Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Premier's Message to NCLGA Members'

In the Dec 2014 NCLGA Newsletter - BC Premier Christy Clark speaks to NCLGA Members (100 Mile House to the BC/Yukon border) on the following:

* Economic Development
* Mt Polley
* Job Training

Read her full message here


Breakdown of 2014 Election Results

In the latest edition of the NCLGA (North Central Local Gov't Association) newsletter - they have an article that speaks to the breakdown of election results by ratios of candidates to available seats

For example, the City of Williams Lake tied with Prince Rupert, Taylor, and Tumbler Ridge for the highest ratio of Office of Mayor to candidates running (4:1) while Williams Lake and Wells tied for third for Office of City Councillor to candidates running (12:6 - Williams Lake) (8:4 - Wells)

While the Cariboo Regional District tied for 1st for candidates to seats available (21 candidates - 12 seats available) while Peace River RD had 7 candidates for 4 available seats

Within the Cariboo Regional District - 36 elected offices (Mayors, Councillors and Directors) were up for grabs with 66 candidates seeking those available seats.

Finally - as a percentage of the 36 elected offices, 33% of those winning are new elected officials including myself

Read the full analysis here


Thursday, December 25, 2014

Christmas Msg from Cdn PM Stephen Harper

“This Christmas, we Canadians have many reasons to celebrate.

“We live in a beautiful country, a compassionate country, a prosperous country.

“Despite the difficulties elsewhere in the world, Canada’s economy is getting ever stronger, and more Canadians have more opportunities and better jobs than ever before.

“Importantly, around the world our country is also known for doing what is good and right, and for protecting the vulnerable, promoting peace, and defending the freedom of all people.

“Amid all the festivities, please say a prayer of thanks for the brave men and women in uniform, who serve this Christmas in harm’s way, especially those fighting the terrorists of the so-called Islamic State.

“In our abundance, and in the spirit of Christmas, I’d also ask you to show kindness to the less fortunate.

“And as you gather with friends and family, may you be filled with love, joy, peace and most of all, hope for the future.

“On behalf of the Government of Canada and from my family to yours, Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah and Season’s Greetings.”

Merry Christmas!

On my own behalf to my readers' families - I wish a very Merry Christmas and hope that this is very special for you and your families while we give a thought to those who are less fortunate then ourselves in our communities.

A special THANK YOU to those working in our hospitals & emergency services today.  Thank you for your dedication and time away from your families to serve the public

Finally, may you have a happy, healthy and productive 2015


Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Local Gov't Holidays Hours

As a public service - find below hours of operation for all local governments for the Cariboo-Chilcotin between today (Dec 24th) until Jan 2nd

District of Wells - no information available

City of Quesnel - Holidays hours here, Residential garbage collection during the holidays here and 2014 Christmas tree drop-off locations here

City of Williams Lake - WL City Hall closed on Dec 25th/26th as well as Jan 1st/2nd, reopening on Mon Jan 5th.  Garbage collection schedule for 2015 here

District of 100 Mile House -  The downtown main Municipal Office, 385 Birch Avenue, 100 Mile House will be closing at 12:00 p.m. NOON on Wednesday, December 24th
and will remain closed up to and including January 1st, 2015.

Community Services Department (Public Works),
will remain operational December 29th to December 31st, 2014
but closing at 1:30 p.m. on the last working day before Christmas and New Year's Eve.

All municipal operations will reopen on Friday January 2nd, 2015.

For further information, please contact the downtown Municipal Office at 250-395-2434

Cariboo Regional District - All offices in Quesnel, Williams Lake and 100 Mile House closed from Thurs, Dec 25th until Thursday, Jan 1st.  Re-open on Friday, Jan 2nd, 2015


Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Special Committee on Local Elections Expense Limits releases report

Courtesy of the Special Legislative Committee on Local Elections Expense Limits:

The all-party Special Committee on Local Elections Expense Limits released its report today on principles for local elections expense limits.

The report contains the results of the committee’s public consultation on principles for the relationship between elector organizations and their endorsed candidates with respect to expense limits, and principles for establishing expense limits for third party advertisers. Over 900 submissions were received.

“The consultations provided an opportunity for candidates, elector organizations and the public to provide input into the committee’s work. Today’s report summarizes what we heard and makes recommendations for principles which can inform the development of legislation on local elections expense limits,” said Committee Chair Jackie Tegart.

“The committee gave careful consideration to all of the input and unanimously agreed to these recommendations,” added Deputy Chair Selina Robinson. “We would like to thank the many individuals and organizations that took time to participate.”

The committee report endorses the principles of fairness, neutrality, transparency, and accountability in developing statutory provisions on local elections expense limits, and supports including third party advertising in an expense limits framework, with an overarching, cumulative limit as exists in provincial elections.

The committee’s report, along with further information on the committee’s work, is available at: https://www.leg.bc.ca/cmt/leel

In 2015, the committee will begin work on the second phase of its mandate related to expense limit amounts for local elections.

Members of the Special Committee on Local Elections Expense Limits are:

Deputy Chair

Peace River South

Saanich North and the Islands


Vancouver-Mount Pleasant

Port Moody-Coquitlam

Vancouver-False Creek

NC Joint Committee addresses rumours re: NC Arena Project

In light of community rumours floating in Quesnel in regards to the North Cariboo Arena Replacement Project - both the co-chairs of the North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee are now addressing those rumours

From CRD Vice-Chair/Area A Director Ted Armstrong - read here
From Quesnel Mayor Bob Simpson - read here


108 Mile Garbage Collection - Christmas 2014 Schedule

Via Cariboo RD Facebook page:

Attn 108 Mile Area Residents: 

Garbage collection will occur on December 24th for Wednesday’s collection and on Friday Dec 26th for homes that usually have pick up on Thursdays.

The following week garbage and recycling will be picked up on the 31st for the Wednesday collection and on Friday January 2nd for homes that usually have pick up on Thursdays.

A reminder that the items below (foil gift wrap, Christmas lights, ribbons and bows and musical cards) DO NOT belong in your curbside recycling totes. If you cannot re-use them next year, they belong in the garbage.

Monday, December 22, 2014

Mt Polley starts Tailings Pond re-build

Last Thursday - the Provincial Government authorized Mt Polley Mining Corporation to start a re-build of the Tailings' Pond Dam that breached back in August of this year.  Read the approved permit here

Meanwhile - BC's Energy/Mines Minister Bill Bennett talks to the Goat/Cariboo Country about the repairs to get underway by saying:

“We had to ensure that the three investigations were okay with the company starting to repair the breach in the dam and this will not interfere with what the investigators are doing and secondly, the Ministry of Environment wanted to make sure that whatever water ends up in the tailings facility does not escape.”

View more here

It is expected that Mt Polley Mining Corporation will submit an application for a partial re-start of the mine site in the near future.  Williams Lake City Council is on record generally supporting a re-start of the mine while the Cariboo RD Board of Directors' is still in discussions about sending a letter of support in regards to a re-start of the Mt Polley mine site


Another Fire at Williams' Inn site

Cariboo News/Events is reporting that a building behind the Main Part of the Williams Inn' site was on fire earlier this morning and likely is a write-off

View the pictures/video here

This follows a fire that occurred at the same site in February of 2012.  That fire displaced some of the residents' living at the Williams Inn at the time.  Read more on that here and here


Mt Timothy 2014-15 Ski Season starts

After a delayed start due to warm weather, Mt Timothy Ski Hill, near Lac La Hache, starts its' 2014-15 Ski Season today.  Details below:

Good morning everyone,

It is official!! Mt.Timothy will be opening tomorrow morning, Monday December 22nd. We received 17 cm of fresh beautiful powder last night, and our mid-mountain base is sitting at 59 cm. It is early season conditions out there, with a few hazards still sticking out on some runs, so this will be a soft opening. We are opening 10 runs at this time, with discounted lift tickets. We do have another system moving in right now, and it is calling for snow all day and into the night, so we may expand the runs we are planning on opening. We have a new kitchen Manager, with a whole new menu and great prices, so be sure to come up and try it out. For those of you looking for those last minute Christmas ideas, our 4 for 3 vouchers are still on sale until December 24th. These packages as well as day passes are available at the Williams Lake Honda KTM across from Canadian Tire, The Barking Spider Mountain Bike Shop in Williams Lake, as well as the Outlaw Clothing Store and Borgo's Sports in 100 Mile House.
Get your gear ready everyone, we open the lift up at 9:00 am tomorrow morning
Hope to see you all up here!!!
Mount Timothy's website can be viewed here

Also - if cross-country ski is your thing, Bull Mountain in Cariboo RD Area 'D' is also open.  More details at the Williams Lake Cross-Country Ski Club website here


Saturday, December 20, 2014

2014 Area F Year End Report

Yesterday, Cariboo RD Area 'F' Director Joan Sorley reported out on her activities in 2014 including:

* WL Community Forest
* Mt Polley
* Mental Health
* Potential creation of Noise Bylaw

View the full report here


Friday, December 19, 2014

No Local Gov't Mtgs until Jan 2015

All local governments of the Cariboo-Chilcotin are now on Christmas Break until Jan 6th when Williams Lake Council returns to work, meeting as "Council-in-Committee".

Enjoy your Christmas holidays, drive safe and see you in 2015...


West Fraser Centre Update

Joint Release of the City of Quesnel/Cariboo Regional District:

The Cariboo Regional District and the City of Quesnel are currently half way through the Design
Development phase of the North Cariboo Arena Replacement project (West Fraser Centre). The North Cariboo Joint
Planning Committee received the first of four Quantity Survey (QS) estimates for the West Fraser Centre on Dec.
16, 2014.

The current QS indicates that the estimated project cost is $22.4 million (not including GST), a number substantially
higher than the original project budget of $17 million. The current QS is the least firm cost estimate because it was
undertaken at the very preliminary stages of design based on a series of assumptions. The $22.4 million figure
invited a lot of questions and debate from the Joint Committee but ultimately resulted in a decision to proceed
with the project based on the current design criteria to the next stage.

A Quantity Survey is a cost estimate for the project based on the schematic design to date; it is an assessment
conducted by a third party contractor that is independent of the architectural firm that created the current design
based on community input. There will be three additional QS estimates as the design process unfolds, with the
firmest estimate being presented when the construction drawings have been prepared.

The architecture firm for this project, CEI Architecture, responded to the QS by presenting cost‐saving options that
included ways to downscale the area of the building, the possibility of placing the new arena on the footprint of the
existing arena (which would involve the loss of a season for the user groups), and reducing the architectural quality.
The Committee made no decision on their report other than a minor modification to the quality of the material to
be used for the outside aesthetics of the building.

As a result of this information received in the current QS report, the North Cariboo Joint Committee endorsed the
following recommendations:

1. Stay the course, and proceed with the next steps of the project, which is to complete the design
development phase and undertake another cost analysis in February. There will be three more project cost
estimates presented to the public, with the final estimate being based on the actual construction drawings
expected in the coming months and much more accurate than the current report.

2. To hire an owner’s representative consultant to ensure that the next stage of the project (design
development phase) and costing, proceeds as quickly as possible. This stage should be completed in

3. To prepare a submission to the Federal Gas Tax Strategic Priorities Fund in an attempt to secure federal
dollars for the project ($6 million).

4. To re‐evaluate the project schedule in early 2015 to determine whether it is still feasible to tender the
project in 2015 or if it is necessary to consider the option of tendering the project in early 2016.

“Although this initial Quantity Survey came in high, the North Cariboo Joint Committee remains committed to this
project and as design plans become more refined, I am optimistic the next QS reports will be more in line with our
budget,” stated CRD Vice‐Chair Ted Armstrong. “This project is very important to the communities of the north
Cariboo, and I am sure the West Fraser Centre will be a true benefit to our residents and the region.”

“The West Fraser Centre is a community project first and foremost”, said Mayor Bob Simpson. “We all need to
work together to ensure that this project proceeds and results in a facility we can all be proud of.”

Once new information becomes available it will be shared through public information bulletins.

WL Council wishes Rudy Johnson a 92nd Birthday

Courtesy of the City of Williams Lake:

WL City Councillors Craig Smith, Scott Nelson,
Laurie Walters, Sue Zacharias and Jason Ryll with WL Mayor
Walt Cobb, Mr. Rudy Johnson and his two great-grandkids
Axel and Dane Buller
Williams Lake City Council congratulates Rudy Johnson on his 92nd birthday. 

Mr. Johnson's book "Rudy Johnson" has sold 500 copies in just its first ten days in print. 

Holding the certificate are Mr. Johnson's great-grandsons Dayne (left) and Axel Buller.

WL Council to re-activate Ec Dev Corporation

Courtesy of the City of Williams Lake:

Williams Lake City Council will be using the expertise and enthusiasm of community members as it moves forward in enhancing economic development in the city.

At its Dec. 16 meeting, Council resolved to re-activate the Economic Development Corporation, an arms-length body that will be tasked with generating and implementing economic development ideas for Williams Lake.

Council wants to draw on the business expertise, experience, and creativity of the community,” says Williams Lake Mayor Walt Cobb. “By bringing more people into the conversation, we can find an economic development model that works for Williams Lake.”

The Central Cariboo Economic Development Corporation was incorporated March 2006 and a Board of Directors was appointed. In 2009 the Tourism Discovery Centre management contract changed and was handled directly by the City. Over the course of 2009 and 2010, the central Cariboo tourism marketing function was cancelled as a budget saving measure for the City. Meetings of the Board were suspended pending further direction from the City. As a corporate entity, the Corporation has been maintained for use by the City on an as-needed basis.

Council plans further discussions about the role of the Economic Development Corporation in the coming weeks.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Quesnel Council Highlights - Dec 15th mtg

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

New term = new policies, bylaws and committees

Council approved the following recommendations from the Committee of the Whole session on December 8:

- Council Policy - Code of Conduct and Ethics;
- Council Appointments Schedule;
- 2015 Acting Mayor Schedule;
- DRAFT Terms of Reference for Council’s Standing Committees: Financial Sustainability and Audit Committee, Executive Committee, and Policy and Bylaw Committee. Here is a look at the DRAFT Terms of Reference:

The Financial Sustainability and Audit Committee was formed to provide leadership in the budget preparation process within the framework established by Council’s Strategic Plan and Budget Principles Policy, to work with staff to present alternate budget scenarios to Council, with due consultation to make a final budget recommendation to Council as well as recommendations regarding the acceptance of the financial statements and the appointment of an external auditor. Finally to fulfill the oversight function required under the Community Charter by reviewing the audited annual financial statements and audit reports and by meeting with the external auditors in the spring to review those statements and reports.

Members of this Committee are Mayor Simpson (Chair), Councillors Elliott and Thapar and staff.

On the recommendation from the Committee of the Whole session Dec. 8, the Financial Sustainability and Audit Committee was directed to work on the Budget Principles Policy to outline Council’s principles for developing the Annual Operating Budget, Five Year Capital Budget, Five Year Financial Plan Bylaw, and Tax Rate Bylaw for 2015. Further to bring a recommendation to the January 12 regular meeting for Council’s consideration. This recommendation will assist Council during the Strategic Planning and Budget Policy process scheduled for mid January.

The Executive Committee is to provide leadership and coordination to Council’s planning processes: strategic plan, budget, OCP, and ourQuesnel. They are tasked to research and assist in utilizing best practices for planning, public consultation and communications; investigate formal complaints about breaches of Council’s Code of Conduct and provide Council with proposed remedies and disciplinary actions; act as a sounding board for the City Manager on personnel matters; take the lead on behalf of Council on matters related to the performance of the City Manager; work with senior staff on recommendations to Council with respect to collective bargaining with CUPE; and act as the final step grievance Committee under the collective agreement with CUPE. This Committee consists of Councillor Coleman (Chair), Mayor Simpson and Councillor Roodenburg. Alternates are Councillor Roodenburg (Chair) and Councillor Paull.

The Policy and Bylaw Committee are tasked to review and update existing policies and Council-related bylaws on a priority basis as defined by Council and/or staff and recommend revisions to Council for approval, amend existing or draft new policies and/or bylaws as required or requested, explore best practices for bylaw creation and implementation for recommendations to Council, and research policies and bylaws that will assist Council in achieving its Strategic Plan and ourQuesnel objectives. This Committee consists of Councillor Paull (Chair), Mayor Simpson, Councillor Brisco, and staff.

Once finalized, Council’s Policies and Bylaws will be available on our website through the “Agendas and Minutes” link to the right on the main page.


- Council approved entering into an agreement with the Cariboo Regional District for Relief Building Services to cover City staff while away. Also approved were amendments to an existing Building Inspection Agreement to provide Building Inspection Services to the Cariboo Regional District.
- Council approved entering into an encroachment agreement with the Fraser Village Homes Society to permit the construction of a vestibule that will extend partially into City-owned property. This addition will provide greater accessibility for residents of the facility living above ground floor residences.
- Council approved the use of fireworks for the Winter Carnival on Feb. 7 at the West Fraser Timber Park. The festivities begin at noon with fireworks at approximately 5 p.m.
- Council granted a 90-day extension to the owner of property at 730 Oval Road in order to accommodate the completion of the project.
- Council received a response from Minister Thomson regarding the future of Cottonwood House. The request for Expressions of Interest closed on October 17 and Council has asked staff to provide an update at their regular meeting on January 12. Expressions of Interest were sought from agencies, societies and businesses for the future use of the Cottonwood Lands.
- Council gave the first three readings to Council Procedure Bylaw No. 1750 of 2015. The changes to this bylaw are highlighted on our website at http://www.quesnel.ca/CouncilNews.html.
- Council appointed Lori McKee, Brandee Schutz and Poonam Miglani to the Quesnel Museum and Heritage Commission for a two-year term commencing Jan. 1, 2015.
- With Council’s approval, the Quesnel Museum and Heritage Commission will apply to the Building Communities through Arts and Heritage - Legacy Fund to restore the waterwheel.
- South Hills and Area Neighbourhood Association submitted their request for capital projects in their area which include park development, repair of Westland and Britton Roads, ditching on Enemark and Brears Roads, and t-line/dual water lines removal. Council referred their request to the Financial Sustainability and Audit Committee for inclusion in budget discussions.

Feb 16 (week of) - Rotary Week in Quesnel
(outdoor event Feb 20, call 250-992-5760 for information)

Important dates
Dec 25 - Christmas Day

Future Meetings (all in Quesnel Council Chambers)

Monday Jan. 12 and 19, 2015 @ 7 p.m.

Regular/Committee of the Whole Meeting

NEXT North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee Meetings:

Tuesday, Dec. 16, 2014 and Jan. 13, 2015 @ 5:30 p.m.

Dutch Point RD Boat Launch access restored

Courtesy of the City of Williams Lake:

At its December 16th meeting, Williams Lake City Council rescinded a November motion and restored access to vehicular, boat, snowmobile and pedestrian access at Dutch Point Road.

“Access to the lake is important for all types of recreation users,” says Williams Lake Mayor Walt Cobb. “By restoring the Dutch Point Road access, Council members are fulfilling their campaign pledges to enhance opportunities to make use of this important resource.”

Council also directed staff to bring forward options to create additional boat accesses to Williams Lake and prepare a budget for Council's consideration during 2015 budget discussions.

CRD Area 'D' Questions - Support for Ind. Fire Departments

Yesterday - I was asked by two constituents a number of questions and as it may be of public interest to many -- here are their questions and my responses:

1) "Why would you lobby for renovations that would extend the time frame for a new hospital facility?" 

Answer -- I campaigned and got elected to help fully implement the Final Concept Plan for a renovated Cariboo Memorial Hospital (CMH) when it becomes available in the Spring of 2015. Once that plan is available - the CC Regional Hospital Board of which I am 1 Director of 17 will lobby Victoria and our local MLA's for the business plan to fully implement that plan. The Final Concept Plan for CMH will be funded 60% Victoria and 40% CCRHD. The CCRHD has begun to put aside its' 40% for this project

In the meantime, you can review the Master Site Plan for CMH which underwent a year and a half public and stakeholder consultations and to which the Final Concept Plan for CMH will be based upon at:


2) "What support are you offering Tyee Lake Fire Dept or WildWood Fire Dept? We have a multitude of new staff at waste management facilities but ZERO CRD fire staff to support the efforts of all the volunteer departments across the CRD"

Answer - Tyee Lake/McLeese Lake VFD's are Independent Fire Departments and as such, I will support them as I'm asked to do so through researching available grants/used fire department equipment or approving Grants in Aides like McLeese Lake VFD will be receiving in 2015 ($5,000) however Independent fire departments are "master of their own proceedings". As far as Wildwood and the other 13 taxpayer supported Volunteer Fire Departments throughout the CRD go, they follow a process of consultation between the Area Director, Fire Chief and the CRD Manager of Protective Services as to their Operational and Capital Needs. However, if the Independent Fire Departments within the CRD wish to have staff or other types of support provided to them, they do need to put that in writing to the CRD and it will be appropriately considered... As far as attendants at the the 9 manned Transfer Stations go, that was already approved through the new Solid Waste Management Plan which underwent a long public consultation process and a number of public meetings

3) How many of the directors live or own property in the area they represent?


Most do... however I fully acknowledge I do not however this was not an issue for Area D voters' that voted me in for the next 4 years...


1st Full Meeting of the 2014-18 WL City Council

Last night was the 1st regular meeting of the 2014-2018 Williams Lake Municipal Council

11 items were on the Agenda which saw the meeting last a total of 57 minutes

Councillors Ivan Bonnell and Laurie Walters on more than 1 occasion raised concerns about rushing ahead without 'due diligence' and following process however the majority of Council including Mayor Walt Cobb and Councillors Jason Ryll, Scott Nelson, Craig Smith resolved to more forward notwithstanding their concerns

It appears that what I observed last night will be the new norm for Williams Lake City Council meetings

For video of the two more divisive items:

a) Dutch Point Rd Boat Launch site re-opening to all vehicles - view here
b) Restoration of the Central Cariboo Economic Development Corporation:

Like their counterparts in Wells, Quesnel and 100 Mile House -- Williams Lake City Council should be holding their Strategic Planning Session during the 1st Quarter of 2015 (Jan-March 2015) and we'll know what strategic plans Williams Lake City Council has for the City for the 2014-2018 Term

As for the Cariboo Regional District Board -- our Strategic Planning Session is currently scheduled for late April 2015


Tuesday, December 16, 2014

WL Council Highlights - Dec 16th mtg

Present: Mayor W. Cobb; Councillors I. Bonnell, S. Nelson, J. Ryll, C. Smith, L. Walters and S. Zacharias


Darrell Garceau - City Manager (CAO)
Rena Schill - Corp Services/Records Mgmt Coordinator
Des Webster - Director of Protective Services/Fire Chief
Margaret Stewart - Director of Finance
Tom Chung - IT Manager
Ken MacInnis - Communications Coordinator

Meeting called to order at 6pm

Meeting Agenda approved with 1 Late Item

Minutes from Nov 25th Regular Council and Dec 2nd Inaugural Council meetings approved


1) Council received for information the accounts payable computer cheque listings for the periods ending November 27, December 4 and 11, 2014

2) Council approved the proposed amendments to Council Policy No. 22, Bank Signing Authority, to allow for electronic signatures to be used on cheques issued in the amount of $25,000 or less and updates to titles and positions within the organization.

Approved by the following vote:

Affirmative - Mayor Cobb; Councillors Nelson, Ryll, Smith and Zacharias
Negative - Councillors Ivan Bonnell and Laurie Walters

3) Council gave 1st, 2nd and 3rd Reading to Fees & Charges Bylaw 2224

Approved by the following vote:

Affirmative - Mayor Cobb; Councillors Nelson, Ryll, Smith, Walters and Zacharias
Negative - Councillor Ivan Bonnell

4) Council rescinded Council Resolution #438/14 regarding closure of Dutch Point Rd boat launch access and directed that Dutch Point Road be re-opened to the public for vehicular, boat, snowmobile and pedestrian access, and Staff were directed to bring forward options to create additional boat accesses to Williams Lake and prepare a budget for Council's consideration of cost in the 2015 budget for new access.

Approved by the following vote:

Affirmative - Mayor Cobb; Councillors Nelson, Ryll, and Smith
Negative - Councillors Ivan Bonnell, Laurie Walters and Sue Zacharias

5) Council approved the interim appointment of Councillor Laurie Walters to the North Central Local Government Association (NCLGA) Board of Directors until May 2015.

6) Council awarded the contract for the supply of unleaded gasoline and diesel fuels to Suncor Energy Products for the tendered price of $1.024 per litre of unleaded fuel and $1.203 per litre of diesel fuel.

7) Council adopted one Council-in-Committee recommendation as follows:

That pursuant to Council Committee Report #42-2014, the report of the Director of Financial Services dated October 23, 2014 be received and the 2015 Grants in Aid be recommended as follows:

Canadian Mental Health Association - $250.00
Cariboo Mountain Bike Consortium - $5,000.00
Gavin Lake Forest Education Society - $0.00
Hough Memorial Cancer Fund Society - $0.00
Linwood House Ministries - $0.00
Navy League of Canada Chilcotin Branch - $3,025.00
Potato House Community Sustainability Society - $0.00
Williams Lake Association for Canadian Living - $305.00

Approved by the following vote:

Affirmative - Mayor Cobb; Councillors Bonnell, Nelson, Ryll, Smith and Zacharias
Negative - Councillor Laurie Walters

8) Council received a letter from the Canadian Cancer Society - Williams Lake Unit regarding the regulation of electronic cigarettes and referred it to the Community Services Committee for a recommendation back to Council

9) Council received the memo from the Union of BC Municipalities regarding notification of Executive vacancies as a result of the 2014 Local Government Elections

10) Late Item - Council endorsed a recommendation of the Executive Committee dated December 11, 2014 that the Central Cariboo Economic Development Corporation be reinstated, with amendments to the established Terms of Reference to be made as deemed necessary, and with an announcement to be made before the end of December 2014

Approved by the following vote:

Affirmative - Mayor Cobb; Councillors Nelson, Ryll, Smith and Zacharias
Negative - Councillors Ivan Bonnell and Laurie Walters

10) Council received the 'Council Information Package' as of December 16th as follows:

• October 1, 2014 - Women's Contact Society re Thank You for Event Hosting Incentive Grant;
• November 14, 2014 - Ministry of Energy & Mines re UBCM Discussion on Mount Polley Mine Tailings Dam Failure;
• November 20, 2014 - UBCM re Gas Tax Agreement Community Works Fund Payment for Fiscal 2014/2015;
• November 22, 2014 - Old Age Pensioners Organization Branch #93 to Minister of Health re Cariboo Memorial Hospital Redevelopment;
• November 24, 2014 - Ville de Lac-Megantic re Thank You from Fonds Avenir Lac-Megantic;
• December 5, 2014 - Coal Alliance re Congratulations on Election.

Members of Council gave oral reports on their activities within the City

Meeting adjourned at 6:57pm

Dutch Point Rd Closure re-opened

At tonight's WL Council meeting - newly elected City Councillors Jason Ryll, Craig Smith and Scott Nelson will table a motion calling upon Williams Lake City Council to rescind the closure of the Dutch Point Rd boat launch done by the previous Council - read here and here

Meanwhile - local resident Stuart Westie says:

"On a related matter, I understand there are thoughts of developing further boat launches. Before proceeding in that direction I suggest (Williams Lake) Council conduct an environmental assessment of the lake’s viability in relation to motorized vehicles. I suspect it’s a lake at risk and perhaps banning motorized vehicles should be considered"

Read Mr. Westie's full letter to the editor in Wednesday's Tribune here

New Chair of CCBAC

At their AGM today - the members of the Cariboo-Chilcotin Beetle Action Coalition selected Quesnel Mayor Bob Simpson as its' new Chair.  More on that here

I suspected upon Bob Simpson's election as Mayor of Quesnel that he would eventually become Chair of CCBAC so this is good news.  I look forward to hearing what new direction that Chair Simpson plans to take CCBAC in the next period of time...


2015 Armchair Travel line-up announced

Courtesy of the Cariboo Regional District:

Get your boarding passes ready! The Cariboo Regional District’s Williams Lake Area Branch Library announced today the 2015 Armchair Travel line-up of destinations. 

The Thursday evening presentations which have been pulled together by event organizer Pam Hedley-Smith, begin Jan. 8 and include presentations by local residents who have travelled to different destinations around the globe. The presentations will be multi-media including photographs, stories, sometimes even music, food and video.

China Yangtze Tour
Reta Seibert
Jan. 8
7 p.m.
Castles of Ireland
Debbie Turcotte and Kathie Cadrin
Jan. 15
7 p.m.
The Arctic
Allison Ruault
Jan. 22 
7 p.m.
Thailand and Vietnam
Tony Saville and Maggie Pugh
Jan. 29
7 p.m.
New Zealand
Pat and Deb Radolla
Feb. 5
7 p.m.
Botswana, Africa, By Horseback
Marion and Elizabeth Bayliffe 
Feb. 12
7 p.m.

Doors open at 6:30 p.m., while presentations start at 7 p.m.

Pre-registration for the Armchair Travel presentations is required, as seating is limited. Registration opens today, Tuesday, Dec. 16.

For further information about this series or other CRD Library events in Williams Lake, please contact the library at 250-392-3630 or email wlake@cariboord.ca. You can also visit us online at cln.ca.

NC Rural Directors' Caucus meets today

Prior to the North Cariboo Joint Committee meeting today at 5:30pm in Quesnel Council Chambers - the North Cariboo Rural Directors' Caucus will meet to consider the following matters:

2015 Grant in Aides:

* Gold Rush Trail Sled Dogs Association
* Quesnel Horseshoe Pitch Club

The NC Rural Caucus is made up of the Directors for CRD Electoral Areas A, B, C and I (Ted Armstrong, Jerry Bruce, John Massier and Dylan Cash).

The meeting will take place at 3pm today in the CRD Quesnel office meeting room on the Quesnel City Hall complex site (410 Kinchant St) - just up the street from the Quesnel Library

View the full Agenda here


Monday, December 15, 2014

Bruce Rattray gives his Farewell message to CRD Area L constituents

In his final message to his constituents - previous Cariboo RD Area 'L Director Bruce Rattray speaks to Area L voters in regards to his last 6 years as the Electoral Area 'L Director.

Having served previously last term (Feb 2013-Oct 2014) as the CRD Area 'D' Alternate Director, I will personally miss Mr. Rattray's wisdom and experience in matters that came before the Regional Board last term but it is my sincere hope that he will now enjoy "life after politics" :)

Two initiatives that one can point back and thank Mr. Rattray for are -- the new CRD Director Remuneration Bylaw and the Board Public Consultation Policy

Find Mr. Rattray's final message to the constituents of Electoral Area 'L' below:

Dear Constituents

This is my last day as a CRD Director. The new Director, Brian Coakley, will be sworn in at tomorrow’s board meeting in Williams Lake. If you need to reach him, he can be contacted at: directorareal@cariboord.bc.ca or bcoakley@cariboord.ca

This is also my last newsletter so I am taking the opportunity to say thank you to a few people who I have had the pleasure of working with over the past six years.

First, I have to say thank you to my Alternate Director, Peter Crawshay. Peter pinch-hit for me on a few occasions when I couldn’t attend a Board meeting. He also provided me with advice and encouragement throughout my two terms.

Second, I wish to thank the members of the Area L Advisory Planning Commission. Over the six years, membership on the Commission has included Hank Hackett, Peter Crawshay, Alan Boyd, Walter Levick, Joanne Macaluso, Art Guimond, Peter Bonter, Chris Lance, Vance Kroeker, Sharron Woloshyn, Gyl Connaty, and Harold Mobbs. The Commission has consistently provided me with good advice on development applications.

Third, I have mentioned before that, throughout my term, I have been impressed by CRD staff. As an Area Director, I rely on the information and advice that I receive from staff in order to make decisions on issues affecting residents. Public sector work can be thankless. Employees are frequently held to public scrutiny and expected to meet standards that are rarely applied to the private sector. Criticism can be vitriolic and personal. The staff that I have worked with have consistently risen above such challenges and carried out their duties in a professional manner. They have provided sound advice and guidance and exhibited a high degree of integrity in their work. My thanks to them for their assistance to me and their work on behalf of residents.

Fourth, I would like to thank the staff at the 100 Mile Free Press and compliment them on their coverage of local news and events. Over the past six years I have had the pleasure of dealing with Chris Nickless, Ken Alexander, Carole Rooney, Diana Forster, Heather Nelson, Karen Schuurman, Sharon Woloshyn and Joan Silver. The paper is an important source of information for local residents and in my view the staff at the Free Press have worked hard to inform residents and provide balanced coverage of issues.

Finally I would like to thank the many Area L residents who have provided their support and encouragement over the past six years. There have been many controversial issues to deal with over my two terms. Unfortunately some of these have led to decisions which resulted in winners and losers. These are never easy and I am particularly appreciative of those, who despite finding themselves on the losing side, were still able to recognize and accept that the decisions were made after careful consideration and with the best of intentions.

I am discontinuing my newsletters effective immediately and my website at the end of the month. However, I encourage you to make the effort to stay informed about local government activities and issue. It is my hope that the new Director will rise to the challenge of informing residents of CRD activities that affect them. CRD staff also provide news and information through the CRD website as well as their Facebook, Twitter and You Tube pages. The 100 Mile Free Press is also a source of information through their articles, community news and formal advertisements.

Best wishes for the holiday season and the new year.

SD 28 Inaugural Mtg held last week

At their inaugural meeting for the 2014-18 Term last Wednesday - the Board of Education for School District #28 (Quesnel) held their usual elections for Chair/Vice-Chair and Trustee Tony Goulet was re-elected to a 2nd term as Chair of the Board of Education

Chair Goulet talks more about his plans in his 2nd term as SD28 Chair here


Sunday, December 14, 2014

Doherty wins (updated)

Update at 7:08am, Sunday Dec 14th:

Vote Breakdown as follows:

T. Doherty - 1,002
N. Fedorkiw - 572
S. Green - 419

More on the above here

Original Blog Post - Saturday, Dec 13th at 11:25pm

After a campaign that has lasted for a few months now - Federal Conservative party faithful have selected Todd Doherty as their nominee for the Oct 2015 Federal election in the riding of Cariboo-Prince George over Shari Green and Nick Fedorkiw

There is no breakdown of how each candidate did.  

I congratulate Mr. Doherty on his win... and look forward to the federal election race in Oct 2015 and seeing who the Federal Liberals and Federal NDP put up against Mr. Doherty,,, Last election, it was a race essentially between the Federal Conservatives and Federal NDP... Will it occur again, time will tell...

More on this story at 250News.com here


NC Joint Committee Mtg Tuesday

On Tuesday - the North Cariboo Joint Committee will meet.  The Committee consists of members of Quesnel City Council and those of CRD Electoral Areas A, B, C and I Directors

The Committee makes recommendations to Quesnel Council/CRD Board typically on recreation matters

At the meeting, the following will be discussed:

* QCEDC Quarterly Report
* NC Arena Project - Steering Committee report
* Grant Application for NC Arena Replacement Project
* Resume discussions for 2015 NC Parks/Recreation Budget
* Receipt of report from former CRD Area B Director Heloise Dixon-Warren re: Rural Recreation needs within the NC Parks/Recreation Function

View the full Agenda here

As for other Regional Joint Committees - they will meet in January 2015 as follows:

South Cariboo Joint Committee (CRD Areas G,H, L and 100 Mile Council)- Jan 12th in 100 Mile Council Chambers (meeting usually starts at 5pm)

Central Cariboo Joint Committee (CRD Areas D, E, F, J, K and WL City Council) - Jan 28th in the CRD Boardroom in Williams Lake (meeting usually starts at 6pm)


Saturday, December 13, 2014

Apply for BC Rural Advisory Council

Courtesy of the BC Government:

Applications to participate in the province’s Rural Advisory Council are now being accepted until Jan. 9, 2015.

The council’s mandate is to provide independent and impartial advice to government on matters related to rural development. As committed to in the report, Supporting Rural Development: Creating a Voice for Rural British Columbia, the initial focus of the council will be to provide advice on:

Avenues to support greater rural access to capital;
Stronger business development support for rural entrepreneurs and businesses; and
Moving forward on the Rural Dividend.
Government is inviting individual British Columbians to apply for council membership by submitting a resume and cover letter, identifying relevant business, economic development and community experience, and expressing their personal vision for supporting rural economies. To submit an application, or for further details, visit: www.gov.bc.ca/ruraladvisorycouncil

The council will include 10 to 18 members, representing a diversity of backgrounds, perspectives and regions. Members will be appointed as individuals, not as representatives of an organization, business, or municipality. Donna Barnett, Parliamentary Secretary for Rural Development, will chair the council.

Deadline for applications is Jan. 9, 2015. Council membership will be announced early in 2015.

Minister of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations Steve Thomson said –

“We need to ensure that rural British Columbians have an equitable share in the economic benefits generated from resource-based industries. The Rural Advisory Council offers a strong new voice for rural citizens and will help support rural prosperity and thriving rural communities across B.C.”

Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations for Rural Development & Cariboo-Chilcotin MLA Donna Barnett also stated –

“The Province recognizes the importance of rural communities; they are the lifeblood of B.C. and government is committed to fostering thriving rural communities. Members of the Rural Advisory Council will play a key role in bringing rural concerns to the forefront and ensuring that rural British Columbians have a stronger voice.”

Local Gov't Mtgs - Wk of Dec 15-19

In the final local government meetings of 2014 - Quesnel, Wells and Williams Lake Municipal Councils' meet next week as follows:

Wells - Regular Council Meeting on Tuesday, Dec 16th at 7pm in Wells Council Chambers (4243 Sanders Ave).  View the full Agenda here

Quesnel - Regular Council Meeting on Monday, Dec 15th at 7pm in Quesnel Council Chambers (2nd Floor - 410 Kinchant St).  On the Agenda:

* Ratify recommendations from Dec 8th Committee of the Whole meeting
* Adopt new Code of Conduct & Sign same by all members of Quesnel Council
* Reports from QCEDC Meetings
* Letters from Forestry Companies re: Next Budget Steps
* Half-Masting of City Flags for Mourning Policy
* Winter Carnival Fireworks
* Building Inspection Contract with Cariboo RD
* Responses from Ministry of Forests re: Cottonwood House & removal of Indian Point Crk Bridge (Bowron Forest Service Rd)

View the full Agenda here

Williams Lake- Regular Council Meeting on Tuesday, Dec 16th at 6pm in WL Council Chambers.  On the Agenda:

* Change Cheque Signing Policy
* Fees/Charges Bylaw
* Dutch Point Rd Boat Launch Access - Rescind Closure
* Recommendation to approve interim appointment of Councillor Laurie Walters to NCLGA Board until May 2015

* Regulation of Electronic Cigarettes

View the full Agenda here

After these meetings - Local Government Meetings will not occur until the week of Jan 12 - 16th, 2015


Cariboo RD 2014 Year End Address

The following address was delivered by CRD Chair Al Richmond at yesterday's CRD Board Meeting:

“Members of the Board, Members of the Media, Ladies and Gentlemen,

Today, I have the distinct pleasure of reviewing the Cariboo Regional District’s key accomplishments and successes for 2014. Looking back over the past year, our region can be proud of its achievements. The CRD experienced many successes in 2014.

The year started with three sub-regional budget consultation meetings taking place in 100 Mile House, Quesnel and Williams Lake. During these meetings we presented the proposed 2014 budget to our residents to seek feedback from them, before adopting the budget at the end of March.

In May of 2014, the CRD attended the North Central Local Government Association Conference which was held in Fort St. John. Delegates and their partners were able to attend some great workshops, business sessions and of course some spectacular entertainment and social events. I would also like to take this opportunity to again thank the many volunteers from who dedicated their time and efforts to put on this conference. The hospitality which was offered to delegates and their partners was second to none.

On May 20, 2014, The Cariboo Regional District’s (CRD) new Anahim Lake Airport terminal was officially opened. The terminal was built with support from our partners, the BC Government of British Columbia’s Towns for Tomorrow program, the Government of Canada’s Gas Tax Fund, the Northern Development Initiative Trust, the Cariboo Chilcotin Beetle Action Coalition and the CRD.

At the beginning of June, the Cariboo Regional District unveiled its new corporate website which is located at cariboord.ca.
The goal of the redesign was to modernize the look and feel, and make the website more useable, professional and adaptable. The CRD website was developed to provide information and interactivity for and with residents, visitors and the general public who live, work or play within the Cariboo Chilcotin. The budget for this project was $7,500

In June, the CRD Board of Directors and staff travelled to Alexis Creek for the 2014 Board on the Road event. The traditional Board on the Road BBQ was put on in support of the Alexis Creek Community Association to raise funds for the 100 Centennial celebrations for the community of Alexis Creek.

On June 17, The Cariboo Regional District’s Chief Election Officer declared the results as official for the North Cariboo Arena Replacement Project Referendum. A total of 3,235 North Cariboo residents participated in the referendum through advance polls, mail ballots and general voting day.

During the month of July, the CRD unveiled a new online public mapping system on the CRD’s corporate website. The new proprietary online mapping system, designed and built internally by CRD staff, is an interactive tool which will allow residents and visitors a new way of locating existing facilities and landmarks within the region. It will also provide an opportunity to learn more about the Cariboo Regional District and the services it provides as a local government.

We participated in Community to Community forums this year with two of our First Nation Communities. In January we participated in a Community to Community forum with the Williams Lake Indian band and in October with the Tsilhqot’in First Nations as part of the first steps in strengthening our relationship, exploring sharing services and developing a MOU’s with these communities. We look forward to continuing discussions in the coming year and the formalization of agreements between our communities. Discussions have taken place with the Canim Lake First nation with the goal of holding a Community to Community Forum with them in coming year.

August 4th brought a tragic event to the Cariboo with the breach of the tailings pond facility at Mount Polley Mines near Likely. Our Emergency Operations Centre was opened to provide assistance to residents and co-ordinate efforts to ensure public safety. Our EOC Web Site and Face Book page became the go to place for news media, agencies, and the public for up to date information on the during the early weeks of the event. Our staff and many volunteers worked tirelessly side by side to meet the needs of the people directly affected by the breach for many months. We were joined by representatives of many Provincial Ministries forming a formidable team committed to working through the challenges presented by this event and finding solutions to problems not experienced in past emergency events. We are most appreciative to Emergency Management BC for putting a representative in our EOC to work with our staff to ensure there were no road blocks in providing services to the people affected by the event.

While we were able to lift the local state of emergency last week put in place as a result of this event we recognize the impacts of this event will require continued monitoring for many years to come. As with the Fires of 2010, our staff is to be commended for their dedication to helping those in need and finding solutions to daily challenges as the presented themselves.

I would like to thank the Provincial Government for their partnership and support throughout this event.
I believe both levels of governments clearly recognize the value of partnerships made during this event and look forward to building a stronger relationship with them in the coming year.

From September 22 to 26, the Cariboo Regional District Board of Directors attended the annual Union of British Columbia Municipalities (UBCM) convention and AGM which took place in Whistler, BC. Throughout the convention the CRD met with provincial ministers, attended workshops and spoke to CRD resolutions.

During the conference, the CRD met with the Premier of BC, the Honourable Christy Clark, the Minister of Environment, The Honourable Mary Polak and staff from the Minister of Energy and Mines to discuss the next steps in the clean-up and recovery from the Mount Polley Mine Tailings Pond Breach.

Throughout the week, CRD Board members and staff also met with four provincial ministers including the Minister of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations, the Honourable Steve Thomson; the Minister of Health, the Honourable Terry Lake; the Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure, the Honourable Todd Stone; and the Minister of Finance, the Honourable Michael de Jong to discuss regional issues.

Throughout the fall months, the CRD unveiled four new wheelchair accessible trails throughout the region including Hallis Lake, Churn Creek, the Interlakes Low Mobility Trail and the 99 Mile Accessible Trail. The CRD’s accessible trail network received accolades from Williams Lake’s own Rick Hansen who took the time out of his busy schedule to tour both the Gavin Lake low Mobility Trail and the 99 Mile Accessible Trail. Rick gave both trails rave reviews and applauded the CRD for its efforts in making these facilities accessible to people of all abilities.

The Cariboo Regional District declared September 30 annually as Orange Shirt Day. The municipalities within the region, along with School District 27 and 28 have also made this same declaration to aide in the healing and reconciliation process and to create a better future for generations to come.

In 2014, the CRD successfully applied to a number of different provincial and federal funding programs such as the Building Canada Fund, the Towns for Tomorrow program, Northern Development Initiative Trust, the Community Tourism Opportunities program and UBCM’s Fuel mitigation fund for a total of approximately $1 million. The CRD also received approximately $1.7 million from the Community Works Fund which focuses on green initiatives and energy efficiency projects.

So often we forget how far we have come, and the challenges and issues we have overcome, or resolved along the way. Part of the reason for this report is to remind you of our accomplishments, and to compliment you on your successes.

Creating new partnerships, enhancing services, undertaking capital projects, informing the public and responding to residents’ needs is what building this region is all about. Our organization will continue to respond to community and residents’ needs thereby achieving our goal of:

Building Communities Together

I would like to thank all the Board members and staff for your dedication perseverance and support throughout 2014. Thank you.”

Friday, December 12, 2014

CRD Board Highlights - Dec 12th mtg

Present - Directors J. Massier, J. Sorley, A. Richmond, M. Wagner, B. Coakley, R. Sharpe, B. Simpson, W. Cobb, M. Campsall; Directors-elect T. Armstrong, J. Bruce, S. Forseth, B. Kemp, D. Cash, and B. Anderson


J. Bell - CAO
S. Reid - CFO
A. Johnston - Corporate Officer
S. Burich - Mgr of Communications
K. Moores - Mgr of Development Services

Meeting called to order at 9:30am by J. Bell - CAO and welcomed everyone to the Inaugural Meeting of the CRD Board of Directors' for the 2014-18 Term

Willie Sure from the Williams Lake Indian Band performed a traditional welcoming ceremony

The CAO then invited Mr. John Russell, Barrister/Solicitor, to come forward to administer the Oaths of Office for the 12 Electoral Area Directors & 4 Municipal Directors

The CAO then invited Mr. Jeremy Vogt (Cariboo Bethel Church) to perform the Invocation (Prayer)

The CAO then called for nominations for the Office of Chair - Cariboo RD for 2015:

Director Wagner nominated Director Richmond.  Director Richmond accepted his nomination

The CAO then called three more times for nominations for position of Chair.  None received

Director Al Richmond acclaimed as Chair of the Cariboo RD for 2015

The CAO then called for nominations for the Office of Vice-Chair - Cariboo RD for 2015:

Director Kemp nominated Director Armstrong  Director Armstrong accepted his nomination

Director Forseth nominated Director Sorley.  Director Sorley accepted her nomination

The CAO then called three more times for nominations for position of Vice-Chair.  None received

Directors Armstrong/Sorley briefly addressed the Board.  After a secret ballot vote, the CAO declared Director Armstrong as Vice-Chair of the CRD Board for 2015

Resolved - That the ballots for Vice-Chair be destroyed

The CAO declared a recess at 10:05am with the meeting resuming at 10:20am

Chair Richmond read out the 2014 Year End Address

CAO Bell updated the Board on Canada Winter Games 2015 event in PG...

Meeting recessed at 10:55am
Meeting resumed at 11:15am


Steve Robertson, from Imperial Metals, appeared before the Board to discuss an update as to the situation at Mt Polley

A Question/Answer period ensued

Chair Richmond, on behalf of the Board, thanked Mr. Robertson, for his time/information

Lunch recess at 12:25pm
Meeting resumed at 1:04pm

Meeting agenda approved/CRD Board Nov 14th meeting minutes approved
Delegation MOB received

Planning Bylaws:

a) Bylaw #4940 (Area F) given 1st/2nd Reading
b) Bylaws #4816/4817 (Area L) was given 3rd Reading
c) Bylaw #4888 (Area L) was given 3rd Reading/Adoption

Development Variance Permits:

a) DVP #1439 (Area D) was approved
b) DVP #46-2014 (Area E) was approved

Planning/Building Inspection/Bylaw Enforcement - Other Business:

a) Municipalities’ Building Inspection Reports, Cariboo Regional District Statistic Reports and the
Inspection Activity Reports for the month of October, 2014, was received

b) Provincial Agricultural Land Commission Decisions report as of December 1, 2014 was received

Environmental Services:

a) Board received the Water/Sewer projects report
b) Rural Refuse report was received

Community Services:

a) Board authorized the Northern Secwepemc Cultural Society's application to the Northern Trust’s Economic Diversification Infrastructure Program for a grant of up to $250,000 toward the cultural centre and museum project


a) Cheque Register for November 2014 was approved in amount of $1.7 million

b) Proposed 2015 Five Year Financial Plan Overview was received

c) The Board endorsed the 2015 Business Plans in principle, for public consultation

d) The preliminary five-year financial plan was approved in principle for public consultation


a) Sam Ketchum Pool Referendum results received
b) North Cariboo HandyDART Referendum results received
c) 2014 CRD Electoral Area election results received
d) The following In-Camera resolution was confirmed in open meeting:

That the memorandum from Janis Bell, Chief Administrative Officer,
dated November 4, 2014, regarding the closure of CRD offices during the
Christmas holidays, be received. Further, that the Cariboo Regional District
Williams Lake, Quesnel and 100 Mile House offices be closed on December
29th, 30th and 31st with a re-opening date of January 2, 2015.

e) Chair/CAO work with WL Indian Band/Xat'sull First Nations re: Mt Polley re-start application

Approved by following vote:

Affirmative - Chair Richmond; Directors Armstrong, Bruce, Massier, Kemp, Sorley, Wagner, Cash, Anderson, Coakley, Sharpe, Simpson, Cobb and Campsall

Negative - Director Forseth

d) Board authorized a letter of support to ABC Communications for their Digital Canada 150-Connection Canadians Program Application

e) Board received an Agenda Item Summary concerning two vacancies on the Federation of Canadian Municipalities’ Board of Directors

f) Board received Consent Calendar as of Dec 12th
g) Board received FCM Report to Board - Nov 2014
h) Board received UBCM Executive notice re: vacancies on UBCM Executive.
i) Level 1/2 Corporate Priorities Reports received and Item 7.5 from Level 2 Corporate Priorities Report was removed
j) Letter from City of WL re: 2015 Canada Winter Games request of CRD was received

Committee/Commission Minutes/Recommendations:

a) Heritage Committee Mins of Oct 14th received and 1 recommendation from the meeting was endorsed
b) South Cariboo Joint Committee mins of Nov 24th received and recommendations from that meeting (2015 Grants for Assistance) were approved

c) Heritage Committee Mins of Nov 25th received and 1 recommendation from that meeting (Ltr to Mrs. Motherwell) was approved

d) Fin/Budget Committee Mins of Nov 13th received and 3 recommendations from that meeting were approved

Corporate Bylaws:

a) South Cariboo Regional Airport Fees and Charges Bylaw No. 4941, 2014 was given 3 readings/adoption

b) Cariboo Regional District Central Cariboo Recreation and Leisure Services
Amendment Bylaw No. 4906, 2014 was adopted following the successful Nov 15th referendum

c) Cariboo Regional District Central Cariboo Recreation and Leisure Services
Pool Renovation Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 4907, 2014 was adopted following the successful Nov 15th referendum

d) North Cariboo HandyDART Transit Contribution Service Amendment Bylaw
No. 4917, 2014 was adopted following the successful Nov 15th referendum

Directors Requests:

a) At the request of Chair Richmond - Board authorized request for Area G Director Initiative Fund for the cost of hosting an appreciation lunch for the 108 Greenbelt Commission

b) At the request of Director Forseth - Board rescinded Area D component ($5,000) to Grant in Aide for Chimney and Felker Lakes Landholders Association for the expansion of their fire hall

Directors' gave oral reports on matters occurring in their Electoral Area/Municipality

At 2:35pm - Board went In-Camera under Section 90(1e) of the Community Charter
At 2:47pm - Board resumed its' public meeting

Meeting adjourned at 2:47pm

CC Regional Hospital Board Highlights - Dec 12th mtg

Present - Chair J. Massier and Directors T. Armstrong, J. Bruce, S. Forseth, B. Kemp, J. Sorley, A. Richmond, M. Wagner, D. Cash, B. Anderson, B. Coakley, R. Sharpe, B. Simpson, W. Cobb and M. Campsall


J. Bell - CAO
S. Reid - CFO
A. Johnston - Corporate Officer
S. Burich - Mgr of Communications
K. Moores - Mgr of Development Services

Meeting called to order at 10:58am
Meeting Agenda approved/CCRHD Mtg mins of Nov 14th mtg approved


1) Cariboo Chilcotin Regional Hospital District Capital Expenditure (Furnishing, Fixtures and Finishing of the Palliative Care Unit - Quesnel) Bylaw No. 97, 2014 was given 3 readings/adoption

2) Hospital Consent Calendar of Dec 12th received

3) Letter from Terry Lake re: Concerns with Hospital Master Plans for GR Baker/CMH Hospitals was received

4) News Release from Interior Health, dated November 21, 2014,regarding mental health and substance use services, was received.

5) Board to send letter to IHA/NHA re: Car 40 Program

6) CCRHD 2015 Provisional Five Year Financial Plan and Proposed Business Plan was approved for public consultation

Meeting adjourned at 11:09am

Cariboo Reg Hospital Board Highlights - Dec 12th mtg

Present - Chair J. Massier and Directors T. Armstrong, J. Bruce, S. Forseth, B. Kemp, J. Sorley, A. Richmond, M. Wagner, D. Cash, B. Anderson, B. Coakley, R. Sharpe, B. Simpson, W. Cobb and M. Campsall


J. Bell - CAO
S. Reid - CFO
A. Johnston - Corporate Officer
S. Burich - Mgr of Communications
K. Moores - Mgr of Development Services

Meeting called to order at 10:55am
Meeting Agenda approved/CRHD Mtg mins of Apr 17th approved


1) CRHD 2015 Provisional Five Year Financial Plan and Proposed Business Plan was approved for public consultation

Meeting adjourned at 10:58am

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Financially reward voters for voting...

At a time that the number of eligible voters casting a ballot in all government elections (federal, provincial, and local) is on the downward trend - Ken Nicholson of Kamloops writes in today's Kamloops Daily News to float the following idea:

A Kamloops residential property owner who votes would receive a $100 credit on his or her 2015 property-tax bill; a non-property owner would receive a $100 voucher to any City of Kamloops recreation facilities.

Contrast that to Australia where voters' are fined for not voting.... I think Mr. Nicholson's idea certainly has merit and society should discuss his idea in a positive way to engage more voters.... because we do know that when voters are encouraged in 'positive' ways to vote, they tend to become more motivated to do so....

Read Mr. Nicholson's full letter here


"Love Williams Lake" website launches

Today - Love Williams Lake, a website dedicated to small businesses and what they offer to people of Williams Lake and those who come in from our surrounding rural areas (CRD Areas D, E, F, J and K) launched.  You can view the website here

This website is part of a larger project called Small Town Love which is coordinated by the Northern Development Initiative Trust.  Similiar websites are now available in 100 Mile House (click here) and Quesnel (click here)

Small business pays a small one time fee of $100 for access.  More questions can be answered and viewed here


Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Balanced Budget 2015-16

Weekly Column from Cariboo-North MLA Coralee Oakes in Dec 10th Williams Lake Tribune:

Some may find that the holidays are a more challenging time to stay on track with finances, especially with Christmas just around the corner. It is not only during the holidays, but every day, month and year that we each continually are trying to budget our money to save, invest and plan for the future.

The government is faced with the same challenge in the global and domestic economies. Fortunately, for the past two years, our government has been able to balance the budget, because B.C. has demonstrated with hard work, due diligence and fiscal discipline, it is not only possible to have a balanced budget, but also forecast successive modest surpluses.

Private sector economists are forecasting B.C. to be among the strongest economies in the country over the next couple years. B.C. remains on target to balance the 2014-15 Budget with a projected year-end surplus of $444 million, up by $178 million since the First Quarterly Report. B.C.’s real GDP is forecast to grow by 1.9 per cent in 2014 and 2.3 per cent in 2015, unchanged from the First Quarterly Report.

Further, the independent Economic Forecast Council projects B.C. will see stable real GDP growth of 2.3 per cent in 2014 and 2.7 per cent in both 2015 and 2016 on average, unchanged from the January 2014 forecast. The council also projects B.C.’s real GDP will grow by an average of 2.5 per cent for the 2017-19 period.

Government will continue to exercise fiscal discipline to ensure B.C.’s budget remains balanced. Keeping the budget balanced is the first step towards a stronger economy and allows us to continue to make investments that reflect the priorities of British Columbians.

The Economic Forecast Council’s projection published with Budget 2015 will determine future potential salary increases in public sector agreements negotiated under the government’s Economic Stability.

As we move forward into the New Year, I will continue to work with my colleagues to ensure that we have our third consecutive balanced budget.