Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Steve's Meeting/Expense Calendar - March 2020

In the month of March - I attended the following meetings/events:

* March 5th - CRD Finance/Budget Committee Meeting and CRD Committee of the Whole Session

* March 6th - CRD Board Meeting

* March 10th - Coffee with Area D constituent to discuss an Area D concern and attend, in my CRD Central Cariboo liaison capacity, the monthly meeting of the Central Cariboo Arts/Culture Society Board of Directors' meeting

* March 11th - Participate in a Gibraltar Mines' Technical Advisory Committee meeting

* March 20/21 - Participate in NCLGA Committee and Board Meetings, via teleconference

* March 27th - CCRHD/CRD Board Meetings, via teleconference

In addition - responded to inquiries from Cariboo RD Area D residents via phone, text, Facebook messenger or social media...

For expenses submitted in the month of March:

* March 5th -- $206 for CRD Finance/Budget Committee Meeting and CRD Committee of the Whole Session

* March 6th - $206 for CRD Board Meeting

* March 27th - $206 for CCRHD/CRD Board Meetings


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