Saturday, February 4, 2012

Search for Audit Committee Members - BC Auditor Gen for Local Gov't

From the Government of BC:

The search is on for Audit Council members, bringing the Province one step closer to fulfilling Premier Christy Clark’s commitment to establish an Office of the Auditor General for Local Government.

The Board Resourcing and Development Office (BRDO) is posting the position on its website today, in anticipation of the passage of Bill 20 (Auditor General for Local Government Act) this spring. Consultations are also underway between the Province, the Union of British Columbia Municipalities and other organizations regarding potential candidates, announced Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development Ida Chong.

The Province introduced Bill 20 in November 2011. Under the proposed legislation, the primary purpose of the AGLG would be to help local governments find efficiencies in spending and improve program effectiveness by providing neutral, non-binding advice.

The AGLG's role has been designed to maximize value for money by enabling the AGLG to undertake performance audits and provide information to assist local governments in choosing how best to respond to their communities' priorities. Like all auditors general, the AGLG would make recommendations for improvements, not impose solutions.

The AGLG would report through the Audit Council, comprised of at least five individuals with relevant professional expertise in accounting, auditing, local and regional governance, or provincial governance. Audit Council members would be appointed by the Province for terms of up to three years.

Once interviews for Audit Council positions and due diligence are complete, the BRDO will present a final list of potential candidates to the minister for consideration. Audit Council members would be appointed after the legislation is in force.

Ida Chong, Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development says:

“In anticipation of Bill 20 passing, we are taking the next crucial steps toward establishing the Office of the Auditor General for Local Government. We are anxious to get going with our first audits, and need to be prepared to take action as soon as the legislation is in place.”

Jordan Bateman, of the Canadian Taxpayers' Federation (BC Division) said:

“This is an important step toward bringing a much-needed addition to the accountability of how city halls spend our property taxes. If something is a concern at city hall, residents need to have someone available to look at the problem with fresh eyes.”

Shachi Kurl - Director of Provincial Affairs (BC/Yukon) for the Canadian Federation of Ind. Business said:

“Having an independent, unbiased body to scrutinize municipal spending and conduct performance audits is a crucial step in providing accountability and assurance to municipal taxpayers, so they know their tax dollars are spent in the most responsible, effective way possible.”

Finally - Coquitlam's Mayor Richard Stewart said:

The Office of the Auditor General for Local Government holds the potential for giving local governments an additional tool in ensuring that we are serving our communities as efficiently as possible.”

“Local governments are the closest to our citizens, and provide some very essential day-to-day services. The auditor general's role can work co-operatively with local government to identify best practices in the provision of those services.”

Interested in applying for any one (1) of the five (5) positions on the Audit Committee for the Auditor-General for Local Government?? - Apply soon as the deadline to apply is Monday, Feb 27th

See more technical details for the Audit Committee here

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