Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Central Cariboo Joint Committee statement re: Services at CMRC

Joint Statement from the City of WL/CRD:

At its meeting on Thursday, October 26th - the Williams Lake/Central Cariboo Joint Committee considered issues regarding the provision of fitness services at the Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex.

The Joint Committee confirmed that the Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex has a legitimate role in the provision of affordable recreation programs for the Central Cariboo communities and resolved to undertake comprehensive business planning for the Complex including revenue targets, fee structure and expenditure controls.

Both the Williams Lake City Council and Cariboo Regional District Board of Directors endorsed the resolution at recent meetings.

The Complex has increased its operating cost recovery rate in recent years to 50%, and services have a very high degree of customer satisfaction. The Joint Committee feels a comprehensive business plan is important to help to continue to offer the services residents want at the most reasonable cost.

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