Friday, February 10, 2012

Osoyoos Times Editor vs BC RCMP

Earlier this week - Keith Lacey, with the Osoyoos Times, wrote a long missive on his purported treatment by the local Osoyoos RCMP - read that here

Meanwhile - late yesterday, Superintendent Ray Bernoties - Officer in Charge for BC RCMP Communications wrote a fierce rebuttal to the article which you can read here.  The RCMP are looking for Mr. Lacey to write a retraction or correction to his story in addition to allowing the public to see the RCMP Video for themselves and judge if Mr. Lacey or the Osoyoos RCMP are telling the truth -- I suspect the RCMP version is the most closest to the real truth here

The Vancouver Province also writes on this subject here
CBC: British Columbia also writes on this subject here


Anonymous said...

OUCH!! Newspaper boy got owned! I look forward to seeing where this goes!

Anonymous said...

Half the reason the police have such a bad name is because the media is always twisting the truth and facts. It's about time people see what really goes on.