Friday, January 31, 2014

Local Gov't Mtgs - Wk of Feb 3-7

A number of local gov't meetings are occurring next week as follows:

Wells - Regular Council meeting on Tuesday, Feb 4th at 7pm in Wells Council Chambers (4243 Sanders Avenue).  Agenda below:

Approve Agenda
Approve Minutes from Jan 21st meeting
Delegation - Daryle Nesimuik, Wells Resident re: Damage and Snowfall from Roof of Mr. May's Project at 2313 Pooley Street
Bylaws - District of Wells Hotel Room Tax Bylaw No. 131, 2014 (1st, 2nd and 3rd Reading)
Consent Calendar

Quesnel - Regular Council meeting on Monday, Feb 3rd at 7pm in Quesnel Council Chambers (2nd Flr - 410 Kinchant St).  On the Agenda:

a) Receive two In-Camera Resolutions
b) Approve COW recommendations from Jan 13th COW Meeting
c) Approve Finance Committee recommendations from Jan 27th COW Meeting
d) Receive 5 Council/Committee reports
e) 4th Quarter - 2013 Report.  City Mgr Johnson to report
f) Liquor License application from Billy Barker Casino

Full Agenda can be viewed here

Williams Lake - Committee of the Whole meeting on Tuesday, Feb 4th at 6pm in the Rick Hansen Boardroom (WL City Hall basement - 450 Mart St).  On the Agenda:

a) City's 85th Birthday Celebration
b) Highway 97 - Option 1 Report (link to Staff report not available as of this writing)

View Full Agenda here

Finally - the LGLA Conference in Richmond starts next Wednesday and a number of local government elected officials will be there including Deb Bischoff, the Cariboo RD Area D Director so I look forward to learning from her how the 3 day conference went


Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Central Cariboo/City of WL Joint Cmte - Jan 29th mtg

Present from City of WL - Mayor Cook (Meeting Chair) and Councillors Bonnell, Bourdon, Hughes, Walters (left meeting at 7pm) and Zacharias

Present from Cariboo RD - Directors Sorley/Kemp and Area D Alternate Director Forseth


J. Bell - CRD CAO
D. Garceau - City Mgr, City of WL
A. Johnston - Corporate Officer, CRD
G. Paynton - Director of Community Services, City of WL
D. Campbell - Mgr of Community Services, CRD

Meeting called to order at 6pm by the Chair

Agenda approved and CCJC Mins from Oct 23/Nov 13 meetings approved

Topics discussed:

a) 2013 4th Quarter report from CCACS (Central Cariboo Arts/Culture Society)
b) City's 85th Birthday
c) CMRC (Cariboo Memorial Rec Complex) 2013 Stat Holidays Report

d) Pool Renovation and Upgrade Project - Communications Working Group Meeting Notes and Recommendations

e) Terms of Reference for Proposed Central Joint Solid Waste Committee

f) 2014 Grants-in-Aide

g) Central Cariboo Recreation and Leisure Services - Amend Business Plan Goal #2 to look at future priorities within Central Cariboo Recreation - Rural Recreation Assets and implement those priorities including the needed staffing in 2015

Approved by following vote:

Affirmative - Directors Sorley/Kemp, Mayor Cook and Councillors Bonnell, Bourdon, Hughes, and Zacharias
Negative - Alternate Director Forseth

Editor's Note - Staff advised the Joint Committee that the intent was to engage groups that managed rural recreation assets like Esler Complex and Mountain Bike trails and revisit the Parks, Trails and Outdoor Recreation Master Plan (PTORMP) from 2010 and other rural recreation assets with the Central Cariboo Recreation service area but there was no intent to talk with the general public.  I felt that if we were going to engage different groups as it related to Rural Recreation Assets and the PTORMP, the general public should have a say into any amendments to the PTORMP and Rural Recreation asset priorities in 2015 and future years in 2014 … This recommendation will be considered for endorsement either at the Feb 14th or March 7th Cariboo RD Board meeting

h) Action Page - Several items removed as they were completed

The Joint Committee then went into an In-Camera (closed to the public) meeting as per Sections 92 and 90(1b and j) of the Community Charter at 8:33pm

The Joint Committee adjourned at 8:53pm

Cariboo RD Central Rural Directors Caucus - Jan 29th mtg

Present - Chair J. Sorley, Director B. Kemp and Area D Alternate Director S. Forseth


J. Bell - CAO
A. Johnston - Corporate Officer

Meeting called to order at 4pm

The Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) called for nomination of Chair of the Central Cariboo Rural Caucus

Alternate Director Forseth nominated Director Sorley.  Director Sorley accepted her nomination

The CAO called 3 times for other nominations.  None received.  The CAO declared Director Sorley as Chair of the Central Rural Directors Caucus for 2014

Agenda approved

Topics discussed:

a) Appointments to external Committees
b) Letter from WL Chamber of Commerce re: 2014 Business Excellence Awards
c) Review renewing the Grants for Assistance Agreement with the City of Williams Lake, as part of the master Memorandum of Understanding between the City of WL/Cariboo Regional District

d) Action Page

Meeting adjourned at 4:28pm

Quesnel Budget 2014 - Update #1

From the City of Quesnel website:

Monday, January 27 was the first public meeting with respect to the City's budget. Budget Briefs are available here as well as the documents that were discussed at the meeting (please click on the individual links below).
The next budget meeting is scheduled for Monday, Feb. 17 where the capital budget will be discussed. We encourage everyone who would like input into the process to attend. The meeting begins at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers.
Please note that the meeting dates are subject to change and will be posted on the City's website. If you cannot attend a public meeting and wish to provide your input with respect to the budget, please email the Director of Corporate and Financial Services Kari Bolton
Monday, Feb. 17, 2014 Review of Capital Budget
Monday, Feb. 24, 2014 Public Input Meeting

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

WL Council Highlights - Jan 28th mtg

Present: Mayor Cook and Councillors Bonnell, Bourdon, Hughes, and Zacharias

Absent: Councillors SPS Rathor and Laurie Walters

Staff present:

Darrell Garceau - City Manager
Geoff Goodall - GM of Planning/Ops
Cindy Bouchard - Mgr of Legislative Services
Chris Hutton - Planner
Ken MacInnis - Communications Coordinator
Tom Chung - IT Manager

Meeting called to order at 6pm

Minutes from Jan 14th/14 WL Council Meeting/Agenda with 1 late item approved


1) WL Junior Council appeared before City Council to give an update as to their activities
2) Susan Nelson & Grade 6/7 English Language Services for Adults from IMSS - WL Chapter appeared before Council to introduce themselves and Program Background


1) Council received the accounts payable computer cheque listings for the periods ending January 16 and 23, 2014

2) Council approved travel, registration and associated expenses for Mayor Cook to attend the BC Mayor's Caucus on April 23 to 25, 2014 in Cranbrook and Kimberley, BC, as per Council policy.

3) Council approved travel and associated expenses for Mayor Cook to attend the 2014 Council of Forest Industries (COFI) Convention on April 2 and 3, 2014 in Kelowna, BC, as per Council policy

4) Council approved registration, travel and associated expenses for Councillor SPS Rathor to attend the 77th Annual Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) Conference being held May 30 to June 2, 2014 in Niagara Falls, Ontario, as per Council policy.

5) Council authorized submission of a grant application to the Northern Development Initiative Trust (NDIT) Facade Improvement Program and, if approved, directed Staff to implement the program based on the attached program guidelines and application.

6) After 5 receiving delegations - Council approved Development Variance Permit #06-2013 for Williams Lake Ventures Inc. to vary Section 316.2 Highway Commercial (CS-3) Zone to increase the maximum height of the principal building from 10 m to 11.38 m for the proposed principal building on,situate at 1740 and 1820 Broadway Avenue South, respectively; however, issuance of the Development Variance Permit will be held pending the applicant, at their own cost, legally binding by covenant or consolidation the two subject properties in such a matter that neither may be sold or otherwise transferred separately from the other, with the City as a signatory thereto by the following vote:

Affirmative - Mayor Cook and Councillors Bonnell, Bourdon, and Zacharias
Negative - Councillor Hughes

7) Council referred DP #7-2013 (Williams Lake Ventures Inc - 1740/1820 Broadway Avenue South) back to the applicant/Staff for re-review to fit DVP #6-2013

8) Council approved the second Lease Renewal Agreement for the Lease over Lot 1, District Lot 8844, Cariboo District, Plan 43640, between the City of Williams Lake and the Cariboo Regional District for a further five year term effective January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2018, pursuant to the Renewal Option contained in the Lease Agreement

9) Council accepted the proposal from Tell Tale Signs for the provision of Bus Shelter Maintenance and Advertising for a three-year term and authorize entering into an Agreement. Mayor Cook and the City's Corporate Officer was authorized to sign the Agreement on behalf of the City

10) Council received a letter from the local Chamber of Commerce regarding their annual Business Excellence Awards and nomination information and the community be encouraged to consider and submit nominations for this award by the February 7, 2014 deadline

11) Council proclaimed the week of Feb 1-8 as "Turn Down the Heat" week in the City of Williams Lake

12) Late Item - Council appointed Councillor SPS Rathor as Cariboo RD Alternate Director for the City of Williams Lake for the Feb 14th Cariboo RD Board meeting only, as per Section 786 of the Local Government Act

13) Council received the 'Council Information Package' of Jan 28th as follows:

• December 2013 - Cariboo Chilcotin Conservation Society Newsletter;
• January 2014 - Seniors BC e-Newsletter;
• January 9, 2014 - MLA Barnett re Happy New Year 2014;
• January 14, 2014 - West Fraser Mills Ltd. re Advisory Group Awarded BC Safety Authority's Lieutenant Governor Safety Award for Excellence in Systems Safety;
• January 17, 2014 - CRD Board Highlights;
• January 17, 2014 - CCRHD Chair John Massier Delivers Year-End Address.

14) Council received a monthly report from the City Manager up to Jan 24th, 2014

15) Council received a monthly report from Mayor Cook ending Jan 21st, 2014

Council members gave oral updates as to their activities

Council agreed to adjourn at 7:48pm and after a short recess, Council convened an In-Camera Council Meeting as per Sections 92 (resolution to close meeting to public in an open forum) and 90(1)(c - labour/employee relations) of the Community Charter

Monday, January 27, 2014

Roop Parmar (nee Rathor) - 1976-2014

The Rathor Family lost their precious daughter, Roop Parmar (nee Rathor) this past weekend.  She leaves behind her husband Harminder and their 3 children and many other family/friends

WL City Councillor Surinderpal Rathor notified the community over his daughter's death on his Facebook page to which you can express your own condolences to his family here.  I too have expressed my personal condolences to him and his family

The funeral details are as follows (I have permission of Councillor Rathor to share this with my blog readers):

Sat Feb 1st at 5:30pm - Compassionate Care Church - Public Viewing

Sunday Feb 2nd at 10:30am - 5 Rivers Crematorium Facility on 3rd Avenue (at Williams Lake Municipal Cemetery) with the actual cremation event to occur at 11am and finally it will wrap up at the Guru Nanak Sikh Temple on Mackenzie Avenue at 12 noon with a lunch to follow.

Finally - I wish to report to my readers'  that Councillor Rathor's home was the subject of an arson attack this past early Saturday morning.  Councillor Rathor and his wife are ok.  Many I talk to in the community about this incident (both in Williams Lake/Cariboo RD Area D) are appalled at this news.

The RCMP are currently investigating and should anyone have any information that can assist the RCMP in this investigation, I strongly encourage you to provide that information to the RCMP at 250-392-6211 or provide your tip anonymously to CrimeStoppers at 1-800-222-8477 (TIPS)

CCACS 2014 Project Grant applications due Friday

Just a friendly reminder that applications for the Central Cariboo Arts/Culture Society's (CCACS) 2014 Project Grants are due in Jan 31st at 4pm

For more information - click here, reach the CCACS Coordinator (Leah Selk) via email here or by phone at 778-412-9044


Family Day at Quesnel Twin Arenas and A.R.C.

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel/Cariboo Regional District:

Quesnel & District Leisure Services has a lot to offer to all ages when it comes to activities on Monday, Feb. 10, 2014 Family Day. Get the whole family together for skating, swimming, a work out in the gym, and a family Valentine’s Craft Workshop to make gifts for your loved ones.

At the Twin Arenas, skating is FREE from 12 noon – 3 pm. At the Arts and Recreation Centre it’s a FREE Swim and Gym from 1 – 4 pm.

Jodi Ballinger from the local business Dandelion Bucket will be leading the all-ages Valentine’s Craft Workshop from 1 – 3 pm in the arts side of the Centre. There will be a variety of different gifts to make from love bugs, felt fortune cookies, glitter rocks, decoupage chocolate boxes, cards, gumball necklaces, to stamped tea towels. Registration ranges from $20 to $25 for children and from $28 to $35 for adults. Register for program No. 15675 at the front desk in advance. Hot chocolate, tea and cookies will be provided.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Local Gov't Mtgs - Wk of Jan 27-31

A number of local governments in the Cariboo-Chilcotin are meeting next week as follows:

Quesnel - Committee of the Whole (2014 Operating Budget).  Meeting starts at 7pm Monday Jan 27th in Quesnel Council Chambers (2nd Floor - 410 Kinchant St).  View the Agenda here

School District #27 - Regular Meeting on Tuesday, Jan 28th at 6:30pm in the SD27 Boardroom (350 2nd Avenue, Williams Lake).  Items on the Agenda include:

a) Various Committee or Policy Reports
b) Present 2013-2014 Annual Amended Budget
c) District Vice-Principal, Jan Fichtner and Principal, Mike Franklin will showcase "Supporting Students with Learning Behavious and Alternate Programs".
d)150 Mile Greenbelt Trail and Heritage Society requests use of 150 Mile Schoolhouse for July/August 2014
e) Review letter to BC Government re: downloading of costs and insufficient funding

View the full Agenda here

Williams Lake -

1) Public Consultation Mtg for Bylaws #2204/2205 - 14 Lot R-1 Homes proposal on Centennial Drive.  Mtg on Mon Jan 27th at 6pm in the Rick Hansen Boardroom.  View the official notice here

2) Social Planning Council mtg on Monday, Jan 27th at 12 noon at the local IMSS Office (118C North 1st Avenue)

3 ) Regular Council meeting on Tues Jan 28th at 6pm in WL Council Chambers (450 Mart St).  ON the Agenda:

a) 2 Delegations - WL Junior Council gives an update and Susan Nelson and the 6/7 English Language Services for Adults (ELSA) Class of the Immigrant & Multicultural Services Society (IMSS) of Prince George - Williams Lake Chapter re Introduction & Program Background

b) 2 Requests for Mayor Cook to attend events in April -- COFI/BC Mayors' Caucus
c) Request to issue 2 permits for new 50 room hotel beside Laughing Loon Restaurant on Broadway Avenue South

d) Request to approve 2nd renewal of Landfill Lease
e) Approve Transit Shelter Maintenance/Advertisement Contract for 3 years
f) Monthly reports from CAO/Mayor Cook

Read full Agenda here

100 Mile House - Regular Council Meeting starting at 7pm in 100 Mile House Council Chambers (385 Birch Avenue).  View the Agenda here

Cariboo Regional District:

CC Rural Caucus - 4pm on Wed Jan 29th in the Cariboo RD Committee Room.  Items on the Agenda:

a) Appointments to external Committees for 2014
b) Consider letter from WL Chamber of Commerce - Business Excellence Awards 2014
c) Renewal of the Grant in Aide agreement between the City of Williams Lake/Cariboo Regional District
d) Review Action Page

Editor's Note -- I am interested in hearing your thoughts on Item C above - both for and against…

CC/City of WL Joint Committee - 6pm on Wed Jan 29th in the Cariboo RD Boardroom.  Items on the Agenda:

a) 2014 Grant in Aide applications
b) Receive 2013 4th Quarter Report from CCACS (Local Arts/Culture Society)
c) City of WL 85th Birthday Celebrations - receive only
d) 2013 Stat Holiday Report for CMRC - receive only
e) Pool Referendum Communications Working Group - report on no Lobbying Committee/No Fundraising or Corporate Sponsorship efforts at this time
f) Terms of Reference for Central Solid Waste Committee
g) Central Cariboo Recreation - Staff Resources for Recreation

There will be an In-Camera Session at this meeting under Section 90 of the Community Charter as follows:

90(1)(b) - personal information about an identifiable individual who is being considered for a municipal award or honour, or who has offered to provide a gift to the municipality on condition of anonymity

90 (1) (j) - information that is prohibited, or information that if it were presented in a document would be prohibited, from disclosure under section 21 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act

100 Mile makes $50,000 error

As a result of an internal review - District of 100 Mile staff have discovered that the Water Utility Fund is short $50,000 as a result of a typing error in the category of "over 30,000 gallons" billing rate.

The District will attempt to recoup the funds throughout 2014.  28 businesses are affected by this error

Read more here


Thursday, January 23, 2014

Barkerville welcomes new CEO

Courtesy of the Barkerville Heritage Trust Board:

Barkerville is pleased to announce that the Board of Directors of the Barkerville Heritage Trust has selected Ed Coleman as the new Chief Executive Officer for Barkerville Historic Town. Mr. Coleman will be filling the shoes of departing CEO Judy Campbell who, after devoting 40 years to Barkerville in a wide variety of capacities culminating in a productive 7½ years as CEO, is leaving to pursue other passions and opportunities.

“We are absolutely thrilled to have Ed build on the work and initiatives undertaken at the site over the past several years,” said Campbell. “His depth of experience in education, business and historic site management will be a considerable asset to Barkerville.”

The appointment comes at the end of a lengthy selection and interview process.

“Mr. Coleman brings a unique set of skills to the position,” said John Massier, Chair of the Barkerville Heritage Trust. “We feel excited and confident that he will be an excellent steward of the site, moving forward.”

Mr. Coleman certainly brings a wealth and diversity of relevant experience to Barkerville. He holds a Bachelor of Business Education from Okanagan University College in Penticton and the University of British Columbia, and has worked as a business teacher and consultant for School Districts 39 (Vancouver) and 43 (Coquitlam) while also working as the Computer Resources Manager and Assistant to the Comptroller for the Rick Hansen Man in Motion World Tour from 1984 to 1990.

Coleman moved to Quesnel in 1990, and has worked for School District 28 as a teacher and administrator, including District Coordinator of Resources, District Career Programming, Manager of Helen Dixon Centre Continuing Adult, and Manager of Cottonwood House Historic Site by agreement through the School District and the Heritage Branch. He also serves as Co-Chair of the BC Heritage Properties Managers’ Group. Mr. Coleman was elected to Quesnel City Council in 2011 and chairs the Finance Committee, Audit Committee, Sustainability Task Force and is the City’s representative of the Post-Secondary Education and Training Council.

“Barkerville is a major economic and tourism driver,” said Coleman. “My goal is to continue strengthening the relationship between Barkerville’s staff, merchants, contractors, and stakeholders locally, regionally, provincially and internationally by encouraging a cooperative, team-based approach to securing the future of the site.”

Quesnel Winter Carnival moves ahead

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel/Cariboo Regional District:

We are pleased to announce that the Winter Carnival is ready to go on Saturday, Feb. 1 from 1 to 5:30 p.m. with lots of fun and activities for everyone! Our community event is hosted by the City of Quesnel and the Cariboo Regional District and many local sponsors. We would like to thank Save-on-Foods, Fortis BC, Spectra Energy, Integris Credit Union, and the Quesnel and District Arts Council for their support. A special thank you to the City’s Public Works Department, the Fire Department and their volunteers for the numerous hours spent on preparing the West Fraser Timber Park.

There will be more family fun, more prizes and more fireworks. Lots of opportunities to try cross country skiing, snow shoeing, sledding, pond skating, and, new this year is geo caching! You are invited to bring your own equipment or are welcome to borrow ours.  The crazy toque contest is back by popular demand and we will supply the toque. There will be free hot chocolate, coffee, root beer, bannock, cookies and more. Visit with some of our local mascots, Billy Barker, the Root Beer Bear, the RCMP Safety Bear or the Carnival Jester. Be sure to bring your camera. Pick up your free tickets at the gate from the Scotiabank folks when you come into the park and drop your tickets off in any one of the eight prize draw barrels around the carnival site. The day ends with a fireworks display you don't want to miss.

Bundle up, dress warm, bring your travel mug and we'll see you on Saturday, Feb. 1 at the West Fraser Timber Park for our annual Winter Carnival. This is how Quesnel celebrates winter; in true Canadian style!

For more information, call 250-992-8200, or check out the Quesnel Winter Carnival page on Facebook

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Central Cariboo Pool Survey Announced

Courtesy of the City of Williams Lake's Facebook page:

Editor's Note - I encourage everyone who resides in Area D of the Cariboo Regional District and pays for "Central Cariboo Recreation" on their tax bill to participate, if you can, in this survey.  The information collected will help your elected officials (WL Council & Cariboo RD Areas D, E, F Directors) about your local Sam Ketcham Pool and the upcoming referendum on Nov 15th, 2014

The Cariboo Regional District and the City of Williams Lake will be conducting a survey of residents in the Central Cariboo Recreation service boundary from January 23-30, 2014 regarding the Sam Ketcham Pool at the Cariboo Memorial Complex in Williams Lake. Discovery Research is the company that will be contacting residents by telephone to conduct the survey on behalf of the CRD and the City of Williams Lake.

Residents who reside within the Central Cariboo Recreation service boundary who are contacted by Discovery Research are encouraged to participate if they receive a call. The survey will be used to provide baseline information to elected officials and staff about the Sam Ketcham Pool and the November Referendum.

Clr Bourdon: Respect MOTI Professionals on Highway 97 Project

From Rush/Wolf:

A group of local citizens pitch a new idea for the Highway 97 improvements.

Their suggestion? installing roundabouts.

Representing the Citizens Committee is John Moon, who believes their idea will save money and be a more viable option for the highway.

City Council welcomes his suggestions, but do not want to move forward without input from the Ministry of Transportation.

Geoff Bourdon, of Williams Lake City Council explains why input from the Provincial Government is a must:

"If it is a matter of someone having a home run idea, and they have the best plan, then there's no reason we shouldn't do it. I am not going to forego all of the expertise at the Ministry and assume they don't know what they're doing. It's a bit offensive to go and do that, and I don't feel that is being true to the professionals there."

The first choice for council is to move the intersection from Carson to Toop, and that will be discussed at their next meeting February 4th, with suggestions from reprsentatives of the Ministry.

The roundabout idea presented by Moon is not considered an option, until the Ministry gives its approval.

WL Council considers Highway 97 rpt on Feb 4th

Courtesy of the City of Williams Lake:

The City of Williams Lake wants to ensure the public has correct information regarding the city street connections associated with the provincial Highway 97 four-laning project near Toop Road.

At its Jan. 14 regular meeting, Council passed a motion to move forward with Option 1 identified for connections from Highway 97 to city streets, and have staff present a report with suggested revisions and next steps for the option at the Feb. 4 Committee of the Whole meeting.

Option 1 consists of two connections from the new signalized highway intersection at Toop Road. Drivers heading west will have the choice of turning onto McKinnon Road or 11th Avenue. This option essentially maintains traffic patterns as they are today, yet with modern, improved geometry that will vastly improve safety and usability. Two options for street connections were identified last summer, and were the subject of open houses held in August and October. Option 2 added a connection to Johnson Street to the Option 1 concept.

The project to improve this section of Highway 97, as well as associated changes to intersections has been underway since 1996. Several public consultation sessions have been held over that time, including an open house in April 2010, and three open houses in 2013.

Council, at Committee of the Whole meeting Tuesday Jan. 21, received a delegation from a citizen’s committee presenting an option for Highway 97 connections involving roundabouts. Council received the delegation’s information and directed staff to share it with the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure.

After considering this report on revisions and next steps, Council will make decisions allowing the province to proceed with the four-laning project.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Committee of the Whole (WL Council) Mtg - Jan 21st

Present - Acting Mayor I. Bonnell (Chair) and Councillors Bourdon, Hughes, Rathor, Walters and Zacharias

Absent - Mayor Kerry Cook (civic business)


Darrell Garceau - City Manager
Geoff Goodall - GM of Planning/Operations
Cindy Bouchard - Mgr of Legislative Services/Corporate Officer
Chris Hutton - Planning Technician
Jeff Bernardy - Engineering Technologist

Junior Council  - 2 members present
Public: 15
Media: WL Tribune/Rush & Wolf radio station

Meeting called to order at 6:08pm by the Chair

Minutes of Jan 7th, 2014 COW Meeting approved/Agenda approved


1) Citizens' Committee appeared before the Committee of the Whole to discuss a proposal for the Highway 97/Toop Rd/Carson Drive upgrade project

Key Points:

* Opening Statement (John Moon)
* Round-about Proposal (Shel Myers)
* Citizen Committee Recommendations (John Moon)

a) Reconsider decision of Jan 14th (reject independent traffic engineer study)
b) Refer 'Roundabout' proposal to ind. traffic engineer for review
c) Request for Meeting between City of WL Mayor or Acting Mayor, City CAO and reps from the Citizens Committee this week

A Question/Answer period ensued
The Chair thanked the delegation for their time/information

Motion -- That the delegation and their presented information be received - Carried

Motion - That the delegation information be referred to Staff and refer roundtable concept to MOTI for comment and report back at the Feb 4th COW Meeting

Approved by following vote:

Affirmative - Councillors Bonnell, Hughes, Rathor, Walters and Zacharias
Negative - Councillor Bourdon


1) NCLGA 2014 Resolutions Deadline Notice

Discussion ensued thereon

Motion - Item received -- Carried

2) Bylaw Dispute Adjudication System - Compliance Agreement

GM of Planning/Ops reviewed this item with the Committee
Discussion ensued thereon

Motion - That the Committee receive the report of the Senior Bylaw Officer for information -- Carried

Meeting adjourned at 8:00pm and after a 5 minute break, Council then convened an In-Camera Meeting as per Sections 92 (Resolution to Close Meeting in Open Session) and 90(1g - litigation) and (1k - negotiations) of the Community Charter

Kamloops Civic Election off to Early Start?

In a move that surprised me -- Kamloops Mayor Peter Milobar's campaign team has launched his re-election Facebook page which you can view here

The Campaign Slogan looks to be -- Mayor Peter Milobar… The Kamloops Way

They have also launched a Twitter account which you can view here and a campaign website which you can view here

I'm not sure what the early start is for… certainly I don't see any political risk to Mayor Milobar being defeated, at this stage, but I would be remiss if I didn't point out that last election, Mayor Milobar was within mere days of being acclaimed in the 2011 Election, but regardless, I personally expect and hope that Milobar will be re-elected in November as I personally feel that Peter Milobar is the right person that Kamloops needs as its' Mayor at this time and going forward...


2013 BC Election Detailed Stats available

Earlier today - Elections BC released by the poll by poll numbers for BC's 85 Electoral Districts for the 40th General Election held in May 2013.  Read that document here

In reviewing the two local electoral districts -- Cariboo-North & Cariboo-Chilcotin…

Cariboo-North - MLA Oakes did very well in Advance Voting and in addition, Duncan Barnett was able to win enough polls to take away votes from Bob Simpson to allow Oakes to take advantage of a 3 way race.  Meanwhile 81 spoiled ballots were submitted

Cariboo-Chilcotin - Like MLA Oakes, MLA Barnett did very well in Advanced Voting and in addition, this was a 4 person race, but really came down to the BC Liberals & BC NDP and given Charlie Wyse's "misspeak" on prohibition on fracking, the polls numbers reflected on voters' desire for resource development and the commitments made by MLA Barnett


Bouchie Lk Winter Recreation Activities

You can also download a Bouchie Lake Recreation Membership form here

Highways 16/97 made Class 'A' Highways

Courtesy of the BC Government:

PRINCE GEORGE - The Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure is changing the maintenance classification for Highway 16 and Highway 97 in northern B.C. to a Class A level, meaning more maintenance and quicker response times on both highways.

These highways are critical corridors supporting liquefied natural gas development and other industrial growth in the North.

Currently Highway 16 is maintained at a rural highway Class B level, except for main arterials through cities and the stretch of road between the B.C./Alberta border and Tête Jaune Cache, which are already maintained at a Class A level. The change will make the entire Highway 16 corridor Class A, from Prince Rupert to the B.C./Alberta border.

Currently Highway 97 North has a classification level of B for the portion between Prince George and Chetwynd. After the change, the entire northern section of Highway 97 from Cache Creek to the end of provincial jurisdiction for the highway north of Fort St. John, will be Class A.

These changes represent a significant increase in the maintenance commitment for both highways, and will result in more frequent patrols and quicker response times, and more plowing, snow removal, and salt and sand applications.

The changes are expected to be in effect by mid-to-late February.

In the past four years, the Government of B.C. has invested $129 million in improvements and upgrades on Highway 16.

BC's Minister of Transportation/Infrastructure, Todd Stone, says:

"Highway 16 and Highway 97 are both key corridors in the North, supporting the region's growing LNG and industrial development. This change will ensure these highways are maintained to the best possible standards."

Monday, January 20, 2014

2013 CC Reg Hospital Dist Year in Review

Courtesy of the Cariboo Regional District:

During last Friday’s Cariboo Chilcotin Regional Hospital District (CCRHD) meeting, Chair John Massier delivered the CCRHD Year-End Address. The full text of the speech is included below.

“2013 was a successful year for the CCRHD on a variety of different initiatives. The first request from our Foundation Partnership Grants to the GR Baker Hospital Auxiliary was approved at our February meeting to fund $21,200 (of a total project cost of $53,000) for the purchase of a portable ultrasound machine.

The following month the 100 Mile House Hospice Palliative Care Society’s request for $5,809 (of a total project cost of $14,523) for the purchase of a RIK mattress, bedding, oxygen concentrators and a PA system was approved by the Board. In October, the South Cariboo Health Foundation was successful in its approach to the Board for $6,189 (of a total project cost of $15,473) to complete renovations of the chemotherapy consultation room at the 100 Mile House Hospital. These volunteer organizations exist to improve the health care facilities in our communities, and our Foundation Partnership Grants Program allows them to stretch their fundraising dollars for the benefit of all the citizens of the region.

2013 also saw the implementation of a contract with the Central Interior Rural Division of Family Practice to help support the recruitment and retention of health care professionals in both Williams Lake and 100 Mile House. The Division has matched the CCRHD funding and has taken an increasingly active role in promoting the South and Central Cariboo to their fellow physicians and other health care personnel. We are hoping to expand this initiative into the North Cariboo in 2014.

Early in 2013 the Board was approached by Interior Health (IH) with a Capital Funding request to renovate the bathrooms of the 100 Mile House Hospital. The Board approved $160,000 of a total project cost of $400,000 for this much needed improvement. In May, IH was back before the Board requesting $240,000 of a total project cost of $600,000 for the long awaited Concept Planning Stage of the Cariboo Memorial Hospital (CMH) renovation. The request was unanimously approved at our June meeting and was the first positive sign of movement on this project in over two years since the CMH Master Plan was completed. The work is currently underway and a final report is expected in the spring of 2014. Other Capital Projects underway in 2013 included renovations at GR Baker Hospital to the pharmacy and sterile processing room. This $1,564,000 project is being supported with $625,000 from the CCRHD and is expected to be complete in March of 2014.

Many other smaller capital improvements to our local health care facilities were funded through our Global Grants to both Interior Health and Northern Health. Financial highlights for the year included motions by the Board to take advantage of early debt repayment options to the Municipal Finance Authority in August 2013 and again in December 2014. The payments were taken from capital reserves and combined, will save taxpayers more than $250,000 in interest payments and leave the CCRHD and CRHD debt free by the end of 2014. The Board also made the decision to set the 2014 hospital tax rate at $70/$100,000 to help add to our strong reserve fund for future hospital improvements in both Quesnel and Williams Lake.

Other highlights of the year were several meetings with the Chair and CEOs of both Health Authorities on various health matters and a meeting at the UBCM with Health Minister Terry Lake to lobby the Provincial government for the next stages of the Cariboo Memorial Hospital expansion. Interior Health’s “Family Physicians for the Interior” forum was held in Williams Lake and Vice Chair Wagner is currently part of an Interior Health region wide collaboration aimed at bringing in physicians. Northern Health held two community meetings in Quesnel for the public to give input on the Master Plan for GR Baker Hospital and also held meetings in Quesnel and across the north on Health Aging and Senior’s Wellness.

All in all 2013 was a positive year for the Cariboo Chilcotin Regional Hospital District and the Board remains strongly committed to the wise use of taxpayers’ dollars and continual capital improvements to the healthcare facilities of our region.”

Local Gov'ts/First Nations Working Together

Joint Release of the City of Williams Lake, Cariboo Regional District & Williams Lake Indian Band:

The Cariboo Regional District, the City of Williams Lake and the Williams Lake Indian Band met on Thursday, Jan. 16 from 1-4:30 p.m. as part of a Community to Community forum sponsored by the province of British Columbia. The focus of the meeting was to improve communications between all three organizations and look for other opportunities to work together.

Emerging from the meeting, a new working group comprised of elected officials and staff from all three organizations was established. Meetings will commence within the next 30 days. The mandate of the group will be to identify areas of mutual interest and potential shared services which could be addressed collectively to benefit all residents of the region.

This was an excellent meeting, and I would like to thank Chief Ann Louie and the Williams Lake Indian Band for bringing us together,” stated CRD Chair Al Richmond. “This event was just the beginning and we look forward to continuing to build our communities together.”

"The City of Williams Lake places a very high value on partnerships, and this working group involving our neighbouring governments is an excellent example of working together,” says Williams Lake Mayor Kerry Cook. “I look forward to moving forward together for all of our residents.”

“This was an excellent day and hopefully the beginning of meaningful collaboration between these three governments,” added Williams Lake Indian Band Chief Ann Louie. “We need to work together with ‎mutual respect for the betterment of all our communities and the entire region. Once we establish the working group envisioned by this Community to Community Forum, the real work can begin.”

Williams Lake TSA Review

Courtesy of the BC Government:

Editor's Note - The Cariboo RD Board has asked their Staff to report back on input options/recommendations at their Feb 14th meeting on the Williams Lake Timber Supply Area discussion paper.  You can read the discussion paper/Cariboo RD Staff report here

Comments are being accepted until March 17, 2014, on a public discussion paper released today as part of a comprehensive timber supply review for the Williams Lake Timber Supply Area.

Public feedback on the discussion paper will be considered by the chief forester before setting the new allowable annual cut. The discussion paper describes the geography, natural resources, forest management and land use plans of the Williams Lake Timber Supply Area. It also provides the results of the timber supply analysis, including a base case harvest forecast.

The Williams Lake Timber Supply Area covers about 4.9 million hectares, with approximately 1.8 million hectares available for timber harvesting. The City of Williams Lake is the largest community in the timber supply area. Smaller communities include Horsefly, Likely, Miocene, Alexis Creek, Anahim Lake, Tatla Lake, Riske Creek, Big Creek, Nimpo Lake, 150 Mile House, Big Lake and McLeese Lake.

As part of the timber supply analysis, a habitat supply assessment was conducted on three wildlife species—pine marten, moose and grizzly bear—to determine the implications of timber harvesting on wildlife. Results show pine marten habitat requires connected tracts of mature and old forest while grizzly bear habitat is linked to human activity and the availability of road free areas. Moose habitat requires forest cover next to feeding areas. However, in wetter parts of the region, feeding areas can be temporarily enhanced through timber harvesting.

The chief forester’s allowable annual cut determination is an independent professional judgement based on information such as technical forestry reports and input from First Nations and the public.

Under the Forest Act, the chief forester must determine the maximum amount of wood that can be harvested in each of the province’s 38 timber supply areas and 34 tree farm licences at least once every 10 years. However, a new allowable annual cut may be determined earlier in response to abnormal situations, or postponed for up to five years if an allowable annual cut level is not expected to change significantly.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Cariboo RD Board Highlights - Jan 17th mtg

Courtesy of the Cariboo Regional District:

Election of CRHD & CCRHD Chair and Vice‐Chair
      The Cariboo Regional Hospital District (CRHD) and the Cariboo Chilcotin Regional Hospital District (CCRHD) re-elected their Chair and Vice Chair for 2014. Area C Director, John Massier was re-elected as Chair while Vice‐Chair duties will be carried out by Area H Director, Margo Wagner.

Interior Health Funding Request Approved
The CCRHD Board authorized a funding request from Interior Health in the amount of $287,200, representing 40 percent of the total cost of three capital projects. The projects include replacement of the Direct Digital Controls at the 100 Mile House General Hospital, a new cart washer for Cariboo Memorial Hospital and a new anaesthetic machine with monitor for Cariboo Memorial Hospital. Further information about Interior Health is available online at

CRD Support First Nations Museum Lease Agreement
      The Cariboo Regional District Board authorized the signing of a long-term lease agreement for an Aboriginal Museum and Cultural Centre at the 108 Mile Greenbelt with the Northern Secwepemc Cultural Society (NSCS). At its meeting on October 25, 2013, the CRD approved in principle, proposal information to construct a First Nations museum at the 108 Greenbelt in the south Cariboo. The project is led by the Northern Secwepemc Cultural Society, which is comprised of five local First Nations including Canim Lake, Canoe Creek, Williams Lake, Soda Creek and Esketemc. The lease has a term of 99 years and will allow the NSCS to construct and operate a museum and cultural centre.

Timber Kings
Peter Arnold, Master Builder from Pioneer Log Homes, provided a presentation regarding Pioneer Log Homes being featured on the Timber Kings show on HGTV Canada. Arnold spoke about the log home building process as well as an overview of how the show Timber Kings came to be. Further information about the HGTV show is available online at

Gas Tax Funds Approved
      A request for up to $1,500 of Community Works Funding was approved by the CRD Board of Directors for the Williams Lake Cross Country Ski Club to perform a lighting upgrade in the warming hut at the Bull Mountain Ski Area.

Cariboo Chilcotin MLA Update
MLA Donna Barnett appeared before the Board to provide an update as per Board policy. MLA Barnett spoke about the core review of all Ministries taking place,  the Highway 20 corridor and the potential close of the BC Ferries route, as well as the Master Plan for renovations and redevelopment of the Cariboo Memorial Hospital. For further information about the Cariboo Chilcotin riding or to contact the MLA, visit them online at

NCLGA Resolutions
      CRD Directors discussed potential resolutions for the North Central Local Government Association's (NCLGA) annual general meeting and convention. Directors will bring back topics for inclusion to the Feb. 14 CRD Board meeting. The annual NCLGA event will be taking place in Fort St. John May 7-9, 2014.

Expense Limits of Local Government Candidates
      The Regional District Board received a letter from the Honourable Coralee Oakes, Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development. The Ministry has invited feedback from the Board with regards to the second phase of the local government elections reform which focuses on expense limits of candidates in local government elections. It is expected that any expense limit changes in legislation, if passed, would be developed, introduced, and implemented after the 2014 local elections.

Williams Lake Timber Supply Area
      The CRD Board of Directors received the recently release Williams Lake Timber Supply Area Discussion Paper. Staff will bring back a report to the Feb. 14 Board meeting with highlights and recommendations for feedback. The Ministry of Forest Lands and Natural Resource Operations are requesting public input as it is an important part of establishing the new annual allowable cut. Feedback is welcomed on any aspect of the discussion paper or any other issues related to the timber supply review for the Williams Lakes timber supply area. Comments must be received by March 17, 2014. Further information about the Williams Lake Timber Supply Area is available online

Next Meeting

CRD Board Meeting – Feb. 14, 2014

Friday, January 17, 2014

Local Gov't Mtgs - Wk of Jan 20-24

Only the District of Wells and the City of Williams Lake Councils' are meeting this upcoming week as follows:

Wells - Regular Meeting on Tuesday, Jan 21st in Wells Council Chambers (4243 Sanders Ave).  Agenda below:

1. Agenda for Regular Council Meeting, January 21, 2014
Recommend THAT Council approve the Agenda for the Regular Council Meeting, January 21, 2014.

1. Minutes of Regular Council Meeting, December 17, 2013
Recommend THAT Council approve the Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting, December 17, 2013.


1. HMC Snow Clearing Meeting
Recommend THAT Council receive the verbal report re: HMC
Snow Clearing Meeting.

1. Amend Appointment of Auditor for 2013 Audit
Recommend THAT Council receive the report and THAT the appointment of PMT Chartered Accountants to perform the municipal 2013 audit be withdrawn and THAT the firm of Fraser, Bevs, Broughton Chartered Accountants be appointed to undertake the annual municipal audit and prepare the District of Wells Audited Financial Statements for the year ending December 31, 2013 .

2 Wells Snowmobile Corridor Amendment
Recommend THAT Council receive the report and THAT Council add the segment of Legion Drive between Highway 26 and Goldquartz Drive to the Wells Snowmobile Corridor. (Maps will be available at the Council meeting)

1. 13.12.18 Kim Eglinski, Regional Councillor Chair, NCLGA re: Resolution Submission Deadline: March 7th, 2014
Recommend THAT the 13.12.18 letter from Kim Eglinski, Regional Councillor Chair, NCLGA re: Resolution Submission Deadline: March 7th, 2014 be received.

2. 13.12.23 Kelsey Dodd re: Highway Visibility Concerns
Recommend THAT the 13.12.23 letter from Kelsey re: Highway Visibility Concerns be received. (Please note that three videos are included with this letter as an attachment).

3. 14.01.03 Danette Boucher re: Excessive Idling of Vehicles
Recommend THAT the 14.01.03 letter from Danette Boucher re: Excessive Idling of Vehicles be received.

1. District of Wells Hotel Room Tax Bylaw No. 131, 2014
Recommend THAT Council give the first three readings to the District of Wells Hotel Room Tax Bylaw No. 131, 2014.

1. Cheque Register 13.12.01 to 14.01.14
Recommend THAT Council approve Electronic Fund Transfers and Cheques 3140 to 3212 from Integris Credit Union for the period of December 1, 2013 to January 14, 2014 for a total amount of $130,591.87.

2. Employee Cheque Report 13.01.01 to 13.12.31
Recommend THAT Council approve Employee Cheques from Integris Credit Union for the period of January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2013 for a total amount of $254,304.22.

3. Outstanding Actions Item Report
Recommend THAT the Outstanding Actions Item Report be received.


1. 13.12.12 Coralee Oakes, Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development re: Input on the Second Phase of Local Government Elections Reform.
2. 13.12.10 John Massier, Chair, Barkerville Heritage Trust re: Announcement-Ed Coleman New Chief Executive Officer (CEO) for Barkerville Historic Town.
3. 13.12.17 Justine Herman, Office Manager, Ministry of Justice re: Crime Reduction Deadlines Extended.
4. 14.01.09 Jack W. Davidson, President BC Road Builders and Heavy Construction Association re: A Municipal Councils' Guide to Infrastructure Construction. (Please see Deputy Clerk for Brochure).
5. 14.01.09 Alec Dale, Executive Director, Ministry of Environment re: Provincial and Local Governments Working Together to Protect Biodiversity.
6. 12.01.06 Dave Jorgenson, Owner, The Bear's Paw Cafe re: Trees on Camel Drive.

1. Council Members:
2. Staff:
3. Public Gallery:

Recommend THAT, pursuant to Section 90(1) (c) of the Community Charter, the following portion of this meeting is closed to the public.


Williams Lake - Committee of the Whole meeting on Tuesday, Jan 21st at 6pm in the Rick Hansen Boardroom (WL City Hall Basement - 450 Mart St)

On the Agenda:

Delegation (1) - John Moon to address the Committee in regards to the Highway 97 Road Upgrade project

Editor's Note - read a related story on this here while the Williams Lake Tribune takes Williams Lake Council to task over its' "flip-flopping" over the Highway 97 Road Upgrade file which you can read for yourself here


1) NCLGA Resolutions Submissions
2)Bylaw Dispute Adjudication System - Compliance Agreement

Link to Full Agenda here

NC Recreation Survey Results Released

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel/Cariboo RD:

During a Strategic Planning session held on Wednesday night, the North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee (NCJPC) reviewed the results of the recent North Cariboo Recreation Survey. The telephone survey was conducted by Discovery Research between Jan. 2 - 12 to speak with North Cariboo residents about their use and satisfaction with current North Cariboo Recreation and Parks services and about their priorities for future recreation infrastructure planning. A total of 1,000 residents within the North Cariboo Recreation and Parks boundary participated in the survey.

In general, the survey revealed that more than 50 percent of residents feel that replacing Arena 1 and renovating the swimming pool at the Arts and Recreation Centre are important. The survey also showed that residents are divided regarding their willingness to increase taxes to build a new arena.

When asked about a performing arts theatre, a majority of survey participants indicated they do not support a tax increase to construct a performing arts theatre.

At the end of the strategic planning meeting, the North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee requested staff to prepare a report that will be presented during the regularly-scheduled Feb. 11 NCJPC meeting. The report will be based on the findings of the survey, and discussions with elected officials during the strategic planning session. The document will provide options for the next steps in future infrastructure needs of the North Cariboo Recreation and Parks service.

I am pleased with the 100 percent attendance and participation of all North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee members during last night’s strategic planning session,” stated Committee Co-Chair Ted Armstrong. “The committee is eagerly awaiting the report from staff which will be presented to the Joint Committee in February. Shortly thereafter we will be engaging the public in a thorough and meaningful consultation process.”

I would like to thank those residents living in the North Cariboo Recreation and Parks boundary for taking the time to participate in the survey,” said Quesnel Mayor Mary Sjostrom. “The North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee looks forward to the next steps in determining the future of recreation infrastructure in our community, based on your input.”

Full tabular results of the survey and a survey summary are available online at or

Quesnel Budget 2014 Timetable

From the City of Quesnel website:

The following is an outline of the City's 2014 Budget Timetable. Dates are subject to change and will be posted on the City's website. All of the meetings begin at 7 p.m. and are open to the public. We encourage everyone to attend and participate in the process. If you cannot attend a public meeting and wish to provide your input with respect to the budget, please email the Director of Corporate and Financial Services Kari Bolton at
Monday, Jan. 27, 2014 BUDGET Review of Operating Budget
Monday, Feb. 17, 2014 BUDGET Review of Capital Budget
Monday, Feb. 24, 2014 BUDGET Public Input Meeting

C2C Forum - Sugarcane

Yesterday - I had the honour to participate in a "Community to Community Forum" (C2C) hosted by the Williams Lake Indian Band in their gym

Those who participated included most members of WL City Council and their City Manager Darrell Garceau, Directors Armstrong, Massier, Kemp, Sorley, Richmond, Wagner, Rattray and myself/Director Bischoff and our CAO, Janis Bell, on behalf of the Cariboo RD and staff and Chief/Councillors from the WL Indian Band.  As well, 100 Mile House Mayor Mitch Campsall participated in this meeting

We first introduced ourselves to each other and then held discussions on local services & land use planning and how to make these work for all of our communities

We also made plans to move forward on the momentum established at this meeting.

I have to say that if given the opportunity again - I would gladly participate in a forum like this again and we should budget for forums like this every year so we can have annual 'conversations' on how to make services work for all of our peoples (First Nations/Non-First Nations)


Thursday, January 16, 2014

Countdown to Oscars at WL Library

Courtesy of the Cariboo Regional District:

The Cariboo Regional District’s Williams Lake Area Branch has announced three free film screenings of 2013 Oscar nominees and winners, in anticipation of the 2014 Oscar Awards Ceremony on March 2. All screenings take place in the Williams Lake Area Branch Programme Room.

The first film will be Amour, the 2013 winner for Best Foreign Language Film, directed by Michael Haneke, will be featured on Wednesday, Jan. 29 at 7 p.m. This unforgettable and tragic love story focuses on Georges and Anne, an octogenarian couple, who are cultivated, retired music teachers. Their daughter, also a musician, lives in Britain with her family. One day, Anne has a stroke, and the couple's bond of love is severely tested.

On Wednesday, Feb. 5, 7 p.m., David O. Russell’s Silver Linings Playbook will be screened. For her performance in this film, Jennifer Lawrence won the 2013 Oscar for Best Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role. The film centres on former teacher Pat Solitano, who moves back in with his parents and tries to reconcile with his ex-wife after a stint in a mental institution. Whilst portraying the reality of living with mental illness, at its heart this film is a big, generous, happy-making ensemble comedy.

Best Picture of the Year nominee Zero Dark Thirty will be screened on Wednesday, Feb. 12 at 7 p.m. Directed by Kathryn Bigeolow (The Hurt Locker), Zero Dark Thirty chronicles the decade-long hunt for al-Qaeda terrorist leader Osama bin Laden after the September 2001 attacks, and his death at the hands of the Navy S.E.A.L. Team 6 in May, 2011. Bigelow’s directing is precise and definitive, and achieves a power that is both steady and relentless.

For further information about these or other events taking place at CRD Libraries, visit us online at

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Rathor on rejected Ind. Traffic Review for Highway 97 Upgrade

At the Dec 17th, 2013 Williams Lake City Council meeting - Council asked City Staff to draft Terms of Reference (ToR) for an independent traffic engineer review of the Highway 97 Upgrade Project

John Moon from the 'Citizens Committee' proposed some minor amendments to the ToR which Council accepted however Council rejected the proposed ToR by a vote of 4-2 and then resolved to move forward with Option 1.  This matter will be further discussed by Williams Lake City Council at their Feb 4th Committee of the Whole meeting

Councillor SPS Rathor blasted his colleagues at last night's Council meeting for flip-flopping on this issue.  Watch below as he explains his personal take on this issue from last night's Council meeting

No Medicinal Marijuana in 100 Mile House

At their meeting last night - 100 Mile District Council voted to bring in a new zoning bylaw change which, if adopted, would prohibit the use of medicinal marihuana facilities within the boundaries of the District of 100 Mile House.  Read more on this here

As a side note - the Cariboo Regional District Board and Quesnel Council is looking into this very issue as we speak while the District of Wells and the City of Williams Lake has yet to dedicate time to looking into this issue…

Update - Quesnel Council decides to use Temporary Permit, rather than zoning, to deal with medicinal marijuana facilities in the City of Quesnel - read more here

This is necessary as Health Canada is changing the rules effective April 2014 for those who use medicinal marijuana for their personal health needs

Finally - Coquitlam Council has rejected a temporary permit for a medical marijuana grow-op Vancouver Sun looks at this here


Jan 2014 Letter B Newsletter

View below for the Jan 2014 "Letter B" newsletter from Cariboo RD Area B Director Heloise Dixon-Warren:

In the newsletter this month:

Happy New Year from You to Me… across Electoral Area B
The Role of Regional Districts
Quesnel Ag. & Hort. Leap
Volunteers Needed – Bouchie Lake and Parkland Recreation
BC Healthy Communities Workshops to be held in Area B
Ten Mile Lake Volunteer Firefighters receive Long Term Service Awards
Rural Recreation – Upgrades to Bouchie Lake Hall
Zumba at Parkland Community Centre
Badminton, Volleyball, Zumba and Yoga at Bouchie Lake Hall

Quesnel Council Highlights - Jan 13th mtg

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

New Budget Principles Policy

Council approved a new Budget Principles Policy which outlines the principles for developing the annual operating budget, five-year capital budget, the five-year financial plan bylaw and tax rate bylaw. These principles include:
• emphasis on providing high quality municipal services;
• paying for current operating expenditures with current revenues;
• provision for sufficient funding for adequate maintenance and orderly replacement of capital items;
• future maintenance needs and costs for all new capital facilities;
• strong customer service and productivity improvements with a focus on cost savings;
• maximizing grant funding from senior governments, providing they support priority City initiatives;
• supporting the activities of Quesnel Community and Economic Development Corporation;
• consideration of new Revenue Generation activities which create or enhance non-tax revenue streams;
• moving towards user fee based funding, where appropriate, to lower the pressure on taxation;
• moving towards full cost recovery on services provided by the City to Regional District residents; and
• analysis of new municipal services requested and how to fund the service.

Initial budget review and timetable

Council took a first look at some preliminary budget numbers. To begin the process, staff prepared what is commonly referred to as a “status quo” budget. This means the budget is prepared based on maintaining existing service levels and taking items such as inflation into consideration. There are many variables for Council to consider going forward, such as new cost items and increases to reserves (like the Quesnel Works: Capital Reinvestment Reserve and the General Equipment Reserve), and exploring new revenue ideas. As a result, this initial budget is really just a starting point for Council.
The first official budget meeting takes place on Monday Jan. 27 to review the operating budget. The next meeting is on Monday, Feb. 17 and the formal public input session is on Monday Feb. 24. All meetings begin at 7 p.m. and the public is encouraged to attend. If you are unable to attend these meetings and wish to provide input on the budget, please contact City Hall.
BC Assessment has sent its 2014 assessment notices and an overview of the changes in Quesnel was provided to Council. While this information is preliminary (the final numbers are released in March), it provides critical input as the City prepares its 2014 budget.

Other News

• Council approved using social media as part of the City’s communication tools. Facebook and Twitter will be launched this week. Visit the website for more information.
• Brandee Schutz was officially appointed as a new member to the Museum and Heritage Commission.
• Council was successful in their application for an infrastructure planning grant and has been approved for $10,000. This grant will provide an overall sustainability report of our current water systems and the funding models used. The report will be available in early spring.

Important Dates

February 1 - Winter Carnival (West Fraser Timber Park, 1 - 5:30 p.m.)
May 7 to 9 - North Central Local Government Association AGM (Fort St. John)


February 17 to 21 - Rotary Week in Quesnel

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

WL Council Highlights - Jan 14th mtg

Present - Mayor Cook and Councillors Bonnell, Hughes, Rathor, Walters and Zacharias

Absent - Councillor Geoff Bourdon

Staff Present:

Darrell Garceau - City Manager
Geoff Goodall - GM of Planning and Operations
Cindy Bouchard - Manager of Legislative Services
Tom Chung - IT Manager
Ken MacInnis - Communications Coordinator

Meeting started at 6:00pm
Agenda approved and Minutes from Dec 17th, 2013 Council meeting adopted


1) Warren Brown/Dave Dickson appeared before Council to give an update on RCMP/Community Policing activities

2) Bruce Mack appeared before Council to request a Council proclamation for Family Literacy Week from Jan 27th - Feb 2nd, 2014

Council adopted the following Resolution:

Council proclaim the week of January 27 to February 2, 2014 as "Family Literacy Week", pursuant to City of Williams Lake policy.

3) Anne Burrill, Jan Fichtner and Carla Bullinger appeared before Council to give an update on the Communities that Care project


1) Council received the accounts payable computer cheque listings for the periods ending December 18, 2013 and January 9, 2014

2) Council received the 2013 Fourth Quarter Economic Indicators Report for information

3) Council received a report entitled "2013 Summary of Accomplishments"

4) Council approved travel, registration and associated expenses for Mayor Cook to attend the Premier's BC Natural Resource Forum on January 22 and 23, 2014 in Prince George, BC, as per Council policy.

5) Council gave approval-in-principal to consider amending the Second Hand Goods Bylaw in order to bring it up to date and referred it to the Planning & Operations Committee for further examination and review.

6) Council rejected the Terms of Reference developed for the Highway 97 design review Request for Proposal and authorizing Staff to move forward with the RFP process by the following vote:

Affirmative - Mayor Cook and Councillors Hughes, Walters and Zacharias
Negative - Councillors Bonnell and Rathor

7) Council requested Staff to report back at the 1st February 2014 Committee of the Whole in regards to Option 1 for the Highway 97/Carson Drive/Toop Rd project and the next steps

8) Council referred to its' Jan 28th meeting the 2nd Renewal Term Agreement for the Landfill site lease on Frizzi Rd. The item will be advertised through local media as per Section 26(3) of the Community Charter

9) Council received an application for DVP #1-2014 for 4705 Collier Place and will deal formally with the application at its' Jan 28th meeting

10) Council gave 1st Reading to Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 2204 and Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2205 - 340 Centennial Drive (14 Lot proposal). A Public Consultation meeting with regard to these bylaws will take place on Monday, Jan 27th at 6pm in the Rick Hansen Boardroom (WL City Hall basement). The meeting will be hosted by the applicant

11) Council approved 1 Committee of the Whole recommendation as follows:

Council adopt the Human Resources Management Compensation & Benefits Policy as amended, including the salary scale as presented, with the following two amendments:

• Change probationary period back to 3 months;
• Should the Consumer Price Index be a negative value in any given year, no increases to salaries can occur until the negative value price has been recovered and the CPI is in positive value.

12) Council agreed to provide letters of support for the Soda Creek Indian Band's funding applications to the Canadian Heritage - Celebrate Canada 'Celebration and Commemoration Program' Fund and the Central Cariboo Arts and Culture Society's 2014 Project Grants Fund for the 2014 Aboriginal Day Celebration.

13) Council received the Jan 14th 'Council Information Package' as follows:

• December 11, 2013 - Minister Oakes re Thank You for UBCM Meeting;
• December 13, 2013 - Canada Revenue Agency re Community Visit Program;
• December 20, 2013 - CMHA re "Walk for Harmony 2013" Report.

14) A 'Roundtable' session was held with members of Council reporting on their activities

Meeting adjourned at 8:40pm

Monday, January 13, 2014

South Cariboo Rural/Joint Committees meet today

The Cariboo Regional District's South Cariboo Rural Directors Caucus & Joint Committee will meet later today as follows:

South Cariboo Rural Directors' Caucus

Meeting at 4pm in the 100 Mile House Council Chambers (385 Birch Avenue).  Membership of this Rural Caucus is Area G Director Al Richmond, Area H Director Margo Wagner and Area L Director Bruce Rattray

Items on the Agenda include appointments to external committees for 2014 and discussion on South Cariboo Transit agreement renewal with the District of 100 Mile House

View the full Agenda here

South Cariboo Joint Committee

Meeting at 5pm in the 100 Mile House Council Chambers (385 Birch Avenue).  Membership of this Joint Committee is 100 Mile Mayor Mitch Campsall, 100 Mile Councillors Dave Mingo, Bill Hadden, Ralph Fossum, Spence Henderson & Cariboo Regional District Area G Director Al Richmond, Area H Director Margo Wagner and Area L Director Bruce Rattray

Items on the Agenda include:

a) 2 Delegations -- Resume consideration of the presentation of Canlan Ice Sports of Oct 21st re: 2013 1st/2nd Quarterly Reports & 2014 Annual Operations Plan & consider a presentation from Lisa DePaoli and Rita Giesbrecht of the South Cariboo Food Security Committee in regards to Food Security in the South Cariboo.

b) Resume consideration of South Cariboo Grants for Assistance Services Agreement
c) South Cariboo Recreation -- 2014-16 Fees/Charges
d) Community Forest proposal in Forest Grove/Canim Lake area
d) Email from 100 Mile Waterpark Society  to Cariboo RD Area G Director & Chair Al Richmond re: proposed move of 100 Mile Waterpark

View full Agenda here

Friday, January 10, 2014

Local Gov't Mtgs - Wk of Jan 13-17

A number of local government meetings are occurring next week as follows:

Wells - Regular Council meeting on Tuesday, Jan 14th at 7pm in Wells Council Chambers (4243 Sanders Avenue)

Quesnel - Committee of the Whole/Regular Council meetings on Monday, Jan 13th at 7pm in Quesnel Council Chambers (2nd Floor - 410 Kinchant St)

On the Agenda:

* New Budget Policy/Introduction to 2014 Budget
* Social Media Policy
* Marihuana for Medical Purposes Uses (possible land-use bylaw changes)
* Parking in Downtown area
* Overweight Moffat Bridge traffic

View the full Agenda here

Editor's Note - I congratulate the City of Quesnel for looking at using social media tools like Facebook/Twitter to enhance its' communications methods.  If the Social Media policy is adopted, Quesnel would join other local governments like Williams Lake/Cariboo Regional District who already have a presence on Facebook/Twitter

School District #28 (Quesnel) - Regular Board of Education meeting on Wednesday, Jan 15th at 7pm in the SD #28 Boardroom (410 North Star Rd).  View the Agenda here

Williams Lake - Regular Council meeting on Tuesday, Jan 14th at 6pm in Williams Lake Council Chambers (450 Mart St).

On the Agenda:

* 3 Delegations - Warren Brown/Dave Dickson (RCMP/Community Policing Activities), Bruce Mack (Family Literacy Week), Anne Burill/Jan Fichtner/Carla Bullinger (Communities that Care)

* 4th Quarter (2013) Economic Indicators Report
* Look back at 2013 Report
* 2nd Hand Business Bylaw
* Highway 97/Johnson St Project Review - Terms of Reference for Traffic Engineer review
* DVP Application for 4705 Collier Place
* Zoning/OCP Amendment Bylaws for 340 Centennial Drive (create 14 new Single Family Lots)
* Adopt COW Recommendation (HR Policy Amendments - Mgmt Compensation/Benefits)
* Soda Creek Indian Band requests Ltr of Support for their proposal to CCACS Grant Program)

View full Agenda here

Other pertinent news:

a) WL Fire Department holding an information meeting to becoming a WL Fire Fighter - 7pm on Jan 15th at the WL Fire Hall (Hodgson Rd).  Applications due by Friday, Feb 14th at 4:30pm

b) WL Council's Community Services Committee meets on Monday at 5pm at WL City Hall.  Items on the Agenda include future direction of Station House Gallery, beautification efforts along Mackenzie Avenue and Performing Arts Centre Task Force.  Planning/Ops Committee meets Tuesday prior to the regularly scheduled Council meeting.  Items to be discussed includes a 'Good Neighbour' Bylaw. Links to the Agenda are not currently available.

100 Mile House - Regular Council Meeting on Tuesday, Jan 14th at 7pm in 100 Mile Council Chambers (385 Birch Avenue).  View the Agenda here

Cariboo Regional District:

a) CRHD Meeting - Meeting in the CRD Boardroom (180D North 3rd Avenue, Williams Lake) on Friday Jan 17th at 9:30am. Items on the Agenda include:

a) Selection of Chair/Vice-Chair
b) Audit Engagement Letter - 2013 Audit

View full Agenda here

b) CCRHD Meeting - Meeting in the CRD Boardroom (180D North 3rd Avenue, Williams Lake) on Friday, Jan 17th.  Meeting to start after conclusion of CRHD Meeting.  Items on the Agenda include:

a) Selection of Chair/Vice-Chair
b) Capital Requests from Interior Health for 2014/15 Fiscal Year
c) Prioritization of Recruitment and Retention Activities, Inter-Divisional Strategic Council Steering Committee
d) Audit Engagement Letter - 2013 Audit

View full Agenda here

c) Cariboo RD Board Meeting - Meeting in the CRD Boardroom on Friday, Jan 17th (180D North 3rd Avenue, Williams Lake).  Meeting to start at 9:45am or upon conclusion of CCRHD Meeting

Items on the Agenda:

a) Delegations (2) - MLA Donna Barnett/Pioneer Log Homes

b) Various Land Use Items
c) Energy Efficiency Project at Bull Mountain (Area D)
d) Audit Engagement Letter - 2013 Audit
e) CAO Evaluation Process
f) Changes to Standing Committees of the Board
g) Gateway Water System in Area H moves forward

View the full Agenda here

d) Treaty Advisory Committee - Meeting in the CRD Boardroom on Friday, Jan 17th (180D North 3rd Avenue, Williams Lake) following adjournment of CRD Board Meeting.  View the Agenda here

City of WL Annual Accessibility Award of Merit

Courtesy of the City of Williams Lake:

The Williams Lake Accessibility Advisory Committee would like to encourage community members to nominate individuals, organizations and businesses that have made a significant contribution to improve accessibility within the City of Williams Lake for the prestigious Annual Accessibility Award of Merit.

The City of Williams Lake believes that public awareness about physical and attitudinal barriers will help improve the quality of life for all disabled persons, giving them the opportunity to participate in all aspects of community life.

This has been written into the City’s Official Community Plan.

The Williams Lake Accessibility Advisory Committee’s Mission is to remove physical and social barriers which impede the full participation of persons with disabilities in all aspects of community life.

Eligibility Criteria and Nomination Criteria:

· Businesses nominated must be located within the City of Williams Lake boundaries.

· Individuals can live outside the boundaries, but must provide a service to the citizens of Williams Lake.

· Individuals, Organizations and Businesses are eligible for nominations.

· A call for Accessibility Award of Merit nominations will be initiated in January with a closing date of March 31, 2014.

· The nominee has demonstrated a commitment to increase accessibility above and beyond what is required by law or regulation.

· The nominee has improved accessibility for persons with disabilities and/or special needs.

· The business, individual or group being nominated must have provided a service for the people of Williams Lake.

· The nominator must provide strong evidence in support of the nominee’s contribution and/or commitment. Letters of support and photographs will enhance the nomination.

· Nominators can submit more than one nomination and they cannot nominate themselves.

· Improvements or contributions should have occurred in the past two years.

A nomination form can be accessed here, completed and forwarded to the Williams Lake Accessibility Advisory Committee:

Williams Lake Accessibility Advisory Committee
c/o Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex
525 Proctor Street,Williams Lake, BC V2G 4J1

Examples that meet nomination criteria:

· Accessibility of built environment – parking, indoor and outdoor, lack of physical barriers,accessible playgrounds, walkways, paths, ramps, wheelchair accessible washrooms, sufficient hand rails, wheelchair height counters, snow removal,etc.

· Housing Initiatives– new low cost housing that accommodates people with disabilities or visitable housing

· Service, Staffing and Employment opportunities

· Transportation

· Health and Wellness

· Inclusion of People with Disabilities

· Innovative New Idea or Activity or Product

Evaluation Criteria:

· A subcommittee which consists of three members of the Accessibility Advisory Committee and a CWL staff member who has not submitted one of the current nominations will be chosen at the first Accessibility Committee meeting in March each year.

· Once the Award of Merit nominations close one of the members of the sub-committee will schedule visits to the businesses, organizations or meet with individual nominees.

· The subcommittee will visit the nominees together, discuss features and each member will complete a score sheet with numerical and anecdotal notes on each nominee.

· The four members will meet following the visits to discuss their score sheets and tally the numbers. The tally of all scores sheets will determine the Award of Merit winner. This data will be taken by the staff rep to the Accessibility Advisory Committee for final endorsement.

Recognition Process:

· Whenever possible the Accessibility Award of Merit will be presented by the Mayor of the City of Williams Lake at a City Council meeting during the month of June.

To learn more about Accessibility in Williams Lake, please click here