Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Williams Lake City Council & Overdose Prevention or Safe Consumption Site

Editor's Note: The following are my own thoughts and not representative of the Cariboo Regional District or its' Board of Directors': 

Last week on Facebook: I noted media coverage about the following Committee of Whole (Williams Lake) Council recommendation which was adopted by a 5-1 vote at the October 8th, 2024 Williams Lake Council Meeting (Williams Lake City Councillor Scott Nelson was opposed and Williams Lake City Councillor Micheal Moses is currently on unpaid leave from Williams Lake City Council until the end of October 2024 while he participates in the 2024 Provincial Election) 

"That pursuant to Committee of Whole Council Report #26-2024, the presentation from Cianna O'Connor regarding overdose awareness be received for information; and further, that Council work with the Interior Health Authority to DISCUSS safe consumption sites" -- Background: https://williamslake.civicweb.net/FileStorage/76B34158B8A04F95B04CDEEB108C3F63-October%208%202024-E1.pdf

Video of the October 8th, 2024 Williams Lake City Council meeting where this item was discussed can be viewed at -- 

as well as a follow-up delegation from former Williams Lake Mayor Walt Cobb on December 20th, 2022 - background: 

and a City of Williams Lake Staff report was presented to Williams Lake City Council at its' February 21st, 2023 meeting.  Background: 

In addition, a Change.Org petition is now circulating in Williams Lake in support of an Overdose Prevention Site/Safe Consumption Site which has garnered 179 electronic signatures of support so far (and as of the writing of this post on Tuesday, October 15th, 2024) ... the petition can be accessed at https://www.change.org/p/open-a-safe-consumption-site-not-forced-treatment-in-williams-lake

Generally speaking: when it comes to provincial healthcare policy, such as Overdose Prevention Sites, healthcare services (in general terms), etc -- the role of a Municipal Council or Regional District Board is strictly limited to advocacy but serving previously as President of the NCLGA/North Central Local Government Association -- I heard often from many Mayors or Councillors across BC struggling with this topic, community safety or lack of mental health services (and not just in the Cariboo-Chilcotin Region) and thanks to the collective advocacy work of NCLGA -- they are putting on a forum on Mental Health/Addictions in Prince George (in conjunction with the City of Prince George/Regional District of Fraser Fort George) in mid November 2024 to connect local elected officials with subject matter experts about how they can work towards solutions and more safer communities (I would like to thank publicly Williams Lake Councillor Sheila Boehm, who also previously served as a NCLGA President, for pushing hard for the NCLGA Mental Health/Addictions Forum in Prince George in mid November 2024) -- more on the NCLGA Forum at https://www.nclga.ca/press/2024-mental-health-and-addictions-symposium-in-prince-george

In terms of a general provincial timeline on this subject:

* April 14th, 2016 -- BC Provincial Health Officer declares Public Health emergency for the opioid crisis.  Background: https://news.gov.bc.ca/releases/2016HLTH0026-000568

* December 12th, 2016 -- BC Health Minister Order (Hon. Terry Lake) regarding the opioid crisis.  Background: https://news.gov.bc.ca/releases/2016HLTH0094-002737#:~:text=Health%20Minister%20Terry%20Lake%20has,development%20of%20overdose%20prevention%20sites

* Summer of 2017 -- BC NDP take over from BC Liberals/BC United 

* January 31st, 2023 -- Federal Government approves trial of drug decriminalization for BC. Background: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/overdose/decriminalization

There is also a useful legal opinion from Pivot Legal Society on the role of BC Local Government when it comes to Overdose Prevention Sites and when a local government may or may NOT do.  More at https://assets.nationbuilder.com/pivotlegal/pages/3664/attachments/original/1662072048/final_OPS_MUNI_BACKGROUNDER.pdf?1662072048 - it should be noted that the principle of "statutory immunity" or doctrine of paramountcy are enjoyed by "agents of the Provincial Crown which includes Health Authorities like Interior Health" -- that is to say: that where provincial responsibilities are in play (healthcare/social services) -- a local government can not prevent decisions about provincial services but can advocate for the best needs of its' community which is why many local governments' prefer to influence decisions by provincial decision makers', as best as they are able vs. putting up roadblocks (ie: you can more done with honey than vinegar) 

While a local government may seek community feedback on any topic including on the subject of Overdose Prevention Sites or Safe Consumption Sites -- either through a Town Hall meeting (online or in-person) or using Section 83(2) of the Community Charter (BC) to initiate a referendum to seek the opinion of the community however the results are NOT binding on the Municipal Council -- it is my observation is neither of these two options are used by local government in BC generally but they remain open to a variety of feedback (ie: in-person, phone call, social media, emails, etc) to understand where the community is at and report that at meetings with Health Authority Staff as they appear as delegations at local government meetings 


Monitoring the online conversation on the topic of an Overdose Prevention Site/Safe Consumption Site in Williams Lake -- it is NOT correct that the community of Williams Lake could or would get a binding vote on this subject, however community members can certainly (and I would encourage this) reach out to Williams Lake City Council via email at "council@williamslake.ca" and let them know your thoughts; reach out to the 2 Provincial MLA Candidates -- Micheal Moses via email at michael.moses@bcndp.ca or Lorne Doerksen via email at lorne.doerkson@conservativebc.ca and because drug policy is set federally -- you can also reach out to our local MP, Todd Doherty who I know is always happy to hear from his constituents including those in Williams Lake and the outlying communities at todd.doherty@parl.gc.ca or by phone at his constituency office in Prince George at 250-564-7771

There are constructive ways to reach out to your local, provincial and federal elected officials to express your concerns and I know all of them want to work with YOU, the voter, to solve them and collectively have a safe Greater Williams Lake community 

Finally -- I would recall a quote of Coretta Scott-King who said:

"The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members”

Monday, October 14, 2024

Thanksgiving Day Canada 2024


Today, Canadians celebrate Thanksgiving Day on the 2nd Monday of October of each year…

On January 31, 1957, Governor General of Canada Vincent Massey issued a proclamation stating: "A Day of General Thanksgiving to Almighty God for the bountiful harvest with which Canada has been blessed – to be observed on the second Monday in October."

Whether you celebrated Thanksgiving yesterday or today with your family/friends — I hope you were able to partake in a wonderful meal with family/friends as well as remember those among us who are the less fortunate…. 

#ThanksgivingDayCanada2024 #Grateful #Thankful

Friday, October 11, 2024

Cariboo-Chilcotin Local Government Meetings - Week of October 15-18, 2024

As a result of the Thanksgiving Long Weekend -- the following Boards' of Education or Local Governments' of the Cariboo-Chilcotin will meet during the shortened work week of October 15-18, 2024 - as follows:

Quesnel - Committee Meetings, as noted below, in the Fraser Room/Quesnel City Hall (4th Floor, 410 Kinchant St).  

i) Public Safety/Policing Committee - Regular Meeting on Tuesday, October 15th at 10:30am. On the Agenda:

* Committee Meeting Schedule for 2025
* Closed Committee Meeting - Section 90(1j - information prohibited from public disclosure) of the Community Charter

View the full Meeting Agenda here

ii) Policy/Bylaw Committee - Regular Meeting on Thursday, October 17th at 3:15pm.  When available, the Agenda can be viewed here

School District #28 (Quesnel) -- Regular Board of Education Meeting on Wednesday, October 16th at 7pm in the SD28 Boardroom (401 North Star Rd, Quesnel).  On the Agenda:

* Report of the Superintendent
* Committee Reports
* 2024 Remembrance Day event in Quesnel/representation from SD28
* Letter from City of Quesnel re: former Quesnel Jr Secondary School site/re-purpose of lands for housing

View the full Agenda here

100 Mile House - "Coffee with Council" on Wednesday, October 16th from 3-7pm in 100 Mile House Council Chambers (385 Birch Avenue, 100 Mile House).  More information here

Cariboo Regional District -- all meetings, as noted below, take place in the Cariboo Regional District Williams Lake Boardroom (180D North 3rd Avenue, Williams Lake)

1) Indigenous Relations Committee - Regular Meeting on Thursday, October 17th at 10am.  On the Agenda:

* Discussion Items -- UNDRIP, Provincial Community-to-Community Forum, 2025 Indigenous Relations Budget

View the full Agenda here

2) Emergency Preparedness Committee - Regular Meeting on Thursday, October 17th at 1pm.  On the Agenda:

Information Items -- Chilcotin River Landslide, EDMA Implementation/Indigenous Engagement

Action Items -- DRAFT Emergency Programs Service Business Plan for 2025 (for consideration of endorsement)

View the full Agenda here

3) Central Cariboo Rural Directors' Caucus - Regular Meeting on Thursday, October 17th at 3pm.  On the Agenda:

Information Items -- Central Cariboo Victim Services Annual Report for 2023, Williams Lake Timber Supply Review

View the full Agenda here

4) Cariboo-Chilcotin Regional Hospital District Board - Regular Meeting on Friday, October 18th at 9:30am.  On the Agenda:

* Request from South Cariboo Hospital Foundation - Foundation Partnership funding for Videoconferencing System and an Omnicell Cabinet

View the full Agenda here

5) Cariboo Regional District Board - Regular Meeting on Friday, October 18th at 9:45am.  On the Agenda:

* Delegations -- Invasive Species Council of BC and Enbridge

* Land Use Matters (Area Directors only)

* Tatla Lake Community Hall Community Works Funding (CWF) solar panel project and enabling agreement

* Committee Recommendations - for approval

* Forest Grove Water Service Boundary Expansion Bylaw No. 5495, 2024 (for 1st, 2nd and 3rd Readings)

* Wildwood Fire Protection Service Area Amendment Bylaw No. 5491, 2024 (for Adoption)

* Requests from Area Directors...

Area B (Director B. Bachmeier) -- amend 2025 Board Schedule (2025 Keeping It Rural Conference)

Area D (Director S. Forseth) -- Request for funds from Area "D" Director Initiative Fund to attend 2025 BC Natural Resources Forum in Prince George, BC

Area F (Director M. LeBourdais) -- "Our Future in Agriculture" event at TRU in November (request for funds from Area "F" Director Initiative Fund); Request for CRTC Letter of Support

View the full Agenda here

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Williams Lake Council Highlights - October 8th, 2024 mtg

Present: Mayor Rathor; Councillors Boehm, Flaspohler, Lyons and Nelson (via Zoom)

Editor's Note -- Councillor Micheal Moses is currently on unpaid leave of absence from Williams Lake City Council/Committee meetings' until end of October 2024, due to his participation as a BC NDP candidate in the current Provincial Election of October 19th, 2024 

Meeting Agenda approved, as amended (4 Late Items)
Meeting Video here

Minutes of the Special and Regular Meetings of Williams Lake City Council held September 24, 2024 were adopted


1) Council received for information the accounts payable computer cheque and EFT listings dated September 25 and October 3, 2024

2) Council received for information a report updated the status of the City of Williams Lake's 2024 Budget to date (end of September 2024)

3) Following a Public Input Opportunity -- Council approved Development Variance Permit #4-2024 at 1406 Broadway Avenue South

4) Council ratified an email poll conducted on October 2, 2024 authorizing the City to enter into the 2024-2034 Community Works Fund Agreement with the Union of BC Municipalities 

5) Council endorsed the name of the new community exercise park located in Kiwanis Park as the “Williams Lake Community Fitness Park” and encourage the community to attend the grand opening tentatively schedule for October 26th

6) Council approved an application to the 2025 Northern Development Initiative Trust (NDIT) Business Façade Improvement Program in the amount of $20,000

7) Council denied a request from Tŝilhqot’in National Government (TNG) to include their properties located at 253 Fourth Avenue North and 925 Second Avenue North in the City of Williams Lake Permissive Property Tax Exemption Bylaw

CONTRARY TO THE MOTION: Councillor S. Nelson

Resolved:  That Staff review the existing City of Williams Lake Permissive Property Tax Exemption Bylaw and report back to Council on options/next steps

8) Council awarded the request for proposal for engineering services for bridge inspections to ISL Engineering and Land Services Ltd. for the proposed price of $31,250.10 per year for three years, totaling $93,750.30

9) Council awarded the tender for supply of dried bulk highway salt to Chances Bulk Unloading Ltd. for the tendered price of $228.34 per cubic metre

10) Council endorsed 2 recommendations from a previous Committee of the Whole meeting, as follows:

* That pursuant to Committee of Whole Council Report #26-2024, the presentation from Cianna O'Connor regarding overdose awareness be received for information; and further, that Council work with the Interior Health Authority to discuss safe consumption sites

CONTRARY TO THE MOTION: Councillor S. Nelson

* That pursuant to Committee of Whole Council Report #26-2024 and the the report of the Manager of Administrative Services dated September 24, 2024, Council receive the information on the community engagement strategy for the annual budget process and direct staff to undertake budget communications and investigate creative opportunities to get budget information out to the public within existing budgets and staff capacity.

11) Late Item #1 -- At the request of Councillor Nelson: 

Council unanimously agreed to support the establishment of a secure housing and care facility in the Cariboo- Chilcotin Region, where people held under the Mental Health Act will receive long-term care and that the City of Williams Lake work in partnership with local First Nations, the Cariboo Regional District, other local levels of government, and Interior Health to align a strategic path to create and support a project locally and that the Province of British Columbia and the Minister of Health be so advised and requested to support this initiative

12) Late Item #2 -- the CAO provided a verbal update to Council regarding the Lake Harvester and the CAO responded to questions of Council.  

13) Late Item #3 -- Council proclaimed October 2024 as "Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month" in the City of Williams Lake

14) Late Item #4 -- Council proclaimed October 10, 2024 as"World Mental Health Day" in the City of Williams Lake

15) Council received the Council Information Package as of October 8th, 2024

A verbal update was provided regarding the situation at Atlantic Power...

Members of Council reported on their recent activities

Closed Council Session:

At 7:36pm -- Council agreed to the following Resolution:

That Council authorize proceeding into a Closed Meeting, following adjournment of the Open Meeting of Council - according to Section 92 of the Community Charter for discussion of items identified under Section 90 (1c) of the Community Charter relating to labour relations or other employee relations

Council adjourned at 7:37pm

Oakes calls for targeted Rural Post-Secondary funding

Courtesy of Coralee Oakes - Independent Candidate for MLA, Prince George-North Cariboo

Former post-secondary shadow minister and independent candidate for the BC Legislature, Coralee Oakes is calling for the establishment of a targeted rural post-secondary operating grant.

Today, rural communities are struggling with labour shortages that are impacting everything from health care, education to accessing skilled trades people. With the very real affordability challenge it is becoming cost prohibitive for many people to leave rural communities to access training.  “Local training is critical to providing an inclusive and balanced workforce that provides people access to well-paying full-time employment that also meets the local labour market needs.  Recruitment from other jurisdictions is not working,” said Oakes.  

Rural colleges help communities reach their full potential and with the impacts from mill closures, they help support community transition and resilience.   Colleges also serve many lower income families which supports building equity through education.  90% of learners remain working in their home region following college. “Imagine the impact that increased health care training can have on a community that continues to struggle with ER closures due to staffing shortages.  Imagine a redesign of training that would allow an LPN access bridging training to become an RN, at the same time as they are working in community.  Other jurisdictions are doing this, why is British Columbia not?” continues Oakes.  

We need to provide sustainable targeted funding for small, rural post-secondary institutions where the geographic locations and large number of satellite campuses results in higher program delivery costs.  
Ontario, Quebec and New Brunswick provide targeted funding to small campuses to account for their higher costs due to their geographic remoteness and smaller population.  

“Rural colleges support the most vulnerable learners yet have the most vulnerable budgets.”

Cariboo- Chilcotin All Candidates Forum at 100 Mile House

Lorne Doerksen (L) of the BC Conservatives and
Micheal Moses (R) of the BC NDP 

Last night from 6:30 to 8:30pm in 100 Mile House inside a packed Creekside Seniors' Centre nearing capacity limits -- residents' in the 100 Mile House and surrounding areas listened to a lively debate between the two candidates (Micheal Moses of the BC NDP and Lorne Doerksen of the BC Conservatives), as to why they should be elected as the local MLA for Cariboo-Chilcotin... 

Topics covered at the All Candidates Forum included:

* Healthcare 
* Education  (SOGI, lack of teachers,) 
* Amendments to BC's Land Act 
* Jobs in the Cariboo-Chilcotin
* Indigenous Reconciliation
* Justice System/Homeless Camps
* Wildlife Management (science based vs public opinion) 
* Auto insurance policies in B.C.
* Vacant Downtown Buildings/Provincial incentives 
* Housing Policies 
* Support for Local Infrastructure (roads, utilities, etc) 
* Single use plastics policy / returning to plastics products (straws, etc) 

Unfortunately, Mr. Moses had to leave the Forum half way through for reasons that were not publicly disclosed 

Following answering submitted questions -- Mr. Doerksen agreed to answer questions from the floor including:

* ICBC, 
* Roads at Deka Lake 
* negative election campaigning, 
* SD27 public communications 
* more teachers in SD27
* tuition incentives for healthcare workers based on location, 
* incentives to mentor new nurses

I am not currently aware of any future All Candidates Forums - either in Williams Lake or 100 Mile House prior to Advanced Voting starting on Thursday, October 10th, 2024 and General Voting Day happening on Saturday October 19th, 2024 


Friday, October 4, 2024

Cariboo Chilcotin Local Government Meetings - Week of Oct 7-11, 2024

During the week of October 7-11, 2024 -- the following Boards' of Education or Local Governments' of the Cariboo-Chilcotin will be holding meetings as follows:

Wells - Regular Council Meeting on Tuesday, October 8th at 3pm in Wells Council Chambers/via Zoom (4243 Sanders Avenue).  On the Agenda:

* In-Camera Session (Oct 8th, 2024 from 1-2:30pm) as per Sections 92 + 90(1a,l - appointment and strategic planning) of the Community Charter.  View the closed meeting notice here

* Delegation: Quilt Draw—Kathy Landry
* Strategic Projects Updates
* Reports from Mayor Coleman and CAO

View the full Agenda here

School District #27 (Cariboo-Chilcotin) -- Committees of the Board of Education (Policy, Finance and Education Committees') to meet on Tuesday, October 8 + Wednesday, October 9th at the SD27 Board Office (350 2nd Avenue, Williams Lake).  When available, the Committee Agendas can be all viewed here

Williams Lake - Regular Council Meeting on Tuesday, October 8th at 6pm in Williams Lake Council Chambers (450 Mart St).  On the Agenda:

* 2024 Q3 Budget Status Report
* Email Poll of Council - UBCM Community Works Fund Agreement
* Community Exercise Park Update - Kiwanis Park
* Permissive Tax Exemptions Amendment Bylaw - Request to Add Properties (Tsilhqot'in National Government)

* Recommendations from October 1st, 2024 Committee of the Whole meeting - for endorsement

* Closed Council Meeting -- Sections 92 + 90(1c - labour) of the Community Charter.  View the Closed Meeting Notice here

View the full Open Meeting Agenda here

100 Mile House - Regular Council Meeting on Tuesday, October 8th at 5pm in 100 Mile House Council Chambers (385 Birch Avenue).  On the Agenda:

* In- Camera Session from 4:30pm - 5:00pm -- Sections 92 + 90(1a - apppointment) of the Community Charter

* Bylaw Officer's report for September 2024

* Tax Exemption Bylaw #1424, 2024 - for Adoption

View the full Agenda here

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Prince George-North Cariboo All Candidates Forum in Quesnel - Oct 2nd, 2024

Earlier tonight -- voters got to hear from the candidates for MLA, Prince George-North Cariboo at the College of New Caledonia Campus in Quesnel:

* Coralee Oakes, Independent (incumbent)
* Sheldon Clare, BC Conservative 
* Randy Thompson, BC Greens 

Denice Bardua, BC NDP candidate was not in attendance

Topics discussed during the 2 hour session including:

* Housing
* Drug Policy
* Highway 97 North-South Connector Project
* Safety of Students in Schools
* Healthcare System Policies 
* Review of 5 Day Sick Leave Program/Impacts on Small Businesses
* Reconciliation and what does it mean to you/political party
* Deactivation of FSR/Forest Service Roads or Rural Roads 
* What is the biggest challenge in Quesnel and how do you propose to resolve it?
* Forestry Policy (fibre supply/raw log exports, FireSmart Programs, etc.)
* Seniors' Care
* Protection of Vulnerable Individuals 

Thanks to the Quesnel/District Chamber of Commerce for arranging for and administrating this All Candidates Forum and thank you to the candidates for your answers to the questions! 

Video from the Forum (in part) can be viewed here

Quesnel Council Highlights - October 1st, 2024

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

Legislated Changes for Development Services

The province mandated review and update of the Official Community Plan be completed by the end of 2025.

Council directed staff to proceed with securing consulting services for revision of the Official Community Plan, Zoning Bylaw and Development Application Procedures Bylaw concurrently and, allocation of up to $100,000 from the 2025 operating budget to facilitate the process. 

Updating these bylaws will allow the City to review and consider how to take advantage of all the policy changes implemented by the province which are intended to support and encourage housing development.

City received $195,000 from the province to complete mandated policy updates. There is currently $155,000 remaining following modest expenditures to update the zoning bylaw for Small Scale Multi-Unit Housing and the Housing Needs Assessment. Staff are estimating an approximate cost of $255,000.00 for this work and noting urgency in posting a request for proposal, as all municipalities in B.C. will be seeking expertise.

The following objectives will be incorporated into the review of these bylaw updates:

Early and ongoing First Nation consultation in the development of the OCP;
Development of Accessible Documents and update and improvement of all related applications and information forms;
Improvement of all development applications and public guidance documents;
Incorporation of Master Infrastructure Plan into the Official Community Plan; and
Incorporation of Housing Needs Assessment and the Housing Action Plan.

TNG Celebrates Nits’ilʔin Alphonse being Awarded the King Charles III Coronation Medal

Courtesy of Tsilhqot'in National Government:

The Tŝilhqot’in National Government (TNG) is celebrating Nits’ilʔin (Chief) Joe Alphonse as the recipient of the King Charles III Coronation Medal for his significant contributions to Canada and B.C. Nits’ilʔin Alphonse was nominated by Honourable Bowinn Ma, BC's Minister of Emergency Management and Climate Readiness for his leadership and efforts to protect his community from wildfire and also advance reconciliation within the field of Emergency Management.

The King Charles III Coronation Medal was created in 2023 with 2024 being the first year that the medal was awarded to outstanding Canadians. There were 30,000 medals awarded in 2024

Nits’ilʔin Joe Alphonse has shown amazing leadership through his time as Nits’ilʔin and Chair of the Tŝilhqot’in National Government. He has been able to show leadership over the years by recognizing that the right decision isn’t always the easy one. In the face of the climate crisis, emergencies have become a regular occurrence for the Tŝilhqot’in Nation. All levels of government have a long way to come in managing emergencies in culturally appropriate ways that recognize Indigenous jurisdiction. Nits’ilʔin Alphonse has been there, front and center, as a leader and guide to this learning process.”

~ Nits’ilʔin (Chief) Otis Guichon, Vice Chair, Tŝilhqot’in National Government

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Steve's Meeting/Expense Calendar - September 2024

During the month of September 2024 -- I attended the following meetings or events:

* September 5th -- monthly meeting of the McLeese Lake Recreation Commission

* September 19th -- Poverty Reduction Leadership Committee Meeting

* September 25th - Central Cariboo Joint Committee meeting

* September 26th - Cariboo-Chilcotin Regional Hospital District/Cariboo Regional District Board Meetings

In addition -- responded to inquiries from Cariboo RD Area "D" residents via social media, phone/text or emails

The following expenses were submitted for approval in the month of September 2024:

* September 25th - $83 to attend the monthly meeting of the Central Cariboo Joint Committee

* September 26th - $206 to attend meetings of the Cariboo-Chilcotin Regional Hospital District/Cariboo Regional District Boards' 

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Prescribed burn planned for Siwash area

Courtesy of the BC Wildfire Service:

The B.C. Wildfire Service, in collaboration with Yunesit’in First Nation and the Cariboo Chilcotin Natural Regional District, will be conducting several prescribed burns totaling 270 hectares in size at roughly 18 kilometers on the Newton Whitewater Road (7000 Road).
Burning is expected to begin as early as October 2, 2024, and will continue periodically until October 31, 2024. Ignition will proceed only if conditions are suitable and allow for quick smoke dissipation. Smoke from this prescribed burn may be visible to commuters along Highway 20 from the Lees lookout (Hanceville rest area) to Puntzi Lake and Redstone, along the 900 road, and to the residences at Scum Lake.
The objective of this prescribed burn is to:

Increase forest health by eradicating Dwarf Mistletoe,
reduce fire hazard and,
prepare the site for replanting.
Fire is a normal and natural process in many of B.C.’s ecosystems. The BC Wildfire Service works regularly with land managers to undertake fuel management activities (including the use of prescribed burns), to help reduce the severity of future wildfires and related threats to communities.
Learn more about prescribed burning online at prescribedfire.ca or at BCWS cultural and prescribed fire.


BC Wildfire Service
Fire Information Officer
Cariboo Fire Centre
778 -799-2100

Friday, September 27, 2024

Cariboo-Chilcotin Local Government Meetings| Week of Oct 1-4, 2024

During the week of October 1-4, 2024 -- the following local governments of the Cariboo-Chilcotin will be holding meetings, as follows:

Quesnel -- Meetings as noted below:

1) Regular Council Meeting - Tuesday, October 1st, 2024 at 5:30pm in Quesnel Council Chambers (4th Floor, 410 Kinchant St).  On the Agenda:

* Municipal Financing Authority Equipment Financing 2025
* Official Community Plan Amendments

View the full Agenda here

2) Financial Sustainability/Audit Committee - Regular Meeting on Wednesday, October 2nd, 2024 at 9am in the Fraser Room, Quesnel City Hall (4th Floor, 410 Kinchant St).  On the Agenda:

* Finance Policy Updates
* Budget Timing - Discussion
* Budget Principles Policy
* SPCA Contract - Discussion
* MOU with Cariboo RD - Discussion

* Closed Committee Meeting -- Section 90(1k - negotiations) of the Community Charter

View the full Agenda here

3) Policy & Bylaw Committee - Regular Meeting on Thursday, October 3rd, 2024 at 3:15pm in the Fraser Room, Quesnel City Hall (4th Floor, 410 Kinchant St).  On the Agenda:

* Moose Statue Signage - Discussion
* City of Quesnel Policy Review
* Committee Schedule for 2024/25

View the full Agenda here

Williams Lake - Committee of the Whole Session on Tuesday, October 1st, 2024 at 6pm in the Rick Hansen Boardroom (Basement, Williams Lake City Hall - 450 Mart St).  On the Agenda:

* Delegation: Cianna O'Connor re: Overdose Awareness

* Budget and Financial Plan - Community Engagement Strategy
* Updated Snow and Ice Control Policy No. 231

View the full Agenda here

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Cariboo Regional District Board Highlights - September 26th, 2024 mtg

Present: Chair M. Wagner/Vice-Chair M. Neufeld and Directors Sjostrom, Bachmeier, Massier, Forseth, LeBourdais, Richmond, Glassford, Pare, Anderson, De Vries, Coleman, Roodenburg, and Pinkney 

Meeting called to order at 9:45am

The Chair recognized that the meeting was taking place on the traditional unceded territory of Williams Lake First Nation within Secwepemculecw 

Meeting Agenda adopted
Minutes of the previous Regional District Board Meeting were received/adopted

Delegations - 11am:

1) Lauren Bedford, Regional Agriculture Business Liaison - Community Futures Cariboo Chilcotin 

Ms. Bedford appeared before the Board to present information on Community Futures' Cariboo-Chilcotin's involvement in the regional agriculture industry, identifying gaps/needs and extend an invitation to an agriculture focused event in November -- presentation here

Following the presentation -- a Question/Answer period ensued

The Chair thanked Ms. Bedford for her time/information

2) Laurie Walters and Larry Stranberg from Community Futures Cariboo Chilcotin

Laurie Walters and Larry Stranberg from Community Futures Cariboo Chilcotin appeared before the Board to provide an update on the PASS program (Planning a Successful Succession) -- presentation here

Following the presentation -- a Question/Answer period ensued

The Chair thanked Ms. Walters/Mr. Stranberg for their time/information


Development Services:

1) The Board gave 1st and 2nd Readings to Quesnel Fringe Area Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 5488, 2024 (Area A/1387 Maple Drive)

2) The Board gave 1st and 2nd Readings to both Interlakes Area Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 5489, 2024 and South Cariboo Area Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 5490, 2024 as well as 2 conditions being:

* Adoption of the Interlakes Area Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 5489, 2024

* The applicant offering to enter into and entering into a Section 219 covenant to ensure compliance with the CRD Shoreland Management Policy with respect to sewage disposal and riparian protection and the cost of the registration of the land use covenant being at the sole cost of the applicant

(Area L/8270 Wilson Lake Road)

3) Following a Public Hearing -- the Board gave 3rd Reading to North Cariboo Area Rural Land Use Amendment Bylaw No. 5476, 2024 (Area I/605 Tibbles Road)

4) The Board approved DVP/Development Variance Permit #25-2024 for property at 2813 Chimney Lake Rd in Electoral Area "E"

5) The Board agreed to support a Provincial Agricultural Land Commission application for subdivision pertaining to Lot A, District Lot 10947, Cariboo District, Plan 21261 and Lot 1, District Lot 10947, Cariboo District, Plan 19247, Except Plan 21261 at 2335 and 2371 Rawlings Rd in Electoral Area "B", as well as a re-zoning application be pursued as well

6) The Board agreed with a Staff recommendation in regard to property at 2505 Gook Rd in Electoral Area "A", as follows:

That the condition of adoption for Quesnel Fringe Area Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 5479, 2024 be replaced with the following:

The applicant offering to enter into and entering into a Section 219 covenant to ensure compliance with the CRD Shoreland Management Policy with respect to riparian protection.
Further, that the cost of registration of the shoreland management covenant be borne by the applicant

7) The Board approved a Notice on Title for property in Electoral Area "H" legally described as Lot A District Lot 2939 Lillooet District Plan KAP56036 ; PID: 023-290-447

Community Services:

1) The Board approved a Grant of $1,000 to the Tatla Lake Ski Club and to be charged against the Area "J" Grant for Assistance fund


1) The Board received/ratified the Monthly Expenditures Board Summary Report and Mastercard Summary Report for the month of August 2024, in the amount of $3,347,749.05


1) The Board approved the Draft 2025 Board Schedule

2) The Board approved an allocation of $1,000 to the Tsq’escen (Canim Lake Band) 2nd Annual Strength Through Our Ancestors Pow-Wow and to be charged against the COVID-19 Smart Restart Funds First Nations Allocation 

3) The Board received a number of "Information-Only" Items and following discussion, took no further action 

Committee/Commission Recommendations:

The Board endorsed 4 recommendations from its' Committees' or Commissions as follows:

1) That the Cariboo Regional District Board hereby confirms its desire to move forward with the establishment of a regional trails and parks service, and that the proposal be shared with the CRD's member municipalities to determine their desire to participate in the service, subject to public engagement (Committee of the Whole meeting of September 5th, 2024)

2) That a letter of support be provided to the Barkerville Heritage Trust for its bid to renew the Barkerville Management Agreement (Committee of the Whole meeting of September 5th, 2024)

3) That a funding contribution of $2,000 be provided from the North Cariboo Economic Development budget to the Kersley Farmers Institute in support of the Agriculture Producers Needs Assessment Project. Further, that review and potential action items from the assessment be included as a goal in the North Cariboo Economic Development 2025 Business Plan (North Cariboo Rural Directors' Caucus meeting of September 10th, 2024)

4) That as per the request of the Parkland Recreation Commission, the Cariboo Regional District provide 90-day notice of termination on October 1, 2024 to School District 28 as per Section (S) of the Licence to Occupy portions of the Parkland Elementary School, thus ending use of the school on December 31, 2024 as a community centre by the Commission (North Cariboo Joint Committee meeting of September 10th, 2024)

Corporate Bylaws:

1) The Board gave 1st, 2nd and 3rd Readings to Wildwood Fire Protection Service Area Amendment Bylaw No. 5491, 2024 

Closed Board Session:

At 12:37pm -- the Board recessed its' Open Session to conduct a Closed Board Meeting as per the Community Charter

At 1:00pm -- the Board resumed its' Open Session

Directors' Requests:

1) At the request of Director Forseth (Area "D"), the Board:

i) agreed to invite representatives of "E" Division, BC RCMP to a future meeting to discuss how the Cariboo Regional District can provide input into provincial policing priorities in the Electoral Areas of the Cariboo Regional District

ii) agreed to refer to its' Policy Committee the current practice of Land Acknowledgement at Regional District meetings for review and report back to the Board 

iii) rejected a request to have CRD Staff research implications on the Cariboo Regional District for the FireSmart Pilot Program for Regional District Cooperative Community Wildfire Response Organizations program 

2) At the request of Director Neufeld (Area "E"), the Board agreed to authorize access to the Area "E" Director Initiative Fund for Director Neufeld to attend the 2025 BC Natural Resources Forum in Prince George in mid January 2025

3) At the request of Director Bachmeier (Area "B"), the Board agreed to authorize access up to $2,000 from the Area "B" Director Initiative Fund for Director Bachmeier to attend the 2025 BC Natural Resources Forum in Prince George in mid January 2025

4) At the request of Director Anderson (Area "K"), the Board agreed to authorize access to $1,000 from the Area "K" Director Initiative Fund for Director Anderson to attend the NCGLA Mental Health and Addictions Symposium in Prince George in November 2024

Following verbal reports from Directors — the Board then adjourned 

Cariboo Chilcotin Regional Hospital District Board Highlights - September 26th, 2024 mtg

Present: Chair A. Richmond/Vice Chair M. Sjostrom and Directors Bachmeier, Massier, Forseth, Neufeld, LeBourdais, Wagner, Glassford, Anderson, De Vries, Coleman, Roodenburg, Pinkney, and Smith 

Meeting called to order at 9:30am

The Chair recognized that the meeting was taking place on the traditional, unceded territory of the Williams Lake First Nation within Secwepemculecw 

Meeting agenda adopted 
Minutes of the previous CCRHD Board Meeting were received/adopted 


1) The Board received Information Items, as follows:

Northern Health Community News - August and September 2024
* Regional Hospital District - Delegation List (as of September 26th, 2024)

The Board adjourned at 9:34am

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Central Cariboo Joint Committee Highlights - Sept 25th, 2024 mtg

Present from Cariboo RD: Co-Chair M. LeBourdais and Directors Forseth/Neufeld

Present from City of Williams Lake: Co-Chair SPS Rathor and Councillor A. Delainey

Guests: Cariboo RD Areas J/K Directors T. Pare, B. Anderson and Cariboo RD Board Chair M. Wagner and CCACS Executive Director M. Normandin

Meeting Chair: Mayor SPS Rathor

Meeting called to order at 5:30pm

The Chair recognized that the meeting was taking place on traditional, unceded Williams Lake First Nation territory within Secwepemculecw and acknowledged the presence of Cariboo Regional District Area Directors Pare, Anderson and Cariboo RD Board Chair M. Wagner 

Meeting Agenda adopted 

Minutes of the previous Joint Committee meeting was adopted


1) Central Cariboo Arts & Culture Society's 'Spring 2024 Arts and Culture Grant Awards Report'

The Society's Executive Director presented the item to the Committee
Discussion ensued thereon... 

Resolved: The Central Cariboo Arts & Culture Society's 'Spring 2024 Arts and Culture Grant Awards Report' be received for information

2) Capital Budget Adjustment - CMRC Rink I Arena Sound System

A report from the Community Services Facility Manager, City of Williams Lake was presented to the Committee

Discussion ensued thereon... 

That it be recommended to the Regional Board:

That pursuant to the report of Brandy Links, Community Services Facility Manager, City of Williams Lake dated August 8, 2024, Joint Committee (and Board) endorse an increase to the proposed Arena Sound System Upgrade budgeted at $25,000 to $45,000, utilizing savings from other 2024 capital projects

3) Central Cariboo Joint Committee Terms of Reference Amendment - New Joint Grant Applications Review Process

A report from the Deputy Corporate Officer, City of Williams Lake was presented to the Committee
Discussion ensued thereon 

That it be recommended to the Regional Board/City Council:

That pursuant to the report of Rena Schill, Deputy Corporate Officer, City of Williams Lake dated September 18, 2024, that Joint Committee (and Board/Council) approve the proposed amendment to the Central Cariboo Joint Committee Terms of Reference to allow for an annual special joint review meeting to include all members of City Council and Cariboo Regional District Area D, E, F, J and K Directors, for consideration of funding applications submitted under the CRD’s Grants for Assistance Program and the City’s Community Grants Program, respectively.

4) Discussion Items

The Committee discussed the following items:

* 2025 Budgets for Central Cariboo Recreation and Central Cariboo Arts/Culture
* BC Transit Presentation to Central Cariboo Joint Committee 

No resolutions resulted from the Discussion Items

5) Action Page

The Committee reviewed its' Action Page and directed that Items #3,4 be removed from the Action Page

The Committee adjourned at 7:23pm

Quesnel Council Highlights - Sept 24th, 2024 mtg

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

A small step forward

Indigenous Liaison, Councillor Laurey-Anne Roodenburg advised Council that together with Lhtako Dene Nation, she will be coordinating a relationship building gathering amongst local Elders, Chief, Council and Quesnel City Council to begin the healing journey.

Photo Mural Project

Council approved the Photo Mural Installation project which is fully funded through a grant from Heritage BC and a small contribution from the Museum Reserve derived from a bequest in memory of Lily Hoy Price.  This project will install 4-6 archival photographs enlarged to near life-size in public spaces, to enliven these spaces, to give prominence to underrepresented people and to create interest in the heritage of the City.

Housing Accelerator Fund

Council supports the submission of an application to the Housing Accelerator Fund to boost investment in local development, such as Accessory Dwelling Units, multi-unit housing, Zoning Bylaw and parking requirement review, creation of a public land acquisition and disposition action plan, implementation of e-permitting and updates to the Development Application Procedures Bylaw.

Development Services

Council approved a development permit at 196 Tatchell Road for construction of a 154.96m² shop for storage.  Although the shops is not located within the Sensitive Ecosystem Development Permit Area, access to the shop passes through that area, so the applicant has obtained works within a stream permit from the Ministry of Water, Land and Resource Stewardship.

101 Marsh Drive

In March, 2024 Council approved purchase of 101 Marsh Drive; current home to the Food Hub and Nourish Food Bank.  This purchase has now been finalized and, Council has approved an operating agreement with the Sprout Kitchen Society for operation of the Food Hub and, a lease agreement with the Canadian Mental Health Association for operation of the Nourish Food Bank.


Council approved application to the Union of BC Municipalities Disaster Risk Reduction – Climate Adaptation fund. Completion of an updated Hazard, Resilience and Vulnerability Assessment and a Risk and Resilience Assessment positions the City to identify risks and focus how the City and community are equipped to respond to and recover from those risks. 

2025 Regular Council meeting schedule


  • September 30, 2024 - National Day for Truth & Reconciliation - events will be held at Lhtako Dene Park and the Quesnel Tillicum Society.
  • City Manager Byron Johnson extended a farewell as he sets out to Clearwater, BC.  Byron shared some of the accomplishments that meant the most during his 18 years of service, thanking staff and Council.

South Cariboo Tourism Forum 2024

Joint Release from the Cariboo Regional District, District of 100 Mile House:

The District of 100 Mile House in partnership with the Cariboo Regional District and the South Cariboo Visitor Centre are pleased to announce that registration for the 2024 South Cariboo Tourism Forum is now open. Speakers are confirmed and the day’s itinerary is set.

The Community Tourism Plan was completed earlier this year to provide a strategic path forward to guide future investment in tourism initiatives and to support the long-term growth of tourism in the South Cariboo.  One of the recommendations in the plan was to host a Tourism Forum to give tourism businesses an opportunity to come together to network and generally provide support for the local tourism sector. 

The South Cariboo Tourism Forum will take place Nov. 5th, 2024 at the Community Hall located at 265 Birch Ave in 100 Mile House.  It will be a full day conference style event.  Breakfast and lunch are provided and there is no registration fee. All tourism operators should plan to attend, including resorts, hotels/motels, campgrounds, restaurants, tour operators, guides, and any clubs and businesses that cater to tourists.  Options include attending for the whole day or just part of the day.

The Tourism Forum will provide an opportunity for new and established tourism businesses to meet and network, and also to hear from industry representatives about how they can help tourism businesses succeed. The morning session will include an overview of the Community Tourism Plan, then a session on Who’s Who in Tourism.  Hear from nearly a dozen organizations who support tourism and what they have to offer businesses.  After lunch, there will be focused presentations and discussions on topics that will be of interest to tourism businesses, followed by a facilitated discussion about how to work together to advance the local tourism industry.  

Please join us for a full day devoted to tourism! To register, please visit: https://www.discoversouthcariboo.ca/tourism-forum

The Community Tourism Plan can be found on the District of 100 Mile House website at https://www.100milehouse.com/investing-here/economic-development-plans.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Williams Lake Council Highlights - Sept 24th, 2024

Present: Mayor Rathor; Councillors Boehm, Flaspohler (via Zoom), Lyons and Nelson

Editor's Note -- Councillor Micheal Moses is currently on unpaid leave of absence from Williams Lake City Council/Committee meetings' until end of October 2024, due to his participation as a BC NDP candidate in the current Provincial Election of October 19th, 2024 

Meeting Agenda approved
Meeting Video here

Minutes of the Special and Regular Meetings of Williams Lake City Council held September 10, 2024 were adopted


1) Council received for information the accounts payable computer cheque and EFT listings dated September 12 and 19, 2024

2) Council approved the application to the Union of BC Municipalities 2024 Asset Management Planning program for $25,000 at 50% funding (for project total of $50,080) toward development of a Condition Assessment and Level of Service Framework

3) Council approved the proposed sale and accept the offer received from 1487314 B.C. Ltd to purchase the lot legally described as That Part of District Lot 588, Cariboo District, Shown on Plan EPP124595, at a purchase price of $58,000.00, plus applicable fees and taxes

4) Council approved free transit service (i.e. conventional and HandyDART) on general voting day for the Provincial Election, taking place on Saturday, October 19, 2024

5) Council approved the award of audit services to MNP for a five-year term for a total cost of $202,200, excluding GST, over the term

6) Council approved the award of City banking services to the Bank of Montreal for a five-year term

7) Council proclaimed the following -- 

a) "National Roller Skating Month" - October 2024
b) "Purple Thursday" -- October 17, 2024

c)  Late Item - Council authorized the raising of the "Every Child Matters" flag on the City of Williams Lake's flagpole, pursuant to City Policy, on September 30, 2024

8) Council received the "Council Information Package"  as of September 24th, 2024 

9) Council received an update regarding Atlantic Power including a letter from Cariboo-Chilcotin MLA Lorne Doerksen on the same matter... 

Members of Council provided verbal reports as to their recent activities... 

At 6:46pm -- Council agreed to the following Motion:

"THAT Council proceed into a Closed Meeting - following adjournment of the Open Council Meeting - according to Section 92 of the Community Charter for discussion of items identified under Section 90 (1c) [labour relations or other employee relations] of the Community Charter

Council adjourned at 6:47pm

Monday, September 23, 2024

Prescribed burn planned near Thunder Mountain Speedway

Courtesy of the BC Wildfire Service:

The BC Wildfire Service will be supporting the Williams Lake First Nation and the Cariboo Chilcotin Forest District in conducting a prescribed burn covering up to 50 hectares in the area surrounding the Thunder Mountain Speedway.

Burning is expected to begin as early as Sept. 23, 2024, and may continue periodically until Oct. 4, 2024. Ignition will proceed only if conditions are suitable and allow for quick smoke dissipation. Smoke may be visible from Williams Lake and surrounding communities and to motorists travelling along Highway 20, Dog Creek Road and Bond Lake Road.

This prescribed burn is a collaboration between Williams Lake First Nation, Alkali Resource Management, Cariboo Chilcotin Natural Resource District and BC Wildfire Service.

The objectives of this prescribed burn are to:

Reduce fuels for resilience to natural wildfire
Support previously completed fuel management treatments

Fire is a normal and natural process in many of B.C.’s ecosystems. The BC Wildfire Service works regularly with land managers to undertake fuel management activities (including the use of prescribed burns), to help reduce the severity of future wildfires and related threats to communities. Historically, grasslands in the Cariboo-Chilcotin were renewed and maintained through frequent, low-intensity ground fires. Such fires prevented tree encroachment, rejuvenated understory plants and helped maintain more open grasslands and forests with large trees.

Learn more about prescribed burning online at prescribedfire.ca or at BC Wildfire Service cultural and prescribed fire.


Fire Information Officer
Cariboo Fire Centre
BC Wildfire Service
778 799-2100