Wednesday, July 29, 2020

#Quesnel City Council - July 28th mtg

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

Fire Training Equipment Disposal

Council approved the disposal of four Atco Trailers and large metal tubes that were previously used by the City of Quesnel and the Cariboo Regional District Volunteer Fire Departments for fire-training purposes. The costs to dispose of this obsolete training equipment will be shared between the City of Quesnel and the Cariboo Regional District.

Revised Development Permit – 726 Front Street

Council approved revisions to a Development Permit considered in September of last year at 726 Front Street. The new proposal is a three-storey apartment building with 26 unitswhich required a variance for reduced bicycle parking units to ten.

Request to Donate Paving – Portion of Woodridge Road

Council approved the request to allow for the donation of paving of approximately 110 m of Woodridge Road that will meet all City road construction/inspection standards. This donation request was approved due to the rural nature of the area, improved road maintenance conditions, and no negative impacts to other property owners. Staff stated that they would request the landowner wishing to complete this paving project to communicate with the homeowners on Woodridge Road.

Museum and Visitor Centre Renovation – Contract Award

Council approved awarding the Museum and Visitor Centre Renovation Project to James and Sons Electric Ltd. For more details on this project please visit the City’s “Major Initiatives” website page.

Next Meeting

6:00 pm, August 25, 2020 - Regular Council Meeting

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