Sunday, February 12, 2012

District of 100 Mile House SOFI Report

As some are looking for the most recent version of the District of 100 Mile House SOFI or Statement of Financial Information Report...

The SOFI Report is a report that lists that Staff salary over $75,000, payments to suppliers and Council pay for the last year ending.  In this case - the most recent information would be for the year ending December 31st, 2010.  The 2011 SOFI Report should be available by June for most municipalities

In the case of the District of 100 Mile House - they adopted their 2010 SOFI Report on Tuesday, May 31st, 2011

Unlike its' counterparts in the Cities of Williams Lake/Quesnel & the Cariboo Regional District - the District of 100 Mile House does not make its' individual Agenda Items available online except for the Agenda itself for 100 Mile Council/Committee of the Whole meetings' and the Minutes of the District of 100 Mile House Council & Committee of the Whole Meetings'

To obtain a copy of the 2010 SOFI Report - I'm sure Roy Scott, Administrator of the District of 100 Mile House will be more than glad to assist - you can email Mr. Roy with your request here

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did you receive any information on 100 Mile House Statement of Financial Information?

Were you aware of this?

I find this concerning....