Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Williams Lake City Council & Overdose Prevention or Safe Consumption Site

Editor's Note: The following are my own thoughts and not representative of the Cariboo Regional District or its' Board of Directors': 

Last week on Facebook: I noted media coverage about the following Committee of Whole (Williams Lake) Council recommendation which was adopted by a 5-1 vote at the October 8th, 2024 Williams Lake Council Meeting (Williams Lake City Councillor Scott Nelson was opposed and Williams Lake City Councillor Micheal Moses is currently on unpaid leave from Williams Lake City Council until the end of October 2024 while he participates in the 2024 Provincial Election) 

"That pursuant to Committee of Whole Council Report #26-2024, the presentation from Cianna O'Connor regarding overdose awareness be received for information; and further, that Council work with the Interior Health Authority to DISCUSS safe consumption sites" -- Background: https://williamslake.civicweb.net/FileStorage/76B34158B8A04F95B04CDEEB108C3F63-October%208%202024-E1.pdf

Video of the October 8th, 2024 Williams Lake City Council meeting where this item was discussed can be viewed at -- 

as well as a follow-up delegation from former Williams Lake Mayor Walt Cobb on December 20th, 2022 - background: 

and a City of Williams Lake Staff report was presented to Williams Lake City Council at its' February 21st, 2023 meeting.  Background: 

In addition, a Change.Org petition is now circulating in Williams Lake in support of an Overdose Prevention Site/Safe Consumption Site which has garnered 179 electronic signatures of support so far (and as of the writing of this post on Tuesday, October 15th, 2024) ... the petition can be accessed at https://www.change.org/p/open-a-safe-consumption-site-not-forced-treatment-in-williams-lake

Generally speaking: when it comes to provincial healthcare policy, such as Overdose Prevention Sites, healthcare services (in general terms), etc -- the role of a Municipal Council or Regional District Board is strictly limited to advocacy but serving previously as President of the NCLGA/North Central Local Government Association -- I heard often from many Mayors or Councillors across BC struggling with this topic, community safety or lack of mental health services (and not just in the Cariboo-Chilcotin Region) and thanks to the collective advocacy work of NCLGA -- they are putting on a forum on Mental Health/Addictions in Prince George (in conjunction with the City of Prince George/Regional District of Fraser Fort George) in mid November 2024 to connect local elected officials with subject matter experts about how they can work towards solutions and more safer communities (I would like to thank publicly Williams Lake Councillor Sheila Boehm, who also previously served as a NCLGA President, for pushing hard for the NCLGA Mental Health/Addictions Forum in Prince George in mid November 2024) -- more on the NCLGA Forum at https://www.nclga.ca/press/2024-mental-health-and-addictions-symposium-in-prince-george

In terms of a general provincial timeline on this subject:

* April 14th, 2016 -- BC Provincial Health Officer declares Public Health emergency for the opioid crisis.  Background: https://news.gov.bc.ca/releases/2016HLTH0026-000568

* December 12th, 2016 -- BC Health Minister Order (Hon. Terry Lake) regarding the opioid crisis.  Background: https://news.gov.bc.ca/releases/2016HLTH0094-002737#:~:text=Health%20Minister%20Terry%20Lake%20has,development%20of%20overdose%20prevention%20sites

* Summer of 2017 -- BC NDP take over from BC Liberals/BC United 

* January 31st, 2023 -- Federal Government approves trial of drug decriminalization for BC. Background: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/overdose/decriminalization

There is also a useful legal opinion from Pivot Legal Society on the role of BC Local Government when it comes to Overdose Prevention Sites and when a local government may or may NOT do.  More at https://assets.nationbuilder.com/pivotlegal/pages/3664/attachments/original/1662072048/final_OPS_MUNI_BACKGROUNDER.pdf?1662072048 - it should be noted that the principle of "statutory immunity" or doctrine of paramountcy are enjoyed by "agents of the Provincial Crown which includes Health Authorities like Interior Health" -- that is to say: that where provincial responsibilities are in play (healthcare/social services) -- a local government can not prevent decisions about provincial services but can advocate for the best needs of its' community which is why many local governments' prefer to influence decisions by provincial decision makers', as best as they are able vs. putting up roadblocks (ie: you can more done with honey than vinegar) 

While a local government may seek community feedback on any topic including on the subject of Overdose Prevention Sites or Safe Consumption Sites -- either through a Town Hall meeting (online or in-person) or using Section 83(2) of the Community Charter (BC) to initiate a referendum to seek the opinion of the community however the results are NOT binding on the Municipal Council -- it is my observation is neither of these two options are used by local government in BC generally but they remain open to a variety of feedback (ie: in-person, phone call, social media, emails, etc) to understand where the community is at and report that at meetings with Health Authority Staff as they appear as delegations at local government meetings 


Monitoring the online conversation on the topic of an Overdose Prevention Site/Safe Consumption Site in Williams Lake -- it is NOT correct that the community of Williams Lake could or would get a binding vote on this subject, however community members can certainly (and I would encourage this) reach out to Williams Lake City Council via email at "council@williamslake.ca" and let them know your thoughts; reach out to the 2 Provincial MLA Candidates -- Micheal Moses via email at michael.moses@bcndp.ca or Lorne Doerksen via email at lorne.doerkson@conservativebc.ca and because drug policy is set federally -- you can also reach out to our local MP, Todd Doherty who I know is always happy to hear from his constituents including those in Williams Lake and the outlying communities at todd.doherty@parl.gc.ca or by phone at his constituency office in Prince George at 250-564-7771

There are constructive ways to reach out to your local, provincial and federal elected officials to express your concerns and I know all of them want to work with YOU, the voter, to solve them and collectively have a safe Greater Williams Lake community 

Finally -- I would recall a quote of Coretta Scott-King who said:

"The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members”

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