Tuesday, October 11, 2011

In-Depth Editorial: AAP or Counter-Petition Process (Updated)

Over at Opinion250.com - Peter Ewart writes an excellent 5 part series on the serious flaws of the AAP (Alternative Approval Process) or Counter-Petition Process (some would call it as the "negative billing borrowing" option).  I recommend you read the entire series.  Local voters' have told me that they want local governments in this region to quit using AAP for million dollar+ projects, rather than relying on AAP and use AAP for smaller projects in the hundreds of thousands or less...

Part 1 here
Part 2 here
Part 3 here
Part 4 here

Part 5 will be forthcoming in the next number of weeks... I'll post the link here when it is available

Update - Part 5 here

AAP issues are not new here - residents in 2008 felt the $6.5 million Fire Hall Project should have been subject to a full referendum, given how close it was to a municipal election

Also - residents' asked for a full vote on the $3.5 million upgrade of Mackenzie Avenue in early 2010 and this Council flatly turned down that request and used AAP to approve that project

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