Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Councillor Zacharias: HST Opponents should put up or shut up

At last night's Williams Lake Council meeting during "Round-table" comments, City Councillor Sue Zacharias made reference to the Premier's speech at UBCM (Union of BC Municipalities) and his reference to the HST and suggested that HST Opponents should put up (run for elected office) or shut up.  She also suggested that the Premier (Gordon Campbell) is a great man doing great things for families in BC. 

I find that comment most unfortunate because the voters' that I hear from passionately dislike the HST and want to see it disappear.  I also find it unfortunate that she would choose to side with the Premier on the HST at this point and I suspect that voters' will likely take her to task over these comments next fall during the City's Local Government General Election.  Those local elected officials who choose to side with the BC Liberals' on the HST will, in all likelyhood, probably be defeated by next fall

I sincerely hope that she changes her views before next fall otherwise she might very well be out of work by the end of October or November 2011.  In the meantime, I would publicly encourage her not to turn the debate on the HST into a "us vs them" debate (BC Libs vs NDP)

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