Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Quesnel Council Highlights - October 1st, 2024

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

Legislated Changes for Development Services

The province mandated review and update of the Official Community Plan be completed by the end of 2025.

Council directed staff to proceed with securing consulting services for revision of the Official Community Plan, Zoning Bylaw and Development Application Procedures Bylaw concurrently and, allocation of up to $100,000 from the 2025 operating budget to facilitate the process. 

Updating these bylaws will allow the City to review and consider how to take advantage of all the policy changes implemented by the province which are intended to support and encourage housing development.

City received $195,000 from the province to complete mandated policy updates. There is currently $155,000 remaining following modest expenditures to update the zoning bylaw for Small Scale Multi-Unit Housing and the Housing Needs Assessment. Staff are estimating an approximate cost of $255,000.00 for this work and noting urgency in posting a request for proposal, as all municipalities in B.C. will be seeking expertise.

The following objectives will be incorporated into the review of these bylaw updates:

Early and ongoing First Nation consultation in the development of the OCP;
Development of Accessible Documents and update and improvement of all related applications and information forms;
Improvement of all development applications and public guidance documents;
Incorporation of Master Infrastructure Plan into the Official Community Plan; and
Incorporation of Housing Needs Assessment and the Housing Action Plan.

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