Friday, August 9, 2024

100 Mile House Implements Water Conservation Measures in Response to Low Aquifer Levels

Courtesy of the District of 100 Mile House:

On August 7th, 2024, the District of 100 Mile House's water supply monitoring system detected an alarmingly low aquifer level. This marks the first occurrence of such an event and has been met with immediate and serious attention. District staff, engineers, and consultants are rigorously testing well sources, evaluating volume recovery, and closely monitoring the aquifer levels that supply water to the community.
Out of an abundance of caution to this event; the District has made the necessary decisions to ensure the continued availability of potable water for residents and businesses. Effective immediately, the following measures have been implemented:
• Suspension of all municipal irrigation activities
• Closure of the spray park, bulk water station, and sani-station
These measures are essential to preserve water for critical needs. The District urges the community to further support these efforts by reducing any non-essential water use.
"We are committed to keeping our residents informed and will continue to provide updates as our work progresses," said 100 Mile House Mayor Maureen Pinkney. "We deeply appreciate the community’s cooperation and efforts in conserving water during this time."

For more information and ongoing updates, please visit the District’s official website here or contact the District office directly at 250-395-2434

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