Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Breaking News: Gordon Campbell steps down as BC Liberal Party Leader

As most of you know, an hour ago Gordon Campbell publicly stated that he is stepping down as Leader of the BC Liberal Party.  On a personal note - I was surprised about the timing of his decision, but nonetheless I was taken aback about today's decision to step down as Premier and Leader of the BC Liberal Party.

Let us today recognize that Gordon Campbell is the only Premier in many years who received three consecutive majority governments (2001, 2005, 2009).  Campbell has also made very good policy decisions which will bold well for the Province for many years to come.  I wish Mr. Campbell and his entire family (his wife Nancy, his two sons) the very best in their future.  Having met Gordon Campbell twice, you can say you could never question his loyalty and dedication to the Province. 

As a consequence, Mr. Campbell has called on the BC Liberal Party Executive to initiate a leadership convention as soon as possible.  Today is a day to praise what Gordon Campbell has done for the BC Liberals' and the Province of BC.  We can worry about the next BC Liberal Party Leader on another day. 

The media is covering this announcement:

* Vancouver Sun - see here
* Globe and Mail - see here
* Welcome to Williams Lake - see here
* Williams Lake Tribune - see here
* Global TV - see here
* Gordon Campbell's Resignation Speech - see here

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