Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Williams Lake Council Highlights - Sept 24th, 2024

Present: Mayor Rathor; Councillors Boehm, Flaspohler (via Zoom), Lyons and Nelson

Editor's Note -- Councillor Micheal Moses is currently on unpaid leave of absence from Williams Lake City Council/Committee meetings' until end of October 2024, due to his participation as a BC NDP candidate in the current Provincial Election of October 19th, 2024 

Meeting Agenda approved
Meeting Video here

Minutes of the Special and Regular Meetings of Williams Lake City Council held September 10, 2024 were adopted


1) Council received for information the accounts payable computer cheque and EFT listings dated September 12 and 19, 2024

2) Council approved the application to the Union of BC Municipalities 2024 Asset Management Planning program for $25,000 at 50% funding (for project total of $50,080) toward development of a Condition Assessment and Level of Service Framework

3) Council approved the proposed sale and accept the offer received from 1487314 B.C. Ltd to purchase the lot legally described as That Part of District Lot 588, Cariboo District, Shown on Plan EPP124595, at a purchase price of $58,000.00, plus applicable fees and taxes

4) Council approved free transit service (i.e. conventional and HandyDART) on general voting day for the Provincial Election, taking place on Saturday, October 19, 2024

5) Council approved the award of audit services to MNP for a five-year term for a total cost of $202,200, excluding GST, over the term

6) Council approved the award of City banking services to the Bank of Montreal for a five-year term

7) Council proclaimed the following -- 

a) "National Roller Skating Month" - October 2024
b) "Purple Thursday" -- October 17, 2024

c)  Late Item - Council authorized the raising of the "Every Child Matters" flag on the City of Williams Lake's flagpole, pursuant to City Policy, on September 30, 2024

8) Council received the "Council Information Package"  as of September 24th, 2024 

9) Council received an update regarding Atlantic Power including a letter from Cariboo-Chilcotin MLA Lorne Doerksen on the same matter... 

Members of Council provided verbal reports as to their recent activities... 

At 6:46pm -- Council agreed to the following Motion:

"THAT Council proceed into a Closed Meeting - following adjournment of the Open Council Meeting - according to Section 92 of the Community Charter for discussion of items identified under Section 90 (1c) [labour relations or other employee relations] of the Community Charter

Council adjourned at 6:47pm

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