Residents are called on to sign up for the emergency notification system or log-in to ensure their contact information and notification locations are up to date. A critical feature of this system is the ability for subscribers to select multiple locations to receive notifications about. The Cariboo Regional District is encouraging its subscribers to ensure that they are signed up to receive notifications about any secondary properties, favourite recreation sites, and homes of family members. This is the best way to ensure that subscribers can be notified when an important location is impacted by evacuation orders or alerts.
The test alert will be sent through all of the channels that any subscriber has registered for. While text messages and emails are expected to be delivered immediately, voice-calls will be sent and received based on the capacity of local telecommunications networks. Anyone who has registered to receive voice calls is asked to whitelist the CRD’s Emergency Information Line (1-866-759-4977) to ensure they receive the notification. It is also important to note that the system will continue to call until the receiver has acknowledged receipt during the phone call.
The best way to manage your information is by downloading the Voyent Alert app, available through the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. You can also manage your info by signing online through our website at Anyone requiring assistance with registration or with questions about how the system works can contact Emergency Programs staff at 1-800-665-1636.
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