with the mail in referendum currently underway.  With two presentations this week, there is no reason that you can not cast an informed vote for or against the Province's proposal...

Details below:

Wednesday, October 24th:

7 pm at Thompson Rivers University.

Speakers are J. Sanders -- Fair Vote Canada, and Prince George columnist and Stand Up For The North representative Peter Ewart.

The two will explain all you need to know about the upcoming referendum on electoral reform.

The event is hosted by the Council of Canadians, Williams Lake Chapter

Friday, October 26:

TIME: 6:30-8:30 pm
LOCATION: Lake City Secondary School - Williams Lake Campus - Commons

Moderator: Jason Ryll

For Electoral Reform:

Sally Watson NDP Candidate Cariboo Chilcotin during last Provincial Election
Michael Atwood Council of Canadians

Against Electoral Reform:

MLA Donna Barnett Cariboo Chilcotin Riding
MLA Mike Morris Prince George-Mackenzie Riding

This event is hosted by the Williams Lake and District Chamber of Commerce

Message from NCLGA - 2018 Local Government Elections

Courtesy of the North Central Local Government Association:

On behalf of the North Central Local Government Association, it gives me immense pleasure to extend my congratulations to all of you who have been elected in the 2018 General Local Elections. I want to wish you every success as you prepare to take up the responsibilities and challenges of your office. I am looking forward to working with you and I trust we will continue to work for the improvement of our communities.

I want to also thank everyone who ran in this election. Your time, energy and commitment to the democratic process is essential to our communities’ resilience, and I am proud to have worked with you in any capacity.

Finally, I want to especially thank all those individuals for their service who did not run or were not re-elected.

Gord Klassen - Councillor, Fort St. John
President, NCLGA

Monday, October 22, 2018

Upcoming prescribed burns planned in the Cariboo-Chilcotin

Courtesy of the BC Wildfire Service:

BC Wildfire Service crews will be assisting with two ecosystem restoration burns in the Cariboo Fire Centre this week.

Firefighters from the Cariboo Fire Centre will carefully monitor these fires at all times.

Echo Mountain:

* Alkali Resource Management Ltd. and the Esk'etemc First Nation, with the assistance of the BC Wildfire Service, are planning to conduct a 53-hectare prescribed burn in the Echo Mountain area, about nine kilometres southwest of Alkali Lake.

* This prescribed burn could start as early as Monday, Oct. 22, 2018, but the decision on when to proceed will depend on weather and site conditions.

* Smoke from this controlled fire may be visible from nearby communities.

Crows Bar:

* The ministry is planning to conduct a 500-hectare prescribed burn in the Crows Bar area between Canoe Creek and the Big Bar ferry on the east side of the Fraser River.

* This prescribed burn is expected to be ignited between Oct. 24 and Oct. 25, 2018, but the decision on when to proceed will depend on weather and site conditions.

* Smoke from this controlled fire may be visible from nearby communities.

A prescribed burn is an intentionally ignited fire that is planned and managed by a certified "burn boss." The burn boss is responsible for ensuring initial burn conditions are favourable and the fire is fully extinguished once the prescribed burn is completed.

These two burns will only proceed if site, weather and venting conditions are suitable. All prescribed burns must comply with the Environment Management Act and the Open Burning Smoke Control Regulation. This helps minimize the amount of smoke generated.

These two prescribed burns are supported by the ministry's Ecosystem Restoration Program and will help restore native grasslands in these areas. Historically, grasslands in the Cariboo-Chilcotin were renewed through frequent, low-intensity ground fires. Such fires prevented tree encroachment, rejuvenated understory plants and helped maintain more open grasslands and forests with large trees. The reintroduction of managed, low-intensity ground fires to these grasslands is intended to restore and maintain grassland plant communities native to these areas.

These types of planned fires also reduce accumulations of flammable material (fuel management), which will help decrease the risk of significant wildfires in these areas in future.

These two prescribed burns are part of an ongoing ecosystem restoration program administered by the provincial government through the Cariboo-Chilcotin Ecosystem Restoration Committee, in consultation with First Nations, local ranchers, forest licensees, outdoors organizations, the Fraser Basin Council, the B.C. Wildlife Federation and the Cariboo Chilcotin Conservation Society.

Learn More:

A factsheet about prescribed burns and ecosystem restoration burns is available online:

To learn more about the Cariboo-Chilcotin Ecosystem Restoration Committee, visit:  

2018 Official Election Results - City of Quesnel Mayor/Councillors + Public Works Building Referendum

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

The City of Quesnel’s Chief Electoral Officer has released the official results of the 2018 Local Government Election and Assent Vote for the City of Quesnel. The numbers include totals from all general voting, advance voting, special opportunity voting, and mail-in ballots.
The results, in order of highest votes received, are:
Mayor – Elected by acclamation
  1. SIMPSON, Bob
Councillor – Six elected by voting
  1. ELLIOTT, Scott - 1,417 
  2. VIK, Mitch - 1,230 
  3. PAULL, Ron - 1,111 
  4. ROODENBURG, Laurey-Anne - 1,101 
  5. RUNGE, Martin - 894 
  6. GOULET, Tony - 882
  7. MACNEILL, Susan - 706 
  8. BURROWS, Tammy - 626 
  9. WYSSEN, Fritz - 534 
  10. WOODS, Lindsay - 419 
  11. TOWNSEND, Kyle - 400 
Assent Vote (New Public Works Facility)
Yes:  1393  =  76.20%
No:  435  =  23.80%
A total of 1,909 ballots were cast in the 2018 Local Government Election, compared to 3,020 ballots cast in the 2014 Local Government Election. The 2018 Local Government Election voter turnout was 25.5% of the 7,484 estimated eligible voters.

Saturday, October 20, 2018

2018 Unofficial Election Results - District of 100 Mile House

Mayor - Mitch Campsall

Councillors' - Maureen Pinkney, Dave Mingo, Ralph Fossum and Chris Pettman

Results are unofficial until next week when official results are released

2018 Unofficial Election Results - Cariboo Regional District (Electoral Area Directors')

Electoral Area 'A' - Mary Sjostrom
Electoral Area 'B' - Barb Bachmeier
Electoral Area 'C' - John Massier (by acclamation on September 24th, 2018)
Electoral Area 'D' - Steve Forseth (by acclamation on September 24th, 2018)
Electoral Area 'E' - Angie Delainey
Electoral Area 'F' - Conrad Turcotte
Electoral Area 'G' - Al Richmond (by acclamation on September 24th, 2018)
Electoral Area 'H' - Margo Wagner (by acclamation on September 24th, 2018)
Electoral Area 'I' - Jim Glassford (by acclamation on September 24th, 2018)
Electoral Area 'J' - Gerald Kirby
Electoral Area 'K' - Chad Mernett
Electoral Area 'L' - Willow Macdonald

On the Question of the proposed North Cariboo Airport Service:

"Are you in favour of the adoption of Bylaw No. 5151, which would provide a contribution of funds for the provision of airport services at the Quesnel Regional Airport? The maximum annual requisition would be the greater of $90,000 or an amount raised by applying a tax rate of $0.0682/$1,000 to the net taxable value of land and improvements in the service area. (Based on 2018 assessed values, the current residential tax rate for the contribution to airport services would be $3.61/$100,000.)"

Yes - 1,044
No - 402

Results are unofficial until next week when official results are released

2018 Unofficial Election Results - School District #28 (Quesnel)

1) Cyril M Tobin
2) Tony Goulet
3) Gloria Jackson
4) Julia-Anne Runge
5) Howie B Schonke
6) Wendy Clement
7) David Chapman

Results are unofficial until next week when official results are released

2018 Unofficial Election Results - School District #27 (Cariboo-Chilcotin)

Zone 1 - Linda Martens (by acclamation on September 24th, 2018)
Zone 2 - Mary Forbes
Zone 3 - Willow Macdonald (by acclamation on September 24th, 2018)
Zone 4 - Ciel Patenaude
Zone 5 - Angie Delainey
Zone 6 - Alexis Forseille
Zone 7 - Anne Kohut

Results are unofficial until next week when official results are released

2018 Unofficial Election Results - District of Wells

Mayor - Gabe Fourchalk

Councillors' - Ksenya A Dorwart, Mandy Kilsby, Jordan A Rohatynski and Chris Cooley

Results are unofficial until next week when official results are released...

2018 Unofficial Election Results - City of Quesnel

Mayor - Bob Simpson (by acclamation on September 24th, 2018)

Councillors' - Scott Eliott, Ron Paull, Laurey-Anne Roodenburg, Mitch Vik, Martin Runge and Tony Goulet

Referendum Question - New Public Works Building

Are you in favour of the City of Quesnel adopting City of Quesnel New Public Works Facility Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 1854 of 2018 which will authorize Council to borrow a sum not exceeding eight and half millions dollars ($8,500,000), repayable over a period of no more than thirty (30) years, for the development and construction of a new Public Works Facility?

Yes - 1,395
No - 435

Results are unofficial until early next week...

2018 Unofficial Election Results - City of Williams Lake

Mayor - Walt Cobb

Councillors' - Ivan Bonnell, Jason Ryll, Craig Smith, Scott Nelson, Marnie Brenner and Sheila Boehm

Results are unofficial until early next week with the official election results are declared

2018 General Voting Day/Cariboo-Chilcotin Local Elections

For the last number of weeks - the candidates for the various local governments/Boards of Education elected positions have been lobbying, you - the voter, for their vote in a variety of ways (online, at the door and at all candidate forums, etc) as they seek election (or re-election) to the positions of Mayors (except Quesnel), Councillors, Cariboo RD Electoral Area Directors (Areas A, B, E, F, J, K and L) and School Trustees in School Districts #27 (Zones 2,4,5,6,7) and #28 (all 7 positions)

Cariboo RD Directors for Areas C, D, G, H and I plus SD27 Zones 1 and 3 and the Mayor of Quesnel were all acclaimed for the 2018-2022 term, back on September 24th, 2018

Now - it is over to you, the voter, to now determine their fate:

Voting Locations and what you need to know to cast your vote from 8am - 8pm at various locations can be found in the links below:

For the District of Wells:

Cast votes for 1 Mayor, up to 4 Councillors and School District #28 Trustees (up to 7).  Full details on what the electors (voters) need to know before voting are here.

For the City of Quesnel/School District #28:

Cast votes for up to 6 Councillors and School District #28 Trustees (up to 7) as well as the Public Works Referendum (consent to borrowing bylaw for up to $8.5 million for new Public Works Building - for details, click here)

Full details on what the electors (voters) need to know before voting are here

Candidates Guide here

For School District #27:

Cast votes for Trustees for Zones 2, 4, 5, and 7. School District #27 advises that a polling station for the 70 Mile House area in Trustee Electoral Area 2 has been moved to the 70 Mile House Community Hall - 2585 North Bonaparte Rd  

Full details on what the electors (voters) need to know before voting are here.

Candidate Guide here

For City of Williams Lake:

Cast votes for up to 6 Councillors, 1 Mayor and School District #27 Zone 6 Trustee.  Full details on what the electors (voters) need to know before voting are here

Candidate Guide here
Also, Williams Lake Bus Transit will be running for an extended period to ensure that you can get to Marie Sharpe Elementary to cast your ballot today.  Full details here

For the District of 100 Mile House:

Cast votes for 1 Mayor and up to 4 Councillors.  Full details on what the electors (voters) need to know before voting are here.

Candidate Guide here

For the Cariboo Regional District:

Cast votes for a Director for Electoral Areas A, B, E, F, J, K and L & School District #28 Trustees (up to 7 - applicable to voters in Electoral Areas A, B, C, I) plus a Referendum to approve the North Cariboo Airport Contribution Service (applicable to voters in Electoral Areas A, B, C and I).  Details on the North Cariboo Airport Contribution Service can be viewed here

Full details on what the CRD Electoral Areas A,B,E,F,J,K,L electors (voters) need to know before voting are here

Candidates Guide - North Cariboo CRD Elections here, Central Cariboo CRD Elections here and CRD Electoral Area L Election here

Unofficial Results should be available roughly 30 mins after the polls close at 8pm for Quesnel and SD28/City of Williams Lake local elections.

Wells/100 Mile House unofficial election results should be known between 9-10 pm....

Cariboo Regional District and School District #27 unofficial election results will take longer to know, due to 1 Referendum + 7 Electoral Area Elections + SD27 Elections in Zones 2,4,5,6 and 7 and the fact that votes are counted and processed manually

Results for CRD and SD27 Elections may not be available until well after 10pm....

You can follow the unofficial results online at

I will post the unofficial results here, as soon as they are known after 8pm tonight!

Thank you to everyone who participated in the 2018 Local Elections process, either as a candidate or those helping an candidate win their desire elected position and I'm very much looking forward to hearing the results after 8pm tonight!


Friday, October 19, 2018

Local Gov't Mtgs - Wk of Oct 22-26

Tomorrow from 8am - 8pm is General Voting Day for all Local Governments & Boards of Education in the Cariboo-Chilcotin Region.  I will have a post tomorrow morning to outline resources for voters', both to review candidates and what voters' need to know before heading to the polls

Meanwhile - the following local governments or Boards of Education of the Cariboo-Chilcotin will be meeting for the final time for the 2014-2018 term next week, as follows:

Wells - Public Hearing on District of Wells Permissive Tax Exemption Bylaw No. 171, 2018 at 7pm on Tuesday, October 23rd in Wells Council Chambers (4243 Sanders Avenue). Full Public Hearing Agenda here.  Following the Public Hearing, the Regular Council Meeting will follow.  When available, the Regular Council Meeting Agenda can be viewed here

Quesnel - Regular Council Meeting on Tuesday, October 23rd at 7pm in Quesnel Council Chambers (4th Floor, 410 Kinchant St).  On the Agenda:

* Committee Reports including 2014-2018 Term End Reports
* 2019-2023 North Cariboo Recreation and Parks Management Agreement
* Cannabis Regulation Bylaw Amendments
* Visitor Centre Contribution Agreement
* Council Remuneration Reference Group Recommendations

View the full Agenda here

School District #27 (Cariboo-Chilcotin) - Regular Board of Education Meeting on Tuesday, October 23rd at 6:30pm in the SD27 Boardroom (350 2nd Avenue, Williams Lake).  On the Agenda:

* Presentation on SD27's new Facebook page
* Presentation/Approval of the 2017-18 Statement of Financial Information Report
* Reports from the Superintendent and Secretary-Treasurer
* Review of 3 Policies -- Smoking Smokeless Tobacco Restrictions, Alcohol or Drugs and Alcohol Protocols
* Review 2018-19 Annual Amended Budget
* Farewell comments from 2014-18 SD27 Board of Education Trustees

View the full Agenda here

100 Mile House - Regular Council Meeting on Tuesday, October 23rd at 7pm in 100 Mile House Council Chambers (385 Birch Avenue).  When available, the Agenda can be viewed here

Williams Lake City Council will meet for the final time in the 2014-2018 term on Tuesday, October 30th at 6pm while the CRD Board met for the final time for the 2014-2018 term, back on Friday October 12th and the Board of Education for School District #28 (Quesnel) met for the final time in the 2014-2018 term, back on Wednesday, October 17th

Inaugural Meetings for local governments/Boards of Education for the 2018-2022 term will take place during the week of November 5-9, 2018


Public asked for feedback on proposed Kluskus connector

Courtesy of the Government of BC:

The public is invited to comment on a new road proposal that would provide an emergency exit route to Highway 16 for residents of the Lhoosk’uz Dene (Kluskus) Nation reserve and people in the surrounding areas.
The road would begin at approximately 53.25 kilometres along the Coglistiko (4000) Forest Service Road, cross the Blackwater (West Road) River and connect to the end of the Blue 4000 Forest Service Road.
For a map of the proposed project area, visit:
The ministry is consulting with First Nations, stakeholders and the public, as well as undertaking environmental, heritage and recreation reviews before making a decision on whether to proceed with construction.
Provide feedback by email to the project manager, Rob Jonasson, by November 15, 2018, at:
The deadline for stakeholders who have already received an information package has been extended to Nov. 15, 2018.

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Persons Day 2018

Today is recognized as Persons Day where 5 women, also known as the "Famous Five" -- Emily Murphy, Nellie McClung, Irene Parlby, Louise McKinney and Henrietta Muir Edwards -- successfully changed the law through a case decided at the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council to include women in the definition person

More on the background on Persons Day here

BC Premier John Horgan speaks to Persons Day 2018 here
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaks to Persons Day 2018 here

I am personally thankful to the "Famous Five" for pursuing equality for women as they contribute much to society and all governments but I acknowledge that there is so much more work to do to ensure true equality for women/men...


Front Street lane realignment in Quesnel

Courtesy of the Government of BC:

Drivers are advised to expect minor delays starting Saturday, Oct. 20, 2018, as crews begin paving Highway 97/Front Street in Quesnel.
Drivers can also anticipate traffic pattern changes to follow. Once paving is completed, line painting will take place to reconfigure the lanes on Front Street between Moffat Bridge and River Park Road. The new lane configuration will improve safety and reduce congestion for people living in Quesnel and travelling through the area on Highway 97.
Currently, there are two southbound lanes and one northbound on this section, with no left-turn lanes between Moffat Bridge and River Park Road. The new lane configuration will provide one lane northbound, one lane southbound and a centre left-turn lane at controlled intersections.
People's patience is appreciated while this work is being carried out. Drivers are reminded to slow down, use caution and obey traffic control while travelling through the work area.
Drivers should continue to check and @DriveBC on Twitter for the most up-to-date information.
This lane realignment work is taking place as a result of the Quesnel Transportation Study. To find out more about the upcoming improvements, visit:

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Vote in Cariboo RD General Elections on Saturday!

Courtesy of the Cariboo Regional District:

Out of the 28,890 eligible voters in the Cariboo Regional District, 392 people have cast their ballots to date in the CRD general election. The last opportunity to vote in the upcoming CRD election is this Saturday, Oct. 20 from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Find a polling station in your area at Please note that municipal and school district polling stations may be at different locations than the CRD. Visit your municipal and school district website for more details.
Voting stations are available in Electoral Areas C and I for the North Cariboo Airport Service referendum, even though those Electoral Area Directors have been acclaimed. Find referendum polling stations at Voters in Areas A and B can vote for the election and referendum at the same locations.

Advance Polls
North Cariboo
(Areas A & B)
(Areas A, B & I)
Central Cariboo
(Areas E, F, J & K)
(Areas D, E & K)
South Cariboo
(Area L)
Advance Polls
North Cariboo
Central Cariboo
South Cariboo
Other important points:
  • Don’t forget to bring two pieces of identification to vote.
  • For non-resident property electors where more than one person owns the property, the signatures of a majority of the owners are required. You must bring a completed non-resident property owner form with you to vote. Download the form here. Contact the Chief or Deputy Chief Election Officer prior to voting day for more details.
  • Mail ballot voting is available until Oct. 18. Mail ballots can be picked up and dropped off in-person and do not have to be mailed. Visit for details.
  • Contact information for candidates is posted at
  • When the polls close on Oct. 20, unofficial election results will be posted at
For more election information, visit or call the CRD at 250-392-3351 or 1-800-665-1636.

Final Advanced Voting Day - Quesnel/WL

Today is the final chance to cast an advanced vote for up to 6 Quesnel City Councillors/SD28 Trustees and the Public Works Referendum; 1 Williams Lake Mayor/up to 6 WL City Councillors and for SD27 Zone 2 and 5 Trustee

Details below:

Quesnel/SD28 -- 
Advanced Voting Day #3 - CNC/UNBC Campus located at 100 Campus Way (below McDonald's on North Star Road) from 11am - 4pm
For what you need to bring with you to vote today --
For questions regarding the Public Works Referendum --
Williams Lake/SD 27 -- 
Advanced Voting Day #2 - 8am - 8pm in the foyer area of Williams Lake City Hall (WL Mayor/City Councillors and SD27 Zone 6 Trustee)
Advanced Voting Day #2 (SD27 Zones 2/5) -- 8am to 8pm at the SD27 Administration Office (350 2nd Avenue, Williams Lake
For information on what you need to bring to vote for WL Mayor/City Councillors and SD27 Zone 6 Trustee, go to
For information on what you need to bring to vote for the SD27 Zone 2 and 5 Trustee -- go to…/2014/07/Notice-of-Election-All-Zone…
After 8pm today - Your final chance to vote for Wells Mayor/4 Councillors, WL Mayor/City Councillors, up to 6 Quesnel City Councillors/up to SD28 7 Trustees, SD27 Zone 2,4,5,6,7, 100 Mile House Mayor/4 Councillors and Cariboo RD Directors for Areas A,B,E,F,J,K and L will be this Saturday from 8am - 8pm

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Controlled pile burning planned for 108 Mile Ranch area

Courtesy of the Cariboo Regional District:

A series of controlled pile burns are planned in Walker Valley, in the 108 Mile Ranch area, between Oct. 18 and Nov. 30, 2018. The 108 Greenbelt Commission is coordinating the project with support from the Cariboo Regional District and the 108 Mile Volunteer Fire Department.

The work is being done to dispose of the debris from the fuel management project undertaken last winter.

Burning will be conducted in a controlled manner when conditions are appropriate, and the piles will be closely monitored. Some smoke and flames may be visible from the piles.

Please direct any questions to Ron Soeder, 108 Greenbelt Commission Chair at or 250-791-5752.

The 108 Greenbelt Service was established by the Cariboo Regional District in 1996 to provide for the management of the 108 Greenbelt lands, which cover approximately 575 hectares throughout the 108 Mile Ranch community, and provide opportunities for public recreation. The property is held under title by the CRD and managed by the 108 Greenbelt Commission whose members are appointed by the Board on recommendation of the Electoral Area G Director.

For more information about the 108 Greenbelt Service, visit