Monday, February 6, 2012

Fraser Institute School Rankings...

Earlier today - the Fraser Institute (a right wing think-tank) issued its' annual School Rankings (much to the chagrin of the BC Teachers' Federation)

You can view the full 860 elementary school rankings here
You can also view the 274 secondary school rankings here

Here in the Cariboo-Chilcotin, the following schools ranked as follows:

In Quesnel - Elementary:

1) Baker Elementary ranked 857th of 860 BC Elementary Schools

In Williams Lake - Elementary:

1) Chilcotin Rd Elementary ranked 144th out of 860 BC Elementary Schools ranked
2) Mountview Elementary ranked 235th out of 860 BC Elementary Schools ranked
3) Kwaleen Elementary ranked 295th out of 860 BC Elementary Schools ranked
4) 150 Mile House Elementary ranked 313th out of 860 BC Elementary Schools ranked
5) Cataline Elementary ranked 538th out of 860 BC Elementary Schools ranked
6) Nesika Elementary ranked 601st out of 860 BC Elementary Schools ranked
7) Marie Sharpe Elementary ranked 854th out of 860 BC Elementary Schools ranked

In 100 Mile House - Elementary:

1) 100 Mile Elementary ranked 621st out of 860 BC Elementary Schools ranked
2) 108 Mile Elementary ranked 482nd out of 860 BC Elementary Schools ranked

In 100 Mile House - Secondary:

1) Peter Skene Ogden ranked 194th out of 294 BC Secondary Schools ranked

In Williams Lake - Secondary:

1) Williams Lake Secondary ranked 262nd out of 274 BC Secondary Schools ranked
2) Columneetza Secondary ranked 271st out of 274 BC Secondary Schools ranked

In Quesnel - Secondary:

1) Correlieu Secondary ranked 218th out of 274 BC Secondary Schools ranked

As usual - for both secondary/elementary schools - the private schools in Vancouver ranked #1

As for response from the BC Teachers' Federation -- there has been none yet but watch for the BCTF to call the rankings "an attack on public schools"


Update... (Courtesy of the Rush)

Joan Erb (President of the Cariboo-Chilcotin Teachers' Association) says:

“well it’s the same old same old you know. Private schools can select the clientele with whom they’re going to work. Public schools are open to all public kids. So in a nutshell right there makes a huge discrepancy between how kids are going to do and not going to do.”

While Peter Cowley of the Fraser Institute says the rankings are determined by a number of factors including scores obtained from the skills foundation assessments.

Cowley also says the rankings are not ideological or meant to bash the teachers union.

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