Friday, October 7, 2011

CRD Board Highlights - October 6th meeting

From the Cariboo Regional District:

Health Recruitment and Retention Project Received

Nancy Wagner and Melanie Reed, Thompson Rivers University graduate students, and Catherine Whitman, Community Health Integrated Services Health Service Administrator, with Interior Health (IH) provided a presentation about the new Recruitment and Retention Project. The Cariboo Chilcotin Regional Hospital District (CCRHD) funded the project which focused on developing a strategy to recruit physicians and other health care providers to the region, and in particular the 100 Mile House and Williams Lake areas.

Karen Brunoro, Residential Nurse Manager for Interior Health also provided the Board with an update about Deni House in Williams Lake. The renovations are almost complete and will see the opening of 28 news beds on November 28, and will be fully operational by December 15, 2011. Further information about IH and Deni House is available online at

Youth Parliament 2011

The British Columbia Youth Parliament’s 83rd Parliament will be held in Victoria at the Provincial Legislative Chambers from December 27 to 31, 2011. This project is non-partisan and applicants should have a keen interest in learning about parliamentary proceedings and in serving their community. The Youth Parliament is a province–wide organization for young people ages 16 –21 and teaches citizenship skills through participation in the session and in community service activities throughout the year. The deadline for submissions is October 26, 2011. Further information about the program is available online at or by contacting the program registrar at 604-728-0446.

CRD Endorses Policies

The Cariboo Regional District endorsed a number of recommendations from the Cariboo Regional District Committee of the Whole meeting held on September 15, 2011. The policies include a code of conduct and ethics, director’s remuneration, election period communications, Regional Development Framework and a new process for appointing representatives to the North Central Local Government Association. The policies are posted on the CRD website at

Energy Efficiency Upgrades for Kersley

Up to $6,000 of Community Works Funding was approved for the Kersley Community Association to install a new furnace in the Kersley Arts Building. This building, along with the Kersley Arena and the Kersley Community Hall, is part of the Kersley Recreation Complex. The new furnace will have an efficiency of 90-95 percent, replacing the current furnace which has an efficiency rating of 50-60 percent.

Wildwood Disc Golf Course

The Cariboo Regional District gave approval in principle to the Wildwood Volunteer Fire Department Association to construct a disc golf course on CRD property adjacent to the Wildwood fire hall. The approval-in-principle is for a two-year agreement with the association, subject to confirmation that there are no operational conflicts with the fire department or safety issues with the location. Disc golf is a game in which individual players throw a disc into a basket or at a target.

Lac La Hache Fire Department Service Expansion

The Cariboo Regional District gave three readings to Bylaw No. 4723, which deals with the expansion of the Lac La Hache Fire Department Service Boundary. The Board ratified the Certificate of Sufficiency for the Lac La Hache Fire Protection Service Area Expansion to include one additional property on Dickie Road.

Opportunity Funds for 108 Mile Heritage Site

The Regional District Board approved a request from The 100 Mile & District Historical Society for emergency funding to replace the roof on the 108 Heritage Site Museum. The funds will be allocated equally from Electoral Areas, G, H and L for a total of up to $9,000 to complete the required repairs. The Society is concerned about major structural damage as well as damage to the valuable and irreplaceable artifacts as a result of the current roof leakage. Further information on the 108 Mile Ranch Heritage site is available online at

Upcoming Meetings

Thursday, October 27 – CRD Finance/Budget Committee Meeting
Friday, October 28 – Board Meeting

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