Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Williams Lake Council Highlights - Feb 4th, 2025 mtg


In Williams Lake Council Chambers:

Mayor Rathor; Councillors Boehm, Flaspohler, Lyons, Moses and Nelson

Via Zoom:

Councillor A. Delainey

Meeting called to order at 6:00pm

Mayor Rathor recognized that the meeting was taking place on the traditional unceded territory of Williams Lake First Nation within Secwepemculecw 

Meeting Agenda approved (with 1 Late Item from Mayor Rathor) - click here
Minutes of the previous City Council meeting was adopted 


Madison Dahl of the Cariboo Fire Centre (BC Wildfire Service/BCWS) appeared before Council to provide information on how to Access Wildfire Incident Information...

After the presentation -- a Question/Answer period ensued

Mayor Rathor thanked Ms. Dahl for her time/information

Response to Delegation:

Council received for information the presentation of Madison Dahl, Cariboo Fire Centre (BCWS) regarding how to access wildfire incident information (i.e. web, app, dashboard, social media) and that the City of Williams Lake share this information on its' social media platforms and the City website


1) Council received for information the accounts payable computer cheque and EFT listings dated January 30, 2025

2) Council awarded the Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw Comprehensive Update Project to CitySpaces Consulting for the RFP amount of $249,451, plus tax, for a total project value of $300,000, including contingency and other associated costs

3) Council agreed to support the Williams Lake Stampede Association’s application to Northern Development Initiatives Trust’s Economic Infrastructure program for funding toward their Grandstand Electrical Upgrade Project

4) Late Item -- At the request of Mayor Rathor:

That, in response to the pending trade tariffs announced by the United States -- Council directed staff to bring back a report outlining options for the City in supporting the federal and provincial governments by taking measures to help strengthen the Williams Lake + Canadian economy during this challenging time, should the tariffs be implemented, including procuring Williams Lake + Canadian made and manufactured goods, wherever possible; and further, that residents and business owners were encouraged to support the local economy by shopping local and Canadian, when options are available.

5) Council received the Council Information Package as of February 4th, 2025 

6) Council discussed Standing Updates regarding the Water Treatment Plant and Atlantic Power as well as receiving a letter from the Williams Lake & District Chamber of Commerce to BC Premier David Eby dated January 31, 2025 urging action by the Province of BC in support of Atlantic Power to prevent closure as well as the Cariboo Regional District news release dated February 4, 2025 calling on the Province to finalize a new deal for Atlantic Power's continued operations, and the ICBA (Independent Contractors and Businesses Association) post dated February 3, 2025 in support of saving Atlantic Power in Williams Lake

Members of Council provided updates as to their recent activities 

Resolution to Close the Meeting to the Public:

At 7:18pm -- Council approved the following Resolution: 

THAT Council proceed into a Closed Council Meeting, following adjournment of the Open Council Meeting -- according to Section 92 of the Community Charter for discussion of items identified under Sections 90(1) of the Community Charter, as follows: 

(1) (g) litigation or potential litigation affecting the municipality; 
(1) (i) the receipt of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose, and 

(1)(j) information that is prohibited, or information that if it were presented in a document would be prohibited, from disclosure, under Section 21 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

And then Council adjourned at 7:19pm

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