Tuesday, July 5, 2011

WL Council Meeting - July 5th highlights


Mayor Cook and Councillors’ Barr, Bourdon, Rathor, Walters and Zacharias

Staff Present:

Brian Carruthers – CAO
Cindy Bouchard – Manager of Legislative Services
Ken MacInnis – Communications Coordinator
Brad McRae – Senior Bylaw Officer
Annie Burrill– Manager of Social Development
Pat Higgins – Director of Financial Services
Tom Chung – IT Manager

Meeting called to order at 6:00pm
Minutes of June 21st WL Council meeting adopted


1) Catherine Whitman - Community Integrated Health Services Administrator from the Interior Health Authority, appeared before Council to present information on recent IHA activities - see here and here

2) WL Council received an RCMP Update from local Detachment Commander Warren Brown

Meeting recessed for Public Hearings (Bylaws #2135/2138) at 7:00pm
Meeting resumed at 7:10pm

3) Mayor Cook, on behalf of Council, presented a “Community Spirit Certificate” to Irene Willsie (Executive Director – Women’s Contact Society”


1) A number of Joint Committee recommendations were adopted as follows:

a) Approval be given for the Grant in Aid Agreement, Application and Application Evaluation as proposed by the Grant in Aid Working Group with the addition of the condition that should a Grant in Aid be approved for an amount lower than requested, the release of those monies is contingent on the group providing proof that they have the balance of money required to complete the project.

b) A Committee be struck consisting of the Co-Chairs of the Central Cariboo/City of Williams Lake Joint Committee, together with Councillor Barr and Director Mazur and Staff from the City and CRD to investigate the Fire Protection Tax Increase for rural residents immediately adjacent to the City of Williams Lake within the provincial fire protection agreement and begin negotiations on options for renewal the Fire Protection agreements with the Cariboo Regional District that expire in 2011 as well as options to merge the provincial and regional district fire protection agreements into one master agreement between the Cariboo Regional District and the City of Williams Lake

c) Approval be given for a Grant in Aid in the amount of $3,150 which represents the balance of Grant in Aid funds available for 2011.

d) The Draft letter as proposed by the Williams Lake Interface Fire Secretariat to the Williams Lake Indian Band (WLIB) regarding a request for access through WLIB lands for an alternate escape route be approved and signed by the Chairs of the City of Williams Lake and Cariboo Regional District

e) Joint Committee develop a hosting cycle for BC Northern Winter Games and BC Winter Games that will guide future Games bids and the possibility be explored of Joint bids between the CRD communities of Quesnel, Williams Lake and 100 Mile House to host Games that one individual community may not be able to host alone; and further, this item be forwarded to the North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee and South Cariboo Joint Committee for their consideration

f) City and CRD enter into the agreement as presented with the Rick Hansen Foundation for the Rick Hansen 25th Anniversary Relay

2) Council approved the revised Terms of Reference for Junior Council.

3) Council received the report of the Chief Administrative Officer regarding the City's attendance at the 2011 FCM Conference in Halifax, Nova Scotia

4) Council received for information a report from its’ Manager of Economic Development regarding Williams Lake’s Assessment and Business Expansion and Attraction Strategy

5) After receiving 3 public delegations along with an attached petition against DVP #4-2011 – Council approved DVP #4-2011 (Foster Way – Westridge Ventures Ltd)

6) Council referred DVP #5-2011 (Doering/Hoezler) to the City’s Advisory Planning Commission for review/recommendations and will return to Council at its’ July 19th meeting

7) Council agreed to cancel the lease with the Social Planning Council for the use of the Cariboo Lodge community garden site; and Council agreed to enter into a lease with the Cariboo Chilcotin Child Development Centre Association with regard to the use of the Cariboo Lodge site for the purpose of a community garden.

8) Council awarded the development of a Concept Plan and Business Plan to CEI Architecture for the bid price of $53,250 plus HST.

9) After a Public Hearing where one people spoke (Charlie Wyse), Council agreed to give 3rd Reading to Zoning Amendment Bylaw #2135 (Retirement Concepts)

10) After a Public Hearing where no one spoke, Council agreed to give 3rd Reading to and refer Zoning Amendment Bylaw #2138 to the Ministry of Transportation for approval (Section 52 of the Transportation Act)

11) Council adopted 4 Committee of the Whole recommendations, as follows:

a) Tournament and Championship Incentive Grant Policy No. 160 and Conference Incentive Grant Policy No. 108 be repealed and approval be given for the proposed Event Hosting Grant Policy

b) approval be given for the updated landscape design from Compassionate Care Inc. as per the Operating Agreement dated August 22, 2007 to further develop the cemetery garden at the Williams Lake Cemetery and Schedule "A" be replaced with the new Schedule "A"

c) Traffic Control Amendment Bylaw No. 2139 regarding boulevard parking in residential zones be read a 1st, 2nd and 3rd time this 5th day of July

d) Bylaw No. 2141 to establish an Industrial Revitalization Tax Exemption Program be introduced and read three times and City Staff were directed to proceed with the required advertising under Sections 94 and 227 of the Community Charter.

12) Council gave approval to close the alley below Oliver Street which connects Third Avenue South and Fourth Avenue South for the Annual Youth Street Party on July 15, 2011 from 5:30 pm to 11:00 pm

13) Late Item - Council received a written statement from Councillor Surinderpal Rathor in response to Conflict of Interest allegations made against him in relation to the Best Western Hotel Development and the owner Paul Sangha. A copy of Councillor Rathor’s statement will now be forwarded to the complainant – see here (In-Camera Report #4-2011)

14) Late Item – Council received an application for Development Permit #4-2011 (Mid-land Pre-Cast Concrete Ltd) for 985 Mackenzie Ave and referred it to the Advisory Planning Commission for review/recommendations

15) Late Item – Council approved sending a letter to Don Parchomchuk, Cariboo Region Marijuana Community Consultation Chair in support of continued funding for the Cariboo Regional Integrated Marijuana Enforcement Team.

16) Council received the “Council Information Package” as follows:

a) Letter from Totem Taxi re: Taxi Cost increase – see here
b) UBCM Release re: Municipal Auditor General – see here
c) June 23rd Minutes of Central Cariboo Joint Committee meeting – see here

Meeting adjourned at 9:04pm

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