Thursday, October 6, 2011

Local Election News...

In today's Williams Lake Tribune - the final two incumbents on WL Council have announced re-election bids. See stories on Geoff Bourdon's re-election bid here and Sue Zacharias's re-election bid here.  This leaves 6 people running for WL Councillor and 3 for WL Mayor with 5 days to go before the nomination period expires next Friday.  I'm informed as many as 4 more could file for WL Councillor positions.  At this point - I don't have any new names forthcoming for WL Mayor and some report to me their general dissatisfaction with the 3 current candidates for WL Mayor - incumbent Kerry Cook and current challengers Scott Nelson/Walt Cobb

In Quesnel - Sushil Thapar will seek his 4th term on Quesnel Council while Ed Coleman (brother of Energy Minister Rich Coleman) will seek his 1st term on Quesnel Council

Meanwhile - over at School District #27:

There will be a battle in Zones 4 and 5...

In Zone 4 (as I noted yesterday) - it'll be current Trustee Heather McKenzie against 150 Mile resident Jackie Austin (Mrs. Austin will make her bid official next week)

In Zone 5 - it'll be Sheila Boehm vs Oleh Lazarchuk

Finally - in Zone 2, local 108 Mile Ranch resident Tanya Guenther has filed her election papers for the Zone 2 seat on the School District #27 Board

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