Friday, February 10, 2012

WL Community Forest & Big Lake Community

On October 28th, 2011 - the Cariboo Regional District Board passed the following Resolution:

Moved Director Sorley; Seconded Director Mazur:

“That the Chair correspond with the City of Williams Lake, the Williams Lake Indian Band
and the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resources, regarding the proposed new
Community Forest Agreement (CFA) for the City of Williams Lake, which surrounds the
communities of Big Lake, Horsefly, Miocene and 150 Mile House to ensure that the
Cariboo Regional District is included as a participant in the CFA in order to provide a
meaningful voice on behalf of the communities into the management of timber and nontimber
CFA resources such as recreation, wildlife, water and scenic viewscapes, as well as
other community objectives, values and priorities, and to share in the beneficial returns of a
community forest.”

Carried Unanimously

Meanwhile on Sunday, November 13th, 2011 - an Open House at Big Lake was held with draft information presented on what a WL Community Forest would look like and how all could benefit

On Wednesday, November 23rd, 2011 - a letter directed to both CRD Chair (and Area 'G' Director) Al Richmond and CRD Area 'F' Director Joan Sorley was written about the Nov 13th, 2011 event and was signed by both City of Williams Lake Mayor Kerry Cook and Williams Lake Indian Band Chief Anne Louie which you can read the full letter here

Meanwhile - Mayor Cook/Chief Louie said in part:

Unfortunately, the Big Lake Open House was largely prevented from achieving the purposes noted above, in part to yourselves and Jack Darney, President of the Big Lake Community Association/employee of Tolko Industries, taking control and turning it into a community meeting with a different agenda. From the City of WL/WL Indian Band perspectives, these actions serve to undermine the proponents’ (City of WL/WL Indian Band) efforts to address the very concerns you’ve expressed in your letter of Nov 17th, 2011

Now - knowing CRD Chair Al Richmond, CRD Area 'F' Director Joan Sorley and some residents' of Big Lake like I do (and as a former Area 'F' resident) - I take great exception to Mayor Cook/Chief Louie suggesting that Ms. Sorley, Mr. Richmond and the residents of Big Lake, 150 Mile and Miocene being "hoodlums" & "troublemakers".  These people want what is best for Big Lake and the people of Area 'F'.  In the case of Ms. Sorley - that's her job and that is what the people of Area 'F' elected her to do!!.  In the case of Mr. Richmond - his job is to back his fellow Electoral Area Directors' and in the case of the people of Big Lake, 150 Mile and Miocene - of course, they are fiercely protective of their community and the fact they want what is fair for their community - name me one place in Rural BC that doesn't truly love their community

I hope that this letter directed at Ms. Sorley/Mr Richmond will not deter them going forward from ensuring that the hopes/desires of Big Lake/Miocene/150 Mile House are not put at a disadvantage, as it relates to the Williams Lake Community Forest


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