Saturday, September 21, 2024

BC Election 2024 gets underway


Royal Proclamation dissolving
42nd BC Legislative Assembly 

Earlier today -- the 42nd Parliament of BC was dissolved by Royal Proclamation of BC's Lt-Gov, the Hon. Janet Austin - thus kicking off BC's 43rd General Election (see attached picture)

Some related background:

i) What happens now to MLA's who served during the 42nd BC Legislature (BC Parliament) --

ii) The BC Government enters into a period called the "Caretaker Convention" -- while this is written in a federal government context, the principles are the same. In short, a provincial government between Provincial Parliaments' (Legislative Assemblies), may only act on matters that are:

routine, or
non-controversial, or
urgent and in the public interest, or
reversible by a new provincial government without undue cost or disruption, or
agreed to by opposition parties (in those cases where consultation is appropriate)

Also -- Elections BC has all the information you need to vote in the October 19th, 2024 provincial election at

Finally -- as of 1:30pm today, the MLA candidates in the Cariboo-Chilcotin Region are:

1) Prince George-North Cariboo (officially/unofficially)

* Coralee Oakes, Independent (Incumbent)
* Sheldon Clare, BC Conservatives
* Randy Thompson, BC Greens

2) Cariboo-Chilcotin (officially/unofficially)

* Lorne Doerksen, BC Conservatives' (incumbent)
* Micheal Moses, BC NDP

The deadline to register as a MLA candidate with Elections BC is 1pm on Saturday, September 28th, 2024

All the best to candidates running for election/re-election in the October 19th, 2024 BC Provincial General Election

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