Wednesday, February 8, 2012

WL Council debates new Bulk Water Rate/Woodland Drive

At last night's Williams Lake Council Meeting - quite a heated/lengthy debate (25 mins) ensued over establishing a new bulk water rate for the Bulk Water Station at the local Stampede Grounds and the fact that WL City Councillor Surinderpal Rathor believed strongly that residents' of Woodland Drive should get free access to the station, given their water challenges

My take:

1) While I respect, appreciate and applaud the effort of Councillor SPS Rathor to recognize the plight of Woodland Drive residents' over their water challenges - after listening to the debate, I'm forced to agree with Councillor Danica Hughes - giving an exception to Woodland Drive residents' for free access to the Bulk Water Station (owned by the City) would open up a "can of worms" to other areas that do not pay for water now but are within City boundaries like Fox Mountain/Dog Creek Rd

2) Councillor Geoff Bourdon, as Acting Mayor, really had his hands full trying to keep Councillors Sue Zacharias/Surinderpal Rathor to have a polite and respectful debate on this topic.  This is the 2nd time now (the other time was at the Jan 31st Budget Meeting) where Councillor Zacharias has been very active in Council discussions (and that's a good thing) but she simply must show respect to the Chair, especially in heated discussions/or where passionate discussions will take place, like happened at last night's WL Council meeting

Had I been at the table - I too would have voted against Councillor Rathor's motion to allow free access to Woodland Drive residents - making policy on the fly is dangerous especially if there is no good rational to it.  Woodland Drive residents', I believe, will get their access to City water - it is just a question of when and how it'll be funded (grants, long term debt, local area tax) but to pay $0.01 per litre of water is simply a great deal and better then they'll receive in our local grocery stores for water

Finally - while Council was debating Bylaw #2142, which sets the water rate for the Bulk Water Station - I got the sense that Councillor Rathor did not give a heads-up to Mayor Cook before asking questions about Woodland Drive - and knowing that Mayor Cook can not participate in any discussions around Woodland Drive & Water, it seems Councillor Rathor could have shown a little respect to her by giving her a "heads-up" although he did apologize to her as she left Council Chambers so the remaining Councillors (Bourdon, Hughes, Rathor, Walters and Zacharias) could debate Woodland Dr & Bylaw #2142

Anyhow - find the 26 minute video and you can decide who is right and who is wrong - should the people of Woodland Drive have free access to the Bulk Water Station while all others pay:

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