Tuesday, February 7, 2012

WL Council Highlights - Feb 7th meeting


Mayor Cook and Councillors G. Bourdon, D. Hughes, SPS Rathor, L. Walters and S. Zacharias


Councillor Ivan Bonnell

Staff Present:

Brian Carruthers - CAO
Geoff Goodall – GM of Planning and Operations
Cindy Bouchard – Manager of Legislative Services
Tom Chung – IT Manager
Ken MacInnis – Communications Coordinator
Geoff Paynton - Director of Community Services
Deb Radolla - Manager of Active Living
Alan Madrigga - Manager of Economic Development

Meeting called to order at 6:00pm
Minutes of Jan 24th, 2012 WL Council meeting approved


1) Mary Forbes from the Heritage Advisory Committee appeared before Council regarding February Heritage Events & proposed “Heritage Week” Proclamation (Feb 20-26) - read more info here

2) Joan Beck, Alison Mann & Bev Pemberton from Cariboo Potter's Guild appeared before Council regarding the 'Empty Bowl Event' Fundraiser - 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM on Tuesday, February 14, 2012 at Alley Katz Bisto (besides WL RCMP Detachment Building) - read more here


1) Council received for information a report from the CAO regarding the Auditor-General for Local Gov’t

2) Council directed City Staff to implement the BEAS (Business Expansion/Attraction Strategy) Task Force Report activities listed and the project budget estimates were referred to the 2012 budget process for consideration by Council

3) After no public input (and subsequent recommendation to approve from the City’s Advisory Planning Commission) – Council gave approval to DVP #1-2012 with the DVP to be issued after registration of a restrictive covenant pursuant to Section 219 of the Land Title Act, specifying no new buildings or further subdivision of the subject properties until servicing standards outlined in the Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw No. 1730, 2000 or subsequently enacted Bylaw are met

During consideration of the next item - Mayor Cook declared a personal conflict of interest as discussions took place concerning Woodland Drive - whereupon Councillor Geoff Bourdon as Acting Mayor took the Chair at 6:39pm with Mayor Cook returning to assume the Chair at 6:47pm

4) Bylaw #2142 (Amendment to the City’s Water Works Bylaw #1972, 2005) was given 1st, 2nd and 3rd Reading by Council – new bulk water rate of $0.01 per litre for Bulk Water Station at WL Stampede Grounds

Councillors Laurie Walters/Surinderpal Rathor were opposed

Mayor Cook once again declared a personal conflict of interest and left Council Chambers at 6:49pm

Councillor Rathor, seconded by Councillor Walters MOVED:

That City Staff be requested to report back to Council, prior to adoption of Bylaw #2142, on excluding Woodland Drive residents' from the provisions of Bylaw #2142 (pay bulk water rate of $0.01 per litre at Bulk Water Station - WL Stampede Grounds)

After considerable discussion, the Chair (Clr G. Bourdon) called the question on the motion and it was declared defeated

At 7:00pm - Mayor Cook returned to Council Chambers and resumed the Chair

5) Council referred DVP #2-2012 (Ben Gossen) to the City’s Advisory Planning Commission for review. Council will formally consider the DVP at its’ Feb 21st meeting

6) Council directed Staff to move forward with the Overall Stormwater Management Project - Phase 3, subject to the successful execution of an Agreement with the funder,  TRUE Consulting was directed to prepare the tender documents and a thank you letter be forwarded to the funder

7) Council approved the updated Lease renewals for the City properties fronting 730 and 770 Oliver Street to Williams Lake Holdings Ltd. (Incorporation No. 682657) for a five-year term, effective January 1, 2012, at an annual rent of 8% of the previous year's assessed value

Councillor Danica Hughes was opposed

8) Council received for information a report from the City’s Planner regarding the 2011 OCP Monitoring and Reporting Update. This report will also be placed on the City’s website for the public’s information - read Ms. Dragowska's report here.  Council has also referred this report to Committee of the Whole for further discussion as part of the Strategic Planning Process...

9) Council awarded the contract for a Swimming Pool Feasibility Study to Professional Environmental Recreation Consultants Ltd. (PERC) for the tendered price of $48,800

10) Council referred to the Central Cariboo / City of Williams Lake Joint Committee the idea on the Pool Task Force have two seats dedicated to youth representation and that the Pool Task Force coordinate with Junior Council to gather input from youth with regard to planning and decision-making for the future of the pool

11) Council received a report from the Manager of Active Living regarding preparations for the Rick Hansen 25th Anniversary Relay Tour on March 25th in Williams Lake

12) Council received a letter from the Rick Hansen Committee inviting them to the “End of Day Celebration” at the Rick Hansen 25th Anniversary Relay Tour on March 25th. Mayor and Council, City Staff and the community were also encouraged to attend.

13) Council received a letter from the Canadian Council of the Blind (CCB) - Cariboo White Cane Chapter inviting Mayor/Council to their National White Cane Week Event at Boitanio Mall on Friday, February 10, 2012 from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Council has encouraged the community to attend this event

14) Council proclaimed the week of February 20 to 26, 2012 as "Heritage Week" in the City of Williams Lake

15) Council received the “Council Information Package” as of Feb 7th as follows:

• January 12, 2012 - Letter from COPE 378 re BC Hydro Smart Meter Installations and Job Loss - read the letter here
• January 20, 2012 - CRD Board Highlights - read here
• January 25, 2012 - Letter from BC Transit re Congratulations on Elections and Request for Opportunity to Meet with Mayor & Council - read here
• January 30, 2012 - Letter from WL & District Chamber of Commerce re 17th Annual Business Excellence Awards Nomination Package & February 10th Deadline - read here

Meeting adjourned at 7:55pm.  Council then reconvened their In-Camera meeting

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