Monday, February 13, 2012

Top Ten - BC Justice System

Courtesy of Hon. Pat Bell:

1. B.C. spends over $1 billion annually on its public safety and justice system.

2. Since 2004, crime in British Columbia has declined consistently - 33 per cent in six years and a drop of 45 per cent since the all-time high in 1991. In fact crime has declined at a faster rate than in any other province.

3. 13,000 fewer new provincial criminal court cases were heard this year than 10 years ago.

4. The length of adult and youth criminal cases in Provincial Court has been stable over last 10 years.

5. More than 50 per cent of adult and youth criminal cases in Provincial Court were completed within 90 days of charges and 85 per cent within a year.

6. Six per cent of cases of adult and youth criminal cases in B.C. Provincial Court go to trial, with the rest resolved out of court.

7. Fifty-eight sheriffs will have graduated and be working in B.C. courthouses by April 2012.

8. Government has appointed 23 judges in the last two years, since January 2010.

9. The Province provided almost $68.6 million in legal aid in 2011-12, including $2.1 million in new funding for family law services.

10. Despite this, judicial stays of proceedings have almost doubled in the last year, from 56 in 2010 to 109 in 2011 and this is a source of frustration.

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