Saturday, September 4, 2010

Mayor Cook responds to recent article in 100 Mile House Free Press

From the City of Williams Lake:  See the 100 Mile Free Press article as of a result of the press release here

A recent news article posted on the 100 Mile Free Press web site quoted Randy Hawes, Minister of State for Mining as stating, “As the Mayor of Williams Lake said, if this mine doesn’t go, there are going to be some very severe racial problems because a lot of people, who are counting on this mine and are looking for hope, are going to blame the aboriginal community.” The quote was contained in an article referencing a meeting the Minister attended with the District of 100 Mile House and local media on August 26, 2010.

Mayor Kerry Cook states, “I am acutely aware of the sensitivity of this mine in our region and have been trying very hard to ensure that all interests and opinions related to the Prosperity Mine proposal are treated with respect and understanding. Williams Lake Council has clearly stated our support for this project and we understand there are groups and individuals who do not agree with our position. However, this is not, and should not be construed to be a racial issue.”

Mayor Cook is attempting to contact both the 100 Mile Free Press and Minister of State Hawes to clarify this apparent misunderstanding.

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